
This is what will happen to you if you don't stop bullying drivers who follow the speed limit on the road. The beta uprising has begun.

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>let tailgater pass
>start tailgating them

I hope the driver that stopped had their spinal column snapped. I hope the $8000 insurance money was worth it faggot. Probably a smelly somali

Tailgater btfo.

that is some top tier bantz

Wow that's animal abuse, that dude should have let that pig smash Ms piggy to keep them In good health..

No joke, that pig is sexually suffering. It's like a cow that doesn't get milked or a domesticated sheep that doesn't get trimmed.

That's sad, or let him fuck his chick. I see plenty of that shit on "socket"

>beta uprising
Nah, that's just some passive-agressive cunt.

>Love is Strange by Mickey and Sylvia
I fucking love that song. Made this 10x funnier too.

>speed matching with slowlane
>in fast lane
>causes accident
People will defend this

Have you seen the video where a chick flicks a pig then takes the fun plug.

*takes wheat stalk out of mouth*
if yew wasnt breakin the LAW it wuldnt a happened ta yew
*drives tractor behind you*
nothin personel cowboy

will his insurance cover if they get the video? I'm planing to get a dashcam exatly for this reason

That's why you don't stop in the middle of the fucking road.
I'd have been leaning on the horn the instant they started slowing noticeably. Dashcam footage there clearly shows the driver in the middle is at zero fault; stopped for the dickhead, then struck from behind.

no such thing as a fast lane

Is Veeky Forums low key full of women and old people?
Damn right I will tailgate you if you won't let me pass. Hell, I'll pass you on the right and brake check you if you're enough of an asshole.

Yeah but is the driver in front really at fault, is the question

No question the middle guy is straight

Almost every state in the US has a rule (law) to pass left stay right to allow faster traffic to pass on highways.

In almost every state, this applies even if you (as the slower vehicle) are doing the speed limit.

called the passing lane, not the fast lane

speed limit is the speed limit, there is not a lane dedicated for people breaking the law

what country is this? australia?

True, it isn't called the fast lane, but you should always let the other car pass nonetheless.
Otherwise you're just a passive aggressive faggot who thinks he's a cop.

this, both of you are correct.

Deliberately stopping on a high way for no reason (read: no present danger) is not justified. In fact, the video title mentions that it is "Crash for Cash".

>Due to the speed of the incident the vehicle behind shunts this vehicle up the rear pushing it into the third party.
>When the accident was reported the driver of the blue Peugeot reported the driver as being at fault for the accident but using the video footage the system was able to exonerate the driver. The total cost saving for the claim was estimated at £45k.

See that? The driver who brake checked (read: Actually stopped completely) was found to be at fault

same thing (full stop not merited), guy got jailed for 18 months
>An ex-Premier League footballer who caused a pile-up while eating ice cream at the wheel has been jailed for 18 months for dangerous driving.
>King was seen weaving in and out of traffic on the dual carriageway before he undertook Martin Beck's VW Polo, which he considered was driving too slowly, the court heard.
>The former footballer, who was eating an ice cream bought from McDonald's moments earlier, then slammed his brakes on in frustration, forcing Mr Beck to perform an emergency stop.

semantics. the lane is for faster traffic to pass slower traffic. in most states there is a requirement for slower traffic to exit the lane to allow higher speed traffic to pass. it's not a "dedicated lane to break the law", but for faster traffic (under, at, or above the posted speed limit) to pass slower traffic (again, under, at, or above the posted speed limit).

>has begun
>video posted in 2013

yeah no

the laws typically state 'keep right unless passing'

nothing about speed, semantics is quite important when talking about law, which is why we have courts and juries...

just because you are going fast does not give you the right to use the "fast lane", because it's not the fast lane it's the passing lane

>just because you are going fast does not give you the right to use the "fast lane", because it's not the fast lane it's the passing lane
but you can use it if you're going slow? What the fuck are you even talking about?

he's splitting hairs. you could be doing 85 in a 55mph zone in the leftmost lane (in US where pass left where stay right) and also technically under the law, if you were holding up someone looking to do 90mph you're also wrong for not moving over to allow him to pass you.

Yes, for stopping in the middle of the road for no fucking reason. It's pretty fucking clear cut there.

>Almost every state in the US has a rule (law) to pass left stay right to allow faster traffic to pass on highways
>the laws typically state 'keep right unless passing'

Found the obstruction.

>Yes, for stopping in the middle of the road for no fucking reason. It's pretty fucking clear cut there.

This guy can't claim he had an emergency or something? Don't sperg out on me, I don't stop in the middle of roads, I'm just trying to understand the law here.

you aren't supposed to use it at all unless you are passing

what is so difficult to understand?

you change into left lane, pass someone, change back into right lane, it's not complicated

That's exactly what I'm saying, which means that the Peugeot driver is a cunt and should be hanged.

Why you always dash cam.

>"Hell, I'll pass you on the right and brake check you if you're enough of an asshole."
>being so emotionally and intellectually undeveloped that you actually get road rage.

kek, also brake checking is a retarded thing to do. If you get rear ended but the other person is somehow able to prove by witness or otherwise that you used your vehicle as a weapon to cause an accident or even harm someone else you are looking at pretty serious jail time.

You're life will be a lot easier if you just calm the fuck down and accept the fact that you have to share the road with faggots that aren't perfect drivers like you.


And I'm not gonna brake check so hard that the other person will ram into me

>And I'm not gonna brake check so hard that the other person will ram into me

yeah, dude - so you're making an assumption about a strangers level of competency in operating a motor vehicle and think it's a smart idea to put yourself and surrounding motorists at risk just so you can say to yourself later "boy, I sure showed them!"? Stop being a cancerous faggot, you're just as bad as the morons doing the shit that makes you rage.

If there's too much traffic I'll just flip them off, but if someone's being an asshole, I'll go out of my way to be an even bigger asshole to him and idgaf about what you say

>If there's too much traffic I'll just flip them off, but if someone's being an asshole, I'll go out of my way to be an even bigger asshole to him and idgaf about what you say

Oh man, I feel bad that you probably have shitty parents that think like this too.

No worries man. I know you probably think along the lines of "I've been driving this way for years and nothing bad is happened, so therefore I'm a good driver".

You actually might go your entire life driving like a fucking retard and never face any serious repercussions, but if you get someone killed because you couldn't help being a petty asshole, you're the one that's going to be responsible, not me.

Dashcams aren't very popular where I live, so good luck proving that I brake checked or tailgated.
And it's not like I do this on the regular. I don't encounter assholes that will not let me pass even after I flash my high beams often at all. Maybe once bi monthly.

Dashcam footage shows no smoke or anything indicating anything other than being a slowfuck and braking down to a halt. No traffic in front, either.
Otherwise, they can probably rip the sensor codes off his car with a court order.

I'm definitely getting a dashcam after seeing this.

senpai, I know I'm used some insulting language in my other posts, but I am genuinely trying to give you hints and advice that will make you far better off in the grand scheme of things. At the very least, take a few seconds to process the temptation to "respond" to other motorists that do things you don't like. At this point, I've stated my position - embrace it, discard it, whatever you think is wisest.

Even if no one can prove you brake checked, do you really want to be one of the causal factors for the fatality that occurred when the person you brake checked swerved into a motorcyclist? Whether that's worth it or not is a judgement you have to make for yourself.

Are you literally retarded?


>An ex-Premier League footballer who caused a pile-up while eating ice cream at the wheel has been jailed for 18 months for dangerous driving.

huh so the UK has their own version of niggerball-player chimpouts, noice.

I'm not sure what's happening with this video, a third car hit the second car?

Truck (video cam vehicle) is a bit close to the car in front of him.
Car in front of him dead stops like a total asshole out of the blue.
Driver behind the truck hits truck (car with video).

If there was an emergency he should have put his hazards on

>Truck (video cam vehicle) is a bit close

Safe braking distance for a truck in dry weather is 4 seconds. The truck was less than a quarter of a second behind the car. Truck driver is a cunt who is happy to roll the dice with others' lives. Car driver was also an idiot to stop.
t. truck driver

Only the complete fucking moronic overpaid degenerate fuckheads are generally white trash rather than black.
Most of the black footballers are from africa, and have some sense.

Regardless of the speed limit and how traffic is moving, it's always more dangerous for both lanes to match speed and force drivers to weave than to just get the ever loving jesus dicking fuck over to the right lane if your intent is not to pass or speed. Speeding is not as dangerous as weaving, speeding is not even any more dangerous than obeying the speed limit if we're not talking anything crazy like 70 in a 45.

>but muh next turn is left
get over when it's time to turn instead of parking in the passing lane

>but I'd have to break the speed limit pass the right lane drivers
get over

>but the right lane is moving too slow
break the speed limit

>but it's a speed limit
get over

All paths lead to either using the left lane like it's supposed to be used while temporarily breaking the speed limit or get fucked

every time I see that vid I imagine sargon has a side trucking job he does on the weekends

I no longer tailgate but if people are slow in the fast lane I pass them on the right and then go back into the left lane as close to their car as possible.


No, would most likely be done for fraud.

Why not have a third lane?

So you can have a lane for slow drivers, a lane for everyone else, and a lane for overtaking everyone because you're a self-important twat who needs to be there NOWNOWNOWNOW.

The civilised world has three-lane highways. I don't know why America does not.

embedded youtube won't play
someone post a webm

>tfw my parkway has three lanes
>cruise in the middle lane going 80mph and pass when necessary

This. I set my cruise 5 over and stay in the left lane. Like to think I'm doing God's work.

>break the speed limit
I cruise 5 under and always will, if there is a long ass line of trucks on the right, you're waiting. I'm not getting ticketed because you're a retard