/osg/ - Auto Sticker General

Auto Sticker General #207

Previous thread: >List of Vendors and Social Media

>/osg/ FAQ

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to Automotive Decals and Stickers

>Currently looking for:
>An internet lawyer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Idea Guys (Come up with Sticker Ideas, Veeky Forums club names, etc.)
Anons with artistic talent willing to make decals for free.
Anons with decal production equipment (Specifically Vinyl Printer Equipment)

Other urls found in this thread:


Due to a series of recent events, the /osg/ OP has been updated. Please take a read through the newly added pastebin. Any feedback will be recieved and considered.

Also, a friendly reminder not to reply to blatant shitposting.

Please remember a thread will thrive with quality posts and ideas. Post your stickered cars, post well formed ideas, and well thought criticism.

Thanks Anons

>the autists on full damage control to try protect their safe space
now just wait for the irs to contact each 'store owner' listed in the pastebin :^))

Man we just want to have fun and make/talk about stickers, what's with you guys?

>mfw I'm legit now
>mfw I have to pay taxes
Feels good and bad.

I think this is the same car, found it in a photo thread a while back, had to save it. Good shit.

>LoveLive! Sunshine!! uniform
>blonde wig
>not styled as a Mari cosplay

What's the point of that?

Is it a ton of paperwork?

still having trouble finding a nice font for the main part, but I did change the nip

Proof that a proprietor of a business is using Veeky Forums as a platform to advertise and promote his products.

Enjoy a permanent ban shit stain. Theres a reason the rules exist.

Will this came out as diecut? Looks pretty nice fampai.

>sole proprietorship
IDK how it goes in Canada, but in the US, you're just leaving your personal assets vulnerable with unlimited liability as a proprietorship.

Whats a Mari? We just told this person to dress up that'll look good next to cars.
No not really, took me 30 minutes to complete and 60 bucks

>We just told this person to dress up
why would you want a guy dresses as a japanese school girl to pose next to your car? its the same tier as that old asian chick in red bikini

>Whats a Mari?
This character from lovelive sunshine

Re order of these wen

tossing up between die cuts and slaps
still need to tweak both a bit though

well thanks dude, got it done quick.

and who do we have to thank for that?

>I can't do it so nobody can

fuck off hoon, you're more autistic than most of the anime slaps ever posted in osg.

the mentally ill circle jerking autists who reported someone they dont like for advertising while trying to hide in the comfort of their own AGAINST SITE RULES safe space?

Good grief, hoon. You're like AIDS, you never go away

>business activity
>not "selling anime meme accessories"
Come on man

These are going up first come, first serve when I reopen. I'll resupply as soon as I need to I guess.

imoutodreams a CUTE!

I want to get a banner across my windshield (that has a little tint). Who does this and how much does it cost?

I'd have some dumb sentence on it, of course.




one butthurt faggot got in. The rest of us are fine.

He's going through puberty, just let the kid be.

oh I thought they were all spoken for already

Anyone make slaps? Robust? Notori (ded)? Yummy? Vodnik?

fucker tried to get us shutdown and he's gone off "reporting" us to the- IRS, mods, FBI, CIA, LAPD, the army, Pizza Hut, RCMP, the navy, Campbell's Soup Co., DMCA, SAS, MI6, IRA, ISIS, et all.


Someone got reported just cause he wanted to earn a few bucks selling FUCKING STICKERS online??

How many fucking jealous Jews are on this board?!?
Now these poor guys have to pay taxes on the thin profits they make off of these stickers what a rip >:(


Try again faggot
I've been reporting you shit dogs since week 1

The autists selling $18 stickers dont any competition in their against the rules safe space

>implying the gubmint gives a fuck about anime stickers
You guys really are retarded

Kansei + Waifusquad in pastebin?

What do the hats look like?

I'm still waiting on some actual photos, but something like this.

ayy lmao got my stickers from speedmaster thx senpai


You guys blacklisted my store for telling someone that I changed trip codes and you guys are still trying to act like I did something to warrant a spot next to people that scammed you fucking faggots?

Damn fucking right I'm going to fuck your shit up. And now, there are others in here doing it organically, just like previous threads.

If you push out one store, that is unfair. Either allow everyone, or no one, don't fucking pick and choose, you fucking fag.

And nice job registering, now I can literally show proof. Fucking dumbass.

And now everyone can see that ProjectHoon was blacklisted for telling someone about the fact that he changed tripcodes, FUCKING NICE.





By the way, don't forget, I have proof of you, Bryan Nicholas, saying you sent shit to my address, after the pathetic people in your circle jerk doxxed me, and you know I have no qualms mixing the internet and real life, I will get shit done just like I've gotten done on here, I made my stickers, I sold my stickers, and I sent my stickers, I am a legit vendor of stickers, and you are trying to stop that on a fucking PUBLIC board.

Nice job removing your direct links to stores and now just having a pasteboard with all sites, it'll be much easier to report now.

Who knew selling stickers could be so much fun?

glad to hear it m8, enjoy them


You fucking faggots just posted proof that I can do it, and that I'm legit, and that you fucking faggots DONT WANT me to do it for the rest of Veeky Forums. Nice job, you fucking imbeciles.

Hey everyone go read why I was blacklisted.


You got banned for being an autistic shitlord now shut the fuck up.
You tried to make stickers, no one liked you, so now leave, get over it.
Not everything goes your way in life kid

This is the acumen of /osg/ stores

>newguy comes in, has the funds to print and ship
>prints and ships out stickers, that people from OSG bought
>all the faggots decide to push out competition that is making sales, trying to decide on behalf of the community what the community can or can't buy
>report his store for advertising en masse when telling him he can't report them because it's unfair

Nice fucking job. Show /osg/ how pathetic you autistic fags are why don't you.

With that attitude, I am suprised you weren't doxxed sooner

So being a vendor that you don't like is reason for banning said vendor, I don't think YOU realize how the real world works faggot, people like me come in and shake things up for a reason, and the fact that you had to change your entire general for this shit, from some autistic shot lord as you put it just shows how pathetic your little seekrit club is. Just keep showing the community your true side, I started off with mine, I was transparent, and you, you were hiding from the community, well let the community see it all now.

Okay. Go cry to mommy. Please leave this is neither sticker related nor car related. You dont care about cars and you dont care about stickers except for making them why the fuck are you here.

hahaha is this guy fucking serious? is jus stickers, why u hef to be mad?

If it's just stickers why would they blacklist him?

Friendly reminder not to respond to hoonposters.

> I'm crying after this, I'm laughing really, at how hard you're trying to run a seekrit club and overcharge people and brag that this is a sticker community for passionate people to make low cost stickers, which you've now removed from the OP, nice job :)

why wont you guys buy my stickers

from the FAQ
>If your store and designs are not well received and you begin to degrade the quality of threads, you will be blacklisted without notice.

really makes u think

I'd cop one if I hadn't just bought a new hat and was looking at a second new hat in another week. I suppose I would be a shitty tf2 player if I said I had too many hats though...

I could be wrong, but I think part of it is that most stores here started out by selling designs made by other people in this thread rather than immediately starting out with their own shit (Excluding people like WAT racing). Hindsight 20/20 but you probably should have started out by doing that honestly.

The problem is his attitude, not his designs.

There are plenty of other stores around here with shitty designs, but chill owners so it slides

That doesn't matter, it's my business and I made a product that I wanted to offer to people. People from here bought said products and that means I have a product people want from here to buy for themselves. It is as simple as that.

The fact of the matter is, these few fags are ass mad that I am doing something and not giving up on it after 2 days or 1 day because they think that's autistic.

This is what you fail to take into consideration here. What the fuck is wrong with me for being a legit vendor? Nothing. People are still to this hour buying my things. There's nothing bad or wrong about that.

What's wrong is not allowing your competition to sell on the platform, and blacklisting the,, BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE THEM OR THEIR DESIGNS, but you're being the person choosing on behalf of 200k active members on an anonymous website. That is unethical and immoral. That is what /osg/ is doing.

Do you not understand this?

Oh no some general on Veeky Forums is being immoral? Holy fuck! It's not like you can go sell somewhere else or anything.

That's a shitty way to justify being a dick to someone

Hey neat, that's my car.

I mean, if you pay the extra shipping + $2.50 I can ship it in a wooden crate wrapped in a chain a lock with the key sent separately.

I usually lurk. This is my 2nd time posting. But hoon is just getting so annoying that it's not even funny anymore. Who the hell runs a "brand" and takes so much shit to heart. I don't get it. People are assholes, big deal. Ignore them and keep doing you. But instead he spergs out and passes all over himself and /osg/ like they're the only thing that matters.

You ever stopped to think that maybe it's not your store, but your attitude that got you disliked around here?

I actually like some of your designs but would never buy from you because all you fucking do is whine. I mean seriously. There comes a time when you need to take a step back and view what's going on and that it actually may be you that's the problem, and not everyone else.

Your car is dope my dude. Any plans for it?

That's gorgeous man, super clean.

>Honda in 1 pic
>Toyota in the other
dafuk nigga

Fastback lives matter ;_;/

Yes, actually.

None right away, but I want to restore the body, has some rust I don't like and I want to replace all the old parts. Needs an update on suspension for sure.

The transmission went in it recently so right now she just sits. I figure if I have to replace the trans, may as well just do the engine/trans swap all at once.

Hey thanks!

I lost all my old pictures when my external died, I had so many I could've shared. Didn't have any backups either.

The few above are the only ones I was able to salvage, and the only reason I could was because I had posted them to Veeky Forums previously and I scoured the archives to find them again.

Once it gets warm I'm going to wash it and wax it, even though it can't go anywhere, but I want to keep it looking as nice as possible.

I also have an 83 Supra. Pic-related.

Good, don't buy from me, but that is still not a reason to not allow me to sell here. Until you find a reason concrete enough, like I scammed one of my buyers, then you can do so, but I have not scammed anyone. My attitude is my attitude, it doesn't dictate how many people like my stuff and buy my stuff. If you don't understand this simple concept then there's something wrong with you. I've literally told you that my attitude is what it is, I don't like giving up, and I don't back down. If you can't appreciate that, don't do business with me, but unlike your spineless self, there are people here that do enjoy those qualities, but it doesn't even come down to a store owners attitude. If it did, I fucking hate Shitboxmeme you know why? His attitude is to not allow new people into a seekrit club because he doesn't like the fact they told someone they changed their trip code. Do you know how pathetic that sounds?

Take some time, reflect, and then try to come up with a reason, or something I did to be blacklisted next to people that scammed people in here. Pro tip, I printed my stickers, I shipped my stickers, I didn't scam anyone.

I am for all intensive purposes a vendor, and if the reason they don't allow me to be sell here is that they don't like my attitude it just means they have no qualms with my products, as you've said, so they are directly influencing customers who are buying my products and doing damage to my business. Not to mention, they are advertising on Veeky Forums, and making money off of it. Which is AGAINST THE RULES. They should be buying self serve ads instead.

Until they can give me a reason why I can't sell here without being reported by the very people who sell here, I will not stop this. What I'm doing is simply levelling the playing field, that they tore up. I am doing no wrong, and with that, I'll continue to report until this general is shut down for good.

If I can't sell here for preposterous reasons, no one can sell here either.

Good luck with your baby, I'm hyped to see more nice pictures of both of them.
You should back up your stuff more when you take such nice pics.

user suggestions series is up for pre-purchase use "SECRET" for free shipping

buy my stickers thanks

Looks like a beautiful project.

I wish you the best of luck

Lmao that comic strip one, a+

but wai

If you buy mine I'll buy yours

Line number 2 of the FAQ:
If your store and designs are not well received and you begin to degrade the quality of threads, you will be blacklisted without notice.

There's your concrete reason pal. Youve done nothing but shit up these threads with your drama. You can get blacklisted without scamming. Did you even read he FAQ before spewing out that whole response?

Thanks mango. And yeah, I'm more vigilant on backing up my pictures now.

that supra decal is so fucking nice

finally some tanya

Are you retarded, that FAQ was not in place until this thread, holy fuck get your timeline right.

You can't change the rules because you don't like someone, lmfao, this post literally shows how even more pathetic it is.

And don't forget, global rule, NO ADVERTISING.

Hey thanks! just felt like that PTE strip was a perfect representation of the sticker community atm.

its gonna be in reflective just to make it extra annoying.

Stop replying to him.
It truly is
>not reflective stardust with dual layer words.
Smh senpai its like you dont want to sell $13 stickers or something.

I want that tanya but can you make it look good? Would cop if it looks better in print.

Anybody have any Dragon Meido peeks yet? I wish to peruse your wares

youre dead to me

But I like poking the beehive

Both my 85 and my 83 have it and both are in really good condition. I was really surprised as they tend to start peeling after so long. I think black Supras are complimented really nice by them. I had a black one on my white Supra and didn't like it as much.




>low cost stickers
>not ripping people off


Thanks a lot Kansei Project. These look great.
[spoiler] Britannia rule the waves [/spoiler]

Almost looks cheap on the white one, spot on with it on black though

sorry my dudes that was the facebook code.

this is the real code for free shipping on anything :^)


Here's some stickies I've been working on since I haven't really posted anything in a while.
Those shitbox stickers actually look great.
dat booty


Your Supra is cool

Are you being serious? Cuz I'll buy this shit my dude


yes im always serious use "FAGGOTHOON" for actual free shipping. everything should be here in a week hopefully.

>selling things without having stock

that's what you guys ripped on me for, and now you do it, top Kek.