Car crash happens right in front of me

>car crash happens right in front of me
>leave the scene

>not taking pics and posting them on indonesian dog collecting board
what are you doing user

>chilling at a red light
>2 bikes crash into each other

>car crash
>people already out of their houses/cars helping
>occupants look pretty fucked up
>park my loud shitbox for a smoke and watch the yelling
>start thinking about how fast i go down mountains and not crash yet

>Car crash happens in front of work all the time
>Officer always comes over to ask us if we've witnessed the accident
>Always reply "Nope, I was tying my shoes"

Just happened yesterday

>busy highway
>spare wheel lying in my lane
>casually swerve past it going on the emergency lane
>car behind drives into it head on
>hit traffic jam 5 minutes later
>order groceries online

>driving down the interstate
>tailgater riding my ass in the right lane.
>coming up to 45 mph turn
>spot some black ice as I enter the turn
>let off the throttle and use a little bit of brakes as I enter the turn
>tailgater nearly slams into the back of me
>In my rearview I see that he swerves, does a 360 and crashes head on into the barrier.
>I just continue to drive as if nothing happened.

>guy runs red
>smashes into ROW car
>have dashcam on and filmed it
>left anyways because I have an exam.

>run over homeless woman
>keep going
>get home
>fucking blood all over my front bumper
This weekend was shit.

>>run over homeless woman

Thank you for your service.

t. retail worker

>have dash cam
>accident happens in front of me
>save clip and go home
>post it on youtube
>say in description i pulled over after it stops to provide evidence

>driving through country road
>Going good pace
>Van that is known to have an asshole driver with catches up to me
>Tries to over take on straights too short for him to do so
>He is laying on the horn at least 6 inches from my bumper
>I was going to let him pass but he is being a cunt now
>Pick up the pace
>Go wide on a corner that I know always has gravel on the apex
>Van man hits the apex
>Notice his headlights disappear off the road
>It is over a 100 foot drop straight down
>Don't stop, no one else around
>See it in a wrecking yard a couple days later almost folded in half
>Everyone speculating what happened to it
>It's all over social media
>Guy is barely alive, can't make a statement
>Never tell a soul

Homeless women are like unicorns where I live (Miami). It's all dudes.

Hey come in the stores?

All I'm imagining right now is, oddly enough, that diesel engine roar from an old Ford Transit...

Where do you work that accidents at your job are that common?

Doing God's work user

>driving down mildly twisty road at night
>see flashing lights ahead behind a curve
>slow down for traffic
>car flipped into ditch on fire
>emergency services already there, firemen putting out fire, people being loaded into ambulance, police there to manage traffic
>mfw at least 3 people in front of me pull over and rush out of their car to try and """help"""
>can see how visibly upset the emerg workers were getting at these "HEROS" trying to help.
>mfw one of them parks in front of the ambulance and blocks it in

Try the gasping intake howl of 3.0l diesel hiace.

He's prob Russian or something. Car accidents are a spectator sport over there

>car crash happens right in front of me
Last time I was the witness, I apparently was the sole witness since everyone else minds their own business. The defense pleaded not guilty. To win their case, they play the "Kill the Witness Game" just like you've seen on TV crime dramas. They try to discredit the witness and subpoena your shopping records to look for drugs and alcohol use. And lots of other dirty things. SInce it is in court, it becomes public record. The defense knows if they can embarass you enough, many witnesses avoid further embarassment by becoming forgetful about the incident's details. That's all the defense needs.

After that, I refuse to be a witness to anything. I just pretend to not see or not remember or have blurry memory. Lawyers suck. They don't care about the truth and only care about winning.

>Where do you work that accidents at your job are that common?
Any business with windows onto an intersection where people like to run red lights can see accidents. If I worked at such a place, I'd be tempted to put a cheap camera in the window to record the activity.

At intersections with lots of red light accidents, my city installs red light cameras. They really do cut down the number of red light runners. It's too bad there is no way to stop homeless from crossing intersections against the red light. They just keep on walking across. You can't beep the horn because they might hit your aluminum hood with their fist.

ITT, bus riders.

>Driving home from work on interstate
>High wind warning, 60+mph gusts
>Pickup a mile ahead is carrying loose firewood
>Suddenly chunks of firewood flying everywhere
>Semi trucks driving over pieces of wood, cars slowing down, pulling over
>Paul Walker my way around the pieces of wood everywhere
>Do this 4 times over about 10 miles until traffic is clear except for one semi
>Pull up next to semi and look at driver
>He points at the truck and shakes his head to me
>Get up to 110 and roll down window next to pickup
>Guy just nods and gives me thumbs up
>Speed off ahead of him so I don't get a chunk of wood through my skull


If your state is progressive, it may have a website page to report highway problems such as litterers, fake license plates, fake tabs seen, illegal car mods, odometer fraud, etc. You can attach a video of the problem along with a clear shot of the license plate.

They cannot convict solely from your eyewitness video and photos, but they can use it in any related cases with that offender. The state does send a letter to the offender for littering suggesting a trash receptable be used. It's a $2000 fine to be caught littering if the police see it.

>Be me 2013
>In the field one day just running security
>I'm on the gun of the Humvee
>We're told to hold up because new orders are coming in
>Watch the road
>One car crashes into a family crossing the road
>Another car crashes into the car that crashed
>Three more cars pile up
>Someone on a bicycle falls over next to us
>Nearly gets run over
>Orders were to just turn tail and head back to base

They can't even drive. No hope for them when we pull out completely

>Any business with windows onto an intersection where people like to run red lights can see accidents

Yep. One of my old jobs was a few floors up in a building next to a major intersection. Just about every week we'd get to see some moron try to run the light and get creamed by oncoming traffic. The day we had a bad ice storm was pretty entertaining too.

>someone on a bicycle falls over next to us

Same here. Not quite at the intersection but close enough to occasionally hear a *kkkuuuhhmmm" sound of a collision. Any type of tricky intersection that has long straightaways feeding or fed from shopping malls has a good chance of teenage drivers running red lights. That's where you get some accidents.

>Nobody beats Kurt Wylde.

Sounds fair to me.

>pass shitfaced guy on the street
>it's 3am and he's sat slapping the ground
>no benefit to me to ask if he's ok or not

Why bother?

Lmao "I'm gonna pass you"

>driving down highway
>pretty busy, there's traffic, but everyone's still going at least the speed limit
>car in front of me lightly brakes
>then straight up slams their brakes
>I hit brakes and slightly swerve right after checking lane next to me
>SUV behind me must have shitty brakes cuz it's not slowing down
>slams into divider to avoid hitting other people
>becomes another victim of the 4+ car pileup
>friend and I laugh uncontrollably at these idiots
>"should we see if they're okay?"

happened to me twice
>stopped at light
>car turning left and car going straight both ran a yellow and collided
>i drove around them and fucked off
>driving a company truck too

second time
>walking down street with takeout lunch
>car gets tboned basically right next to me
>collides into power pole almost taking me with it
>both drivers get out and start yelling
>i casually walk away as if nothing happened

what the fuck am i supposed to do anyways, call the police and wait for those fat asses to question me for an hour? i got shit to do

>Driving home at night on freeway
>Magic rolling tire appears in my lane
>Swerve to avoid successfully
>Watch my rear-view mirror as the tire jumps up and slams into the windshield of the car behind me.

>friend and I laugh uncontrollably at these idiots
>"should we see if they're okay?"

You're going to try

>car crash happens right in front of me
>failure to yield
>slight minor t-bone
>stay at the scene
>check if the drivers are alright
>guy who caused it tells me to fuck off
>tell the responding officer what happened
>man who caused the accident accuses me of causing the wreck
>officer believes him because accuser's car is nice and he wears a suit
>i'm wearing an oil stained white shirt, sweatpants, and slippers
>just went out to get breakfast at mcdonalds
>cited for impeding traffic before AND after the accident
>my car wasn't pulled over to the side of the road when I was stopped to help
>officer didn't want an argument with me
>says to deal with it in court
>now have to fight the citation and defend myself in court
>never been cited before
>also received court summons a week later from attorney of the driver who accused me
>their insurance company also called on me
>being sued for restitution
>no knowledge of how to get a lawyer or court defense
>all I wanted to do was help and eat a mcgriddle that morning

see this is why we don't help people

This is why I have a dash cam

>trying to turn left onto two-lane road during heavy traffic
>car coming from my left stops with a gap to let me through
>begin to creep forward and try to look around the car in front of him to see if there's anyone coming from my right
>see someone coming, stop without obstructing the far lane
>someone coming from my right sees me trying to get through and brakes to let me in
>gets rear ended by pickup truck

>see a rear end accident
>They're pulled off to the side
>Both parties just chilling behind the cars
>See pic related starting
>Nobody in the wreck is looking
>Have fire extinguisher but keep goin

The fire rises

I don't blame you, even police officers ignore vehicle fires despite having extinguishers.

I probably hate you so I'm glad you're miserable

that truck driver was littering
highways around where I live have a penalty of $25,000 just for littering.

even if its just a little piece of paper, they will fine you

non of that matters, its just slandering at that point which I think is illegal

plus what matters is you were there to witness it, non of what they say matters since it has nothing to do with the case

Had the same happen to me (the spare wheel part), just, some faggot was tailgating me hard.

He never saw it coming when I swerved around it, and crashed right down into the field on our right. I just kept going.
Fuck tailgaters.

>The cunts then go home and post all over their social media how humble and helpful they are

Last time I saw an accident right in front of me they left their car running, meanwhile its squealing so fucking loudly cause the belts and pulleys are rubbing right against the crushed in front of the car, and there's steam everywhere. My god, turn the poor thing off, have mercy.

Didn't their airbag system turn the car off? When they fire, the computer then shuts the car off.

holy fucking kek


In many states, the things you say in court about participants in the trial are protected against defamation actions.

Fakest shit i've read, this is just some autistic hermit fantasy.

>2 days ago
>driving to touge
>person in front of me takes a left turn from the right lane, over another lane for whatever reason, ending up wrapping their car around another cars front bumper
>keep driving because fuck sitting around to explain to the cops what some retard did, which is easily explained by the tire marks in the road anyways

should've stopped and given testimony.
Not for the sake of the retard but the guy who got fucked over by the retard.

>be me
>driving down downtown on the main 6 lane road in summer, no traffic
>some silver e36 peice of shit zooms past me doing 3x the speed limit
>an cayenne is trying to turn into the road
>assumes that the beemer is not doing 3x the speed limit because who the fuck thinks of that and i'ts coming straight on anyway so gauging speed is difficulty
>beemer kind of y bones the cayenne, goes over 3 lanes straight into a post
>lady gets out of cayenne looks at a slight dent on her car
>as I drive past beemer I see 4 retards falling out of the car holding their chests
>retards had no seatbelts on
>smile as justice was done
fuck beemers and fuck retards who can't drive but think they're midnight club members

>walking to a music store in Korea
>wtf there's no decent effects pedals anywhere
>Step outside
>Woman gets btfo by a kiundaiwoo SUV
>"Holy shit someone should do something" I thought audibly
>head to the next music store on my list

Fuck that noise, I wanna rock.
