League of Legends General - /lolg/

>Useful links
>lolg home page

>what the pros are building

>champion winrates and stats

>tool to quickly see who is in your game

>detailed info on each summoner

reminder to be nice to your support and help her ward sometimes!

comfy bfs~

heres the fruit of my 'tism

You're gonna have to accept it into you to play this bad boy properly

Xth for Katarina
best girl

What's YOUR reason for not being above Gold, PRIVATE?!

I keep trying to play things I have fun with rather than going adc to prevent a retard from getting it

a couple of games and im back in my series to S1

You misspelled cocksleeve

Janna is braindead stop spamming her and play a real support

xth for I'm lonely, I wanna kms

If I want to buy a level 30 account, which is the safest way?

A few seasons ago I tried buying one but it was banned in like a week. It was one of those dominion bots so it was way too fucking obvious

Did someone save that pic cute support user posted last thread? I missed it before it was deleted.

i would give you cuddles and headpats if i could.

Maximum fun build for Urgot. Talking straight cheese.

>the bigger they are the harder they ________

I only played ranked to place and never touch it again

>stop dad, it hurts

What ability do you start?
Do you ever go warlords?
Thanks for the help, man


supports are not for lewd!!

no and she isnt brain dead shes my favorite support

Thanks user, I appreciate it.

Nidalee is for jews.

Daily reminder that Illaoi is best girl

Hey I kind of want to draw a Heartseeker Quinn thing for Valentine's day coming up. Give me some lewd ideas or any others you might have. I know I still have a backlog of requests, working on them when I feel I can do them justice.

fuck off june

SSW Talon and Ezreal playing the pocky game~

Quinn using arrows to make people fall in love with each other

Supports are ONLY for lewd
Unless they're strong manly supports like Braum or Thresh or Cho'Gath

I've got a fever. And the only prescription is more Star Guardian Janna art.

I start W if im against a melee, E if im against a ranged

No warlords. Your W heal increases with the AD you get off of fervor, not to mention all the bonus damage you get while mindlessly wacking some poor fool.

Sometimes I do go grasp though for a bruiser aatrox. For that I normally go mallet, titanic hydra, GA, etc.

>cute support user
I'm glad the name I gave her picked up while I was banned.

Sir, i am above gold, sir!

absolutely disgusting....

coming right up user!

I don't care enough about this game to bother getting good at it. Also I'm already diamond.


Did you know you had a 720x720 version of this desu?

Shit teammates, shit games, it's too frustrating putting in so much effort to 30+ minute games and getting nothing out of it, I gave up at silver.

At ease! Carry on, private.

i just noticed the goof heres another one >

Every %max HP ability is changed to %bonus HP

>azir is the meme pick again

wouldn't change much.

Who else stopped playing league for good a long time ago, but keep coming here for shitposting, lewds and best girl?

>nerfing yorick

glad to see you're back nice braum user!

>tfw came back to this shit game again

There is no benefit to going past gold.

>lethality ignite sion support in low elo

i like this version of shyvana
got any more?

what's wrong friend?

Have more but those are not allowed on a board for wholesome familiy fun and I can't be assed to give em spoilers in paint.

>every game you get an autofilled support
>every game the enemy adc has a support main
>every game the enemy jungler and mid camp bot

I fucking hate autofill so much

Champions who are still pretty strong but completely slept on and why

Twisted Fate

>TARGETED 2 second stun on a basic ability
>extreme damage to towers late game
>easily fits into a poke comp thanks to wild cards
>can use ult to gank the fuck out of other lanes or split push with impunity
>has a cool hatless skin showing his glorious hair and beard

I doubt anyone in this thread has better taste than me

Lets go back to old queue where NOBODY wanted support and would dodge without elo penalty until they found a lobby with a support player hours later

Vg vs vg?

My gf left me.

Why aren't you asleep? go put your head down and get some rest nerd

You can't get auto filled to support if you become a support main and queue for it.

It's 4 am here, can't sleep unless I'm exhausted.

that sounds like a dream

or we could just kill dynamic queue and just have regular ranked queue with the new champ select (no autofill) and then team 5s

but that would be too reasonable for riot to implement

>being a support main

autofill was implemented for a reason

>feed enemy irelia
>they go full damage and keep getting killed
>we win

>and would dodge without elo penalty

I know you're talking about losing LP, but you don't lose mmr from dodging.

Yordle boy fag
Did you fall in love when Kled was first announced and his voice clips were released
Also who is the cutest yordle boy in your humble opinion

>mfw that's one of the reasons i main support now

Who's pic related of LoL if there is one? A narcissistic psychopath that moonlights as a serial killer and is obsessed with beauty and perfection (i.e himself)


I wanna do that you you nidfag only turn it into a "balls" by running my index finger up your chin in a flicking motion. thats right we getting middle school up in this shit

Posting Star Guardian Janna?

no back before they changed queue so there would be dodge penalties and elo wasn't LP, you could dodge your heart out without dropping a single scintilla and it took years to get in a match in plat+

yeah so that they could support the shitty "almost ranked" that NO ONE takes seriously

reread my post bub, im queuing up for adc since adcs are always shit so I need one half of bot lane to NOT feed

and I always get the retarded "lol autofilled, time for teemo support without sightstone! xddd"

Jhin is pretty close, but I'm not sure if he's a narcissist.

2 lewd! janna is a pure maiden!

Psycho, moonlights as a serial killer, obsessed with beauty, that's definitely Jhin alright.

Jhin isn't exactly a psychopath, though, he's a sociopath.

You type like the biggest fucking fag dude. Shut down your computer and go to church you fucking homo

Who the fuck do you think you are?

I dont get it, whats wrong with the way he typed?

For only 2.95 a minute I will leave you; breathless ;)

I would, but I'm not welcome there, according to Christian/Catholic beliefs, I have better things to do like read your shitpost, and I'm agnostic.

Also, I like girls, but nice guess.

Almost forgot, here's your (You).

>yordle boy fag
I'd rather you don't confuse me with that pedophile.
I'd go with Ziggs as the Cutest sense he's so warily and excited. I imagine he does everything with the same glee and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

If you'd rather be a Power Bottom main you could play Kled support and just kill the enemy ADC like a real man.

its a joke user! a joke! she is also a wind mage! don't bully janna >


My apologies for mistaking you for another friend
I do agree with your view on Ziggs, he's just an aloof goof

Regarding sales, when do they occur for specific skins? For example, I saw that the Lux Star Guardian skin had a ~50% discount before, but the Star Guardian Jinx hasn't had one (as far as I've looked so far)? Weren't they released at the same time along with the rest of the Star Guardian skins?

Assuming you're a kled main, how do I into kled?

Implying the wind slut isn't a wind slut. Niggah pls.

i think legendary skins dont go on sale and star guardian jinx is one. i could be mistaken about the sales part though...

janna is a pure and lovely maiden pls dont spread nasty rumors user its mean

Her rate's a scam anyway, why bother when you could get fucked by Elementalist Lux's boots? The experience would be far better too.

Isn't the Project Ashe skin supposed to be this month though?

According to the February skin sales schedule, Project Ashe is listed for having a discount as an "early" sale. I dunno about the past skins/sales though but just wanted to know for future reference.

>Yasuo's wind wall can block lulu's whimsy
What the fuck is this bullshit

I want to breed a harem of Lux's.

why would anyone want that? D:

oh well i was wrong about legendary skins not going on sale maybe it's bc jinx's is too new? i know sometimes when they first come out they go on sale for a few days so maybe this is what happened

remove wind wall

I want to BREED LB!

>why would anyone want that? D:
Better question: why *wouldn't* anyone want that?

being stepped on by any kind of shoe hurts and stuff

Which form is the best and why is it Fire

>not magma