Ninjas and not lulu edition
Ninjas and not lulu edition
Posting. Fuck lulushitter.
xth for breast metal waifu
thank you
luluposter neck yourself
best yordol
real thread
I had the choice between Zed or Darius this time so I went with Zed.
Why are you misspelling "Yordle"?
>tried to play Yas in the blood moon
>nothing to stack Q on unless you invade for ghosts
>feel completely fucking useless
I guess he is a trash can
Xth for Katarina best girl for Garen
We should just use this in the same way that we got lissfag to nearly neck himself
What is this cat in hat meme? Spoon feed me lolg
Man I wanted to make a Jarvan edition when we actually hit limit...
>Sona will never be your cowtittied mom
xth for a high quality op with links and eyo
make lulu great again by getting rid of luluposters!
The adventures of a Kayle who would be Bronze if I finished losing all my placements.
thats a screencap i took in game idk what youre talking about
do you mean teemo? thats a yordle not a cat
The hottest /tv/ meme to come out
I preferred however
>Lissfag hijacks OP 3 times during worlds to get his shit crop of a waifu stickied
>Deletes links intentionally
>Says "Its the rules! Fuck you all!"
Yeah lets do that, Lulufag has reached Lissfag levels of fucking annoying. Mortals are always the same...
So lolg needs a Donald Trump like person to build a wall and remove lulufags from lolg?
I'd feel really weird fucking my mom. Which is what I'd be doing if my mom were Sona.
See this post? See this circlejerking? I will wipe this shitposting the FUCK out. Eradicated off the face of the site.
Every trip that makes posts like this will be permanently banned. Every mention of "waifu", "gay", "husbando", "cumming", any sexuality, ANY off-topic posting, I will delete. I will wipe the fuck off the site and people who post it I WILL recommend for permanent bans. You think I won't do it, you think I'm joking?
Fucking try me. We'll see who gets the last laugh. Every cutesy little anime picture, every attempt at attention whoring, every clique circlejerk post, I will eradicate. Stomped the FUCK into non-existence.
I will delete this filth and I will ban these vermin. I spend all day on the generals so there will be no escape.
Never relent.
I will bring down the hammer, and you tripfuckers better prepare.
>this triggers the topbabs
post more lewd sol
no vg just needs mods that actually exist and do their job but nobody cares because this place is a wasteland
I love the smell of fresh pasta in the morning.
i fucking wish
you wont tho, you pussy
explains why you orbit here desu
Sonaposting is a longstanding tradition of lolg, basically a fundamental foundation of the general
krill urself
And today's game, did a lot better, had more than 100 CS than anyone else.
If that's teemo then why does he have a hammer?
You mortals are all the same...
what is sona being nervous about here?
>implying you would ever be able to do anything to stop waifufags and others
>le trump wall le meme make le america le great again :DDD
clearly you know a lot about it you fucking newfag
expose yourself some more
So, what exactly is the rationale behind your butthurt?
I mean it was pretty damn obvious that what happened was one bardfag got away with trying to "race" early threads. And now you hate me even though i was not even involved in the posting of that thread.
you mean coming to the threads of the only game i regularly play and am good at
yeah you're retarded
literally retarded yea
Please post cute things to think about cuddling while falling asleep. Thank you.
I want to CUM inside Aurelion Sol's SLIT
nice try lulufag, maybe if you post it 50 posts early youll get the attention you crave
So are we right back where we started when it comes to armor pen/lethality?
>They're the butthurt ones
cute yordols(male) are the best for cuddling because they're fluffy
Does Riot hand out bans for using a friend's account for a ranked smurf? Assuming they never play ranked on their account themselves.
Looking for people to level alt with
Summoner - Doushiyou
>Laugh at ranged top retard all throughout early game.
>Kill him twice because he's retarded and desperate to get AAs on me before he fades in relevancy.
>Buy one (1) item and he's instantly useless, I stand between him and the EXP range because if he even tosses one of his retarded little shurikens I am going to anally rape him.
>Shitstomp his team with roams, literally come behind his team after he runs away from a failed teamfight and splat his disgusting mosquito ass.
>He loses
Ranged tops are the ultimate cucks. Less than animals, not even fit to drink the piss of greater men.
>you will never be sona with a bigger chest than most girls have ass
Where else am I supposed to play teemo?
Post Sona
>muh links
ok jeez next time i'll put mobafire and lemonparty
Is there anything more annoying than killing a Gangplank 4 times in lane only for him to ult across the map and pick up kills and catch up because of that and his dumbass passive bonus gold?
implying you just didn't get raped by a Quinn and posted that here to feel better about yourself
In hell after you've necked yourself.
first off posting one picture of bard that is meant as a joke to another game is not being a bardfag
second no one like the lulu shitposting because of how autistic you are and the sheer amount of it
last but you argued that you didnt shitpost about lulu to get attention but now that your thread get ignored you are complaining like a fucking baby
Yeah, the constant posts complaining about GP
get bush control, Q whoever try to get close to it
max q
put shrooms in river so you cant get ganked
its cheesy but it's fun against vayne
>literally ragespam to "combat" someone who isn't even trying to compete
>no y-you're the baby
moonflair spellbalde in summoner's rift when?
I enjoy the Lulu shitposting.
>If I greentext and post Lulu somehow this makes me have an argument
stfu moosh
I still want to suck someones cock as sona.
>be quiet darius
people like you that still complain about teemo like it was season 1/2 even though you probably didnt experience it yourself are the true meaning of retarded
when's NA? I just want to see C9 vs Fly
Xth for Katarina
best girl
I would have said the same exact thing to a Quinnbab or a Kennenshitter
3pm pst/6pm est
Hopefully never. I love me some Kassadin but AP Assassins would be way too over the top with access to Hourglass MFSB and Abyssal. I already build mercs. sometimes on kass for the tenacity.
if you arent trying to compete stop responding and stopmaking thread, you can keep posting your usual lulu spam because otherwise your autism will probably heat up and most of the thread have it filtered anyway
there everyone is happy
>if i start using vocabulary i don't understand, maybe i'll come off as educated
c9 vs fly is sunday
Ive been playing full lethality Lee Sin recently. Im 5-1 with it in ranked gold 5 and in promos now.
Meme or is this actually okay?
which champ is it, anyway?
so you wish death upon people that play champs that arent even that good?
I love Lissandra!
But my mommy already has cowtits
Is playing a character you own a requirement for key fragments?
I thought it was but in this recent QA with riot it's not mentioned.
The basic rules for key fragment drops are:
>Key frags are only dropped from wins.
>Key fragment drop rates work off of a per player cyclical reset timer, similar to chests. Higher drop rates are slightly front-loaded and gradually slow based on the total number of key fragments you’ve received in a cycle until the reset.
>It’s possible to earn 4 keys (12 fragments) in a 4 week period. This matches the number of chests players can get.
>There is a bad-luck protection rule that puts a maximum number of wins between key frag drops.
> Players get a small drop chance bonus if they were in a premade.
mecha sion
lee sin
Yes. Ranged top laners are faggots and therefor Allah wishes death upon them.
i mean you dont even need to go full lethality, youmuus warrior one shots squishies with q-r-auto-q-e for most of the game
If i feel like responding to idiots, why shouldn't i?
We're not seeing other classes edge marksmen out of bot lane. So far Ziggs is the only mage getting meaningful play as a farming bot laner and, while he looks a bit strong, we're still happy with his presence there. Long term we'll likely look at whether there are a couple of other mages we could get into bot lane in a similar way (tower taking power's probably some of the answer there)
I want Trundle to sit on my face and force me to enjoy his musk! :3
t-that's gay, user!
good ol times
Well they kept trying to distort their narrative so that i would be the bogeyman. I corrected their shenanigans.
desu, i think this is a good thing (moving more champs in-between lanes). there is a slight issue here where the movement is only one way, though, where the only marksmen that move mid are those that only spam abilities and not rightclicks. what's the big difference? well, the philosophy behind abilities is that they are cyclically bursty, while rightclickers are supposed to be sustained damage. these two damage styles are supposed to be different and have advantages in different situations.
Trundle is gay and also my husband!
>having to use "retard" 3 times in a row
Calling the kettle black
what is Riot thinking?
>Long term we'll likely look at whether there are a couple of other mages we could get into bot lane in a similar way
I found Azir's miniwork
I really hope he's still a viable mid-laner after that...I like mid-lane.
third time today i get LUX CUNT support
I fucking hate this shitty game
you give them too much credit
dont say you arent trying to compete then
be happy you are getting lot of (You) this thread since it seems to be dedicated about how much everyone hate you and god know how much you like getting (You) since it mean everyone is aware about how much you love lulu and thats what you live for