>Judaism, Christian & Islam
Changing attitude aside, what's the reasoning behind it?
Also, if you are a follower of one of these religions, how do you view them?
>Judaism, Christian & Islam
Changing attitude aside, what's the reasoning behind it?
Also, if you are a follower of one of these religions, how do you view them?
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Coming from a Roman Catholic perfspective Homosexuality is a sin and gay marriage should never be tolerated.
I don't hate (that many) gay people, hate the sin just the sinner. And I don't want gay marriage because it isn't something gay people really want, what they want is revenge for how they have been treated in the past, their movement at this point is nothing but a hate movement fuelled by spite and bitterness.
Anal doesn't work as well when you don't have a foreskin
silly user it's 2016
>I'm a Christian, but i'm not
Lmao doublethink at it's finest
The tribes around the emerging Israelite identity did it, and they needed another way to distingush themselves from their neighbours. Christianity and Islam inherited it by tradition.
Marriage is a solemn unity of the two halves of humanity, and the basis for humanity's existence, "Male and female, he created them." Homosexuality is just...perversion, and most homosexuals have open relationships.
>what they want is revenge for how they have been treated in the past, their movement at this point is nothing but a hate movement fuelled by spite and bitterness.
Or they would like what marriage symbolicly means.
Legally no one should want it.
Its just more taxes.
>most homosexuals have open relationships.
Except, no.
It came from the fact that people died fast and wanted to be remembered, so if someone was gay they'd being killing their ancestors if they didn't have children.
Then that turned into just being gay being the problem.
I'm a luke-warm non-Denominational Christian who leans to the Lutheran side with upbringings from Lutherans, and I could give a shit less, it's them burning, not me. Just stop spamming the fucking SJW progressive gay midget ethnic rainbow in our faces already. All will be forgiven when their time comes and if they believe enough, but I don't think God or Jesus will tolerate it, if they repent when their time comes and drops their ways, they will be forgiven, if not, to the pit, and so on and so forth.
But my extended family are non-Denominational Christian Liberals, brought up on Catholicism, hyper racists and old school Christian types who are anti-gay. They also will hate you if you do NOT go to church every single damn Wednesday and Sunday of the year and partake in Bible studies.
>what they want is revenge for how they have been treated in the past, their movement at this point is nothing but a hate movement fuelled by spite and bitterness.
Basically this, I really don't want them to have marriage rights, I believe that should be to the traditional nuclear family of husband and wife, and to benefit mainly those whom have families and legitimize said families.
It just doesn't seem like they or anyone else takes the topic of marriage and the nuclear family unit as a serious investment or interest anymore. It just seems to me they're basically going, "Ooooohhh look we can get married toooooooo, we're important now too to the populace as a married couple, we're a bonified couple now, now that we're married we have so much MORE to offer, we're so much more legitimate now." Seems more like they are playing family than actually doing anything, and I HIGHLY doubt all those gay couples are adopting, I HIGHLY doubt that argument.
>Or they would like what marriage symbolicly means.
Then why the fuck don't they just be faithful to one another. That symbolizes something more doesn't it, or do they need it legal to keep them in line?
>people died fast and wanted to be remembered,
What the literal fuck, people married because of old tribal shit so Gnark's mate wouldn't go sleeping around with other people and get shit started up or have wars. Ancient societies saw the benefit of a family unit and despised gay tendencies. Large instances of gay people weren't seen except in actual well developed societies back then, because they could support them. The reason you saw so many gays in Greece and Roman at their heights was because they had time, resources and internal peace on hand. They could "experiment", they didn't have such a need for children at the time. Also, families back then would usually have a kind of hand me down family business to the kids, parents got cheap to free labor and when the adults became too old, the children would then support and take care of them, then when their children would have children the process would begin all over again. Having a family was extremely beneficial back then to the point it was almost needed.
In today's modern society of the age of decadence, we have an abundance of everything, no major wars, no major internal conflicts that result in full blown death and civil war. Things are extremely stable compared to the past. The reason the gay movement has been ramping up so much has been because of experimentation and some 'legit" gays which i think is a hyper small minority.
There are more important tasks to worry about rather than these social sexual experiments and the SJW and progressive movement. Most notably the wealth gap, there is not a middle class anymore, and wages aren't catching up. Even then, we have terrorists, crime, the illegal drug trade (not weed), and human fucking trafficking.
>I could give a shit
For the most part, them being gay, I don't give a fuck. The marriage aspect is what bothers the fuck out of me. "We want more privileges cus' we're special snowflakes and we demand it." is what fucking triggers me, there are more important issues. If they wanna hump the same sex, fine let them do it and burn afterwards, there's been warnings, but I'm not gonna go screaming at them about it.
As I said, I don't care, they can fuck off with their flag bearing and get the fuck off back to their retarded hug-boxing social groups.
Except that's false.
Gay people don't want extra super special marriages. They want the exact same marriage that's allowed for any other couple.
Wanting to be treated equally isn't the same as wanting to be given special treatment.
Priests just didn't want competition, wanted all the qt boipussi for themselves.
>They want the exact same marriage that's allowed for any other couple.
>any other couple
You mean people whom actually get married to HAVE a family rather than just have the title of it.
>Wanting to be treated equally isn't the same as wanting to be given special treatment.
Refer to this:
>"Ooooohhh look we can get married toooooooo, we're important now too to the populace as a married couple, we're a bonified couple now, now that we're married we have so much MORE to offer, we're so much more legitimate now."
Marriage has it's roots in the actual function of the nuclear family unit. Not based on a couple whom just want the authenticity to be called a married couple and be done with it, with no family. The idea of marrying and not having a family is a fairly new idea, created mainly from fictional story telling. Marriage was made to keep a family strong, together, united and in place.
But yes, you want more privileges, there is little to no benefit of marriage to a gay couple other than saying they are (or tax reasons).
If a gay couple needs to be married to make it feel legit and keep them in line, then maybe they shouldn't be a couple.
Marriage is/should be reserved for those planning on having a family, if not, then what is the point? It's just wanting a title that quite frankly they don't need. It sullies the idea of actual legitimate family marriages into something less than what it was made for, more for sexual or partner bonding without any of the real commitment or tenacity needed to hold a relationship up through life.
And I'll try to skip the whole, marriage is sacred and religious bond (which in it's roots it was made for), he was made for her, her for him, governed by the natural order of procreation, bonded to live life together for each other and their children.
Not so we can say cheers, we're married and play pretend.
So basically gays are pedophiles, as are the priests, and the followers are just sheeple trying to live their life right?
Gays = pedophile perverts the post
If marriage is simply the natural order of things designed for producing children, then surely you have nothing against the bigamist or polygamist practices common throughout history? After all, so long as offspring are produced in a historically-supported matter, the marriage is legitimate?
Catholic here, homosexuality is a sexual perversion and an abomination which should not in any way, shape or form be normalized. There is also no such thing as "gay marriage".
From the Holy Mouth of Christ:
>"Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate."
Matthew 19:4-6
Some of us aren't gay, user.
We like girls.
So your blessing ceremony automatically being a binding civil contract is not privilege?
Serious question for all those who regard homosexuality as ungodly perversion:
Do you recognize that homosexuality is part of an individual's nature rather than a temporary (or for lack of a better word "curable") condition? If you do, does this change or affect in any way the moral calculus involved in denouncing expressions of homosexual affection in any of its forms?
Pedos fuck off
As a Christian myself i do recognize it. It's hard to argue against science, since it's proven time and again that homosexuality isn't a psychological illness.
I prefer to refer to the 'golden rule' these days.
Why is there hatred against sinners? Shouldn't you want to save them?
A "Christian" is really no different or better than anyone else.
Religion is just a screen for natural innate human hatred.
Abraham was told he would have as many descendants as there are stars in the sky and sand on the seashore.
The reason this was important because there was a time when a mans strength was in his numbers. Simply the more people, the lighter the toil and the work load. All could work together.
The older would raise and teach the younger and the younger could take care of the older, feed them and ensure they essentially die in peace and in comfort as older people can't take care of themselves.
Homosexuality, there's no future in it. It essentially stunts the growth of the numbers of the people if it were to be seriously adopted by the majority of the people. It''s synonymous with death because there's future in it. The future is dependent on the ones who practice the proper mating.
Now as for arguing on behalf bisexuality, you're talking about submitting to a appetite that if someone could personally keep the appetite under control...there will be others who will witness the act of bisexuality, the complete abandonment of self control, and these witnesses will see this and a percentage of them will have less control, they will push it even further because see how people can essentially do anything.
Now if you're chasing appetites of the flesh regularly, it's no different than crack or heroin. Only the drug is chasing morbid pleasures. You're opening doors and pathways psychologically. So lets say jealousy comes up in the life of someone who has little discipline....he will be prone to the bait of jealousy and everyone should know what jealousy could potentially lead to, ie; murder, theft, all types of harmful behavior.
All this is what takes place in the individual who has no conviction, no fear of God, no reason to exercise discipline. They're capable of anything because they never exercised self control.
You do realize that legal marriage has symbolical meaning tho, right?
Symbolic meaning is only outorgated by the religious cerimony, and if you cant have that symbolic connection if you're not a follower of that religion, which means you wouldnt get married to another man.
has no symbolic meaning*
So what is God? Who is God? Through out the whole Bible who and what is He against? Anyone who is evil, or can spread evil to something He lays claim to. which He intends to remain clean and blameless. So the fear of God is the fear of good the fear of righteousness.
People have to remember, Good, Righteousness, Virtue...these aren't made by man...they are chosen by man. They exists like every thing else exists, as external physical things to be chosen out of free will, or external concepts and ideals to be chosen.
The same way you pick your ideal fruit off a tree, orange or apple. You PICK the ideal, the concept of Good. You don't create it. It existed as an ideal, with actual physical benefits before man ever came to be. It's an option to choose.
So the point is this, that to fear God, the one created the ideal of Good and Righteousness and Virtue....is to fear the very idea that good and fair justice actually exist. This is the beginning of wisdom.
By having this fear, you're already convicted before you think to bring harm or be a stumbling block to another man. Now you still have free will to choose evil. But that's why it was written, fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
Now any Christian who says they hate "fags" or condemn homosexuals before God has His say, is no different then the ancient Pharisees imo.
Murders, thieves, homosexuality...none of these is really the unpardonable sin because it's not uncommon for people to completely repent from such things. But to push them away from God before they get a chance to find Him, that's kinda like the evil that was inside the pharisees. They were just itching for a reason to stone someone, to condemn someone, they had no love in them. They enjoyed being looked at as somehow having God's favor, enjoyed the best positions in the house etc etc
This homosexual topic is a dangerous one, because I think there are confused people out there. People who are sexually attracted to both but still want to know God.
Jesus said love everyone. He said everyone. If you're rejected, just shake your feet off and leave the house, that's it.
You think he got some of his followers to picket sinners homes or something? You're creating enemies when you do things like this.