League of Legends General - /lolg/

cute jungler edition :3!


Hyper carries:


i want kled to abuse of every single yordles (male)

this Iulu looks weird

does she?


xth for breast metal waifu

Sejauni is pretty! and strong!

post first 3 rows

Lulu is my STAR!


jews did lulu


my rows are shorter so im gonna defy you and post four

who /newfag/ here


I wanna be Lulu's cat!

did someone say f o u r

>playing male champs

nida is such a cute cade I wish I had a qt nida

yay inadequacy

I have become addicted to smurfing, help
Most people I play against are plat or gold but I must go deeper
I need to play against silvers, or even bronzes

I know people sell account botted to lvl 30, but are the accounts botted to bronze 5

I need it

I must be sated

Eyyy, got my ban appealed,now I can shitpost as much as I want.

Can't wait for another exciting day of professional video games

I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!

What champion should I play if I don't want to lose my way?


is Jhin the only champion whose 2 item armor pen build is almost the same strength as his carry build?

i always knew that shen was ftm. why else would they wear the mask? braum is trying way too hard to pass too. cutie girl to the right of braum though.

very cute :3!

>all those new people with the new client



Is Kled good atm?


so what about shen made him meta again in competitive? Did he get a buff I missed? or because he's a tank it didn't matter what he built.


I get Riven but why Akali?

Help I'm in love with prom queen annie


i want to pet nidalee!

Not really

The problem isn't _just_ the passive, it's the fact that from 1-5 he has real sustain and damge from his Q, ontop of the pretty potent dot effect.
You can only really win a duel agasint Darius if you completely dodge his Q some how.
From levels 6+ the issue now becomes he has all that, and an execution which is basically the biggest mechanical counter someone can have to Kled.

10 bans makes people dip deeper. Guess shen was just right there, mainly for his ult

She gives me that vibe. Riven is your best bet objectively though.

kys manshinshin


Thinking of doing Aurelion Sol for that last slot.


Who's a good boy??? I AM!!!!
I feel bad for still not having a single game on the new Warwick. I've been meaning to try him top lane.

here have 4 because new client less columns

Did you just assume their genders you bigoted cis scum


Does anyone else just not gank darius lanes unless hes got a lane opponent that can already 1v1 him? Like if hes against maokai or nautilus i could gank three times in three minutes and give them all three kills and they will still be his bitch all game long, let alone the likely threat of being doublekilled

no way me too bro








The only thing hyper about any of those shitters is how much they suck

i wanna see your background

Is this the birth of an epic new meme?

t. silver 4

You should still try to push him out of lane or take the kills yourself

imthem isn't real kid

same shit as illaoi
get fed somewhere else then come to his lane kill him and take his turret so he cant abuse his lane power

shut up, you're going to fucking ruin it

Sona is so pretty and cute.


Is there anything worse than starting a game and hearing this in base:


In terms of kit and edginess, Riven definitely, but she doesn't have the same personality. At least she has a power up anime-tier ult.

What champs are hot-blooded shonen-hero-tier in personality? Vi, Tristana maybe, but Vi's more violent than anything, and Tristana is just energetic. I need a female champion that's full shonen, "I fight for my friends" and everything

Lulu is cute and adorable!

Don't have this issue, only Illaoi poses this threat for me. Darius just doesn't have the damage output to turn a hard gank in his favour like Illaoi.


ho new


reminder to be nice to your support and help her ward sometimes!

>0-8 in bloodmoon so far
how the FUCK do you win this game mode

*hits the bong*
are any of us... truly... real?

Senna Champion when?

>tryndamere based
>sion cancer

you suck


Lulu skin when

well canonically basically any star guardian. in terms of actual voiceover i don't think there's a female one. sg rumble is really the only skin that's over the top anime.

>find yasuo comfy to play
>some faggot always picks darius
>jungler never comes to help get an edge over his low lvl 1-2

is there literally anything that can be done to deal with this guy as yasuo? even if I'm just passively farming it seems like one apprehend = instant death and zoned for the next 7 levels

>4 champions out of 4000
>cancer because I don't like em

>Naehyun breaking the competitive loss record

Top Lep

I always liked to imagine she would be shadow isles corrupted and Lucy would have no choice but to fight her or die to her. because tragedies are fun


But thats not the right sound you mong


Lulu is the cuddliest!

Just ban Yasuo

try going mid

Vi is also good. Don't let shitters cloud your judgement. This also happened with Zac.

Go balls deep and get kills through Outplayâ„¢

Then what is?

Let's say I'm absolutely forced to go toplane or if I go mid he switches with their mid.

What build/playstyle could at least let me farm in peace, assuming no jungler interference


>the chicken at the end
god damned lmao

So whats the deal with ivern, i get dank ganks off and destroy early but once we teamfight it's like we're a man down. am i doing something wrong?

You heard me fucker

She looks interesting but her design conflicts with the current design we have for the Fae in the lore, assuming she has fairy powers or something.

do you mean man up
because daisy is a sixth character on your team

I'm first/second pick and no one bans him despite my pleas to do so. Now what do I do?

nah senpai she hits like a gust of wind