/pol/ is trying to tell me that the cia can remote control your car with a virus. Can anyone confirm this retarded nonsense?
/pol/ is literally down syndrome
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Never heard of OnStar?
#Vault7, moron.
It's true, but it only really applies to the new cars where everything is automated.
Michael Hastings
Not with a virus. If the manufacturer was paid by the government to make them capable of doing that (which includes most modern cars, 2014 and later), then yes they easily can control your car.
For guns to be imported from different countries, some parts MUST be reforged with America parts, such as the reciever. Im assuming the same goes for car imports?
It would be pretty easy to do that if your car meets certain criteria and if it would be convenient for the powers that be if you had a "car accident" and died.
Any car with a computer can be hacked, but the cars at most risk are the ones with LTE or some crap like that. Your car is now connected to the internet, and your cars computer is now vulnerable to anyone who cares to figure out how to reach it over the internet.
Look up the death of Michael Hastings and you will see a plausible scenario on how this can be used for bad things.
Does your car have an onboard computer? (PROTIP: it does)
Can it be accessed remotely? (PROTIP: if it's a new car, it can)
The answer is yes, for a new car.
this is true
pretty much anything that has link to a GPS or any sort of internet connectivity is totally vulnerable to a hacker taking control
that being said no one fucking cares about you or your worthless autistic ass unless you are a:
person who holds pollitical power
a person who carrys government secrets
a dissident
a very wealthy individual
a reporter
a laywer
I understand that it's possible to infect a car, I don't think it's possible to affect the steering or breaking system. This just seems fucking retarded and gay to me.
From my understanding, there is no computer controlling the steering, the steering wheel is physically connected to a pump via a chain or cable. Even if the breaks were disabled, which I find retarded, you could still pump the breaks or use the emergency break.
I find this extremely retarded and gay.
Depends on the car. Electric power steering? Electriconically controlled brakes? Elctronically controlled anything??? All you need to do is to get into the CANBUS and it's over. This has been demonstrated in real life already, by enthusiasts, so government can certaily do this, no problem. What's more, now that these tools have leaked, anyone who understands these tools can do this now. Sounds great doesn't it?
i know that for a while the brakes in some dodge vehicles could be disabled through wireless hacking. dodge fixed it but the hack can still be done by physically being plugged in
Crazy, good thing I can't afford a new car. I find this video not entirely honest. I know some cars have a back up feature that senses objects which is obviously what they are taking advantage of in this video.
let's see them get me in my points ignition, nothing by wire bajabug daily
Motherboard did a pretty solid documentary on car hacking like that. Its definitely possible, however for whats shown the hacker needs physical access to the CANBUS. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some backdoor though, especially on internet connected cars or those with onstar
this shit is crazy. Why is /pol/ always right and retarded at the same time?
Couldn't it just lock one of the brakes and make the car pull really hard at an inopportune moment?
Some stability control(is that the right term?) may "tap" the breaks on on wheel, or the brakes on just one side. Had a brake hose that would swell up,reduceing force to the front left wheel, would cause some pretty serious pull.
Maybe you could engage the brakes on an electronic braking system if you still had a manual handbrake. Even those are going away now, last rental car I had, it had a proper handbrake handle, but there was hardly any resistance or any other kind of feedback when pulling it. It turns out it was electronic too. Anything electronic basically turns from you telling the car to do something, to you asking the car to do something. Once the computer is compromised, it can simply ignore your requests.
I guess they can. I'm not too familiar with newer cars as I'm just a lowly backyard mechanic.
The gubmint can't hack your car if ain't got nothing to hack.
If it really concerns you, go out and buy an old car that still uses carburetors.
They can control if it stops or goes on some, not where it goes on any of them.
Do you really think that this high level government secret bureau bullshit will even touch your life? You are far too unimportant.
I try and tell people this all the time. They don't seem to understand their lives aren't that important. They somehow think that their day to life of going to work and coming home actually is on par with world politics.
>No one
Yeah, I'm sure serial killer mcgee doesn't want to ram you into a wall if you're not digging up dirt on the clintons. No one "important" cares, but there are certainly "unimportant" people who are pissing their sweats for the third time today in glee because they just realized they could probably mow down a crowd of children with an SUV while sitting in their mom's basement.
And also, according to the DHS, everyone here is a dissident/extremist of some kind for questioning any and all federal laws and policies and spreading distrust and doubt about those laws and policies. Being brought in for hefty fines and light sentencing by your own car for repeat copyright infringement, hate speech, etc is definitely in the near future. Someone always has to be made into an example, whether you like it or not. The powers that be are the powers that be because if you disagree they can call in a drone strike. Better to be fucked by a self-driving car than by a self-targetting missile, right?
How do you guys know what OP does? Did he post his bio here somewhere?
>Hey, the cops only care about crime if you're a politician/pedo
you know how many seemingly inoccuous things are either much more illegal than you think or probably cause for very illegal things, but don't seem to be so because the laws are unenforceable without mass surveillance and a legal system that lets information collected that way be admitted in court?
quite a few.
but i'm sure the cops won't drag you in for violating federal law, they don't do that unless it's child porn (oh wait, they just let you go in that case)
He posts on Veeky Forums. He's not important.
Stop committing crimes.
Very true, the only way to prevent tha gubmint from running haxx on your diesel shitbox is wearing a tinfoil hat, watching infowars for anti hacking tips and tricks, and building your own shipping container bunker
It might one day, yeah. For a lot of people it already does.
>everyone here is a dissident/extremist of some kind for questioning any federal laws and policies
take the tin foil hat off kid
rest of your post is pure nonsense
Vault 7 had some interesting bits where they investigated it so they could assassinate someone without it being obvious. Only newer drive by wire cars would be vulnerable.
They've been trying to find out how to.
Just unplug the internet connection and you're fine.
Oh, right, this is Veeky Forums where the average of car is in double digits, and it's perfectly okay for your car to be over the age of consent.
I imagine they're like an autistic kid that can pick up on secret government frequencies by starring at TV white noise.
I think your on the wrong board
Kek, you don't even need the CIA to buy a modern i-car Crossover, you just need a computer and a program. Nowadays car are rolling iPhones but they don't have any type of password or basic security. You can even download the program they use on the video and use it yourself to test it if you are skeptic.
>you don't even need the CIA to buy a modern i-car Crossover
if you are retarded enough to buy a modern pile of garbage where the """infotainment""" is integrated into the driving functions of the car itself, then yeah, i would see where this is possible.
if you don't have autism & you have a car with a radio/head unit that ONLY functions as a radio/head unit & isn't integrated into the functions of the car then there isn't any way for someone to remotely control your car.
Friendly reminder that even if you buy an old car, they just hack Chad's brand new V6 Mustang and run you over. Better not have a phone either. Forget about old potato phones, they can still triangulate your position by signal unless the battery is physically removed from the device.
Good thing I drive a 25 year old land barge.
Any car with OBD system can be remote-controlled to a degree, how much you can control depends on a car model, model year, and manufacturer. Most car's cannot guided towards any destination, but what you can do is cause unintended acceleration, engine malfunction without possibility for braking or abs malfunction causing car to become uncontrollable and crash. You can also shut car down remotely if necessary.
>tfw i only drive 20 year old shitboxes
good luck gubmint lol
they might not care about our lives, but they care about the lives of people that have information that would prevent the govt from fucking us more
That depends on what car you drive. 90's sporty japanese car? You're okay. New tesla fagmobile or mercedes with every cuckassist you can imagine? Yeah, they can.
Absolutely true for many new cars. You're referring to two CIA assassinations via hacking Teslas. In new car the computer is often accessible via Bluetooth or other wireless protocol. Steering, acceleration, and braking are no longer mechanical on many cars. Instead, you operate the car via play station controllers where these things would be. On the new NSX these things communicate with the computer *wirelessly*. While this will allow for autonomous-on-demand cars it will also allow cars to be hacked and controlled remotely, either by the government or by Russians.
/pol/ damage controlling statement made earlier.
Keep on posting your memes, every day the same threads, the same comments, the same memes.
Keep on intoxicating these young autist minds so they can end up bitter and frustrated like you are.
seig heil sheep! seig heil!
>stop commiting crimes
>laws are the objective measure for what's right or not
>actually thinking this
Anything that has any type of connectivity, yes.
E.g you can connect with Bluetooth and shut off engine management, engage clutch or slam the brakes etc.
Only if it's a shitty car like a recent Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep product. Older cars can't be.
Thank you for your thoroughly refutation of his points. The internet could use more people like you.
Yes they can.
Yes, they can. There are videos of hackers doing it on youtube that gave talks at DefCon as well. I recommend you look them up. This was well known before even vault 7 however.
>Can anyone confirm this retarded nonsense?
It was proven years ago. I can't remember, but a writer for either Wired or Road&Track took a Jeep and the two hackers showed how they remotely attacked his car and turned it off.
And Jeep doesn't use OnStar. OnStar is the GM branded data collection and command/control service. But other car manufacturers also have their own versions.
>Can anyone confirm this retarded nonsense?