>WW2 game
>The Germans are portrayed as disorganized savages
Round 2 lads, let's see some more hitler dindu nuffin
>WW2 game
>The Germans are portrayed as disorganized savages
Round 2 lads, let's see some more hitler dindu nuffin
from the previous thread:
You're comparing Marx's relation to Marxism with a French aristocrat's, Arthur de Gobineau, relation to the NSDAP in Germany. Let's see you defend this comparison.
Marx may have believed in class conflict, but that's different from class warfare-- nothing he said necessitated mass extermination, mass starvation, mass rape, or any of the crimes associated with Stalinism. So if Nazism gets off the hook for its kookier ideas, so does Communism :3
>Putting aside differences is one thing, but it gets suspicious when your luminaries can't agree on the most basic elements of their philosophy
There was a fairly unanimous agreement about the tenets, mostly being unify and protect the German people. The differences were about how do that (i.e. how much Nat for every Soc.) the conflict of which came to a head with the Strasserite purge. After the Night of Long Knives people learned that dissent was a no-go, kept their special-snowflake beliefs to themselves, and just ran with the fuhrer's orders.
>you've dedicated yourself to preserving "Aryans" and you can't quite decide who's Aryan and who's not, well
Aryan was a bit of a meme to begin with. It was the Nazi equivalent of calling someone "based." The Nazis were essentially calling for the unification of german-speakers with the german diaspora as allies.
>After the Night of Long Knives people learned that dissent was a no-go, kept their special-snowflake beliefs to themselves, and just ran with the fuhrer's orders
That's, uh, not really a compliment for the Nazis, especially in comparison with Greek philosophers or the Founding Fathers. You'll notice, hopefully, that the Federalists didn't purge the anti-Federalists after the Constitution was ratified, nor did Aristotle treat Heraclitus and Parmenides to a Greek version of the Night of the Long Knives.
>Aryan was a bit of a meme to begin with. It was the Nazi equivalent of calling someone "based." The Nazis were essentially calling for the unification of german-speakers with the german diaspora as allies.
Sounds good in theory, but in practice not advisable for a political philosophy. If Germany was obligated to defend Germans abused in Poland, what, precisely, would keep them from invading America if they heard some German there getting called a kraut?
>that's, uh, not really a compliment for the Nazis, especially in comparison with Greek philosophers or the Founding Fathers.
>Socrates, drink this hemlock
The founding fathers' ideology espoused individualism, the Nazis' community. Can't judge one more compass from another belief lens.
>Sounds good in theory, but in practice not advisable for a political philosophy. If Germany was obligated to defend Germans abused in Poland, what, precisely, would keep them from invading America if they heard some German there getting called a kraut?
Sounds good in theory, but in practice not advisable for a political philosophy. If France was obligated to ensure Liberté, égalité, fraternité, for French abused in Italy what, precisely, would keep them from invading America if they heard some Frenchman there getting called a croissant?
>It would, if any allied politician had come to power entirely based on fearmongering about "Bolshevism" the way Hitler had. His deceit and hypocrisy was just on a whole 'nother level.
Seeing as how no other country had almost a decade of civil war due to Bolshevism as don't see how thats a fair comparison to make. I don't see how the germans are unique in using "fear-mongering" to gain power sincethats literallyhow politics works. Candidates run on a platform to solve a "problem" and attempt to get elected by convincing people that the problem is dire and they have the best solution for it. Regardless, the Germans were already wary of the reds to begin with after 1918, the Spanish civil war gave them all the evidence they needed that they were an existential threat.
>"Valid" complaint is the key word. Germany lost the lands it ceded to Poland fair and square in the war,
But when Germany tried to do the same thing its verboten?
>German ethnics were being "abused" by the Poles, Germany should have just taken them in instead of demanding the territory.
They did. But I don't see why the Poles shouldn't allow people to live as citizens of another nation if they desire.
>The founding fathers' ideology espoused individualism, the Nazis' community. Can't judge one more compass from another belief lens.
>Nazis espoused community
>Nazis weren't a hivemind, everyone was allowed their own special snowflake brand of Nazism and it just so happened that Hitler's brand, which was totally different from Rosenberg's, was happiness and sunshine and would have led to peace between all peoples
I think I see an inconsistency.
>Sounds good in theory, but in practice not advisable for a political philosophy. If France was obligated to ensure Liberté, égalité, fraternité, for French abused in Italy what, precisely, would keep them from invading America if they heard some Frenchman there getting called a croissant?
That kind of proves my point senpai. Didn't the French Revolution end up with everyone ganging up on France and eventually kicking the shit out of it because Liberte, Fraternite, and Egalite kept invading errybody?
An ideology that commands its adherents to ensure liberty for its own citizens is one thing, an ideology that demands it ensure liberty for everyone who speaks the language anywhere is another. The same would seem to apply to Nazism, except Nazism doesn't even have liberty or equality.
jesus let this die already
I haven't seen a debate this stupid since some time in junior high, I'm sure.
It's more like one guy ranting into an empty auditorium after everyone went home than a "debate"
>I think I see an inconsistency.
>Hey neighbor, do you like the local sports team?
>no I'm originally from another state
>well we cant have that, we're putting together a posse
>but i like everything else that you all do
>nope, if you're not 100% we gotta hang you
I don't see how differing opinions among a groups constituents precludes its existence as a group.
>That kind of proves my point senpai....
The difference is that Germany asked countries to let their German citizens vote if they want in. When the right of self-determination was denied, THEN they put on the stahlhelms.
So, If I were to write a story about an alternate timeline where Nazi Germany still exists in the 60s and is portrayed like a Good country where people have jobs, everyone's happy and so on, will I get people to spew bullshit at me?
I mean, it would be historically correct.
i couldn't help but notice how much not video games was goin on here
>Wow, now i hate dialectics!
>retarded ridicule is a valid substitute for an arguement
what's the point in arguing, you're autistic enough to write a fucking paragraphs responding to a dead /pol/ thread on /v/ - VIDEO GAMES, what the could I say? You're dead set in your beliefs, your certainly doing nothing to convince me of anything, mostly out of apathy, and this is the VIDEO GAME board so you're just shitting the place up with offtopic and should be ridiculed
>I don't see how differing opinions among a groups constituents precludes its existence as a group.
If you were and justified the Night of the Long Knives as Hitler just trying to enforce "community," it's hard to argue he was nice and tolerant of "differing opinions."
Right of self-determination? That sounds like a Wilsonian liberalism, and I wasn't under the impression Germans much liked Wilson. In any case, why should any other sovereign nation be beholden to an ethnic minority? If those german citizens wanted in, they could have just moved to Germany.
>But I don't see why the Poles shouldn't allow people to live as citizens of another nation if they desire.
Why should they? One of the big points of nazism was nationalism. If you want to say Germany was right to kick out the Jews, through violence if necessary, then the Poles were well within their rights to kick out the Germans violently. And the comparison is even worse because Jews had no nation of their own aside from Israel all the way out in the middle east, while "oppressed" Germans could just make the short trip to Germany. Hitler had even less of a casus belli.
Yeah, I actually know this is pretty dumb, but my autism's flaring up today. The thread will probably just die entirely when the other guy goes to sleep.
How about you fine a job you useless piece of shit?
>it would be historically correct
It wouldn't because historically Nazis lost.
I'm talking about the social side of things.
People under Nazi Germany were happy, had jobs and the whole country was rich in comparison to Germany post WW1.
also no Jews so that's a big plus.
>no Jews
but i thought the Holocaust didn't happen
>it's hard to argue he was nice and tolerant of "differing opinions."
There's a difference between differing opinions and revolt. It was ok to be a very socialist NatSoc just as it was ok to be a federalist. It was not ok to be a commie just as it was not ok to be a loyalist.
>why should any other sovereign nation be beholden to an ethnic minority
So when a country invades another and claims its land, the residents lives' are forfeit?
>If those german citizens wanted in, they could have just moved to Germany
I ask the same thing about the Jews in Germany funnily enough. Might have something to do with the whole human rights thing.
>If you want to say Germany was right to kick out the Jews, through violence if necessary, then the Poles were well within their rights to kick out the Germans violently.
Once again, Poles took the land, roughed up the Germans, and then the rest of Europe told them to suck it up.
>Jews had no nation of their own aside from Israel all the way out in the middle east
They lost it because they followed the advice of people like you.
>neighbors invade
>take land
>boot residents
>refugees to mother land
>rinse and repeat until homeless nation
And then the real fun begins with the persecutions due to being "foreign"
The only way Hitler could have won is if he didn't betray Stalin, negotiated some sort of ceasefire with Britain and USA and then consolidated his power over Western Europe.
Is that a Maus v2?
>you're autistic enough to write a fucking paragraphs
You're autistic enough to play video games, some people enjoy different things.
>You're dead set in your beliefs
I wasn't born with my beliefs, I found the arguments compelling enough to be swayed by them. Why couldn't that happen again?
>Your certainly doing nothing to convince me of anything, mostly out of apathy
and you're proud of that?
>People under Nazi Germany were happy
Do you really believe that a political regime is what makes an individual happy? That's kind of crazy. Also, where did you get the impression that everyone was happy? From Nazi party propaganda?
>the whole country was rich in comparison to Germany post WW1
Literally any country but the poorest African shitholes would be rich compared to post-WWI Germany.
>he doesnt know
All he needed to do was crush britain before moving on to Russia.
It's called "Ratte".
>Do you really believe that a political regime is what makes an individual happy?
No but purpose and belonging might. And the benefits too,
>Literally any country but the poorest African shitholes would be rich compared to post-WWI Germany.
Climbing out of that hole would be quite elating dont you think?
All Britain needed to do was side with Hitler. Fucking (((anglos))) they've always been the bane of European civilization, siding with the fucking Ottomans during the 18th century, instead of supporting efforts for liberating the Balkans.
Beady-eyed Anglos have been a meme since the 15th century
>Do you really believe that a political regime is what makes an individual happy? That's kind of crazy. Also, where did you get the impression that everyone was happy? From Nazi party propaganda?
I Don't know, history class? Have you ever had any of that in your life?
Strasser wasn't a commie, he was a "very socialist NatSoc" but he still died. Rohm was a close friend of Hitler and not planning a "revolt" against him. And in any case, not even the British loyalists were purged after the war--they were allowed to leave the country, not just slaughtered en masse.
>So when a country invades another and claims its land, the residents lives' are forfeit?
No, the residents have a right to move to the land that claims to be their motherland, which would supposedly be germany. Germany does not have the right to invade another country at their behest.
>Once again, Poles took the land, roughed up the Germans, and then the rest of Europe told them to suck it up.
Were they German citizens as opposed to just ethnic Germans? No. Even if Germany lost the land "unfairly," a nation has an obligation to protect its citizens, not every random person who may share an ethnicity. So yeah, the world was right to tell them to suck it up.
>They lost it because they followed the advice of people like you.
Assuming you're the Nazi guy, I thought you'd say they lost their land because they're evil or Machiavellian or whatever.
Another fantastic video game thread.
which history class did you take? I keep hearing from you types that history classes are Jewish propaganda intended to make the Nazis look bad.
not him, but they were still moved out, just not genocided
original plan was to move them to madagascar
>Climbing out of that hole would be quite elating
Sure, but once you've climbed out, what now?
I'm really interested at what history class you took that portrayed Nazi Germany as a social paradise.
>Climbing out of that hole would be quite elating dont you think?
The Weimar Republic was actually doing that before the Great Depression hit.
>The organization essentially collapsed in 1939, and several projects, such as the massive Prora holiday resort, were never completed.
Doesn't sound like a long-term success.
>The idea of deporting Polish Jews to Madagascar was investigated by the Polish government in 1937,[1][2] but the task force sent to evaluate the island's potential determined that only 5,000 to 7,000 families could be accommodated, or even as few as 500 families by some estimates.[a]
i see no way that plan could have gone wrong
Gee, I wonder why the government funded tourism business collapsed when the war started.
Maybe Hitler shouldn't have started the war. He could have offered all Polish Germans free cruises.
He did give them free showers though.
>Strasser wasn't a commie, he was a "very socialist NatSoc" but he still died. Rohm was a close friend of Hitler and not planning a "revolt" against him
Strasser was a closet commie, Hitler had to cool if with the Soc to keep the support of the industrialists and Rohm was flamboyant homosexual who headed the a gang that the party had, at best, tenuous control over.
>No, the residents have a right to move to the land that claims to be their motherland, which would supposedly be Germany. Germany does not have the right to invade another country at their behest.
And what happens when someone takes the part of Germany they call home? When someone takes all of Germany?
>Were they German citizens as opposed to just ethnic Germans? No. Even if Germany lost the land "unfairly," a nation has an obligation to protect its citizens, not every random person who may share an ethnicity. So yeah, the world was right to tell them to suck it up.
Seeing as how a nation is, by definition, composed of a singular ethnicity, ethnic Germans are German citizens.
>Assuming you're the Nazi guy, I thought you'd say they lost their land because they're evil or Machiavellian or whatever.
They lost it because they kept shrugging their shoulders and moving whenever someone took their land until they had no land left to move to. That is the ultimate result of bending your knee to international opinion and ignoring the plight of your ethnic brothers in foreign borders and losing land "fair and square."
>Sure, but once you've climbed out, what now?
Keep improving the situation of your people?
>Keep improving the situation of your people?
Well yeah they did that all right, by enlisting them and marching into an unwinnable war with the whole world.
You say that like the German people willingly and knowingly signed a suicide pact with Hitler's election. Do you think maybe the war was because of extenuating circumstances? I mean really, what are you asking?
>Strasser was a closet commie, Hitler had to cool if with the Soc to keep the support of the industrialists and Rohm was flamboyant homosexual who headed the a gang that the party had, at best, tenuous control over.
So Hitler would tolerate "differing opinions" as long as it was convenient to do so. What a relief. If his benevolence and good will towards all nations ever became politically convenient--say, if a lot of his constituency clamored for Living Space in China or America or wherever--it kinda makes one think he'd jettison all that happily.
>And what happens when someone takes the part of Germany they call home? When someone takes all of Germany?
If someone's invading you, fine, fight. But fighting to regain something you once lost years ago before anyone actually starts invading you is something different.
>Seeing as how a nation is, by definition, composed of a singular ethnicity, ethnic Germans are German citizens.
This is ludicrous. Are the ethnically French and French-speaking American citizens of Louisiana also French citizens? Was France obligated to help them out after Hurricane Katrina?
>That is the ultimate result of bending your knee to international opinion and ignoring the plight of your ethnic brothers in foreign borders and losing land "fair and square."
Yeah, well, Hitler lost WWII even harder than Germany lost WWI. At least the German nation wasn't split in half by the Treaty of Versailles. Meanwhile, the Jews, according to you people, not only orchestrated the campaign against Nazi Germany but controlled and still control the entire world's banking system. Seems like ignoring the plight of their ethnic brothers and giving up on their land worked pretty well for them.
>You say that like the German people willingly and knowingly signed a suicide pact with Hitler's election
They more or less did. Do you know what Germans said when Goebbels asked if they wanted TOTALENKRIEG?
>You say that like the German people willingly and knowingly signed a suicide pact with Hitler's election.
Where did you get those? All I'm saying that Hitler made some really crappy decisions if he really cared about the well-being of German people.
>Do you think maybe the war was because of extenuating circumstances?
It is possible that Stalin was thinking of attacking Hitler. However, thinking cynically about it, Germany had Poland and other subjugated countries as a sort of a buffer state. You need 3 times more military power to attack, isn't that a classic axiom? Instead, he decided to attack a huge fucking country because "Hey, it's Russia, we'll be in Moscow in a couple of months". Best of the Fatherland bled and died on the frozen fields of Russia, because you don't just walk into Russia and expect it to fall.
Also, did you know that Hitler actually lost the election?
>So Hitler would tolerate "differing opinions" as long as it was convenient to do so. What a relief.
When it wasn't literally a subversive fifth column, yes.
>if a lot of his constituency clamored for Living Space in China or America or wherever--it kinda makes one think he'd jettison all that happily.
Ok, interesting opinion
>If someone's invading you, fine, fight. But fighting to regain something you once lost years ago before anyone actually starts invading you is something different.
What is the statute of limitation on irredentism? Once again, turning the other cheek because the injury was a few years back just gets you killed.
>This is ludicrous. Are the ethnically French and French-speaking American citizens of Louisiana also French citizens? Was France obligated to help them out after Hurricane Katrina?
it was the nazi's belief, they acted in accordance with their moral compass.
>At least the German nation wasn't split in half by the Treaty of Versailles
Meanwhile, in west prussia and the colonies.
>Meanwhile, the Jews
Great segue into the jews, thank you. Forty percent of jews are in the one percent and they exert enormous political power (what is the percentage of jewish supreme court justices to their pop percentage?) above their population size, which you should find problematic since you believe nations should not kowtow to ethnic minorities.
>Seems like ignoring the plight of their ethnic brothers and giving up on their land worked pretty well for them.
Jews are what happen when people are denied a homeland. They maintain their existence through nepotism and insularism, which ultimately results in a parasitic relationship with their host state wherein they exert disproportionate influence. This causes resentment in the native pop, an expulsion or genocide, and the repetition of the cycle in the next country.
>Forty percent of jews are in the one percent
You probably wanted to say "forty percent of the one percent is Jewish", because what you said instead means absolutely no sense.
>which you should find problematic since you believe nations should not kowtow to ethnic minorities.
Listen, those jews got there because they earned it. There's no affirmative action for jews, which means they must've worked really hard to get in power, and that's fine by me.
(I'm not the same guy, just saying)
Should leaders say to their people that they intend to fight with about 15-20% of their strength against the existential threat? Saying your going to defend Germany from Bolshevism with all of you heart isn't going to cause people to visualize world war 2: electric boogaloo.
>Instead, he decided to attack a huge fucking country because "Hey, it's Russia, we'll be in Moscow in a couple of months".
You are looking at it from todays perspective. In contemponary perspective Dolphi just had annihilated the best army of the whole world in matter of weeks, while USSR got thrashed by fucking Finland. On top of that he had a terrible intelligence about the red army (for example he did not even knew about the T43s).
>defend Germany from Bolshevism
Noice meme, but Goebbels was talking about Brits and taking offensive actions.
>When it wasn't literally a subversive fifth column, yes.
He couldn't have sent his former friends to Madagascar? If he was willing to extend that courtesy to the Jews he could have certainly done it for his own people.
>What is the statute of limitation on irredentism? Once again, turning the other cheek because the injury was a few years back just gets you killed.
10 years.
>it was the nazi's belief, they acted in accordance with their moral compass.
If their moral compass led to them waging war on the whole world, it was a mighty shitty moral compass.
>Meanwhile, in west prussia and the colonies.
Losing West Prussia and the colonies wasn't as bad as losing all of East Germany. In fact, if you were the guy going on about how the Russians killed 2.2 million Germans in the last thread, there's another reason Hitler's war was stupid. As bad as the Poles may have treated their German minority, they were saints compared to the Russians.
>which you should find problematic since you believe nations should not kowtow to ethnic minorities.
Nope. If American Jews were clamoring to have New York or some other area with a ton of Jews ceded to Israel, I might, but since they're not, your comparison doesn't hold.
>This causes resentment in the native pop, an expulsion or genocide, and the repetition of the cycle in the next country.
But the Jews control the entire world now, and assumedly did by the time WWII took place. Seems like they broke the cycle, and became the big-nosed masters of the world in the process. Too bad the Germans didn't take their example!
>because what you said instead means absolutely no sense.
There are 10 Jews 4 of them are in the one percent, therefore 40% of Jews are in the one percent. Replace the above figures with the actual numbers for their population and the nation's population.
>Listen, those jews got there because they earned it.
Yeah, who has ever heard of getting a job through connections? Especially family ones.
>USSR got thrashed by fucking Finland
Yes, USSR got trashed despite having a massive manpower advantage because they attacked through difficult terrain and had to fight on the enemy territory on enemy rules. They got trashed so hard they actually even realized that and started modernizing their army. And the country they attacked was fucking tiny!
I wonder what kind of effect that should've have had on any sane political and military leader.
>while USSR got thrashed by fucking Finland.
Actually that makes Hitler look worse. Going from that example, the logical conclusion would be that Russia sucked shit at invading, which meant that Germany could easily win a defensive war against them. Invading them and giving up a "homefield advantage" that the Finns had should have struck Hitler as foolish.
>a job through connections
If a firm or bank or whatever is stuffed exclusively "through connections", two things can happen - either they get full of incompetence and collapse, or the people hired are actually competent. Hmmm.
jesus christ just fuck off back to /pol/ already! what's the point of this thread?
>He couldn't have sent his former friends to Madagascar?
i'm sure the SA and strasserites wouldn't mind being deported.
>10 years.
yeah, ok Andrew Jackson
>Losing West Prussia and the colonies wasn't as bad as losing...
So they weren't cut in half, except they were and its ok to only be fucked in the ass a little bit, because someone else might not use lube?
>Nope. If American Jews were clamoring to have New York or some other area with a ton of Jews ceded to Israel, I might, but since they're not, your comparison doesn't hold.
But lobbying to defend, support, and supply their land with the host's resources is ok?
>But the Jews control the entire world now
You act like is crazy for a small group to rule a larger one, discounting tens of thousands of years of human history.See the anglo-saxons and celts or french and england.
> Too bad the Germans didn't take their example!
And when they lose control they're going to throw a hissyfit for being treated the way they acted, like shit, all the while crying about antisemitism and unjust persecution. I don't see why the Germans should be upset that they're bad at acting like parasites when their idea of success is something other than conning a sucker. (see binary stock options)
>Going from that example, the logical conclusion would be that Russia sucked shit at invading, which meant that Germany could easily win a defensive war against them
Correct. But the conclusion is irrelevant since it was Germans who wanted to conquer Russia, not the other way.
>Despite images of a motorized blitzkrieg force, the German army lacked adequate motor vehicle capacity. Halder, in fact, had toyed with the idea of demotorizing the army after the Polish campaign because of a serious lack of vehicles and fuel. Amazingly, the German army used almost twice as many horses in World War II as it had in the previous war, 2.7 million as compared to 1.4 million. The Wehrmacht that attacked Russia was essentially composed of a steel tip mounted on a brittle wooden shaft as only a quarter of the invading force consisted of motorized units. The great mass of German soldiers advanced into Russia in June 1941 as soldiers had done for centuries, on foot and supported by horse-drawn transportation; indeed, the Germans employed some 650,000 horses in their blitzkrieg into Russia. The Wehrmacht, as Adam Tooze has stressed, was essentially a “poor army,” as the Versailles restrictions and years of economic hardship in the 1920s and early 1930s had stifled the development of a large motor vehicle industry.
>i'm sure the SA and strasserites wouldn't mind being deported.
They'd have preferred it to being shot, so they probably would have went more quietly than the Jews did.
>its ok to only be fucked in the ass a little bit, because someone else might not use lube?
>But lobbying to defend, support, and supply their land with the host's resources is ok?
Guess so.
>You act like is crazy for a small group to rule a larger one, discounting tens of thousands of years of human history.See the anglo-saxons and celts or french and england.
I'd say it's crazy for a small group without a nation of its own to control a whole bunch of other ones (unlike, say, the French and British empires), but OK, let's go with Jews controlling the world. If you admit they control the world, you should also admit they're more successful at their goals than the Germans were.
>And when they lose control they're going to throw a hissyfit for being treated the way they acted, like shit, all the while crying about antisemitism and unjust persecution.
Who says they're gonna lose control? They won WWII, I wouldn't bet on their winning streak ending again. I guess Judeo-Bolshevik domination of humanity is something we'll just have to get used to.
>their idea of success is something other than conning a sucker.
Yeah, instead of their idea of success being a conman, it's being mugger. Gibsmedat lebensraum! Real admirable. I'll take the parasites.
I never knew there was a history board
what the fuck were they thinking, attacking the biggest country in the world with logistics like that
That's Hitler, the "great strategist" for you.
>history thread gets moved to history board
>Hitler supporters disappear
Were they really only here to shitpost? Were they here to "redpill" people not very familiar with history? Nobody will know it now.
This thread was originally from /v/, and was based off this thread:
boards.Veeky Forums.org/v/thread/351456203
I think it was just one or two nazis there, but they were pretty persistent.
>This thread was originally from /v/,
I came from /v/ too, though I didn't see the original thread. Just clicked on this one because it had Ratte on the op pic. Thought it'll be about impossible, but cool wunderwaffe stuff.
>The Germans are portrayed as disorganized savages
In what world?
Usually in Games they're portrayed as autistic, following orders, jackbooted, super-science evil master race.
>People under Nazi Germany were happy
No they weren't. People joined the NSDAP because you wouldn't be able to find a job if you didn't. Everybody knew what was going on, that Jews were being deported and that you were forced to vote for Hitler later on. They placed soldiers outside of the voting chambers and if you didn't vote for Hitler you could say goodbye to your family.
>had jobs
Because Hitler needed to sustain his war economy somehow. Everybody had to work despite the wages being low.
>the whole country was rich in comparison to Germany post WW1
The country starting to recover wasn't because Hitler was some kind of economical genius. It's because the Weimar Republic was giving the right orders.
Yeah, most books I've read have the Weimar Republic doing very well before the Great Depression hit. Hitler might have "rescued" his people from that--and not even, really, most of the "recovery" came from spending too much on the military--but by no means was he anywhere near as good as the Naziboo says he was.
guy just premmied
>thread actually got moved from /v/ to Veeky Forums instead of outright deleted
I'm legitimately impressed.
I was actually surprised when I started seeing notifications about threads being moved. Was that a recent feature added?
Which he had no hope of doing, he didn't have the sealift capabilities for an invasion, nor the heavy bombers to bomb them into submission.
Why would they side with Hitler? British diplomats had worked to ensure no single power would be dominant on the European mainland for literally centuries. Why would they just smile and hand it all over to Hitler, even if he hadn't invaded one of their allies, even if Britain and the USSR weren't at war, etc.?
Nope. It's existed at least as long as /trash/ has.