Morningstar has KAI's real value pegged at .03 (currently at .029).
Very unattractive cash flow.
Very attractive operating funds and book value.
Juan Garcia
I'm gonna try and buy 25k tomorrow at .25
Easton Diaz
Jesus we don't need 3 ASX threads
Oliver Robinson
>Time to get serious Veeky Forums, Post your early picks for 2017
Ok :^)... There's this company I've been holding for a while and has steadily been going up for the past year (apart from the occasional massive spike/retrace) that seems on track to become a highly profitable company within it's industry. There's even the former head, and is one of the current directors, of the largest professional body representing their industry in Australia. The are hiring 20~odd staff a month and have recently opened their third operations office.
Currently the market cap is about 50mil. Waiting on December quarterly figures and news sometime early next year regarding a second large customer paid trial, that if successful, should generate about 20m a year in revenue.
As always, use a stoploss and have some patience when looking for an entry, don't further the buy high sell low meme. Base your decisions on fact, don't buy into hype. There is no room for emotion on the stock market.
Angel Adams
pls? they arent even mining yet! STAY AWAY
Lucas Johnson
Same. Steady growth time
Lol. Not sure what stock this is....
Asher Butler
yes, yes. IAM
wont be much happening until after the new year.
i know people here hate gxy. but ive made a killing with them since they were first mentioned here back in april. only a matter of time before they are at to 60c. unlike pls, they actually have a mine that is producing.
Easton Morales
Wouldn't PLS rocket after they start producing, is there an ETA.?
Sebastian Reyes
4th quarter of 2017.
still awhile away
Ethan Hughes
Thoughts on RMX?
Nolan Richardson
Potentially Bid at 0.025, sell at 0.032 for some quick gains, don't see it going past that in the near future. Too much resistance.
Ian Bailey
told you guys NUH was ready to fly...
Asher Hill
Im new to this, anyone got any suggestions for a first time investment?
Jose Powell
Nathaniel Foster
Specifically do you think there's much prospect for anything like the $8.5B mine that was found in the similar part of Utah though? High risk but incredibly high reward given its market cap (13M) as of current.
I'm in two minds about it, the region seems very productive when it comes to Lithium but at the same time the company has 0 assets AFAIK so if the drilling is unsuccessful then it's nothing
Brody Green
Might buy 2k worth of shares
Carter Davis
make sure to do your own research, could be a winner tho
Jackson Stewart
Holdin since may of last year. Been green every single day. Rumors say there's a buyout coming.
Where can I read about AUS M&A?
Adam Young
>GXY takeover wise user said FMC back in april. however everybody is saying ALB.
Cooper Howard
I have nothing else to do with my money, I have over 25k saved. So even if its a dud thats not too much off of what i own
Henry Powell
Benjamin Taylor
Christian Jones
What's the story with PLS?
Ethan Sanders
Anyone think this Drone Defense tech will take off? The company DroneShield (ASX:DRO) has just in the last 2 days announced two government contracts. But I just don't know if it has any substance as an investment.
Anyone else got any thoughts?
inb4 NUH/PLS/IAM faggot
Ryan James
Here we go lads, how many NEETS are going to an hero today?
Hudson Stewart
Hmm I might look into that...might be worth a shit
Jeremiah Clark
I might wait for some more financial data to come in. Spend some time researching competitors etc and look back into this in about 3-4 months time.
John Baker
What was your prediction based on?
Brayden Collins
Seeing a lot of red flags with this one.
No info on operating funds or cash flow.
Columbine Capitals says it's overvalued at .26
Eli Cruz
It's only newly listed that is why there is no information on funds/cashflow. I don't believe they have had a quarterly report yet.
But is why I am waiting off a few months to see if anything gets published to look at. i.e. revenue from these two government deals
Juan Watson
If you go through the announcements back to when they first launched, there are some financial statements dated Dec 2014 and Sept 2015.
Bentley Brown
Anyone see a turnaround in VOC?
Dylan Hill
anyone else invest in aurora?
Michael Baker
No but god that return!
Andrew Garcia
only from august as well
Jordan Williams
Yea, just crazy. 3D printing is a promising industry though... Food printing already being experimented with.
Grayson Green
i think aurora stands out because it prints with 'metal' rather then plastic? theres another ipo coming out for a 3d printer company. cant remember their name. ill have a look
Leo Nguyen
From what I can gather, investors set unrealistic expectations on their profit margin, then pulled out when they couldn't deliver. Hmm, they appear absolutely fine moving forward, I'd pick some up around 3.81 - 3.83, most of the resistance appears to unreasonably high (probably but hurt investors trying to recover losses). Regardless, I'd expect no more than 30% growth for 2017, unless they're pumped up again. Anyone see any reason not to buy?
Carson Edwards
ROBO3D asx rbo
i dont know what they do that makes them different from others
Thomas Cruz
I think just that they are an established company. i.e. been on ASX since '89
Colton Phillips
Inghams is killing it today. Finally out of its 3.00 rut.
Should have bought more shares when it was 3.06
IAM I'm not touching.
Looked into DroneShield a bit more. Seems like a promising industry but very early days:
>Revenues are growing strongly as you might imagine – given the demand. In the year ending September 2015, Droneshield had $124,000 in sales, compared to $5,000 at the end of December 2014. However, startup costs are large, and the company is likely to report large losses going forward until sales reach a decent scale. There are no financial forecasts in the prospectus, so it’s difficult to get an idea of what that might be.
yes, through a reverse takeover of a mineral company.
Heres a few other ipo's that are about to drop
Secure2go Skin elements Isynergy Horizon Gold Ardea resources Dragontail Systems
Thomas Gomez
Yea pretty much the conclusion I came to. It's on a watchlist.
IAM has gotten boring this week.
Mason Smith
i need a margin account in order to short stocks right?
Nathan Bell
Brought in at 3.88 (including brokerage), I guess we'll have to see where they're heading' in their February results.
I don't like all the intangibles on their balance sheet, though. But since that represents the premium they paid for brand, customer base, strategic position, etc, then the question really becomes whether or not they can put all of that to work.
Henry Walker
Also, why the fuck did OP create this one when the previous edition wasn't even dead yet?
Strong hijack to shill ratio
Evan Diaz
They use microphones to listen to see if a drone is coming? Then compare the noise it hears to a list of known drone sounds Thats their tech?
Ryder Russell
only us ausfags are allowed to multi-thread shitpost.
Cameron King
Ausfag checking in
Justin Rivera
dunno if i should post this on the board incase i get yank suggestions
what do you guys use to track stocks? excel sheets you update once a week? or some other apps and programs?
I'm thinking spreadsheets updated weekly when I do my budgets.
Leo Taylor
Excel? Are you serious? Google docs is where its at
Christian Ramirez
I track my positions through Commsec and then have a record of all my transactions, dividends and returns on a spreadsheet.
Angel Walker
how often do you check?
I'm thinking about getting into a bit of stocks but i don't want to be dragged into having to check it every day.
I'm thinking with stop losses it should be enough to do it weekly and just move the stop loss up when the stocks go up.
im thinking: get stocks that I'm comfortable with, track weekly, quick updates on how the companies are doing, gradually increase stop loss, is that suffice in a "long term" sort of approach?
Owen Brooks
If you want long-term with minimal attention required just put your money into a few Vanguard ETF's and leave it there. Spend five minutes checking on it whenever it suits you.
No need to make a spreadsheet or anything with that approach because you can just look up your return through your broker
Jordan Young
Any other decent ETFs? Have 10k to play with - considering speculating on sub 5c stocks
Camden Smith
I'm in VAS and VAP atm and happy with it.
Zachary Young
>just move the stop loss up when the stocks go up. You want a trailing stop friendo.
Ryan Jones
Hudson Stewart
Stop shilling PLS.
They arent going up anytime soon
Levi Richardson
>PLS Will be in one year, where GXY was in August 2015. This only if their financing continues as it is now and the market doesn't change.
Dylan Reyes
>in one year >if they get financed
>if the mine gets built >if the mine gets commisioned >if the price of lithium stays at the same price
Yeah. Wouldnt touch them yet.
Samuel Allen
RLC and XPE for a trade tomatoe mabby
RLC lithiumss and XPE sumting to do with intelligence i dunno
Dun forget trading stops at 14:10 oclock cos of crustyass
Connor Jenkins
TLS. EPS hasn't increased
Jaxson Mitchell
Are you not worried about how highly shorted VOC is? its at like 9.5% short
Anthony Morris
Guys, CSV?
Historically looks like they take these batterings on the chin and rebound, good time to buy or could the dip continue?
Isaac Cook
>Yeah. Wouldnt touch them yet. exactly
Eli Stewart
12% dividend... Literally what
Josiah Jackson
Most of the shorts are at a high price, shouldn't hold them down in the short-term
James Garcia
Just ordered 1000 at 0.695, hope I didn't fuck up XDddDdD
Austin Sanchez
you do realize with the payout of such a large dividend the SP will drop due to mkt.cap. deduction.
if it's a stock dividend, it'll get diluted by newly issued.
Justin Turner
That's one of their tech's. They also have the gun which can kill the drone or initiate the return home command so they can track the drone back to the user.
>I don't like all the intangibles on their balance sheet
Crikey mate, that's one big red fuckoff flag
Mason Moore
I don't disagree with you, we'll see if they can drive some organic growth.
Ryan Howard
A3D killing it today. Went up 19%
Andrew Nelson
So would have been a good IPO to get
Noah Nguyen
I'm really dumb cause I bought GXY at .36 before this recent rise and sold at .40, missing out on 40% gains in a month
Henry Russell
I bought AMS at 1.90, and sold at 4.50, missing out on selling now at 11.00. Doesn't matter, so long as you made a profit (internal screaming).
Sebastian Lee
Henry Carter
why sell now? they just started shiping.
buy back in. they will be up to 60c soon
they are mining/processing/trucking lithium out of the ground 24hours a day.
Colton Hernandez
Death bump
Adrian Fisher
Levi Cox
Current thoughts on SRX?
Christopher Murphy
Christmas eve bump
Jacob Nguyen
>this is how being retarded looks like You sold the shares of the only producing lithium company other than the big five, while they were ramping up production and preparing for shipment.
May I ask why the fuck did you buy their shares in the first place?
William Edwards
Merry Christmas, brahs.
Will probably be in my room tomorrow playing xbox and browsing xxnx. Das it
Jonathan Green
do more research?
Hudson Morales
gxy bump. ship currently in geraldton. soon to head to esperance to pick up gxy raw lithium. expected on 31st. should make the press as it will be their first shipment. also. low aud vs usd means more money per ton.
top up while you can.
Jaxon Johnson
When will you all be getting back into IAM for 2017?
Alexander King
Justin Hill
Back into? Never got out.
Logan Perez
Chase Allen
Not buying the only intrinsically valuable stock of 2017, fucking retarded
Jacob Myers
>intrinsically valuable Is this a troll? Explain please