Shadowverse is a free-to-play, class-based collectible card game.
Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (
Official Website:
Card Database/Deck Editor:
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Shadowverse is a free-to-play, class-based collectible card game.
Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (
Official Website:
Card Database/Deck Editor:
Useful Links:
first for "do nothing all game, win" decks are shit and their players should kill themselves
2pp Immune to spell damage/transform and damage/destruction effect bun never
Valentine's Day event when?
9pp - Adriel - Neutral
5 5
Fanfare: Copy 2 fanfares of two (2) followers from your hand.
Bryant venezia
Not as shit as players who can't beat a deck that does nothing
Staying alive is doing something,
Vampy-chan playfully waving her vagina around in front of your face.
So seeing many complaints about the state of the game on /svg/, i decided to try out Hearthstone and i actually liked it much more than Shadowverse!
Hearthstone has no cancerous shit like:
-Rune in general
-Salty cucks disconnecting after the loss
-Turn 6 lethals (fuck you Aggro Shadow)
-Half-naked cartoon children in card art
-3 copies of one legendary in a deck, i mean, what the fuck?
Hearthstone has:
-Less aggro
-More deck diversity
-More class diversity
-More (and better) singleplayer content
-Better waifus (pandas anyone?)
-Stories to tell your friends
-More epic memes!
-An actual future ahead of it instead of being a quick mobage cashgrab which is going to die in a few months like Shadowverse
Also Hearthstone's original dub voice is in English so weaboos can fuck off and kill themselves
Anyway i'm enjoying it a lot more than i did with Shadowverse. Check it out.
So I was thinking of a what if Daria gets nerfed to oblivion deck and I built this. Had this deck idea pre RoB just never got to it since daria became the face of rune. Thoughts?
You can't fool me, everyone knows that vampires have bats instead of genitals.
What the fuck can I do against elana when I'm playing csword?
>cygames decides to give me 6 of these cunts
>not a single animated
dusted every single one
>-Less aggro
>-More deck diversity
>-More class diversity
What's the point of this bait if you have to straight up lie?
>Conjuring Force
>no Snowmen
Overvalue with your follower finish with albert drop baha when they have more than 2 elana.
btw no one plays with elana
>tfw no aohi senpai stream.
Pengy just gets eaten by all the high def followers and it doesn't have rush to allow it to hit something large. but if you got it to work good on you.
Not play csword against your natural counter?
Draw 3 odins and be able to play them the turn after their 3 seraphs before the 1t seraph pop
I love this golem holy fuck
I actually used her for this OP because I got an animated copy. Sucks to be you I guess.
I have 3 Bloodhungry Matriarchs what do
im fucking finished
see you in the next life friends
Playing my 3rd elana in a row. I feel so fucking helpless. Can't even get them to 10hp for albert to finish because they heal every turn. Guess it can't be helped when those fags dropped elana turn 3 every game
Dshift is the only problem.
Satan is turn 10 and can be stalled.
Seraph is turn 9 and can be teched against.
Dshit is turn 7 for some retarded reason and there's jack shit you can do about it if you're not aggro.
Good point I thought about it and for some reason chose the little witch to swarm earlier and faster than snowmen all though it could fit jist as well or even better. I just finished dailies with this deck and it worked, so I'm still tweaking it. Thanks for the positive criticism though.
take a 2 week break bro. I'm sure the Daria's will leave by then
>Magisa/Multipart experiment useful never ever
Play it?
Seems like it'd lose to any deck with healing in it without Daria's ability to flood the board.
Why no Dance of Death?
>-3 copies of one legendary in a deck, i mean, what the fuck?
wtf i hate deck consistency now
Can you record a webm?
sometimes you are just doing some wrong shit
it's time bois
Next expansion when
too bad haven never will
>They're fags
>When you're complaining about not being able to land a 10 dmg kill from hand that can also just clear up the board first since it's fucking immune to damage that turn
Are you not self aware?
What does your deck look like? I thought Control Sword should have more early game pressure than that.
Aggro is 44% of ladder in Shadowverse when it's only 30% of ladder in Hearthstone
>two more months until next expansion
Even with Elana bullshit DE was overall more fun than this.
>complaiing about haven in DE
this is how we discover thigns
Nice source you posted there
Shaman and Warrior aggro alone make up 30%, don't fuck with me
>in hearthstone
chose one
Everyone play with pirates all the decks are the same
Also 1 Olivia and 3 unica.
Got troopers for early pressure, didn't matter though. Guess elana is just my hard counter
Is it normal for me to be getting my ass kicked so much with this aggro bat deck?
It seems like whenever I don't have vania and veight in my hand I get fucked so hard and especially by shadowcraft
Aggro is weak in RoB, just play Daria instead like everyone else does.
Haven was fucking strong in DE though.
Even without elana storm haven was the shit.
I actually liked that deck a lot.
>when the opponent memes you just right
(read from right to left)
Yes, many people are going balls deep into trying (and failing) to farm daria and roach which destroys you as collateral. try and add more win cons.
this, join the collective
Blood sucks in general but if you have Yurius against aggro or any follower flood deck something is wrong with you.
Yes. Bats are getting teched out in the crossfire when people against Daria.
>especially by shadowcraft
This has always been the case for DE as well, and even when the game started out from what I hear. Shadowcraft is just a craft that likes punishes with reach, or anti-aggro tools out of the ass, sometimes both.
Bats were super strong at the start of the expansion, but now everyone knows how to play against. Aggro Blood also has terrible match ups against the decks that counter Daria, what makes up a big portion of the ladder right now.. The deck isn't bad, it's just that it won't give you loads of free wins anymore. If you want an effective aggro deck, play Aggro Sword or Aggro Shadow.
Aww yiss
Storm birbs are fucking cool. I played both storm haven and midrange/aggro shadow back in DE.
Tense arena games are so fucking fun. I wish you could play t2 outside of arena/private matches.
> I wish you could play t2 outside of arena/private matches.
What? you can play wheneve r you want
>dozens of viable decks
>Daria and roach. Everything else is mediocre
Nice expansion shadowbabs
What other situations are there?
>Outside of private matches
Yeah, it needs a no rewards t2 draft
I hate bandwagons but i hate losing too
What the fuck do I do?
Both players bricking until one draws bahamut and you have no answer
What's wrong with private matches? Just make a private match, post the number here and wait for an opponent.
Climbing in A really takes a lot longer
If I end season A3 do I get resetted to A0?
CSword needs more healing options.
Learn to play your shit. Bandwagoners just die in anything
It needs friends who also don't want to be productive.
Everybody's getting them next xpak
>Stuck in C shitter league
>Nothing but Darias
I want this meme to die.
>It needs friends who also don't want to be productive.
But user
your friends are here, in this very thread
dozens of viable decks? as in elana with slight alterations?
>>Stuck in C shitter league
>>Nothing but Darias
>But I'm not going to adapt and instead will shitpost and pray for the apocalypse to deliver me instead
Stop playing Blitz
Sword heavily lacks ways to swing tempo and trade for value. It has to.
What is worth keeping? I'm new and need a lot of vial.
Stop running Dance of Death, thanks.
Everything but Matriarch, pluto and imperial dragoon is god tier.
Vial Pluto and Dragoon, leave everything else.
I mean, you might regret getting rid of your Dragoon in the next expansion, which will make Discard Dragon tier 0, but he kinda sucks right now.
Pluto is 100% vials.
If you want post your golds too.
Are you doing a seraph deck?
Merlin,Seraph,Boody mary,Saber,Moon and matriarch are good cards.
Dragoon is for a meme deck but still a good finisher for dragon
>two more months
did they ever give a date? what will you do if you have to wait longer than 2 months?
Everything except Aurelia. Seraph is cancer so you should vial it as well.
>tfw your goblinmount demon dies to a single levi
Fuuug :DD
Play the story mode for free cards and experience with each deck
Beat the practice match elite difficult AI for each leader for 1400 gold total
Open a private match room, put your user name in the Veeky Forums post name field, make sure your sound is on and you can hear it then post the match id Play 20 private matches without conceding to get 2000 gold
Look up budget deck lists and look over what you have and put together some crapass deck and play some ranked to get your dick wet
Play your take 2 arena tickets out for ~14 packs
From here it depends If you reliably went 3 wins 2 losses in arena, you'll want to turn your gold into arena tickets to get +50-100% more of your value Keep updating a deck for each leader as you unpack cards and do every daily Turn that gold into more tickets Log in daily for the login reward You should be getting 10-20 packs a weeks Buy some DE and a few Baha packs at some point If you want, save up some gold for the Bahamut ticket arena reward event at some point to rake in and clear out the cards you need from that set If you can't reliably 3-2, do NOT buy tickets You'll just piss away your dosh and time. Or just buy straight packs cause you hate yourself
Don't liquify your cards in general Between your welfare packs and the ez grab packs followed by all the added tickets and packs from getting 3-5 wins per ticket you'll have enough for about 4 budget decks from liquify extras that you glue together with golds and silvers to do ranked Every week between cheevos, levelups, score rewards, dailies, and winning arena to double your money to buy more tickets you'll get about 10-20 packs a week Within a month you can play knockoffs of about 12-ish decks and have most of a couple good decks on rng Once you fill out most of your card pool the vials will start pouring in from the extras From that experience you'll know what you want be able to craft from your liquified extras while still being able to play a bunch of budgets
Medusa gaze is fine?
likely you are doing something wrong because im personally doing just fine, and vampy in the opening hand is meh, she is like levi ideally a turn 4-5 play
So, uh, this shit isn't getting nerfed anytime soon right?
>nothing wrong about 7dmg for 4pp, IT JUST BRICKS DUDE XD
I've seen this card like once, and that was in T2. I still haven't seen an actual Medusa yet either.
It's 7 for 3pp, 11 for 4pp
i fucking hate shadowcraft
how do i beat this obnoxious fucking class?
aggro shadow and aggro sword are a meme, especially aggro sword
at least aggro shadow has reaper and howl, sword is just... i d,unno, alwida? i would pick bats over either any day
How could they make Jeanne decent, at least?
Streaking with Urias!