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I didn't even know that guy was dead.
Thanks OP.
& humanities was a mistake.
He criticized Judaism and Israel's actions towards the Palestinians?
Oy gevalt what a racist it's like another shoah shut it down!
Surely there will be no bias to this article
>it's inconceivable because I said
Is that nigger dead? Lol, brighted my day.
Please tell me the other Hitchens is burning in hell too
I know this is probably due to my cognitive biases but Jews really seem to like branding any critics of anything mainly Jewish as antisemites or self hating Jews.
But that Hitchen is a Christian.
Or is this because nonreligious reasons?
I don't know about that, the guy was an asshole though, for a far more satisfying hit job on him though
Zionism does not equal Judaism. First of all Israeli news is hardly unbiased and secondly all they bring to the table of his proposed antisemitism is that he didn't support Israel. Fucking Zionist garbage. I'd be pro Palestinian if it wasn't for that they are just as disgusting and Muslim to top it off.
Really? I thought they were both sinful atheists, the devil took the right one to his grave
He's dead since 2011, what the fuck user?
So not liking Judaism because he hated religion as a concept and criticizing Israel's terrible policies (some of which are justified through religion) make him an anti-Semite?
It's that kind of rhetoric that makes talking about Israel basically pointless. Not being a zionist doesn't make you an anti-Semite, and criticizing Israel doesn't mean you're doing it because you hate Jews. Sometimes there might be a connection, but the way criticism is Israel is usually framed is really not productive. Nothing in that article seemed anti-Semitic to me. It seemed entirely in line with the anti-religion, anti-extremist viewpoint Hitchens was known for. And none of it was hateful.
Yeah, fuck off back to
There's nothing /pol/ about me, or what I said. Do you just not liking hearing criticism of Israel? I know most Americans like to pretend they're an oppressed state that doesn't do anything wrong, but they're guilty of doing some pretty heinous things. Any time another country starts doing some of the same things, it's becomes an international controversy. Israel shouldn't get a pass because of convenient politics.
P1: Without settlements Israel will disappear
P2: West Bank settlements are against the Geneva convention
C1: Therefore the existence of Israel is against the Geneva convention.
C1 therefore the Geneva convention is antisemitic*
"He was an Anti-Semite"
He was anti-everybody user. He was also an incredibly intelligent and clear-spoken man. If you read God is not Great you will probably not lose your religion (if you have it) but you will choose to question it a lot more.
Okay but we're not talking "anti semite" in terms of "he doesn't believe the jewish god is real" we're talking anti-semitism in the form of hatred of the people and culture of judaism.
No, that would be C2.
Hitchen's had Jewish ancestry lel
It isn't antisemitic to criticize Israeli policy. Or to notice that only one side in the conflict in the Levant is motivated religion.
You'll have to find a clip where he says something as anti-Jewish as Sam Harris is anti-Muslim; something like
>Judaism is simply the worst set of ideas ever collected
before I believe he was antisemitic.
Hitchens went as far as 'west bank settlements are against the geneva convention'. Do you disagree?
Others argue that ending the colonization of the west bank is tantamount to the destruction of Israel. I don't know why anyone would think that.
Peter Hitchens is a conservative christian political commentator.
He's probably the last religious social conservative left in British public life.
I've met him personally and he's extremely polite and a gentleman.
>It isn't antisemitic to criticize Israeli policy.
Oy vey yes it is!
oy vey
Yes someone who was Jewish by Roman law and proud of it was somehow anti-Semitic. This kind of bullshit makes me want to browse /pol/.