League of Legends /lolg/

Penetration Edition

old thread: >Useful links
>lolg home page

>what the pros are building

>champion winrates and stats

>tool to quickly see who is in your game

>detailed info on each summoner

Other urls found in this thread:


Jarvan IV is a horrible example of misogyny in videogames.
His kit is heavily focused on penetration, with his dragon strike sundering his foes armor and it's ability to 'knock foes up'.
He heavily permeates rape culture, and it isn't just his Dragon Strike that is obviously supporting rape.

His shield 'Golden Aegis' "calls upon the ancient kings of demacia" to protect himself, Jarvan LITERALLY has the patriarchy protect his rapist ways and Jarvan's flag that he stabs into our mother earth is called the "Demacian Standard" so not only does he exemplify horrible overmasculinity with his focus on penetration and patriarchy, but he LITERALLY rapes the earth! and his flag's name implies this is normal for his culture, his RAPE CULTURE.

Not only that, but for his ultimate he rapes the earth so hard that he creates a huge crater, he DESTROYS the mother earth so hard that her vagina becomes a gaping ruined chasm - saying that unless you disfigure your partner during sex you are not a real man.

xth for manlets

Sneaky is better than your favorite adc player. Deal with it.

why dont we post lolalytics in theese ops, its more reliable than champion gg

also lolbuilder gives the best stats winrate wise when it comes to champions overtime/across elos

This is what riot sends at me. literally one win from never playing this game again and riot sends me this.
"pick me yasuo"


Why though? He literally cant do anything past laning phase

> Rumble is STILL a near 100% pick/ban
Gotta love that competitive variety :^)

Best girl.
Best plushies.
Best wife.

>engaging when you're down a back
he was pretty close though

t. silver surfer

>le lategame meme

How many champs should I be familiar with for my main role?

meow meow 1v1 me you wont

wow, this is like two good op in a row. what's happening? are people taking a stand?

it's ok, with our promo helper you'll get to g5 in no time, user!

>Ryze and Ivern both get doublebuffs

why hasn't Ivern been removed from the game?

I should have put surrender at 20 in there
Also InvertedComposers item optimizer tool

Leaguecraft is horribly outdated
Never been to League analytics but it looks like a god awfully laid out website

The Renekton is only good in lane meme needs to die. While yes he is weaker late game he still has the power to dive the back line and delete any squishy really fast while tanking damage for a bit as well.

Post 'em

But dont forget to rate 'em too


That promo helper shit is so dumb, you're basically gifted gold 1 if you just spam to get promos

>C9 are so much better than everyone else they dont even need to use Impact

>tfw im in shit elo
>people down here threaten to report me for lethality miss fortune claiming "its retarded adc's like you that keep me in elo hell"

2-3, depending on their banrate for your elo. If you only play super niche shit like Shen or Xerath, you can get away with 2 cause they are never banned/picked. More popular pick/bans like Camille/ Darius/ Lee Sin would mean you need to know 3 or 4 just to make up for them not being available.

Doublebuff? What doublebuffs?

I dont get the meow meow meow

you get used to the layout, its not that bad

Its mainly good for looking up runes/item builds/generic winrates

I use lolbuilder when I want to see a champions winrate in certain elo/or their winrate late/early game etc

pro builds is imo a huge noob trap. I often see people building shit like runaans first item and when I ask them why they say they got it from pro builds. even though you always need to go pickaxe/bf into runaans for maximum potential as an adc bare some very niche cases

well its kinda meh art but at least its new comfy bfs~

good luck, i've been trying to get them to explain it to me for years

Say it's retarded people like you that can't get out of elo hell

fuck off you retarded faggot

>xerath is now super niche

Is he underpowered or what?

As long as Renekton can gapclose farther than a fucking Caitlyn ult, stun the garry for 1.5 seconds, and .exe delete them from the game he will always be useful. Sure other champions are more useful at this point, but Renekton isn't useless.

holy shit contractz hit a bind you monkey

Does anyone know any good client side skin programs? I used to have one, but I forgot what it was called when I got my new computer and can't find it again. No reason to give Riot any more of my money.

hey, why are you so mean?

its funny because ill ult and cap an easy triple or quadra and the response i usually get is jaded shit like "wow imagine if you actually built right mf"

are you sure you don't mean champion.gg as well (i haven't been to probuilds in forever)?

champion.gg only show completed items in their builds, and then i end up supporting people rushing zeal item and zerkers with 0 ad and REEEEE


>Ray teleports in twice to do absolutely nothing

what the fuck is that equalizer?

>NA everything

>post yfw the state of Team Liquid

>Play Xerath in D1
>Team asks if you're a scripter every single fucking game
>Enemy team calls you a scripter every fucking game you do well in.

This meme needs to die.

>EU is unironically for another year, better than NA

usually its probuilds, i believe theres an item set injector that works with probuilds and people blindly follow that shit

He has a super low pick/ban rate, especially at lower elos (which is what I expect a person asking for this kind of advise would be). I think it's the mobility creep of everyone else and the popularity of junglers and mids that can easily gap close on him.

>play xerath in gold
>team never groups or follows up on poke

Now, let's think about what animal this is supposed to imitate...

Hmm, sounds like something quite common doesn't it? A mammal of some sort? Ah yes, a mouse, no wait, a cat, yes, a cat indeed!

Hmm, where do we go from here I wonder? Maybe we could speculate how cats are related to some kind of mockery or insult? Tough question isn't it? How the sound a cat makes is related to making a fool out of you...

There's some mind on the tip of my tongue... p... p... prick.. nah... poon? Guess not.... pu... puu... could that be???


I want to eat Daisy

Xerath is like, the only mid i play and im shiny bronze.

People down here do the exact same thing, im convinced its because some ebin streamer started it and theyre memers

>play xerath in gold

But he's the one meowing, not me. Are you saying that playing a one-dimensional bully like Renekton makes you a pussy?

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Yeah, his new shit is pretty unfunny and he comes off as trying too hard. I don't like reviewers and I sure don't like that Dunkey has become one, as well.

someone give reignover a good team because this is just painful to watch

It's equivalent to someone making a dare and then saying "what are ya, a chicken? ba gaawk" you dense dumb doofus

>Vlad gets AP for building health
>gets health for building AP
>builds both health + AP items
>damage that scales off both AP and health

Who mapped this retarded power scaling out?

Opinion discarded

Xerath is one of my all time favorites. He is still the only champ I have liked enough to get mastery 7 for, since nobody else seemed worth the dust to me.

Lethality or crit jhin


>Has 0 steroids in his kit
>Camille has like 97 steroids

Fucking useless champ desu


>Enemy Illinois gets ganked twice, and dies both times
>the third time, she gets a double kill and walks away with half HP

>tfw I'm pretty decent with Taliyah but I hate playing her most games

Anyone else have champs like that?

>caring about dunkey after he made some 30 minute hissyfit about league and how he was quitting and not making videos on it because riot wouldnt unban him because hes a youtube personality and then came back to it and created more content for it like the cuck he is

why though? could I get an explain

I haven't seen a player try so hard in vain to 1v9 since Bjergsen at 2015 worlds.

Jesus Matt's nami ults are a pain to watch

Are you fighting proper scaling tanks or squishies and tanky melee DPS?

>then came back to it and created more content for it like the cuck he is
He did? Shameful display

can't TL just dump goldengarbage and free pobelter from immortals


ghostblade into ie into rfc is usually what i do throw a nights edge in situationally

>TL had the option between Goldenglue or donezo man

They never even had a chance

oh fuck

>tfw only ever watched initial d first stage
>tried watching second stage but it felt so cringy

lethality is really good atm and the items have better build paths. shit like ghostblade active or maw shoiled also offer useful utility instead of just raw damage

i dont care if it makes me look like an autist, i just started muting all

its not even the feeding that tilts me, it's just the genuine retardation in the chat box

Even if TL did dump Goldenglue, there's no way Pobelter goes to play for Liquid.

And even so, Pobelter has just been painful to watch so far this split.

>Wanting 1.4 kda mid player on your team

Both are trash

Hi guys so I am new to this and am going straight into it ... last week I got suspended for14 days because of inentional feeding .. the thing is I DID NOT .. but because of the chat ban I took earlier cause of flame which is something nearly all players do ( ok nearly all ) on daily basis ( I dont flame unless someone starts so ) . So I was playing with yasuo vs a lvl 7 mastery lux (am maining yasuo but lux is very strong vs him after she reaches 6 ) she got first blood on me and xin goes crying "OMG GG" I cant reply cuz of the chat suspension ofc .. she gets a second kill on me and then xin goes all in flaming at me and requesting from our teammates to report me .. so we continued like this with xin refusing to gank me just because I ignored him or whatever .. I became 1/10 I cant do anything but watch this lux one shot ult me over and OVER AND OVER again .. all of my team were cursing at me.. while the enemy was destroying the nexus I sold all of my items and bought deadmans plate and tailsman of anchor + boots of mobility (didnt have enough gold for ludens echo or any otherother MS item ) and ran as fast as I can to lure the enemy away from our nexus ... a sacrfice my team didnt appreciate.. I got killed so my team can comeback but they just did nothing but they are back at it with more cursing and flaming .. I think if I were gold I would have carried this because my jungler will be good by then but riot placed me in bronze 4 (idk why I think there was a server glitch by then) ... after this while I was locking in my yasuo to try him as a support ( it doesnt work so well if you use tanky build ) I found riot suspension message ..... really riot ? I think this isnt fair and you should ban people like this lux for smurfing and xin zhao for no teamplay .. (and please fix the glitch where lux's ult can pass through yasuos wall it really annoys me ty)

Lethality is broken. Edge of Night is broken.

I don't. And I completely agree. His rant was absolutely stupid and was some shit you'd hear from a bronze warrior. I loved his old videos, however. Some of his new content after league was pretty decent as well, but I'd prefer League dunkey.

I am not fucking reading this.

>ray is season 3/4 darshan
actually kind of refreshing compared to teamfight comps every game
splitpushing meta when

where is this pasta from?

>lux is good against yasuo

plz stop playing ranked/yasuo in general until you understand why this is wrong

is Cloud9 the champions of choke? They always seem to throw leads.

sooo about Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums...?

get good

>be me
>get camped because enemy top is a baboon begging for help
>they kill me early with a gimmick gank, jumping past my ward using bomb flower
>the enemy top still can't cs against me
>they both blow flashes to kill me under tower
>they gank a third time, while I have two tentacles, near my tower and now me being level 6 (to his 7) I have my ult

>I land an E on the jungle, who is at 3/4th hp thanks to nujungle
>slam that R and deal 60% bonus damage to the enemy jungle along with my 800 normal damage
>gain double buffs
>the enemy dunce top laner got hit by two or so slaps as well, so he is now 500 hp about

>my storm surge sends me rushing towards him
>I mash W on his ass, catching up and proccing red buff
>he flashes, but we all know it's a shit spell used by babies so the red buff with storm surge let's me catch up

>my passive + red buff + death dance leaves me with half hp

>enemy top lane complains on lolg when he could have used less effort to keep moving so he doesn't get hit by tentacles

idiot retard baby

>Play Illaoi
>Somehow able to 2v1 regardless

z e r o d a m a g e r e n e k t o n

>Renekton past laning phase

Uhhh lolbabs?

This is bait, right?

Dicky Squeeze // The Dickstroker is in game right now

he'll start em up soon

later, we're watching esports.

>that botched dive by Ray
fucking wew lad


>Edge of Night on mf
>use it before ulting
>even is someone instantly flashes to me my spell shield eats the stun