League of legends general /lolg/


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>tfw it's my birthday

league babbies couldnt handle it unfortunately


thinking about it more they would make an intesresting duo bot lane

50 posts early but lulufag was gonna make it 40 posts early so i mean


happy birthday user!

He's the best!
happy birthday user!

reminder to be nice to your support and help her ward sometimes!

Happy Birthday user!

No. Support players are beta passive aggressive faggots who suck at the game. They deserve nothing but contempt.

how do you lose in this game?

How is graves top? would it work in my normal games? if quinn can work why not him?

Happy birthday matingfag!

May your day be filled with fucking and big tittied sluts!

Yeah it definitely can. Not bad at all.

>people keep picking Varus
What did I miss. Thought he was meme tier

>if quinn can work why not him?
Quinn can harass past minions.

Also Graves gets gigafucked in certain matchups.

He's good right now because adc in 2k17 meme so teams prefer extra cc and his poke is great.

what's wrong with Jinx and Sivir

does Irelia love syndra?

>Also Graves gets gigafucked in certain matchups.

my main is tryn, im sure ill be fine

It would never work, Syndra just loves dicks too much.

Quinn is a lot safer and has an interrupt to stop enemy tps. Plus Valor can shoot her around the map pretty quickly.

Grave top is manageable but not comparable to Quinn. If you're good enough you can play anything.

Why do you love sona so much birthday user?

>Enemy Top locks in Tryn
>I lock in Teemo

Your tears sustain me.

I never lock in first because of teemo :-)

I love all tiddies equally.

Except Riven tiddies because she's a disgusting cockroach.

Not him but are you serious?


even small supple ones?

what is your favorite sona skin?

least favorite?

post sauce nigger

>get carried by a Darius and Zed
>team fight rolls around

>I go to ult Zed with barely a minion's auto worth of health
>it casts on me
>he tells me to use it on him next time
>He'll touch me if I do
>I say after the game


The mad man!

Do you wear something on your head while playing League?

Look for it yourself nigger it's literally right there.

Probably Muse.

Guquin is overrated.

dont ban yasuo pls

comfy bfs~

Aatrox Rework

>Passive: When Aatrox dies, allies can pick up a banner that grants a teamwide boost to ad and ap. If the allied champion that picks up the banner kills someone while holding the banner, Aatrox is revived.
Whenever Aarox casts abilities or attacks, he fills up a bar below his current health. At max bar, he heals for a set amount, and gains increased attack speed and range for a period of time. His attacks also slash through enemies.
Q: Same
W: Same (slightly nerfed on heal)
E: Same
R: Aatrox returns all nearby dead allies from the grave for 5 seconds.

It's just Zed dick

I want my lol gf NOW

Can someone write a script to filter all these autistic waifu/husbandofaggots?
I actually like seeing people's stats, advice, and arguements on the game, no OWO WULD TWICTCH SEMPAI CUM IN GAREN'S NAVEL OWO~~~~~

So how would you all feel about releasing a cheerleader skin and a chroma combo all at the same time where the chroma's are for each faction. Demacia, noxus, Piltover, ect.

Slut supports happen all the time you can find one but that's the extent of it. If you're looking for a relationship with depth...good luck

how about a cheerleader skin line

each faction gets a qt representative

i want to be GANKED all day by strong too laners and junglers

Please post every image you have so I can finally filter you.

I want my lol bf NOW

Cheerleader Lux of course
Cheerleader Taliyah
Cheerleader Cassiopeia
Cheerleader Irelia
Cheerleader Tristana
Cheerleader Akali

Lux aside, convince me any of these girls dont need new skins

I want to be able to put my sluts in Noxus wear.

>tfw you share a birthday with MATING PRESS user

noice. Happy Birthday!

So i just got this thing from mistery box, please tell me he is going to receive a visual rework soon, PLEASE.

Post champs who ONLY YOU think are complete bullshit and need to get gutted.


I'd...really like that, I feel like there could be more sports based things.
Zaun Jinx would be really cute or even Piltover Vi

Happy birthday Matinganon

did bukkage just scrap the Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums tier list?

Mordekaiser is the VGU list, but this year is for Urgot and Eve, so i don't know, probably 2018

Not only does Taliyah not need a new skin she's best forgotten entirely.


but that would be spamming, just do it as you see my posts

I dont think it should be about them needing a skin, just who would be a better fit for that line of skins

Id say morg would make for a better noxus champ in a cheerleader skin

also MF for bilgewater tho, I need that one to happen


i said a while ago itll b released when i dick welding

thats who u should be blaming

I hope they make him look like Sauron from lotr.

Guys, someone decent please duo with me ;__; my scores are pretty good, but I lose so much. Halp.

Evelynn, Swain, and Quinn

fuck these champs, eve is the worst offender tho and once 10 bans hits im NEVER going to play against that cancer ever again

I fucking hate lux. Lansing against her is a total snooze fest. The champ rewards the most basic of
chimps the ability to 1 shot people even though they did fuck all all game. She doesn't need to be gutted, but fuck me.

name, rank, and region?

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up on NA
password vidya
all ranks, levels, etc welcome
join up !

Gold V, NA

What the fuck am I supposed to do in low ELO when my team has no idea how to team fight? 2 of my 3 placement losses are because my team keeps getting caught out before fights.

Winning lane by 50 cs feels so pointless when your team will just get caught out and turn it into a 4v5 half the time.
Should I just split push and ignore my team?

Omegamon X, forgot the sn.

alas, i am but a humble silver

gl friend

I think they said Mordekaiser whole deal of being the lich king is being wasted, they should just scrap the the whole thing specially the passive that make him so hard to balance, but keep the ultimate, maybe his abilities should interact more with his ult and get rid of the stupid dragon

oh yeah speaking of which, we will be forced to move back to play on the THURSDAY, the 16th of February. Imthem was unable to get time off on Sunday, so I generously took a day off of work during the weekday so we could dadslam you boys.

I'm just warning you in advance if you waste my time with quick losses to us I will be very unhappy, so please try to do your best.

We can start playing any time after 6 pm est when Swedish gets home from school, so round up your monkeys and let us know when we can see you on the rift.

Which silver? I don't really care as long as you are decent.

pantheon and annie

probably not only me but god I hate those fucking champs don't know what it is

>taking a day off of work for a match against majin and friends

that's dedication my man

What champions literally make a game a 4v5 in every sense of the meaning when handled by a retard?

Just for the record, the Lulufriend that said he'd make the new thread despite being asked not to is a different Lulufriend.
I'm nicer than that.

lee sin
any adc except cait and jinx
You could say any champ but I got what you meant I think

Forgot Bilgewater.
As much as I think MF doesnt need more skins, there arent many Bilgerat girls ...
And I am not for putting Illaoi in a miniskirt and tube top.

Minimal skill level mid laner who has monstrous scaling and hasn't been touched by nerfs solely so girls have a champion to play

Gets babied with mountains of skins and expensive meme skin


I love him, but let's face it, if the guy isn't been playing with him for at least a month, he's going to be useless the whole game

Dont fucking team fight in low elo retard. They dont know how to use pressure to take leads and win with them

Skin ideas?
I want a Dunkmaster illaoi, vi, jarvan, and bard skin with a basketball zac skin.

Please stop memebanning aatrox

I just need one more S and hes been banned three games in a row.

>GP land your barrel combo and win the team fight!
>GP lays down one barrel at a time
>they get AA'd down
>sorry out of barrels lol

That's what I think too but idk what else to do.
I've been playing Swain and split pushing feels inefficient on him.

>no sound


ADCs. People joke about xDDD ADC IN 2017 but the role is still so important and requires such a specific skillset that it's almost an autoloss if your ADC has no idea how to play one.

Sounds like you need to learn how to make good decisions in game. That's not something someone is going to tell you that isn't looking at your game.

Rhyze. You can fuck up his damage, his cc, and his ult is literally a team fight throwing machine. Unless you are good with him he can easily make it a 3v5 or less.

>Tfw made warrior rek'sai work
>Tfw carrying cute girl
>Tfw typed the wrong year in file name

How's your ranked climb been today, /lolg/ents?

You posted that yesterday stop being a liar.

>tfw playing ranked flex alone
>end up with a full faggot literally gay party
>they instalock katarina, ahri, akali
>playing Zed in top lane
>they won't stop raging at me for selectin an "hetero" champion
>they start getting ganked by a lee sin and say he's also a hetero champion and he's disgusting

This was the most cancerous game I've ever played. Are all katarina & co players fucking faggot trannies?

forgot targon, freiljord, and zuan too

Does pouring coffee on your dick have the same effect as drinking it? It's like the main fatigue that prevents me from playing LoL seems to be from my crotch because of fap withdrawal/cold turkey

>tfw you realize Riot gave up on actually balancing league a long time ago
>their only goal now is to periodically switch the OPs and "meta" to keep the game "fresh" and "exciting"
I want off.

its still true from yesterday

half my games were A ranks and the other half were bans

They could much more easily if they did away with the forced top mid jg bot support system.

Try fapping.

You could always go play Overwatch or For Honor :^)

This should be the Aatrox rework