League of Legends General - /lolg/

>Useful links
>lolg home page

>what the pros are building

>champion winrates and stats

>tool to quickly see who is in your game

>detailed info on each summoner

reminder to be nice to your support and help her ward sometimes!

comfy bfs~

heres the fruit of my 'tism

You're gonna have to accept it into you to play this bad boy properly

Xth for Katarina
best girl

What's YOUR reason for not being above Gold, PRIVATE?!

I keep trying to play things I have fun with rather than going adc to prevent a retard from getting it

a couple of games and im back in my series to S1

You misspelled cocksleeve

Janna is braindead stop spamming her and play a real support

xth for I'm lonely, I wanna kms