how hard is it to remove an alcohol interlock from a car?
How hard is it to remove an alcohol interlock from a car?
you can start by putting a gun in your mouth
They just do an relay interrupt on the starter signal wire.
Why do you want to drive drunk?
Did you get a DUI?
The only want to get a breathalyzer is to be convicted of DUI.
you can start by not being an alcoholic you fuck
They're usually spliced into the ignition harness. Find out where it's been connected, and run a jumper wire between the wires to bypass the device. A wiring diagram might help.
This doing this will most likely activate your car alarm. Also, the monitoring agency WILL know.
But hey, now you can drive without giving your car a BJ first.
I've had to do this several times when drunk dipshits like yourself bring their cars in for me to work on. It's not like I'm going to put my lips on that fucking thing.
It's easier to just use it. I had one for 12 months. It's a pain in the ass, but better than not driving.
We won't enable your alcoholic behavior
If you fuck with it, the company that monitors it will know when you do your bimonthly swap
Don't be a nanny. You fucking puss.
Useless drunk retard
Fuck you, I don't want your stupid irresponsible ass to hit me on the road.
What the fuck is that shit. Where do you live???
Maybe OP is buying a car and the previous owner had one installed? I've seen cars for sale with it. No sense keeping it if you don't legally have to.
They usually remove it once the drunk retard remains sober for awhile.
How hard is it to not drink and drive?
>I've seen cars for sale with it
Do people convicted of DUIs buy those things and have them installed per court order, or is it more like a rental? Hard to believe the company that makes/monitors them wouldn't want them back.
>not reverse engineering it to only start at your personal blood alcohol level when you've had a specific number of drinks
>unique anti-theft and nerd filter all in one
Court order, but you still have to pay to have it installed. And yes they will obviously want it back unless you want to buy it for some godawful reason
As easy as taking the whiskey bottle out of your mouth YOU ALCOHOLIC PIECE OF SHIT.
Here's a tip; If your alcohol level is legal then you wont have any problems starting the car, bud.
So many pussy white knights itt, fucking summer needs to end.
>be me working at quick lube and tire shop in western canada
>literally 95% of cars with the breathalizers have newfie bullshit on/in their car
fucking degenerate island
this, how fucking often do you need to drive while drunk
>in winter near spring
user are you drunk
Nah, they can put one in your car if you get driving privileges while the case is still being decided on.
Well my dad got one awhile back and his solution was to just buy a new truck, then sell the one with the breathalizer after his time was up...but he is much wealthier than you and I.
>He's perfectly fine sucking a phalic object that's wired into all his cars shit, potentially cooking the ECU if the company that made it is retarded
Don't bother taking it out. Sure as hell don't want your drunk ass hitting me on the road you fuck-knuckled alcoholic cuntbag.
Switch to weed and you won't have any problems driving.
drunk driving is genuinely, indefensibly idiotic. You cannot possibly drive well. If you think you do, you're fucking drunk and a liar. I don't give a fuck if you've had a bottle in your lips since you were 5, if you've ingested alcohol you have completely fucked all the bodily senses that are needed to drive a car properly.
Yes let's get behind the wheel of this 3000 lb death machine bearing the same mental acuity of someone who's not had any sleep for 72 hours. Nothing could possibly go wrong or present a unique scenario that your alcohol-riddled brain cannot deal with at that time, like hitting a pedestrian or another car. Nope. Everything is fine in your little steel bubble, you fucking moron.
tl;dr: i've heard those devices deactivate if you kill yourself.
Just use a raccoon bro
It makes me so happy that pic related is a fully sick VL commodore.
Triggered drunk retard detected
Stay off the road loser
>Don't be a nanny.
You drunk pieces of shit are the only reason self-driving cars are being pushed. You're the ones ruining driving.
Bullshit. The unit is leased. You can't sell one or buy one.
It's still safer than letting women drive
The ONLY reason? Are you fucking retarded or just a Fox News watcher?
No it's not
This should work
Gee I dunno, tear it out and then bridge the wires?
Holy shit that's pretty funny.
I wish I could drill a bullet into your head
When you drive drunk, you're acting like a selfish cunt by putting everyone else on the road in severe danger. Fuck you, I hope you crash into a tree and die
Just leaving it running while your at the bar
>Just leaving it running while your at the bar
I'd rather OP left it running in his garage
Oh wait he probably too poor to own a garage.
Can't you just use an air pump to blow in?
They have a timer that goes off after the first 15 minutes and then again every hour or so.
when i was a mechanic we worked on a few blowbox vehicles, they apparently randomly ask for blow tests while running as well as for startup
How do you work on them if they are going to require blows? I'd tell the customer no before sucking on their interlock
Harder than giving up drink-driving, junkie.
> Too drunk to drive
> Not so drunk he can't capture a goddamn raccoon
> Just drunk enough to think it's a good idea to capture a raccoon
> Too drunk to remember to dispose of it outside the car
Didn't Uber make DUIs obsolete?
but user, I want to drive my car to a bar knowing I'm gonna get smashed, and then drive back while shitfaced endangering the lives of literally everyone on the road.
You call the manufacturer and they give you an override code.
and how fucking hard it is to not drink and drive you piss-drinking moron faggot cock sucker? I hate the thrash who drive drunk I would love if police shooted to kill at every single drunking driving motherfucker piece of shite. Go fuck a duck asshole.
Picture: Relaxing driving beer. Nothing like a nice drive with a nice beer or two.
>how hard is it to remove an alcohol interlock from a car?
Why can't you get a large balloon and use an air pump to fill it with air. Then get one of those CO2 attachments that lets co2 gas out of those small co2 cannisters. Put just a small amount into the balloon to emulate the small amount in breath.
Attach to breathalyzer and blow some of that balloon air into it. Problem solved as to the source of CO2 air.
Remember to keep spare balloons in trunk and CO2 in safe place where sun or summer heat doesn't cause it to explode. You need a large binder clamp for the balloon to save the extra gas in it for use on the road if it requires you to breathe in again every 10 minutes. So don't let out all the gas in the balloon each time it is hooked up to the unit.
>I'd tell the customer no before sucking on their interlock
Put your mouth onto something with herpes or STD on it. Yeah.
>not wanting to get disfigured by a drunk driving manchild on the road is white knighting
>white knighting
Black Knighting is more popular from the way people seem to prefer those tales. Zooming up to the head of a line and cutting in is popular.
>Uber doesn't exist in my country
>Taxis cost the price of a case of beer for 2 miles
>I don't know anyone charged with drunk driving
>Tfw there is no such thing as a DUI here
>Alcohol makes me do everything better!
If it cooks your ECU then you can probably sue the company. Also most people wouldn't consider a small mouthpiece a phallic object, although in your case it the size might be comparable.
They give you extra mouth pieces. If it needs to be worked on I would pull mine off and hand the mechanic a new one in a wrapper.
Having a work permit and a blowjob buddy cut my fine on conviction in half.
i dont know about you dicks
but amphetamines makes me do everything better
they're the only basis for the bullshit safety stats they are using to push this garbage.
>get big balloon
>fill with breath before drinking
>get fucking wasted because you're a degenerate loser piece of shit
>get in car
>connect balloon to breath thingy
>deflate into breath thingy
>drive drunk because fuck other people amirite?
its harder than not driving drunk you selfish retard.
That doesn't work for alcoholics like OP since he drinks all the time before he gets into the car to get to grocery store to buy more booze.
If 85% ethanol were sold everywhere, creative minds would find some way to purify and remove the denaturing ingredients.
1. Be sober
2. Go to church
3. Never have to blow again
>get a portable hairdryer or some shit
>make it blow through the hose
Damn no wonder the judge wants you to stay sober
Hello Mrs Lovejoy. Give my best to the reverend.
Meanwhile, I have driven over the legal limit well over 1000 times. No at-fault accidents and never caught.
Don't take the law too seriously. Use your own judgement.
>alcohol interlock
The fuck?!
It's pretty easy, you just don't drive drunk. It's literally the default option.
Yeah I'm not doing that