SS13 - Spessmen on a Space Station /ss13g/

Last Thread:
Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>my feet hurt
>this nofruit discussion is too loud
>I wish I was playing ss13 right now

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:

First for spooky low pop bus.

second for remove hyperzine

that was fun, had a good spook

You just had to remind me decompressed died, didn't you user.


>>tfw someone will probably find my dead body at random, wondering why someone's in the maintenance tunnels, wearing an oxygen mask


You liking the game is great, but user, you cannot say shit about current rounds while its still going, you have to wait until its over to share your stories and shit, read the rules.

how to gib items

Oh sorry, I thought it only was in regards to things not already known on the general comm (since everything I did say here, including where I went, was broadcasted there).
Will shut up in the future.

is anyone else here gay?

What exactly is the difference between Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums station?


>he plays on VG
>he plays on the server where some admins run a metacomms discord and the headmin lets them

This is usually where I come in and use my bossy voice and talk about how you fucked up but you've already deleted it.

Rather than write a bunch of exceptions and ask players to memorize EVEN MORE RULES we keep it nice and clean and say no posting IC information of any kind outside the game until the round ends. Neat and clean.


Veeky Forums is related to Veeky Forums and uses the thread alongside its forums to talk/discuss, it has better players, better optimization, less but better features, more shitposting, less retardedness and is generally liked by everyone who plays here, even TG veterans.

TG is, first of all, not in any way, shape or form related to Veeky Forums, they are TG because they severed any and all ties to the actual board, dedicated themselves to reddit and are made of shitty admins, casual players who couldn't handle apendicitis or do surgery, have a bunch of features but none of them good, their department systems are much simpler and they boast attack animations, respawn roles and generaly other meaningless shit. Not a server anyone that has ever tried Veeky Forums would recomend, but if you want to try it out, its your choice, not a good one, but it is your choice.

helo tg

>he plays ss13
>he doesn't play lifeweb

>mfw TG "doctors" fix appendicitis with a toolboxing
>mfw TG removes appendicitis entirely because none of them can do surgery

>there is a Veeky Forums station
>there is a Veeky Forums station
>there is a /v/ station
>there isn't a /u/ station

>there isn't a /y/station
>there isn't a /zoo/station

>>there is a Veeky Forums station
How can someone type a coherent sentence if he can't read.

Veeky Forums runs d20

Whoops, my bad then. Hows the station, light medium rp, dead?

I love these.
Post more.

Dead most of the time, like 40pop at American afternoon

It's medium rp

Sounds nice, whats their codebase like, anything worth taking?

Veeky Forums is an anime server


I'm getting a new internet provider and a new computer, will that make me able to ban evade?

this post right here really just sums up Veeky Forums as a whole i think
any time another server is mentioned, the only thing anyone cares about is what they can steal from the code, not if it's fun to play there or anything, just what they can take

tbqh Veeky Forums a shit and Urist will always be patrician tier

The PR report:
Adds cameras to deff atmos
Disallows supermatter shards fro mbeing sprayed with invisible spray

Don't you know? Veeky Forums is /u/ station. You just have to talk to the right people.

It's open sores nignaga, you take what you like to add it to your own. We port from servers, other servers port from us, it's no big deal.

its not so much the actual porting so much as people's reactions my man
its like, the first thing anyone thinks is, 'oh, another server? what can we knick from it?'
basically Veeky Forums is niggers, is what I'm trying to say.

Thanks for doing that.

C*ders don't talk that way but you're supposed to hate them. Are you trying to tell me the thread is the bad guy all along? I refuse to believe it.

Name 4 /u/ couples on Veeky Forums

When people are just giving it away for actual free, why not consider taking a piece. If there's just heaps and gobs of swanky shit, well, maybe you'll convince someone to try playing there. But some people prefer to stick to familiar locales and bring over improvements, which isn't something I shame people over.

You have more of a case for niggery with the gooncode leak, which saddled us with the burden of their shitty GOONCHAT (or shitty implementation thereof, take your pick).

You seem to not understand how this goes, we are open source because we know we have good shit and can share said good shit, if other guys are in agreement with our mentality, we do exchanges.

Its like a coffee making company that openly shows how it processes its coffee and a chocolate manufacturer showing how they make chocolate, if they both agree to share trade secrets, the coffee guys now have a new brew and the chocolate guys have a new and better way of making coffee chocolate. It ain't niggering, its openly sharing and expecting to be openly shared with.

You're a worthless ambassador for whatever shithole you came from, assuming you even play to begin with.

>Open source
>We're a branch off an old open source branch of ss13
>People port shit from us
>We port shit from others
>People branch from us
Welcome to open source, where good ideas are shared among the communities.

Nice general.

Is this one of those griff and yiff games?

go play on hippie faggot


>Nobody stops Deimos
>They join in the mutiny
>Everybody dies but basically a scientist, the captain, and a super save the day assistant

It's more like being in a supermarket with sample tables everywhere.
99% of the time I'm not going to actually buy the product, but I'll still take a sample because why not? It's free.

You would do the same.


Somebody named themselves after a moon?

>Singuloose is blown up by a fuel tank
>It was starting to meander over to the AI sat

Who created SS13? Who started it all?

>tfw banned from Veeky Forums yet never played on it

Evadevx, dude doesn't really care about ss13 but is happy people enjoy it.

Who should succeed pomf when he steps down as host?

>have a bunch of features but none of them good
Hey the gravity generator is a good feature, especially when it gets destroyed and everyone is forced to push off of walls to float where they want to be.

I think I should because of the following:

pomf pomf ;D


Zealotron, he's well liked by most regulars and knows what Veeky Forums is all about, less rp and more fun


good meme

Jesus fuck
It's a clientside BYOND bug, but that's a particularly impressive manifestation of it

Unban morena and ban Kolith, fair trade?

Funny how all the dislikes are autists

What a terrible way to spend quads.


why the fuck hasn't kolith, pootis, or any of these faggots been perma lynched yet?

it's like a doctor cutting open a patient, seeing the tumors and closing him back up saying "Yep, all good here. You can trust me because I said so, the doctor."

Reminder all you need to do to get somebody banned is have 3 people complain to Pain.

go away solaros


Ckey? Me and 2 friends are about to file a complaint about you to the head honcho himself

Who is solaros, what do they do?

guy that metagrudged people and eventually got banned, says he did nuffin wrong

People bitched about him so Pain decided to ban him



why do you purposedly misrepresent their argument

It's both?


Literally changing something that isn't broke. the current sprites and simple and easily recognizable. What's the problem with them? None!

Kolith useless, changes things nobody asks for then asks his friends to upvite it for merge! He's even worse at arguing than somebody like pjb

So, we gonna keep playing "doing nothing": the round?

are we gonna keep icky ocky, the round?

The time suit is going to lead to so many good suicide bombings

>set a time spot to return to
>allahu ackbar medbay
>get out unscathed 30 seconds later
oh baby

Would you support porting Polaris loudouts?

>throw bomb with like 2 second timer
>teleport 10 seconds into the future
>Laugh over the corpses of others

>No Time Machine

>man who can't spell load out will port something

the timesuit is the time machine

The best part about it is when you create the reset zone, you're practically immortal for a good ten seconds so you could win any duel is you play smart.

>We're living in the time where [Bite the dust] can be done in ss13
Feels fine man

This self-shilling is embarrassing

>set out in an adventure to find spessmart
>finally find it an hour later
>a hivebot already floated in and killed a greeter
>get gangbanged by a dozen securitrons
Can we fix this?

But good luck finding someone who knows what they're doing and isn't too terrified of touching client prefs to try.

Snowflake shit will never get ported
Stop asking

If THE PAIN from MGS was in SS13, what would he do?

add another meme to the embarrassment that is Veeky Forumscode


every time

Sishio will never teach you the instacrit flamethrower mix

>tfw she's never coming back

>shitty doctors

>okay i got nothing here
>shitty doctors
so why are people still saying the server is going down the shitter if it's been this way for years

Fuck off.

It's not even funny, especially with all these new players. What if a couple of them take you seriously, and the metashitter/inarticulate, borderline illiterate shitmin actually does this?

Because now it's even worse, it's always been bad but it's been fringe cases everybody says is bad.

People legitimately defend the metaclub and their ban worthy actions, Pain outright bans people because his pals don't like them and he's the headmin so an appeal is impossible. Pomf also no longer cares about the server unlike back then when he did.

It's worse now for sure and the people that can see it don't want to do anything about it for fear of being banned.