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World of Warcraft general


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Remember to not reply spammers, any of them.


how dis make you feel dps bois

Faction-exclusive races are an outdated mechanic

>tfw you work on the afternoons+evenings which automatically makes you unable to join any raiding guild
I should probably just end myself already

>haha le draenei warlock and tauren mage are fine because only nerds care about lore



what if

hear me

what if the boss started with 3 bosses instead of finishing with 3????

Night Elf mages were a mistake.

what if
3 bosses
but each of them starts on their own platform
and you have to ride these wind currents to jump between platforms

Delete this.

>tfw you grind a key to 15 with pugs and your (undergeared) friend wants to run it "just for completion (for 3 hours)"

On one hand, fuck him.

>New resto druid traits combined with Brewmaster
Doesn't it essenttially let you use all your hots once then go into cat form and dps for the rest of the fight?

obviously blizzard doesn't so fuck you

dbm just started spamming this shit whenever i open client or /reload

tried looking through options but couldn't find a way to disable it, any help?

>Protection paladin is better for m+
>Brewmaster is better for raiding
>Don't want to play both
Send help

>token ran out last week
>sub this week because i'm forced to unless i want to miss a mythic+ chest
>it's a titanforged item with shit itemization that shares a slot with one of the BiS legendaries which I have equipped
>it's a HoV keystone

>switch between servers to do the event dungeon
>on one i have a naked blood elf female
>shes so cute i feel bad for not playing on horde

why arent blood elfs alliance

what if we had more dragon bosses? I don't think we have enough dragon bosses

Yeah, a change like that would probably alleviate the whole faction imbalance due to radials, but would really homogenize the variety of races you would encounter

>tfw have to share thread with virgins

uninstall them or enable them you illiterate retard

5 and a half this tier bro


what the fuck is this

ok it fixed itself
this shit wouldn't spam me before. and i liked being able to do old dungoens without constant BEWAREEEEEE-RUNAWAWYLITTLTEGIRL

whores trying to whore themselves out in every way possible

>legion is literally dude night elf architecture lmao
and once again blizzard learns nothing from their massive retardation

i can't fucking breathe holy shit

>but would really homogenize the variety of races you would encounter
Yeah it'd be a shame if Horde was literally nothing but Blood Elves.

night elf lore and architecture is some of the best
kys yourself orc babby

>NE architecture


>calls orc architecture overdose a massive retardation
>also gets called an orcfag
this really sends my synapses into a frenzy

what the fuck is that thing supposed to be? did an infernal have some hot steamy sex with a pit lord?

oh man


wouldn't it be great if


the wind currents randomly miss and throw you into the abyss? L ______O_________ L!

>3 weeks
>50 warbringers
>1 mount
>1 exalted shadow pan
worth it

why is m+ so comfy lads?

>mfw I want to kill HC Botanist but my PC can't handle his third phase

Dealing with 4 retards is easier on your mind than dealing with 15+ retards

>NH has been on farm for a month now

What am I doing with my life?

what ilvl should I be at to get green fire with ease?


Thanks user!

turn down Draw distance, for some reason Blizzard modeled most of the Broken Isle inside the Nighthold Instance

>tfw you will never arise as the champion of Waifu Whitemane

did they make the event scale with your level or something?
i remember at one point even during MoP it was so easy if you couldn't beat it you were better off quitting the game and playing something simpler like hello kitty island or something

>Realize i haven't looted the boss once since event started meaning i lost 200 loot chances so far
Please don't fucking tell me he drops the rocket

The rocket only comes out of the candy box

nah it comes from the box

every event mount comes from the daily bag you get for queueing up for it

otherwise you could just spam the boss over and over again since you don't get loot locked (in case you need the necklaces or some shit)

baited for this exact response

It actually would make a lot of sense for Draenei to be warlocks.

>tauren mage
That's the most balls on the walls retarded thing I've heard in a while, but I think that there are some grimtotem that are mages of some sort.

I think.

Oh jesus I almost got a heart attack

>merely pretending to be retarded, haha i showed those helpful anons what suckers they were
hmm yes my head, it pulses with activity
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes i see now, i'll stop being helpful and shitpost instead

No there's been no support for the quest since MoP other than disabling the title from doing the thing

>cucked out of weekly tanking slot for mixed server pug because friend of leader brought in his 2 M+/Raiding buddies who get to raid multiple days a week anyway

well, time to unsub or join a guild.

>can't use master loot/not get one fucking item in old raids without making a lfr group and get russians applying to your group all the time making that fucking noise

so basically what i said is still true then, if you have trouble doing that quest above level 90 you need to stop playing videogames

>The sunwell being destroyed and them freaking the fuck out and the only people who'd help them were undeads
>Kael'thas was such a fucking junkie that if the other elves also didn't do weird fel magic they'd get exiled (read: High elves)
>fucking jaina sperging out doing the shit she pulled with Dalaran

gee buddy, I have no fuckin clue

I'm still a few levels away from 90 there's just a cheap book on the AH and I think I want to cope it early

>make group private


post the best icons

That's for searching groups, not for letting people inside your group.
There is only one Portuguese realm and it's in the English tab.

don't waste your money
just go to the isle of thunder and kill a rare or two for the drop, there is literally nobody in there anymore, nevermind killing the rares

>that's a thing

Thanks again user. Guess I know what I'm grinding for tonight

just finished +12 VOTW two minutes too late

if my group didn't fuck around we could have had it


two minutes late of 3chest you mean?

can you share mythic mop lockouts to your other characters? i recall you can

>Authenticator required to transfer a guild

Yikes. Guessing there isn't a way around this?

>tfw have over 500auctions and about to go to bed
I hope they all sell so i make an easy 100k

Isn't it free?

how fucking poor and paranoid are you that you:
>can't afford either a physical authenticator
>have no smarthphone
>can't use winauth

>having to sell 500 things to make 100k
>not making 200k on a single easy to get item
wtf r u even doing....

you're a fucking cunt you know that

we did it belf bros
get in here

I make more than that from transmog runs fricking lmao

>gotta run mythic Nythendra and Ursoc every week for a chance of a high titanfoged BTI

great design blizzard

>falling for the smartphone jew

>All shield ahve shit models anyway so it won't matter for me either way

>avoiding the question
yeah, that's what i thought

there's two other options that don't involve a smartphone, retard


Don't you mean sis?

>transferred to sargeras during ICC to raid with seriously casual
>transferred back to blackrock during cata
>transferred half my characters to tich ally for pvp
>now blackrock is dead
>now tich is full of horde
>now sargeras is full of good players

>Try to improve UI
>Have to move weakauras cast times
>I have no idea how to move anything
Help Im dumb

>main prot warr
>enjoy it
>also start to enjoy fury
>4 legendaries into prot so the garbage legendary system prevents me from dual speccing

nice game

>sargeras is full of good players

thanks blizzard i really wanted my faction to be 99% blood elves instead of just 90%

i fucking knew i should have gone alliance when tbc hit

From what I understand. Looks like it requires having an authenticator for seven days, though.

Not sure how this answers the question but I appreciate the response.

>we fem human now

Just use elvui.

Thats why I got into this mess
I installed it and everything was ugly so I reverted it and now am just manually moving things and things just got worse

>too retarded to use elvui

>using elvui
kys reddit

>he thinks i use elvui

>finally leave my guild that struggled to kill H Gul'Dan for a week
Feels like a huge fucking weight has been lifted. Now to find a guild that is actually recruiting melee on Sargeras for Mythic raiding.

>melee on Sargeras for Mythic raiding.

>he play on Sargeras

I hope they reduce the size of female human weapons to compensate for this

what did he mean by this

can I solo mythic hfc yet with 700k dps

there is absolutely literally nothing wrong about this

>spent 1 hour farming for 100k
>this cuck thinks wasting all day doing all raids is more profitable
literally lmaoing at your life

Hopefully not.