How do you beat a knight in full plate armour?
How do you beat a knight in full plate armour?
With a nuke.
stab him in the eye holes
Push them over
>push sir cuck over
You sold him.
Good luck getting close enough before you get sliced in half.
with a mace
>Pour boiling oil on him
>Set oil on fire
>Round winning kill
use a reaching broom then
With an assault rifle.
Wrestling and stab in face, groin, armpits.
Or a dense formation of halberds, your baddies tangle his weapon and you whack him on the head with an 8 ounce axehead on a 7 foot stick.
Use heavy crossbow
you outrun him until his horse tires or pike formations
Heavy blunt weapons.
A full plate harness is actually far lighter than a modern soldier's backpack and combat gear and it's distributed over the whole body.
9mm should do the job
With a muddy hill
Worked for the English at Agincourt
if you have strong information, knowledge logistics, and mounted gunpowder, you cant loser to anything, behind the buffer of logistic relay you have a strong economy heavily geared to BTFO manufacturing. pretty unbeatable strats. not much room left on the earth for its equivalent style minus a couple of
Canonfire, if it worked against cuirassiers in Waterloo, I doubt it would fail against plate armor.
>Lodovico de Medici btfo
tie his shoelaces together
With maces and other blunt weapons
That and welsh longbows making sure they stay there
blunt weapons to the dome
fuck his wife
OP didn't specify if the knight was armed
>OP didn't specify if the knight was armed
>googles: pictures of a mace
>posts first thing
err... have you watched the video?
20 meter range can pierce the plate armor. Just not the internal softener.
Imagine 100s of longbows with greater force behind it at 200+ meter range, anyone riding the plate armor would be dead/injured
Nice little hints you're dropping, kinda why such a crazy nation like NorthKorea or even just china feel intimidated in the first place. But i hope you don't feel the urge to talk up the worth of your country, we're all still just ants
Depends on its metals but a solid enough swing with a sword will incapacitate/kill him. The same theory whilst being close enough to make him lose his footing somehow and fall would be advantageous to you and your combatants. It's just a bit of common sense, they'd all be aware of this during that time
I can't even imagine the mess that made
As opposed to
>having historically accurate mace photos saved on PC
>still not getting a Victorian joke
>a hill
>at Agincourt
Just because you pierce the plate it doesn't mean you also pierce the layer under it.
Chainmail and padding helps but won't be able to prevent the skull from fracturing or puncturing. Same thing for your foot or hand, how combat effective are you gonna be with an injury (like he implied) of any kind against someone ready to go you to the death
>a solid enough swing with a sword will incapacitate/kill him
I can't even describe how wrong that is. It's near impossible to to any damage with a sword to someone in full plate armour unless you precisely hit an unprotected area.
Good thing you can't pierce a helmet with an arrow then.
Shoot him with an assault rifle.
You have the misconception it's the invincibility suit. Have you tried something vaguely similar to these situations other than just read about it? Not all plate armour is made equal, which ever it is you're referring to. There were tactics like it's weak spots used against someone wearing full plate obviously. Falcata is a good example but from a different time period. And the mace is what you would worry the most more specifically. Don't get upset, eeverie-thing is gonna be alll alright, rockabye.
Fuuck. Wrong link.
Why is not accurate?
Didn't say it wasn't accurate
The video makesit very clear that the bow is ineffective
>Fracture skull
I don't think you understand what arrows are
Jesus fucking christ. Go buy a falcata and fall on it, you low information meme poster.
that's a big mace
this meme really needs to die
that's sad as fuck in an obscure way.
With a gun.
And if that don't work.....
More gun.
>assemble 1000 musicians
>they all play the brown note on their old timey instruments
>oncoming knights need poo poo
>take off plate to do poo poos
>i win.
name ONE problem with this.
With a very long spear to keep him at a distance
See >pic related
Napoleon, is that you?
with my farts
Throw them to the ground and stab gaps in the armour with a dagger, or use blunt force with a weapon such as a poleaxe, mace or even the hilt of a sword
>teh welsh longbowman meme
The Welsh may have developed the longbow, but most of Henry V's army was English
This is easy. Warhammer or mace.
English longbows.
Gunpowder weapons.
>Just because you pierce the plate it doesn't mean you also pierce the layer under it.
The layer underneath would be regular clothing, they weren't wearing thick padding or chainmail under the plate armor.
Polearms, mass/impact weapons (Maces, battle axes, picks, hammers), firearms, or through techniques that target the gaps of the armour (Armpits, crotch gap, eyeslots, etc).
Still have a better trained, better fed and better armoured professional killer, covered in jagged bits of metal, practiced in wrestling and pugilism...
>"The layer underneath would be regular clothing"
>post picture of specific padded arming garment
Depends on the period, but its near universal to have quilted arming garmets under plate, and in some periods, even light maille.
If they're German knights you could play the brown note all day and nothing would happen. you can't pour out an empty cup.
>country full of scat fetishists
>empty cup
How would this do?
Fucking terribly.
A pipe bomb
It had ballistic clay behind. If there was meaningful force going into it there would of been a noticeable mark in it. Also Bascinet helms were very good causing hits to glance.
for you.
Even muskets can shoot through a thin plate of steel. Why else would plate armor be irrelevant today? If primitive guns can kill a knight in plate armor, then guns are better.
Get a load of this fucking pleb. Literally lmaoing at your life.
Pls upload somewhere
Brilliant strategy, his wife probably isn't armored at all! It's his most glaring weak spot!
Well, if they're a country full of scat fetishists, won't they be perfectly comfortable shitting themselves, if not even aroused?
Now you've got an knight with shit-filled armor and a raging erection chasing you.
A bulldozer
This. It wasn't the longbow that brought down the French, it was running through a muddy field in full plate while being constantly hit by arrows. The French were too exhausted to fight the English by the time they reached them.
not a single idiot here has said mass cavalry
>Implying it wouldn't be painful to get a boner in full plate
enjoy your injured wrists
mass infantry would work just as well, numbers beat equipment
Not if he has a double handed sword
this, do it user.
no. I don't mean having superior numbers.
I mean a force composed purely of cavalry will defeat superior numbers of footsoldiers every time. it has to do with logistics, the ability to decide location and timing of battle, the ability to force confrontation or disengage freely, raid settlements, supply lines, and fortifications, etc.
full plate was only useful against foot soldiers, and it was invalidated everywhere by cavalry forces such as the mongols, north africans, etc.
>implying it would
Like this
The results vary
Apparently knights shit themselves all the time and it was the job of the squire to clean it out. During a battle it was impossible to take off your armor to shit, so you just did it right then and there. (Some models of armor had a little backdoor panel you could shit out of, but not all.)
>spreading lies on the internet
what the fuck are you doing?
Aaa, but how beat the boyars?
2 knights with full plate armor