Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Akumas health is 1 not 3


see me in World fighter V I'll fuck you up with my South America setplay

What SFV characters big spoon
What went wrong?

Do you perhaps have that picture *with* the cat face?
I've been looking for it forever

You're not one of those "I hate SFV but I'm coming back just to try Kolin" people are you?

got you fgg senpai

>missed out on the initial kof hype in locals cause no pc version
>even if a pc version came out absolutely no one plays or evern cares about it now

What a shame

Here you go man. Fuck you bitch all you had to do was google search it

If it got ported to PC people would start playing

Anyone wanna play doa5lr on xbone?


I typed in a bunch of shit and I couldn't find it

SFV PC players, did you disable motion blur?

Still no beta code.

I like how there's no ugly yellow glow for ex moves.

I disabled all the graphics so the game is impossible

just got the 100k fight money for Kolin, how much extra do i need for the story costume?

Haters will be left behind!

That sucks man.

yes, and reduce effects to low.

Are you switching to black acnary

why effects to low?

because it makes the game look like shit

Any way to test frames? Doing any CAs or something in training mode?

Supergirl is always gonna be my most played and probably best character, but I do wanna play a lot of black canary on the side.

Whats fun about Necalli

I'm so fucking tired of generic 50% damage cinematic supers and these uninspired v-skills/triggers. I don't even want balance changes. I want variety in mechanics.

This game is fucking awful and boring and the only reason why people still play SF5 is because the Xrd community is awful and drives people away.


Anyone down for some endless lobby games?

bronze NA

how does someone who spend 15 hours a day playing wow get top 8 in xrd at evo

Come play BB.


tfw your friend playing leo finds out this isnt a special move

tfw this doesn't knockdown anymore


I think it's funny that TopGaren switched to PC rev and gets 1f delay consistently now instead of 3f on consoles online. How the fuck does anyone defend consoles anymore?



They rolled back the 5H change in the latest loktest no?They still kept the j.S nerf though

>The City of SFV
What the fuck is Capcom's end game?

I think it's funny everyone moved to PC and I got left behind with the rest of the peasants it's not funnykill me

>nip programmers
i'm more appalled that they couldn't code a fucking store backend. japan's so fucking behind in software it's laughable.

I have a cracked versoion on my laptop.

I disabled filtering completely, put aa on 2x, and put the post processing on low. So yeah I did. It never looked good anyway. If you play offline on ps4 you might as well.


there fucking commies

a lot of times they get releases ahead of PC

that has more to do with shitty business practices by sony than consoles

i have a 1070, my game on everything ultra runs fine but i thought motion blur was a disadvantage

Yeah, but at the end of the day it's still a significant plus for consoles, however artificial it is. I play on PC and I wish stuff would get released here at the same time. Hopefully Revelator 2 starts a trend.

2 hours till Topanga starts?

Haven't played in a long time, used to be a Karin main, what did they do to her exactly?

Try Giefs CA.

Anyone wanna play doa5lr on xbone?

I still think the v system would shine a little more if the neutral game wasn't garbage in SFV. The neutral game being garbage means you have to dash n mash 24/7 and v triggers just come out to be a more super version of that. So you're getting the same dash n mash play, but with 40% effectiveness. It makes it boring.

Yeah, the motion blu looks terrible and distracting. The screen already shakes whenever a medium or fierce hits.

some spergs still mad karin has no command grabs anymore and rekkas are locked behind vtrigger in sfv

ight, thanks for the response.

is gief a commie or did he fight commies

i need you kolin

I was talking about getting the frame perfect ( I think that is the correct term) tenkos with negatve edge or plinking. I guess you can still mash it.

Oh, I thought they changed her significantly in S2 or something.
Her hit-confirms were easy as fuck and you definitely didn't need to plink to pull of her "just frame" tenko. Only hard thing was landing some extended mid screen juggles and side switch mixups.

Besides the ingame music, do you guys listen to anything else while you play fightans?

Usually shitty edm

link something faggot

Don't play low tier user!

came in to ask this, I think so but wanted confirmation.

les rallizes

There is NO feeling that is worse than making it to the final round in survivor mode and losing to complete bullshit. I swear to god, there is lag offline implemented on purpose to fuck with you by Capcom.

Do the trainer stuff still work?

if you are logged onto cfn and play certain stages they lag even in offline modes like training and survival

>Do the trainer stuff still work?
the what?

Jwong thought it was hard and I only see Mago and Anbu punk doing the optimized stuff consistently.

>Tekken has better balance than vf

It's true.

Never mind, you must be on console.

Night Of the Assasins is good.

Both games have shit balance

Tunes like this that are chill but upbeat so when I lose (which is all the time) I'm too mellowed out to care.

I don't know if that effect hit me or if the fact it was a Geif I lost to that made me not care too much.

yeah i like the bassline in that one a lot

Yeah I was thinking the same thing my dude.

tekkens balance is pretty gud though

Its not
for when I go on losing streaks or grinding out training mode. faster tempo music helps me when I'm making a comeback but otherwise I'll get angry at myself for being bad

But I love Yoshimitsu way too much to leave him behind

In Tekken 7 only Gigas and Chloe are outwardly worse than the rest of the cast.

Is this edited.

yes it is

No, its not.

This is pretty good my dude.

Yes it is.

No, its not.

>leo best character in the game

Fuck yeah.

/gsg/ tier posting, kill yourselves

i hope helen sucks so i can be a special snowflake

>tfw a character clicks with you
>but learning new ones after is impossible since you know the first ones all buttons for all situations

you know you dont play leo


Look, even if you think her new playstyle is fine, do you not agree that it's fucked up to change a character to the point where they do not even resemble what they used to be even at a surface level? It would be like if they took Ryu and removed his fireball and DP. Those are literally the defining traits of the character that create what he does and how you play him. Karin was literally the rekka pressure mixup character that used a counter and a command throw to check your challenges against what she was doing and she has none of that anymore except for V-Trigger rekkas which are total shit and don't even work as well as her old rekkas.

Reminder to stop playing Kuso Fighter Jive

Fuck you Capcom. I've gotten to the final 3 rounds about 5 times now and still can't beat survival with Cammy on Normal. I'm so fucking frustrated, I just give up.

I kinda dislike the fact that the good version of our characters are held back in v trigger. Wish I got into fighting games during SF4's era.