The fact that North Korea and its ideology (Juche) has managed to remain virtually unchanged for more than 60 years is mind-blowing, specially after the collapse of the USSR in 1991 and China's transition to a free-market, capitalist country.
The fact that North Korea and its ideology (Juche) has managed to remain virtually unchanged for more than 60 years is...
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kinda like isolationist japan
makes you think
history repeats itself huh
is that kim ir senpai?
At what point do other countries have an obligation to save millions of people from what is effectively a country-sized prison?
But it hasn't remained virtually unchanged. For example they used to at least pay Marxism lip service which they completely stopped doing in the late '90s.
were literally going to make it worse if we try to 'save' them
we just need to talk to them, their leaders, be human in our interaction
people who have access to media in NK will sooner or later realize this state is unsustainable
They've done this before during the Joseon Dynasty (or at least being able to successfully isolate itself from the world).
Considering how they keep threatening nukes and advance their tech, it looks that's going to happen pretty soon now.
>Considering how they keep threatening nukes and advance their tech,
they're about 70 years behind the rest of the world
not a real threat.
they can reach south korea
a possible scenario where they attack south korea is if the people start being discontent for some reason, the leadership decides they need a war and just attack south korea as a final act trying to prolong their power, even though they'd know that as soon as they did something like that it'd be all over for them too
>free market in the slightest
I think the term "Red Capitalism" is a lot more applicable.
Japan, Russia (and before then, the USSR), the United States and now China are the ones to blame for leading to this. The Korean Peninsula should have remainded unified after the end of WW2, rather than the division made out of both the USSR and the United States out of their desire to keep spheres of influence in Asia.
Nowadays, a lot of it is proped up due to "we don't want korean refugees flooding uncontrolably across S-E Asia".
Otherwise, even China wants to dump them, since their trouble-causing regime is a drain and a pain in the ass.
>Even their ally hates them
Does North Korea get the award for the funniest totalitarian state?
Yes. They are even using Youtubers as propaganda of their regime nowadays.
Are you trying to prove that remaining stagnant and unchanged is a very very bad thing? Because it sure seems like it
Case in point: Tokugawa Shogunate. Isolation is unsustainable in an increasingly globalized world, whether you like it or not.
A despotism has lasted 60 years, wow! I'm sure no nation has ever endured such things before.
No, but no despotic rule has managed to last until the 21st century and for more than 60 years without any known revolts. We don't even have a clue on what the hell goes on in BestKorea unless they are testing nukes or launching missiles.
At the point where you could convince China that what happens after the disappearance of NK that their sovereign security won't be compromised.
No, they're fucking mental, that's it.
Nothing amazing about a bunch of loonies in charge acting crazy.
North Korean efforts to build nuclear weapons were halted by the Agreed Framework, negotiations with U.S. president Bill Clinton. Kim Jong-il instituted a policy called Songun, or "military first". There is much speculation about this policy being used as a strategy to strengthen the military while discouraging coup attempts. Restrictions on travel were tightened and the state security apparatus was strengthened.
Flooding in the mid-1990s exacerbated the economic crisis, severely damaging crops and infrastructure and led to widespread famine which the government proved incapable of curtailing. In 1996, the government accepted UN food aid. Since the outbreak of the famine, the government has reluctantly tolerated illegal black markets while officially maintaining a state socialist economy. Corruption flourished and disillusionment with the regime spread.
In the late 1990s, North Korea began making attempts at normalizing relations with the West and continuously renegotiating disarmament deals with U.S. officials in exchange for economic aid. At the same time, building on Nordpolitik, South Korea began to engage with the North as part of its Sunshine Policy.
The international environment changed with the election of U.S. president George W. Bush in 2001. His administration rejected South Korea's Sunshine Policy and the Agreed Framework. The U.S. government treated North Korea as a rogue state, while North Korea redoubled its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons to avoid the fate of Iraq.
lmao fucking americans and bungling idiot Bush
It is all Russia's and USA's fault for this mess.
That dumbass Bush did the exact same thing with Iran
>W calling unassociated countries an "Axis of Evil"
It will collapse all by itself, just give it time
>without any known revolts
what do you think those prison camps are for?
420 dudeweed lmao blazeitfaggots
People who might have started revolts but were locked away before they could get a chance to take up arms and organize.
Best Korea must exist as long as it can as a living, enduring testament and shining example of the fruits of marxist thought, and the results of abolishing private property and a market economy.
What did he mean by this?
>China's transition to a free-market, capitalist society
who actually believes this
Apparently smoking pot is extremely common in North Korea, as it is cheaper than cigarettes. The THC content is also pretty low so no one is getting blazed, it's just a sort of relief from stress/physical pain. Not sure if it's legal or the authorities just look the other way. And of course, this being North Korea, any information coming out of it should be taken with a hefty grain of salt.
The consensus of mainstream economists?
Problem is, Best Korea has more artillery aimed at Seoul (the capital of Worst Korea) than was used in all of World War II combined, all on a hair trigger.
Which means, any attempt to topple the leadership of Best Korea is going to instantly result in Seoul being wiped off the map, along with 10 million+ inhabitants.
They played with a few hundred scenarios during the Clinton administration, and couldn't come up with a way to avoid that - not even with a series of ICBM nuclear strikes (which is in "Patrick! We saved the city!" territory).
The situation, however, is only going to get worse as time goes on. The regime will eventually, likely, collapse on its own, but there's no guarantee that it 1) won't go down fighting, or 2) won't be replaced with something even worse.
When the Pacific War was about to end, the USSR was preparing to invade Korea. So they went there with a plan, while the US entered South Korea in a chaotic way. It's lucky actually that the USSR didn't care to accept the US proposal about Korea to divide the Korean peninsula rather than just do what the Soviets could have done, that is, total invasion.
>Problem is, Best Korea has more artillery aimed at Seoul (the capital of Worst Korea) than was used in all of World War II combined, all on a hair trigger.
That's not actually true. They have a lot, but I don't think you quite grasp how much artillery was used in WW2. And no amount of artillery barrage will instantly wipe out a city the size of Seoul. Hell, even their estimated nuclear stockpile wouldn't quite do that trick. It would probably be more Stalingradesque, eventually, than boom and the city's gone.
Granted, it's a higher cost than anyone's willing to bear to take out the North Koreans, but you're overstating their abilities by a lot.
>people who have access to media in NK will sooner or later realize this state is unsustainable
but it's literally sustainable
It's literally not.
During the 90's, their people were starving to death, en mass, so they basically started holding South Korea hostage to get aid, threatening a nuclear weapons program via their rudimentary nuclear power program.
...and, rather than starting a war, the US humored them, gave them aid, under the condition that they could monitor their nuclear power program with on-site personnel (even to the point of fixing it up, so as not to have a Chernobyl 2.0 in Korea).
All this, despite the fact that the regime's claim to power was (and is) keeping its people in a state of constant fear that the US may attack any day. Thus, the bulk of DPRK was not aware as to where this aid was coming from.
Then Bush came along, ended this arrangement, and told them to fuck off when they begged to negotiate.
So, naturally, they kicked out all the inspectors, and started a nuclear weapons program, figuring preventing that was the motivation for the aid to begin with. So, by 2006 *boom*.
I think they kinda failed to understand that once the genie was out of the bottle, there was no way the US could justify coming back.
Of course, the US and the world put a bunch of sanctions on them, but as their trade is next to non-existent anyways, this didn't have much of an effect. They were starving anyways. Ya can't squeeze blood from a stone, nor can you threaten it with bankruptcy.
So, what you have, is an entire nation of largely starving people, most of which live in the stone age, with a tight circle of fanatics, running a fairly modern military that eats up the entire nation's industrial output, at the top, telling them that, any day now, there'll be a grand war, instigated by the US.
They have to walk this fine line, between maintaining that illusion, by keeping the US just angry enough to be threatening, without actually starting the war that they could never hope to win.
You know, unless, Homefront BS
South Korea has the exact same plan for Pyongyang
>The fact that North Korea and its ideology (Juche) has managed to remain virtually unchanged for more than 60 years
It hasn't.
For instance, in the 90's after the [COLAPSE] of the USSR the North Koreans went through the largest famine in modern history. The PBS of food rationing collapsed entirely and is to this day still no longer functioning.
Today there's an unofficial, but tolerated, black and free market of goods and food. Most products are funneled in from China and sold by chinese traders. While there's no internet, there's computers and bootleg DVDs all over the place now. There's even a burgeoning upper-middle class in the cities who live in relative luxuary. There's family run restaurants and stores. The myth that there's no market of any kind is not true. It is a necessary evil that the North Koreans have had to accept after the [COLAPSE] of global communism and the cessation of food aid.
The North Korean ideology is built around the idea of self-sustainment. Yet the nation cannot feed it's own people without outside food aid. What part of that is sustainable, do you think?
let them solve it themselves
he meant prolapse
North Korea is not a country but a one man's dollhouse.
Homefront was supposed to be China but they didn't want to miss out on the Chinese market so they changed it to North Korea.
North Korea doesn't exist
it's a CIA invention
>Considering how they keep threatening nukes and advance their tech, it looks that's going to happen pretty soon now.
This is the exact reason why it WON'T happen soon.
If they attack we'll fuck them up.
If we attack they will fuck us up.
It's the same reason the Cold War never escalated into the huge clusterfuck it could've become.
>It will collapse all by itself, just give it time
Said the increasingly nervous man while America chooses between Trump or Hillary (lol!) and a war between it's police and minorities
Nice meme literally made on /r/fullcommunism.
Gonna have to ask you to go back 2 reddit. Thank You.
>The fact that North Korea and its ideology (Juche) has managed to remain virtually unchanged for more than 60 years is mind-blowing
Pro-Tip: that's because it's changed a lot.
Zesty meme comrade. Mind if i post it on /r/fullcommunism? Than- I mean "Dank" You (XD get it?)
2 things
The Norks have 1/1000th the amount of artillery used in WW2 aimed at Seoul.
Hundreds of thousands of pieces of artillery was used in WW2, actually probably over a million pieces if you want to count things like ships being used for naval bombardment, as well as coastal defense guns.
Second, the vast majority of the Nork artillery can only hit the outskirts of the city. The most densely populated areas would receive far less shelling than the outskirts would.
Third, even if the Norks had all that artillery aimed at the city center it still wouldn't be enough to level Seoul or even turn half the city into casualties.
You're still looking at 20-30% casualty rate for civilians (who actually get bombarded, probably 50% in the initial bombardment then 10-15% afterwards for the remainder of the bombardment) which of course is unacceptable.
There's three kinds of people in this world.
The people who can count and the people who can't.
I seem to be the latter.
How the fuck did that fucker become president, twice?
ad hominem aka not an argument
(was actually from leftypol classcucks)
Barely a difference between /r/fullcommunism and leftypol
It's a meme, you dip.
barley a difference between /r/the_donald and pol
me on the left
north korea is a joke
>classcucks XD KEK CUK KEK
back 2 reddit and leftypol
Why do you think you're above /pol/ when you both act exactly the same?
baited for this exact response
never said that???
forgot my image for you
>edited version of a /pol/ strawman image
Not doing a very good job of convincing me you two are any different. Especially since both of you make heavy use of the word "cuck"
>w-we're not like /pol/!
>posts leftypol reskinned /pol/ image with the exact same message as the original
Two sides of the same coin.
t. you
holy shit cringe
these are the people who call you "cucks" and "classcuck" everyday
Where did you find this? It's pretty sad to see a 20 year old man doing something i did as an edgy teen.
i have more :^)
someone posted the "fill in your life" shit on leftypol and i saved them for ridiculing leftypoltards
He went on leftypol, posted it, then saved it to repost on Veeky Forums.
I didn't save them from leftypol, someone went on leftypol, saved them and dumped them here on Veeky Forums. Then i saved them hence the Veeky Forums filenames
holy shit LOL
When did Veeky Forums start to hate /leftypol/?
Back in April this place LOVED /leftypol/
Ever since the first days of Veeky Forums where /pol/ has tried to make Veeky Forums /pol/ with dates.
Because they're annoying and edgy communists.
Leftypol is barely any different from /pol/. I don't want Veeky Forums to be /pol/ with dates either.
Veeky Forums is in a very awkward power struggle right now.
>classcucks XD
>muh spooks (even though stirnerism and marxism are incompatible)
>cuck cuck cuck cuck XD VIVA LA REVOLUTION
that's why
>accuses everyone who says something nice about gomminusm as being leftypol
But exploitation is real and not just a spook. Stirner agrees.
agreeing on certain points =/= being compatible
Hell, Stirner would probably agree on more things with Ayn Rand than Marx.
There is nothing nice about communism. It killed 100 million people.
because anytime we were having a historical discussion they would shove marxism or le spooks into it somehow
also their memes are some of the most annoying and forced i've ever seen, even more than /pol/
they dont have any obligation at all
There is a few things about my country that most people get wrong or simply dont know that might explain why our northern mates aint rebelling or wreaking havoc: there was never an unified korea
Before the division we were part of the japanese empire and before that the ruling dinasties was fighting each other over territories.
That being said, your avarage korean is quite used being under some sort of oppresive regime. This is only changing now here in SK because globalism but the mindset remains on the north. They dont know any better and they probably dont care either, "cucked".
Now. North Korea is a puppet state of China, take everything with a grain of salt. I dont doubt that they do have nuclear weapons but they didnt get them on their own. That country is the stage of something much, much more sinister than it appears and once it comes to light, it will be your avarage conspiracy theorist wet dream. I still believe that NK is China's playground for whatever shit they're doing, because commies and secrets, and when, if, world war 3 happens, the DMZ is going to be the trigger, not the middle east.
There is some spooky shit going on that place, that much is fact. Its spook to the point that people might snatch you here and take you to NK. Soldiers at the dmz being pushed to the north side of the border and not being allowed to come back. Hell, you shouldnt go anywhere near that damn border unless you're looking for trouble.
Because America.
Tell us more about the spooky shit that is going on user, more info.
Before Japan Korean wasn't it own thing?
>space cop
That guy aint too bad.
/pol/ is actually fun though.
Also, is this "Bush is to blame for NK nuclear program" shit true ? I saw somewhere that Bush didn't want nuclear weapons and reduced the number of them.
Korea was never its "own" thing, thats why japan conquered us. We were fighting each other long before your grandgrandgrandgrandgrandparent were alive. There was never a unified korea. The cold war made it worse, a literal mess.
Spionage, kidnaps, c'mon, its all over the internet. A friend of mine went nuclear and crossed the border, a few people I know magically dissapeared close to the border. Just the existence of NK is creepy on its own, there is obviously some shit going down behind the iron curtain and China is probably behind it all. I dont buy their recent diplomatic fights. Take a moment and ponder the possibility that the regime is free to use human subjects on experiments if they want, and its naive to think they dont do it.
There was even an article on cracked talking about how the regime send spy womans to get pregnant on japan and come back just for them to blackmail high profile politicians. And they do whatever the fuck they want with the kids.
Is it really so strange? Any country could become like North Korea if it closed its borders, had a totalitarian government indoctrinating the people since childbirth, taught everyone the leader is a divine being, and told that everyone else in the world is twisted and corrupt. NK could just pull it off because its location is of low strategic importance and it's kept its guns pointed at everything outside its borders.
NK is the Waco Branch Davidians blown up to nation-state scale.
Korea was a chinese tributary state for much of its existence
Been to North Korea.
Pic related basically as to what most of the rural areas look like.
Lots of North Korean towns literally look like you would see in some historic Asian drama. I'm talking, actual houses with curved roofs, paper lanterns and lights and everything.
Pyongyang is basically your typical planned bearucratic city like Canberra and Brasilia, but ironically, is actually probably the best city out of all 3. Pyongyang is seriously a pretty city with beautiful public spaces.
While North Koreans are obviously poor, honestly, they don't really look out of the norm for what you generally just find in Asia in general. If it wasn't for the authoritarianism, I would rather live in North Korea than a shithole like Laos, Bangladesh, Nepal, much of India, Tibet etc.
In fact, if there is anything North Korea is closest too, it's probably Central Asia, countries like Turkmenistan and Mongolia. It's larger towns and cities are pretty much identical to Central Asian towns and cities I've been in.
It's rural areas are similar to rural frontier areas in China, places like Yunnan.