/ps2g/ - planetside 2 general

banana man got a tan :-----DD


Top news: Werl has pushed a new update to live, all your favorite shit is nerfed, and everything you hate is buffed, check here for the changes - forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/pc-game-update-2-2.244593/#post-3445794

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is that a banana in your pants? :DDD

no im jus happi to see u :)))


>I don't know, I've seen some shit man. Explain a LA with a lasher that took over 30 of my shots (don't know how many shots other people got on him) to the back of the head at very close range without dying.
>More than anything else how he had the lasher is what really confused me.
That's just daybreak quality coding. A few months ago I spawned as a medic with two MAX arms (and no medic-specific stuff), did zero damage but also took zero damage. Redeploying and changing class didn't fix it, only logging out did.

Good night!

here have a good night kys

If you're not an idiot and have experience playing fps on a high level, attended several high level LAN events even, you'll realize that many so called "good" players in this game are fucking shitters who're using net-limiters coupled with enlarged hitboxes or some kind of aimbot.

99% of them would get fucked more badly on LAN than a triple cunted hooker in a Russian gulag.

Good night, memers! :-)

LOMARES was right

how the fuck did this general get so bad?

werl killed the game

Ok so it look like I actually can't read hex population, too bad.

No one in their right mind would play a clientsided fps and expect it to be a good shooter.

shitposting is a art

Clientside is fantastic.

The only thing clientside sucks at, is dealing with cheaters. That's it's biggest problem. Serverside can only ever approach the capability of clientside if you've got a monster of a server available, and anyone who's looked at eve online can see how just a few thousand players still brings that shit to its knees, and those servers cost millions of dollars.

The mistake Sony made was designing a clientside game without any consideration or thought put into its only downside: Cheaters. They did a lot of work early on, post-launch, but so much of the game should've been better protected than it was before it even reached that point. They really dropped the ball on that end during development; it's not even a 'lack of time' deal that can be excused by an early launch - this anti-cheat stuff has to be built into the very framework of the game, from day one. Everything has to be looked at with a security-conscious angle asking the question, "How can we mitigate false data sent from the client?"

we're nerfing everything

t. werlaboo


just stop posting you fucking retard

fuk u beat me by 1 second
I was literally typing the captcha
now you get all the (You)'s

this is going to be a shitshow

here have one on me friendo

but reading hex is easy

0-9, then a-f = 10-15

Then each number is just a power of 16, which you multiply the number by.

4F = (4*(16^1)) + (15*(16^0)) = 79

It's just like binary but with 16's instead of 2's!

>shoot at planetman
>the planetman you shoot at isn't at either the location you see on your client, or the location the other planetman sees on their client
>neither are the bullets you're shooting at that planetman
>literally zero moving objects are ever actually at the same location as their hitbox
>this is somehow better than clientside

that's not what i meant and you know it

I'm reading this as
>we're going to redesign a few bases so the points can be captured in vehicles
>vehicle traction is getting buffed, and stock vehicle handling is getting moved slightly closer to certed chassis upgrades - alternatively, knowing DBG, this will probably be implemented as default-unlocked unspecialized chassis upgrades, like afterburner tanks
>vehicle weapon splash reduced across the board to levels like the Fury (read: useless), and vehicle resistances against rocket launchers and C4 increased substantially
>indar/esamir continent lock benefits removed, and tech plants are no longer required to pull MBTs
>transport assist exp increased, and "request vehicle reinforcements" button added in addition to the normal reinforcement buttons that nobody pays attention to

>someone makes an obvious comment that a lot of people are cheating
>the scum cheaters immediately crawl out of their holes to """defend""" themselves.
pro-tip: you're not convincing anyone
>inb4 t. something something ivi


t. 0.5 ivi kdr

Are you this guy?
(not pictured: asking why everyone respects cheaters in /yell and ragequitting)

Wer u hacking last night?

Lalunia hacks every night.

thanks for proving my point

The other day I ran into an HA who went stealth every time he activated his shield.

It totally wasn't me and i totally didn't abuse the fuck out of it while laughing my ass off at how retarded it was.

I spent 4 hours trying to reproduce the bug but couldn't ;_;

good night memers! :3c

da brass is embressed :DD

oh wait

;DD suits i mean :D

To be fair these are pretty funny.

NS weapons should easily be twice the amount of certs to buy considering that they're magnitudes better than any of the faction specific weapons.
>Test each of them
>No recoil
>No spread
>Quick reload
Why the fuck is this allowed

dont forget

.75 ads

>horseshit dps

>drank too much
>know if I log on and attempt click mans I will ruin my stats




help ;_;

>Same or slightly less DPS than all the faction specific guns that or way more inaccurate
Slightly worse DPS doesn't really matter when every round is hitting where you aim and theirs isn't.
And it is only marginally worse.
Christ, how could I fucking forget.
Every time I see someone bitch about the Nagi or Tanto here I have to laugh

alt account


>Every time I see someone bitch about the Nagi or Tanto here I have to laugh
The problem with the nagi is that it sucks at anything outside close range and is outclassed pretty heavily by other close range weapons so you just end up with a shitty gun in all situations. Also nagi only standard ADS speed.

NS15 is legit a great weapon at midrange, accurate enough to hit out to pretty hefty ranges close range lmgs can't really manage, and is only marginally beat out by the nagi up close in terms of dps but with the .75 you gain such a retarded advantage that I'd rather have the NS15 for everything.

iirc the TTK is only I think .01 seconds more than say the TMG50 which in practice means it kills way faster.


best beverage for hsr: warm water + lemon

>log in
>instagibbed by spaniard
>instagibbed by spaniard
>teamkilled by spaniard
>log out

Every time I play PS2 I feel like I'm gambling which being a former TH addict I think is really the only reason I play it. There's just so much shit that's out of your hands and determines whether you're going to have fun or not.

>menerald prime time
>25% vs world pop
...... what?

>10% of which is currently ghost capping Hossin

That's all those BR 120 Orion users are good for anyways

t. 0.5 ivi kdr

This is a nice meme, can I save it?

t. BR 120 Orion user.

sure thing friendo

t. 0.4 ivi kdr

I'm actually amazed that these people somehow find what they do to be fun.

I imagine it's the small scale of fights in general on Hossin. It can be great fun since you're not really going to get nigged and can crush the average mans 1v1. As a 1.11 ivi kdr shitter I sometimes go there just to feel powerful since the average player is a legit 0.5 ivi kdr turbo shitter.

no, but it's more fun to let them think I really was hacking

why do i have to wear spandex when i want to play easy mode?


>all those TK's
What's even going on here?

>Only one infantry kill

>472 shots fired as medic with almost an hour played
>0 hit
No seriously, what's going on here?

He hops in a deployed sunderer and TKs until weapon lock, the nearby planetmans get fed up and TK the sunderer he's in, or someone is smart enough to forcibly eject him.

See also
I can't find an NC variant

Is there anyway to compete with other players in this game without spending huge amounts of dosh or even more in hours on the grind?

aim better

I get headshots 9/10 times with assault rifles or lmgs but i'm still dieing to players with higher DPS weapons, what do? I've been playing the purple guys and blue guys.

Obnoxious, I'll never get how people enjoy this.

Which class do you want advice with?

>I get headshots 9/10 times with assault rifles or lmgs but i'm still dieing to players with higher DPS weapons, what do? I've been playing the purple guys and blue guys.
No one gets headshots 9 times out of 10. A good HSR is 30%, you're just shit, I'm new and went through that phase too, after a month you'll be absolutely shredding people with your starting gun.

The GS and Orion really handle extremely differently though so learn how recoil in this game works.

Hot to get good basically, my aim is well above average. I guess I'm asking important general meta tips. Dieing to shitballer99 because he has 200 more hours than me is annoying when im outshooting him.

Where do I find my HS statistics? I see that headshot point marker pop up when I kill people nearly every time.

someone link the pastebin for this poor retard

Post character stats, you're probably not outshooting shit and if you are you need to learn to position. If you can't win a fucking 1vs1 in close quarters with one of the best guns in the game (the starting Orion) then you're fucking aiming like shit. The Orion is insane.


>because he has 200 more hours than me is annoying when im outshooting him.

thats not what's happening

The Orion is really just a slightly different flavor of MSW-R after the 0.75 nerf, though, it's good but not amazing like it used to be.
t. tr main

player studio attachment mods when

It's still a top tier contender even after the ads nerf (though it was arguably the best gun in the game at the time). The MSW-R itself is a pretty top tier gun so quite obviously the Orion sits with it since the lack of bullet drop even gives it deceptively better range.

I'm still amazed that VS players think no bullet drop is meaningless.

You literally get one less axis to calculate lead. NC and TR have to figure it out in both the horizontal and vertical directions, and VS only need to lead in the horizontal direction.

>im outshooting him.
That's where you're wrong, boyo.
By BR15 you have enough certs to effectively max out the AI capabilities of HA with ASC and resist shield, medkits, and starter LMG weapon attachments, some of which you get for free.
The 200 (more likely 2000) hour difference is what separates a noob from an experienced player, not what separates a new character from a certed character.
You aren't losing because the enemy paid for a different gun, you're losing because you're a fucking noob, you're shit at aiming, you don't know the maps, you can't predict the way battles flow, and you have little to no idea how the game works.
Experienced players live and breathe all of these things.
This is the trap of having lots of different guns in the game, noobs come in, get rekt by someone better with a different gun, and want to buy different guns because they think they must be better in some way.
An experienced player would fuck you in the ass repeatedly with a BR1 HA (and probably any other class) because they know how noobs think, how to predict their movements, how to dodge effectively, etc.

aim better, shitter

Yeah I don't get it either, it's a game changer that gives a lot of VS guns a huge advantage at unintended ranges. I think the most obvious statement of how strong it is though is on their AV MAX weapon which allow them to snipe vehicles at absolutely insane ranges.

is of balans))

vs can hit reliably and accurately at range because no bullet drop

nc have to figure out drop but do more damage once they figure out range


tr just spray boolet

boolet kill man eventualyl not enuf boolet add mor boolet

>TR gets shafted gear wise
>"Balansed" by the fact that they have more decent players than the other two factions

>drop into a fight
>yell at nc allies to push forward as I charge
>holy shit they actually followed me
>we completely root out the tr
>all because I yelled on prox


every faction has its share of shitters

t. guy that joined an AOD platoon by accident the other night

jesus christ

galdropping camped points without medics

constant redeploying to overpopped bases

standing a platoon in a useless base while we lose the three bases the platoon just pulled out of

AOD pls stop being bad.

Is KDR still a thing?

didn't competitive play die years ago in the anal crevasse of Matt Higgles?

Welcome to TR pub life. Only good thing about TR is at least pubs tend to work as a somewhat decent unit especially when someone starts saying shit on voice.

My biggest gripe with AOD is the way they tend to just plow auto pop and keep moving rather than looking for fights where a fuck huge zerg would actually help (like an over popped for the enemy tech plant fight). I usually fuck off once I someone so much as invites me to an AOD platoon now days because it's just a no fun no certs zerg ball.

Reminder that playing any server besides Connery is easy mode.
(Because chinks are fucking asshats)

Have you ever made a Miller alt? For some reason hitboxes are fucking huge on that server.

Our guy LEX is streaming


This has to be the most butthurt 15 year old of all time.

I am so fucking tired of the idiots parroting
The VS weapons have the worst bullet velocity in the game. That completely balances the no bullet drop. Try going and using anything but the Pulsar for long range. You cant do shit with it.

NC guns on the other hand are amazing, Gauss Saw is like a fucking sniper, the Mercenary is fucking Pulsar C tier accuracy if you burst fire, etc.

TR just spam shit.

>60 m/s less velocity for no bullet drop compared to CARV
kys shitter.




That's all it takes for a BR6 with a F2P shotgun to kill you and your low sens/quake heritage/2000 IVI didn't save you.
Why do you play infantry?

>spend more time looking for fights than fighting

Play another game

come on mate, i thought we agreed there should be three "BLAM"s now