/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: yukipo.com
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio
Cinderella Girls cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/cg
Million Live cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/ml/card + mill.tokyo/album

New here? Check out the FAQ and Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv

OG material translation: pastebin.com/7HAMC7bN
OG discography: pastebin.com/Ey7uyqDL
CG material translation: pastebin.com/jf7CiTya
CG discography: pastebin.com/fX7fpxrU
ML material translation: pastebin.com/3yynKCtQ
ML discography: pastebin.com/jtCYhgrA
SM material translation: pastebin.com/tiVgamsu
SM discography: pastebin.com/mXYV0TY3
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/j3MGjNCK
Upcoming Events and Merchandise: pastebin.com/yu6rrC2t

Starlight Stage:
>Event: 02/10 ~ 02/15 Live Party (Nene, Umi)
>Gacha: 02/08 ~ 02/13 (Noriko, Rei)
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database/Resources: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

- Archive of : archive.is/H1NYq
- More CG valentines TL: onwards
- PRODUCER MEETING 2017 CD preorders open, highly limited: - 765Millions at C3 in Hong Kong photos: - KWSM fancomic TL: - Yuriko fancomic TL: - U149 chapter 6 TS: - SideM LIVE ON ST@GE has been announced: - Ken has been voiced: - SideMini function added to SideM (similar to Puchiderella): - SideM 2nd STAGE ~ORIGIN@L STARS~ Day 1 report + setlist: Upcoming:
Feb 11th/12th: SideM 2nd STAGE ~ORIGIN@L STARS~
Feb 15th: LIVE THE@TER FORWARD 03 Starlight Melody

The clock is ticking, MLbabies

Momoka and the girls yeah!

>Early ML thread in the day sideM gets a massive amount of news including a new game

Feeling threatened don't you?




My Yuzzz


That one!

my d believed in the new Chie doujin

miura stop shitposting and go back to writing berserk


But the news is right there in the OP.

heh doujin

what's so funny

So, what do you think this new SideM game could be? Something alike to SS?

>SideM got a game before ML
Holy shit I'm laughing
Is it going to be for mobile or PS4? Or something random like the Switch?


That seems to be the general assumption.
Rhythm games are like the current trend, so it would make sense.

Mobile confirmed.

Remember, don't vote for Yuzu.

This just in: Lives that come earlier have announcements earlier

Let's wait until after ML 4th before the funposting.

I will remember to vote for her.
Unless Hajime reaches the top in prelims.

>Rhythm games are like the current trend, so it would make sense.
I hope it is. This is going to be fun.

I will vote Yuzu now because of this post

Yes, vote for Hinako instead.

Nagisa dies.



This is honestly a pet peeve of mine.

The "Name" often just gets omitted and replaced with Producer. It's fine for the Idols who just refers to Producer by the job title, but most Idols actually use the name.

For Idols who refer to Producer as "Name-Honorific", their nouns get modified as "Producer-honorific", For example, Tamami and Aki's "(Name)-dono" becomes "Producer-dono". Likewise, for the idols who use "(Name) Producer", it just gets cut short as "Producer".

I get that for audio recording purposes, this makes sense. And fanworks follow this principle too. (Though I have seen a few where the artist/writer actually names their own Producer character) but for adaptations, should they really still keep this up? The "they don't have names because they're blank self-inserts" excuse doesn't really work because most AdaptationPs are their own distinct character with their own backstory and little quirks.

I honestly wouldn't have minded hearing Dooky say "Takeuchi Producer-san" or Minami just call Producer "Takeuchi-san". (Or whatever else name they come up for him)

Say what you want about Rockfucker and BRE@K, but they did right by fully christening him as Yuutarou Takagi. The games are the games and adaptations are adaptations. The latter doesn't need to adhere to the naming rules of the former. They're inherently different universes anyway.

Now that SideMini is a real thing, I hope that's a part of it too.

I'm going to bet on there not being an MV mode, though.

Hinako I'll vote for you. In your dreams

my cock

>but they did right by fully christening him as Yuutarou Takagi
Goddamn right

>I'm going to bet on there not being an MV mode, though.
Yeah, I don't think they will get that far, either. It would be cool, though.

Do girls like that art style or something? Just looks bad to me.

If it's a rhythm game, it should increase the rate of new song releases, and possibly new unit combinations even.
That's the best thing Starlight Stage did for CG.

I'm fine with no MV mode for male idols, but a SideMini room would be fun.

>The "they don't have names because they're blank self-inserts" excuse doesn't really work because most AdaptationPs are their own distinct character with their own backstory and little quirks.
It's more like a tradition. Kind of like how the Prince of Persia doesn't have a name. And no, fuck that shitty movie.

We're crossing the streams.

>Doujins never

>Wait for the end of the marathon!
>Wait for the Chokaigi!
>Wait for the 3rd tour live!
>Wait for the 765 Producer meeting!
>Wait for the 4th Live!

Oh it's fixed now. The thumbnails were swapped for me for a moment.


They broke it a few times already though.

Rockfucker had a full name and all the Producer characters in Dearly Stars were fully named as well.

Granted, the Producers in Dearly Stars weren't /player/ Producers but still.

Someday, user. With Suzuho has the sub and Emi as the sexually aggressive one

Azuki gets plenty of love.

Did anyone really expect a ML announcement at the 765 Meeting? I can understand expecting something like 3rd Vision, but an ML announcement? That's like announcing a SideM game at a CG live.

Vote for Chie
is the only right option

How soon until Scamco gives SideM an anime before ML? Why does it seem that Scamco is treating ML as its bastard child?

Most people tend to skim over this fact, but ML -is- 765.

she wishes

The chance is there, considering how big fujos are in anime industry right now

The Producer Meeting was specifically for OG 765, though. This was known months beforehand.

That's just in your head.

No, he's just shitposting. The only instance of anyone actually expecting anything was the 3rd live.


>Miss a bunch of notes
>0 health
>worst score
>I still get 2nd place
Not that I'm complaining.

ML and OG are two separate branches though.

looking up that skirt


Chieri is my fiancée.

The Budokan announcement was pretty great, though. The VAs didn't know about it beforehand, either.

I can't wait for the bluray.

I completely forgot Live Party was even happening.

ML and OG are usually lumped together these days. Look at the recent C3 event, for example. That's standard operating procedure.

Nevertheless, the PRODUCER MEETING was OG-only.

>general lack of announcements at the 765 Producer Meeting.
Are you feeling alright?

Your reading comprehension is not very good.

They showed off that motion capture-ish real time Haruka at the P Meeting. Maybe they're planning to use it at a live one day?

shit event

Time to fap.

I'm pretty sure Namco is exactly that, being at a point where they really don't care about 765 anymore. CG is fucking huge, and SideM has a lot of room to grow considering the male idol market is huge right now.
The OGs are old and the MLs are in a really shitty spot, as not a ton of people care about them (I blame Gree).

C3 was the start of the 765+Million Stars combo name to go on to Taiwan, but they've been relatively distinct at lives before then. Well, apart from the release events.

Preparations for the inevitable death of VA's.

They'll do more betatesting with Kotoha


ManletP did his best to convince the staff that there was nothing wrong with Arisu and accept her the way she is.
TakeP would probably have faced the issue differently and talked Arisu about how beautiful is her smile since the beginning to make her smile naturally during the photoshoots.
TakuminP would probably have threatened the staff into accepting the first photo.

Gree's part of the problem, but the game itself isn't much fun in an age that's grown past browser flipphone moneysink games. Granted I like ML's gameplay more than CG's, it doesn't have enough draw to make you go on a platform you don't like.


I'm pretty sure both are sub as fuck, just listen to their Magic Hour Introduction

Actually, that's not true.
At the Animelo lives and stuff, the OG VAs have been performing under the ML banner for at least a couple of years now.

I meant with each other

I hate the latent skill system. It's like a gasha inside a gasha for a decent one. Wake me up.

Well if you compare ML and Starlight Stage's gameplay there's no question as to which one is better.

I don't like them either. I wish they'd be more like CG puchis.

Huh? Was ML ever at Animelo? OGs were there but that was just as Idolm@ster and no ML songs were performed.

Might've been Anisama. Or some other event.
But I distinctly remember the 765pro OG VAs performing under the ML banner. I'm sure of it.

That's exactly his point, no one really gives a shit about mobages anymore, they're so 2010.
Nearly all of the top mobile games in Japan right now have actual gameplay, which the CG, ML, and SideM mobages do not offer.

Starlight Stage is proof of this and Live on Stage is proof that Namco knows that idols need more than mobages if they want to survive.

>TakuminP would probably have threatened the staff into accepting the first photo.


This. I agree with this.
The SideM game is a smart move, that is, moving the IP to a market that is growing, and making sure it doesn't sink to the levels of irrelevancy that ML is stuck with. I was hoping for an ML game like SS too, but honestly it has to be different enough from SS and still be addictive/money stealing enough to warrant attention and consistency at the levels of SS. It was much easier and much more profitable and safe to go the homo route.

Which is fine. I'll probably play the game.


Is ML really that irrelevant? I mean, the GREE game isn't that popular, but all the merch and CDs still do well enough, right?

Roppongi nights with TakuminP and ManletP with their sluts

Non-lewd activities with Yuriko.


ML is still GREE's most profitable game which doesn't mean much and I'm fairly confident that the merch and CDs sell about the same as SideM.

Translate it weebs please


It's just that no one in the west except the old /@/ clique really cares about it so that skews the perspective of it.

Merch always sells and even goes out of stock frequently (but since we don't have numbers about it they could just produce little quantities, we don't really know).
And CDs sells like every other iM@S CD, sell like shit without tickets, sell well with them. The only discs that have sold consistently well even without tickets are the Starlight M@sters.

>"Please lick this melted chocolate off my naked body and take pictures of it"

born to drink

Fujo gonna fujo.

ment please

And AkaP would've probably tried to do something, but he'll fall down the stairs and break his neck again.