Hitler was a Socialist?

Lets dispell this fiction once and for all. Was Hitler really a Socialist?

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Kind of

Here's a simple answer to your thread, OP, one that we've seen countless times before.

Did he or did he not have the biggest socialist in the Nazi Party and all his supporters killed as soon as they started making a fuss? Yes?

Then no he was not a socialist.

No. What little "socialist" policies he enacted were little different from the welfare capitalism policies present in modern day Western Europe.

Then they're both socialist



He was a National Socialist.

then so is america.
Real capitalism has never been tried

I don't disagree

Socialism doesn't just mean free university and health care

Only three things were important for Hitler: power, Lebensraum and the destruction of Marxism/Jews.

>Lets [DISPEL] this fiction once and for all.


>Was Hitler really a Socialist?


A national socialist, yes.

Nazis and Fascist in general were just big biz racket.

>Hitler killed yet another political rival on his path to fuher
>Therefore Hitler isn't socialist

No. He was authoritarian capitalist, although he had a few lefty policies.

Nazi Germany was not a free market, Hitler being a capitalist is literally USSR propaganda to discredit true capitalists during the Cold War.

>Ernst Rohm
>political rival

He was literally Hitler's right-hand man, you nimrod. Rohm was also the leader of the extreme left wing of the Nazis, and when he said things that upset the still-Prussian military, Hitler used that to purge them all from the Nazi party.

Some excerpts from The Anatomy of Fascism by Robert O. Paxton

Another supposed essential character of fascism is its anticapitalist, antibourgeois animus. Early fascist movements flaunted their contempt for bourgeois values and for those who wanted only “to earn money, money, filthy money.” [...] Whenever fascist parties acquired power, however, they did nothing to carry out these anticapitalist threats. By contrast, they enforced with the utmost violence and thoroughness their threats against socialism. [...] Once in power, fascist regimes banned strikes, dissolved independent labor unions, lowered wage earners’ purchasing power, and showered money on armaments industries, to the immense satisfaction of employers.

Even at its most radical, however, fascists’ anticapitalist rhetoric was selective. While they denounced speculative international finance (along with all other forms of internationalism, cosmopolitanism, or globalization—capitalist as well as socialist), they respected the property of national producers, who were to form the social base of the reinvigorated nation. [...] When they denounced the bourgeoisie, it was for being too flabby and individualistic to make a nation strong, not for robbing workers of the value they added. What they criticized in capitalism was not its exploitation but its materialism, its indifference to the nation, its inability to stir souls.

>black community
>liking the gay community

Where did this meme come from? Most black people are casually to extremely homophobic (at least the guys are).

t. Jamaican American who saw a gay black guy nearly got killed for walking down the wrong street

It seems like you don't understand how positions of power are established. You probably think Hillary got there by giving blow jobs and all these "accidents" are just that. Because they are. Accidents. Rohm shot himself.

Are you completely fucking retarded, or merely pretending?


Because the Nazis never even pretended they didn't outright kill him.

Hitler wasn't really against Rohm. Everyone else was.

Some more excerpts from The Anatomy of Fascism!

Hitler’s arrival in power seemed to permit, at long last, a return to majority government. Hitler was a godsend for conservatives because, as the head of what was since July 1932 Germany’s largest party, he held out the possibility for the first time of a parliamentary majority that excluded the Left.

At the moment when deadlock gripped the German political system, on March 27, 1930, the Nazi Party was still quite small (only 2.8 percent of the popular vote in the parliamentary elections of May 1928). But nationalist agitation over the Young Plan plus the collapse of farm prices and urban employment catapulted it in the September 1930 elections from 12 to 107 seats out of 491—already the second largest party. After that, any parliamentary majority in Germany had to include either the socialists or the Nazis. The Left (even assuming that the socialists, communists, and Left Catholics could overcome their crippling divisions sufficiently to govern) was excluded out of hand by President Hindenburg and his advisors.

The communists followed a totally different logic, based upon their conviction that social revolution was at hand. In that perspective, Nazi success might actually help the communist cause by setting off a pendulum movement [...] KPD strategists, focused firmly on the coming revolution.

They denounced the socialists as “social fascists.” Convinced that the SPD was no less their enemy than the Nazis er 1932.

For the SPD, the expected Nazi uprising would be their signal to act without bearing the onus of illegality, as they had successfully done with a general strike against the “Kapp Putsch” of 1920, when Freikorps units had tried to take over the government. Given that frame of mind, they never identified an opportune moment for counteraction against Hitler.

Yet they tried to bury his very existence.

you decide

>That is the aim that the NSDAP has set itself: to lift the terms nationalism and socialism out of their previous meaning. To be national can only mean to be behind your people, and to be socialist can only be to stand up for the right of your people, also externally.
>Hitler, 1928

Hitler was a socialist but he was not a communist or a marxist like the Bolsheviks

Yes, because it was very troublesome for the Nazis to have had such a high-ranking left winger in their ranks. People might have been able to see behind the curtain and see them for what they really were, so as soon as they could bury him Rohm and Strasser were quietly forgotten.

Does it really matter what particular brand of memes he believed in? It doesn't redeem any of them.

Blatantly disregarding what occured in Nazi Germany in favor of simply quoting Hitler. Because fascists regimes never coopted leftist rhetoric for political purposes, right?

>and see them for what they really were
Closet homosexuals? That is why Rohm was killed off. In case you didn't know.

No. Rohm was killed because he was too dangerous for the army. SA was constantly talking about the second revolution.

>Ernst Rohm
>closeted homosexual

He and his lieutenants were so open about their gayness I'm pretty sure that Hitler had to actually say "The SA are a warrior's group, not a morals organization" when the press asked why he tolerated such degeneracy in their ranks.

No, he got killed because he committed the ultimate no-no: He advocated dismantling the German Army and replacing it with the SA. That pissed off the Prussians Hitler needed for his European goals, so Rohm had to go.

He wanted to eliminate capitalism from German society.

But at the same time he zealously hated communists.

Some issues aren't so black and white as many stormfronters would like to believe.


>Because fascists regimes never coopted leftist rhetoric for political purposes, right?

but... that's exactly what the quote illustrates, user.


No one believes Blacks and gays get along. But it's important for lefties to be the ones who "stand up" for all those helpless minorities.