CUTEST edition!
CUTEST edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not being a TSM fan in 2017
What's your excuse?
Lulu is only cute off model
>Not being an Echo Fox fan in 2017
What's your excuse?
I thought Trump was going to MAGA, why is NA still so shit?
>being a fan of an anti-franchising team
top lel
Xth for gangbang toy
>Jayce's Empowered Shockblast does 60% of a Kha'Zix's hp 12 minutes in
Why would you want franchising?
all the good players are on the other side of the wall duh
>Implying I'm not
People are overreacting to the BC change. Its still gonna be amazing on brusiers and absolute AIDS champs like Fiora/Jayce/Rivens won't rush the item. Its 50G cheap too.
Post more cute lolgirls that make you happy!
They're not against franchising. They're against strong arming riot to franchise
I actually like CLG a lot more than other NA teams, but in his very core nature, George is a cuck. He might know that it's wrong to give in to Regiape's gang schemes, but he can't stand up for himself or his team. Thus, he joined in the attempted bully maneuver.
TSM, or to be exact, Reginald, orchestrated this against EF. They took a pretense, alleged poaching from EF against another team, to single out EF as the only team that will not be allowed in scrim rotations of NA teams. In truth, this is Reginald's revenge move. Rick Fox did not sign or back that silly letter in which Reginald and his gang demanded franchising from Riot. It was meant as a punishment and attempt to remove EF, since teams that do not get scrim matches are supposed to fall behind the others. Despite that, EF still wins matches and it looks like they're still improving.
But seriously, fuck TSM.
It's literally 10 less AD and 100 more HP in return. Why the fuck is ANYONE concerned?
>being a nigger
Non-pleb taste bruh
>click for P1 and Fly game
>it's really IMT vs TL game
Fuck you riot fix your site and stop lying to me.
Who gives a fuck? Stop nitpicking over 10 posts early or what the fuck it's about, and throwing a fit in response by making even MORE threads. Do you want the jannies to come down on us?
Her model IS cute!
Only TSM drones want franchising. Real sports do not have zero risk league that favor GARBAGE TEAMS and decide NOTHING AT ALL.
shut up lulufag
alright who is the fag posting all /lolg/s cereal skins on reddit?
>play ad
>zed now has no counterplay again because of QSS nerfs
zed was a mistake
fucking newfag
>"you guys are being children, can you cut it out already"
>"you must be the guy i hate"
can you not
Explain this franchising thing please
im starting to feel compelled to snipepost a new thread 21 posts early every thread just to spite this autist luluretard
faggot, you lost. git gud and try again next time.
>Do you want the jannies to come down on us?
why would you not? these threads need a good clean up.
Continuing to foxpost. Who else still here?
>Real Sports
Fuck off EUfag
>check in on the TSM game
>Jayce, Jhin, Rumble, and Ivern
Holy shit what a snooze fest.
the guy that posts 50 posts early isnt here to do the threads, I might start doing it but I need OPs that people wont hate me for
picrelated is (you)
Tank Girl skins for Vi and Jinx when?
Avatar the last Airbender Taliyah sking when?
Reverse Kindred skin FUCKING when?
I know you're reading this Riot.
Are u retards user
Yes, REAL sports. You do understand.
use this image and copy some of the standard links from other ops
the only way to get an LCS spot is buying one from Regi&family
Basically it would make LCS a zero risk league by not having relegation, NACS players would have no way to go to LCS other than being picked by LCS teams, would also guarantee better salaries to orgs and players.
i just post a random lolmeme or random non-waifu artwork of a champion
How do we make Ball Lightning work in League?
Give it to a champ with no Mana regeneration whatsoever?
>Pick two AP carry solo laners
>Built one of them as a shitty onhit
>Build the other as an even shittier tank
>0 Damage
Holy shit.
>Lets keep our Kennen splitpushing while TSM just runs right down our botlane as 5 WITH baron buffed minions
use either memes everyone can laugh at (THIS TEITCH) or generic league logos or promo pics, and only eyoson in the text
>when the luluhaters start reaching levels of autism that even my actual on-paper diagnosis won't compare to
How is Dardoch so fucking good?
Costs health not mana
PoE Ball Lightning because that's the only Ball Lightning that comes to mind.
>each other tails
If the artist was Asian I'd let it go
>played 2 games in a row where someone bans illaoi
Why? What did i miss?
>Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From Her Ult Like Nigga Dodge The Tentacles Haha
I will never understand why pro teams dropped Thresh
Oh nevermind I just remember Storm Spirit in Dota 2
I should lay off PoE
i think hes talking about the ball lighting storm spirit has in dota
Is Piglet the most overrated Korean import in NA?
>regi on stream behind the scenes
absolutely bsed
reminder that regi is our guy
"supports" that do more damage than your adc and midlaner happened
There's also the fact it would make the current influx of money into the scene skyrocket, and provide a solid base for not only the game to grow even further, it also trickles down into the CS scene since they'll be able to further support them.
Honestly I wanna see Riot experiment with it in NA at least
this picture is pertty deep
really makes me take a minute to process my thoughts
i jumped a little
dont scare me like that
soon after that i finished my BT and started dealing 1500 each shot
idk but i think it's because supports don't need huge utility right now. Same reason taric isn't played much, really. If tank support items get buffed I'm sure thresh will show up more.
It's part of the Kennen rework it'll cost energy.
>No armor per level
Touch fluffy ears
No idea, but I would assume so as it ends in p0 so I guess I got it from pixiv
Is expose weakness ever worth it? It never seems to do anything
i havent played league for a while can someone explain this lethality shit to me
it's 3% damage for everyone else on your team. is 3% damage ever worth it?
It's flat armor pen that scales with the enemy's leve
It is scaling armor pen. In the early game it is "weak" armor pen at only 60% but eventually scales up so at level 18 then 1 Lethality = 1 Armor penetration
>World class ADC
So it says but I've honestly never noticed it actually take effect, user
Our boy and his pals are finally doing it; they're coming together as a team
xth for breast metal waifu
>we actually went with the lulu thread
Guys I thought we agreed to ignore this autist
well 3% isn't much, but if you have a lot of little advantages it might add up
fuller version
i remember the day this happened
the lolg memes were absolutely top that day
True honor in a competitive environment. Self-respect and respect for enemies. Management that is likeable and relatable. Sincerity and trust in all regards, even towards competitors. Unwavering dedication to the team members, even beyond the 'job'. eXpressions that tell me that they will never give up even going against all others.
Everything I need I receive from my team. Nothing of those to find in TSM. Get fucked.
Is there something I'm missing here other than cro-magnon rape babby screaming at dyrus?
Is that Snoop on the 1000 won note?
can we get some pobe in here
that's it
we don't like dyrus in here kiddo, he's reddit's guy
how is Piglet still playing with TL
aint keith better than him
Get a load of this faggot
I-is dardoch ok?
P.O.B at it again
also, at least you gotta respect dyrus and what he represents for the league scene
Piglet is one of the best but his team sucks