/fhg/ - For Honor General

Watch Your Stamina Edition

Open Beta ongoing from 9th-12th of February!


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First for the we wuz vikangz


Stop deploying war assets against Vikings.

Ohh ok, thanks good to know. I think im just unaware of how fast his dashing lights are since I dont think I've seen them used, I heard his fwd dashing light is insanely fast/good too. What a criminally underused character.



fuck off, you retards are the reason the samurai have three quarters of the map

I would power wash the grime off Fem Raider's abs with my cum

>Trying to make a new thread.
>Don't have any appropriate images that don't also pertain to another game with a common general thread.

Thank you for saving me.


All classes are fairly balanced. Skill is much more important than class. If you're losing to a particular class, it's because you don't understand how to fight them yet.


>all these other blood angel successors crawling out of the woodworks
my niggas

>Absolute trash as anyone but kensei
I just want to be a viking

Not the other guy but the reason samurai have so much is because they're all fucking NEETs pretending to be Japanese warriors while the knights and vikings actually log off to do things

Use an animu knight, they're loads of 'em everywhere.

Deploy defence assets against weebs holy shit I think I'm the only one doing it.
Also some offence

Fucking killed him by decapitation.

We can't know if it's THAT well balanced yet but it is pretty impressive for western devs attempting a new IP and gameplay style.

i honestly just googled for honor images cuz i knew people were waiting for a new thread to be the first few posts

all part of the autism but i respect it since im autistic too

Peacekeeper pleasures old Raiders for money!

How do you reliably counter grabs? Against PK it seems even if all I do is hit X to counter it still gets at least one stab in.

I would furiously fight female warriors until they get knocked out, at which point I'll continue my conquest of taking my promised land and taking prisoners.

What the fuck does Kensei scream while doing his unblockable overhead rape?

Why are assassin classes in EVERY fucking game such cancer that you have to play so much better than in order to beat? Do they want to keep the formula the same so they attract the same players?

>tfw I wish I had every single armor piece, pattern, etc for every character so I can have fun playing dress up
it's my favorite part about games with character customization, making my character as great looking as possible

Seriously, we dindu nuffin

not true, everyone knows wardens are the most wealthy next to warlords and kensei




They're not. Orochi is EZ shit to outplay, and PK is a gimmick character.

Beserker is in the corner eating glue, if you're losing to him then the classes aren't the problem.

What the fuck am I meant to do about le funny shit-covered-polearm lady? I play warden. Bitch just pokes me to death every time I go up against one.
>Uh-oh Nobushi-senpai! You're being attacked!
>Did you parry? Have a poke for free damage.
>Did you dodge? Have a poke for free damage.
>Did you block? Have a dodge for free. Oh, right, if you dodge you can poke for free damage.
>Is he trying to guardbreak you? Just guardbreak a nanosecond after him to counter it, then toss the guy to the other side of the map. Also poke him for free damage.
>N-nani!? He's using his special move! Just use your naruto bullshit-no-jutsu to completely negate it even though it's unblockable, then poke him for free damage.
>Oh no, he's managed to close the distance! Just kick him fifteen feet away with your unblockable attack that's bigger than the entire screen. Don't forget to poke him beforehand, of course, as your normal attacks combo into your falcon kick!

If I try to turtle against this bitch she just mixes me up with her stupid ass naruto no-indicator attacks, too. What is this bitch's weakness? What do I DO???

Does the full game have any solo play at all or is it just the limited vs AI from the beta?

EVERY spot on the Deus Vult weeb front had the Knights ahead by a huge margin when I last looked. Did we get weebed from behind?

Best followup on warden after a parry?


Reminder that teamwork makes the dreamwork

Then how about you guys go fight the samurai seriously it's like you guys never manage to push into their territories

Didn't want to change my faction so I brought Christianity to the japs and now I fight in the name of Jesusu-sama and the prosperity for the land of the rising sun. Desu Vult

I'm just fed up of dumb bitching like

Post your favorite class and their theme.




Me fucking too, friend.

I've already planned out how fucking cool I'm going to make my Warden on release.

Granted, I need to hit max level, but I have a plan


You shitheads were deploying against the Knights at the same time the Samurai were. This is your fault.

Anybody want to play on Xbox one and teach me how to gut gud? Gt:redds99

>Knights land getting BTFO by weebs



>mfw I pretend to run away and then ambush the guy as orochi

>Finally hit reputation 1
>Decide to spend all of my steel on loot, since I won't get to Reputation 2
>All of the gear I get is garbage, and my gear score is like 18 now

Post mains

dodge sideways

gg no re

This game really is ready for pc release. The matchmaking is absolute garbage, is so bad it's just became a joke within my group of friends. 'Playing together" means havingto constantly switch who is party lead so everyone can join and then sit and try over and over to find a game.

helpful. Moreso what are the best options?

I love kensei!

Is your sword big enough?

>She predicts it and does her fuckhuge sweep attack
>You go face-first into it
>She then pokes you and backpedals

What's the best mode to practice in? Bots are OP, 4v4s are shitfests and you only seem to fight Orochi in Duel so good luck trying to learn how to counter different characters.

It depends.

Is there a wall or ledge near you? Guardbreak and throw them into it. Do you want to mix them up? Side light combo into mixups etc

>Reisenfag is here
Oh my fuck


>play bot match for challenges
>conquer bots
holy fucking shit these turtling faggot AIs

>She predicts it
Your fault then.

forever loyal

we /thousandsons/ now

dont b mean

nope, i just larp as the Drifter as Kensei b/c they're basically the same

How do I do that warden quick spinning cut that is hard to counter? It is like an unlisted move.

>Last Hero Standing as Orochi
>This starts playing youtube.com/watch?v=Ylyqoxh-cXk
>Instantly eat shit because i'm bad

we still need a versatile player that will play every class available to be our sponsored youtuber.

dominion and stand on enemy capture point

Of course it is. What kind of question is that?

>bots are OP
Literally what?

Why, low tier heroes and esport tier whores are nice yters too.

level 2 bots will cleave you a new asshole
go try them out

I dunno about best but I usually just go into GB after a parry to start light light shoulder pressure again or a wall throw > overhead if I want to kill

main peacekeeper and run out the timer every round until the nobushi ragequits

Didnt get answer in the last thread, hope I get one here:

Is the game worth to buy?
Will they fix the network issues and errors in the release?
I am kinda liking the game even though I sold the game out a bit early and thought it was shit after seeing footage of it.
After trying it, it's bretty good, but I am afraid if the game's playerbase will wither instantly after release like a second coming of Battleborn or Evolve. Nobody wants to play dead games.
The game runs like shit because I have GTX 960, I have to play on medium / lows to have 60fps, but this might get better on release?
I mean, Battlefield 1 beta ran like shit, constant 45 fps even with lowest settings, now the full game runs at solid 60fps at around medium settings and some settings higher.

Should I wait it out or...?

A mean and kind of rude question, duh.
I will, how do I check the level of the bots?

"Watch and learn."


now that's a cool thread pic
well done user

not worth full price right now imo, too many bugs they need to sort out

so which faction will we all bandwagon once the game releases?
i vote knights
but i'll main berserker

Well, that was not nice. I'll have you know I have the biggest, longest, hardest sword ever created!


Wait and see lad. Us anons will tell you, or I will. You still pay the same price on release anyways.

wait. you should be making these dicisions yourself instead of needing Veeky Forums opinions BUT i will tell you yes wait. dont let your urges control you, games fun we all know it, but 60 dollars + is stupid. these are the same people who made R6siege and they iwll i hope doa starter pack for 15 dollars

its not worth buying now, waste of money. just keep palying the beta

again up to you, you can buy it and sit on it if you want but not really worth buying to just sit on/

wtf I have a gtx 770 and Im on high graphics

get more ram

This game is made by montreal same guys behind r6 siege
Siege started with p2p but swapped to dedicated shortly after.

>graphics are all on lowest possible settings
>still get kicked for shitty fps

is there a mod that can make the graphics shittier

Not looking for someone in that generalization.

Just got reamed by Orochi's "teleports behind and slashes with katana." What is that move, and how do I counter it?

It's not a poleaxe, tho.

You take the + sign, you put it in the middle, then you take a - bar (the huge one) and you place them around.

How do you stop someone rushing you with guard breaks? Specifically Kensei?

mod your pc with better parts

I'll have to see how the knights do at the end of the open beta. I may leave 'em cause they are losing so often and so badly.