I own 300 bitcoins. AMA
I own 300 bitcoins. AMA
May I have 0.1 BTC?
would you kindly donate, I'd love to see more than .000001 Bitcoin for once
When did you start collecting btc?
might as well ask for a handout too, any btc donated will go to buying myself a christmas/bday present
(bday is just a couple days after christmas, it sucks)
How do you not cash that out man?
Why cant I go back in time
what price(s) did you buy at?
cash out some of that, I'm warning you
Why would you cash out now? Do you want to kill yourself in 5 years when 300 BTC put you in private island resort tier?
Cash some out now but keep your asics running.
when are you going to sell
we just hit 800
That's cute.
>1.5 btc
it is i just expected to see like 1500 bitcoins based on your post
Why? I provided proof unlike OP. Which means I instantly own more than OP.
good point
300 isn't a whole lot, just last year a bitcoin was 220 usd. im personally sitting on just over 200 and that's slowly been going up from trading shitcoins for the past year.
how much ether do you own?
>graph cuts off at July 2014
>BTC is now lower than it was then
I surf Veeky Forums in bed on my Macbook air for about 1 to 2 hours before going to sleep.
get a fanless macbook
cash out in assets
you don't want your sole source of wealth sitting on a computer server
How much did you have at the beginning of 2016
>not a single reply from OP
Why did you even make this thread
>Circle de-bitcoined
Where to get and send without uploading stuff?
>he thinks bitcoin sits on "computer servers"
are you fucking retarded
this is why we will be rich as fuck while you still struggle to understand bitcoin
What are the advantages?
I like how light and slim the air is.
a screenshot isn't proof you can spoof it with ms pain in 5 minutes. take a photo with your phone with timestamp and your id.
nah come to think of it that ain't proof either because you can just display a spoofed screenshot and take a photo of that...
nah... the only way would be to post the address you got the coins on and then make a transaction that proves you really have it.
if you have it on an exchange it's correct.
For you, is money a way of buying yourself out of the trappings of betadom?
made over $4k in gains last night lads while I slept. No coiners on suicide watch.
nocoiners can't lose shit on bitcoin tho, when your exchange gets "hacked" you will be on suicide watch.
I bought 3 Litecoins a few years ago. Will I be rich soon too?
how the fuck would i know that user?
silent, thinner, lighter, better display, etc. only machine i own now, keyboard isnt great though
why is everyone so caught up on proof when op hasnt even posted in here once anyway
risk management and higher margin makes that mostly a non issue as long as you stay on a couple of different exchanges. youll probably make back what you lost by shorting if you can time it well
>youll probably make back what you lost by shorting if you can time it well
interesting strategy... i wonder if it ever worked out for anyone
just look at what happened after bitfinex earlier this year. you can always count on them to fuck up a rally
My coins are in offline wallets on encrypted USBs but, I wouldn't trust any exchange.
you will have to or your money is forever lost to you.
Why though when I sell locally for inflated prices and cash or internet deposits straight to my account?
Yeah sorry I wasn't aiming that at you specifically - I just happened to click your post to bring up the reply box, then forgot to delete your post number.
Also if anyone can help, the official LTC software isn't working on my PC. I'm gonna try an alternative wallet - any I should go for/avoid?
it literally says "goy" in your wallet code
Just love how peoplpe are lying about this over the internet.
Either deliver signatures or stfu
Why do the majority of "coiner" threads come off as elitist?
A lot of them act as if they were making big money even though they're not. I've dealt with this community for a long time and those that actually got big amounts of BTC don't even talk. It's basically poorfags hyping each other, creating some kind of mass euphoria/hysteria.. it's a lot like gambling.
yall faggots don't own any bitcoins. everyone says he has bitcoins, but nobody donates.
prove me wrong so i can buy my gf a nice present: 1P5NMLsrQGMLve4iRV9D9AoanxU4jYCxT6
We are the new elite.
They see them benzos, they see them ferraris, they know I like to go to the strip club, they know im cocky... but that's how it is. Im not going to sugarcoat it.
I bought 100 btc back when they were 12 each. Spent most on illegal drugs then reset my laptop and lost the wallet. I feel extremely dumb and have refused to buy any out of emotional rage.
He bought bitcoin to purchase the car. Its not like he got rich off bitcoin.
Sent. Enjoy user. Cheers
no need to get all jealous about it. take it or leave it. i only mentioned my holdings as context so people can dismiss my post if they wish.
besides, why do you think anyone with 6 figures+ worth is 1) keeping it in a single account, and 2) wants to link all their separate accounts together just to please some autist on Veeky Forums?
btc still has a long way to go. Get back on the boat now, or have even more bad emotion in a few years.
>Thanks suckers!
MTGOX paid for that car. You are not going to get those under a dollar to a thousand gains.
Can anyone answer this?
>a pic of something with a scribbled note is proof that bitcoin bought the item
I used to own 10 back in 2007 AMA.