They say human is basically an infant of chimpanzee.
And being more infantile may have led to bigger brains.
This is called neoteny. Then, are Asians the most neotenized human race?
Short limbs, less hairy, flat facial parts, slow aging. These traits clearly indicate immaturity.
Are Asians the most neotenized human?
Other urls found in this thread:
I dunno.
Asia is an area where a lot of people work at an early age while the first world is filled with manchildren.
yes and no one but idiots argue otherwise. it's a fucking fact.
whites are have least neoteny
whites are somewhat more gerontomorphic than other races
Is it neoteny or the size of the brain relative to the rest of the head?
what. no they're not.
intelligence is inherently tied to neotonic features because of our morphology. neoteny is the feature that allows us to have larger brains, slower development, increased trust, reciprocation with non-family members, extension of oxytocin induced behaviors with non-kin (including its introduction into the mating process.)
neoteny allowed the retention of ALL of these, particularly that of emotional connections in adulthood. whites are in no way the least neotonic. asians are slightly ahead of whties, however
>less hairy, flat facial parts
That's because estrogen, have you not seen old asian pictures where people are turk tier hairy?
>slow aging
thats because they don't tan you mongoloid, they literally get this tan blocker things.
nah they just have that shit on the average because of the type of person that died in war compared to other regions and types of warfare based on geo factors from topography
idiot post
asians actually have higher testosterone levels
Veeky Forums is the stupidest board.
jesus fuck
>asians actually have higher testosterone levels
They don't. Go back to
>muh whites are recessive neotenic superior elves
Ashley Montagu said that the following neotenous traits are in women when compared to men: more delicate skeleton, smoother ligament attachments, smaller mastoid processes, reduced brow ridges, more forward tilt of the head, narrower joints, less hairy, retention of fetal body hair, smaller body size, more backward tilt of pelvis, greater longevity, lower basal metabolism, faster heartbeat, greater extension of development periods, higher pitched voice and larger tear ducts.
A 2007 book about forensic anthropology said that the post-pubescent "female skull tends to retain its more pedomorphic features" when compared to the post-pubescent male skull.
Negroids have the following neotenous traits relative to Caucasoids: flattish nose, flat roof of the nose, small ears, narrower joints, frontal skull eminences, later closure of the premaxillary sutures, less hairy, longer eyelashes and cruciform pattern of the lower second and third molars.
Frederick S. Hulse said that "...modern Europeans are, on average, distinctly less pedomorphic than are most non-Europeans...".
Richard Jantz and Lee Meadows Jantz who are both directors at the Forensic Anthropology Center at the University of Tennessee said white American skulls of both sexes have become less neotenous since the mid-1800s.
Down syndrome neotenizes the brain and body. The syndrome is characterized by decelerated maturation (neoteny), incomplete morphogenesis (vestigia) and atavisms.
White faces reveal their age more often than other races.
Historically, in Asia, children have always been late bloomers and haven't been forced to work as a man until late in the years. Opposite of Europe/America/Africa.
In fact, even now, you're not considered an adult until you're either 20+ or married with children. Most traditional family will still consider you a child even when you're in your 30s.
So you're definitely wrong on that assumption.
>the United States and Canada
>asians don't tan
You clearly never spoke to anyone from China or SE-Asian countries. They do tan quite heavily and they try to avoid it, because a lighter skin is considered more attractive, especially for women. Pic related, some women wear these in China for the beach to avoid getting tanned, others use ridiculously strong sunscreens.
women being more neotonic than men does not mean whites are less neotonic than nonasian races.
are you fuckign stupid?
whites are clearly more pedomorphic. the larger skulls we have are pedomorphic. our brow ridges and skulls are thinner. WE REACH PUBERTY LATER.
I could go on and on but you people are fucking stupid. Veeky Forums is a board for idiots and I'm done with this place
>lighter skin is considered more attractive, especially for women
this comes traditionally from white traders along the silk road settling as merchantilist kings in xian & later on south koreas breeding experiment via the un's point to existence
the part about women is to show that neoteny is not the same as intellect
i provided a lot more than that in terms of sources
all you provided is your own assertions
yes, you should go back to pol
Is neoteny considered a good thing? Doesn't an immature body mean weakness and less chance of survival?
>asians are slightly ahead of whties, however
Asians live the longest. The smartest. The safest place, relatively speaking. So I'd say your conjecture is false.
On the other hand, this guy might be right. Larger brain structure and slower brain development would lead to a more intelligent person.
Does it have to do with Neanderthal blood? They say white people mixed with Neanderthal and inherit their "primitive" traits.
very unlikely
though there are neanderthal genes some whites have associated to short height and increased body hair
not that significant though, you have 4x more viral DNA than neanderthal + asians have more denisovian DNA than whites neanderthal
>Veeky Forums - Pseudoscience
Well this fucking woman is 40 years old but she doesn't look a day over 20 so yes.
>this comes traditionally from white traders along the silk road settling as merchantilist kings in xian & later on south koreas breeding experiment via the un's point to existence
Is this the white nationalist equivalent of WE WUZ KANGZ AN SHEET?
Jesus Christ.
youre a retard
Source or lie.
She's 36, not 40 like the other guy said.
And that picture was taken near the end of 2011, when when she was 30.
>asians abroad are not asians
>Historically, in Asia, children have always been late bloomers and haven't been forced to work as a man until late in the years.
What the fuck is this even mean?
Traditionally for a lot of Asian cunts you just did what dad did. Like farmers & artisans or some shit. You started doing this right after fucking elementary.
Furthermore I was talking of the modern world. The first world enables manchildren phenomena and sheltered cunts so how dare you talk of maturity.
Your tumblrina phenomena and this website is proof positive of this.
Jesus Christ
Get some help. You have strong emotional issues.
that study only tested older men.
The Japanese are more manchildren than westerners.
>First worlders
I suppose that covers nips.
Bump for human biodiversity and racial realism BTFO'ing race denialists
>And being more infantile may have led to bigger brains.
Brain size doesn't actually mean much. Rats are considered to be one of the smartest species on the planet.
Nice 19th century pseudo-science.
>White faces reveal their age more often than other races.
Even Arabs and Mestizo?
>literally means you're not white because you have indian blood
Mestizo is sort of like it's own race. Over 90% of Mexico is Mestizo.
It's like the Labradoodle.
Brain size with respect to body size does matter however
>asian americans aren't asians
wtf i love asians now
No, the Capoid race is (i.e. San "Bushmen" people).
San have the following neotenous traits relative to Caucasoids: large brain, light skin pigment, less hairy, round-headed, bulging forehead, small cranial sinuses, flat roof of the nose, small face, small mastoid processes, wide eye separation, median eye fold, short stature and horizontal penis.
This all puts to rest the idea that higher neotenous traits in race correlates with higher intelligence, because the San people are retarded as fuck.
neoteny is a morphological features that is necessary (NOT sufficient) condition for advanced ntelligence.
Veeky Forums is the most retarded fucking board.
how can you faggots not make the distinctions between sufficient and necessary conditionals?
How is it a necessary condition? Ashkenazi Jews have a high incidence of primitive phenotypes compared to other ethnic groups.
>Ashkenazi Jews have a high incidence of primitive phenotypes compared to other ethnic groups.
like what?
ashkenazi jews have a high incidence of archaic phenotypes (this is very similar to southern hcinese) but you'd be stupid to say that because of these phenotypes, the overall phenotype of jews OR southern chinese is not neotonic. it CLEARLY is highly neotonic despite this.
as I outlined in a post above, human sociality is basically the retainment of the nfant mind into adulthood, which patterns peer social relations on oxytocin, similar to how the infant brain patterns with oxytocin to parents and siblings.
neoteny brought this, among with a whole other HOST of features, all of which are necessary to intelligence. neoteny is not necessarily necessary to all species to gain intelligence, but for humans, it WAS.
I think the least neotenous group are the abbos personally. They have extremely pronounced features, the brow lines and nose in particular.
>ashkenazi jews have a high incidence of archaic phenotypes (this is very similar to southern hcinese) but you'd be stupid to say that because of these phenotypes, the overall phenotype of jews OR southern chinese is not neotonic. it CLEARLY is highly neotonic despite this.
This is literally the same as Caucasian Europeans.
I think the one neotonic feature they sometimes process is blonde hair
I don't think you can make the case that europeans have a high incidence of archaic traits. for europeans within the hajnal line the incidence of archaic traits such as prognathism, forward head/neck position, skull morphology, bone density, etc is all extremely low, increasing in intensity as one moves beyond mid-spain and middle italy.
if you took a longer look at jewish/southern chinese phenotypes you'd begin to see people that literally still look like cavemen. they're still a minority, but the incidence is remarkably higher.
it's clear that they're transitional populations
t. never stepped foot outside in his life
whites are the highest test race. blacks have more androgens and have fast twitch muscles like jack rabbits, but whites are built more like lions, bears and tigers
Not many people sidereal that it's your balance of testosterone to other hormones that matters.
You can have sky high Test but if it's balanced out by other hormones the person is completely normal.
Do you think the term Mestizo would be more popular if it was a cute name like Labradoodle?
>whites are the highest test race
Source? I highly doubt this
testosterone levels are not a 1:1 correlation to behaviors, just like no other hormone works that way. sensitivity, receptor numbers and locations, heirarchy (e.g. if a different receptor absorbs the hormone first, there is no spillover effect to other behaviors) etc, all make a difference as well.
you need to fucking realize that you're stupid. read up on basic hormonal pathways.
Veeky Forums is the stupidest board, primarily because you think you unerstand things that you don't even have the basics on.
I'll repeat it again
the order goes blacks>middle easterners>new worlders>asians>whites>indians
but as I already mentioned, test isn't a 1:1 correlation to morphology or behavior. test just influences the variation from a determined set [oint, say, of bones whose structure is already determined by neoteny. e.g. a 10 year old boy has MORE test than a bodybuilding woman, but his bones are still not as thick until puberty
No, it literally means you're a mix. The word is even used outside of half-indian in spanish, the half-blood prince from HP is el prÃncipe mestizo.
>horizontal penis
>the San people are retarded as fuck.
I don't care about the rest of your post but you do know those people are very poor and disadvantaged as fuck. and I mean exceptionally poor.
Took you this long to notice?
Like the amount of stupid and ignorance in many threads is immense it would take you forever to write up on why some guys shitty historical knowledge and memes make no sense and are wrong let alone an entire thread.
It's like if you had to explain the American Civil War to some guy saying stupid bs and the guy starts talking and as you realize it's like "oh my God...I don't even think this guys knows what America is/he gets his info on American history from /int/, Veeky Forums, or /pol/!". Do you go out and try to correct the guy who most likely would not care to inform himself because of his huge gaps in knowledge suggesting deliberate shunning engagements in excercises of ignorance or alternatively do you just to answer him and bet that he won't shit up other threads with shitty inquiries or shitposting hard.
TL:DR this board is the epitome of the pigeon shitting on the chessboard.
He's right though. Just look at the video game community.
I wonder what crazy secondary adult characteristics we have lost in our evolution. Other apes have crazy ones, like the satellite plate rings that alpha male orangutans get around their heads.
Is that Niki Minaj?
t. small dicked asian
No. But archaic homo sapiens females probably had that kind of shape. Asians might be more neotenized but that also makes them flatter, unfortunately.
what kind of bullshit discipline does this topic concern?
Biology. Neoteny is also a byproduct of domestication. See domesticated foxes, which were selected for minimal aggression and ended up looking more puppy-like
Its not something that is dominate genetically. In fact its all but gone now in less than three generation.
But the Khoisan were the first branch of humans to split from the rest, if any human group is likely to have conserved ancient features is them. They seem so remarkably non-violent. Even their languages are so unique.
>constantly getting three day bans for making "not history" thread
>this thread is up for 12+ hours
why are Veeky Forums mods so shit?
Your threads were probably just shit.
>This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc.
>constantly getting three day bans for making "not history" thread
Holy shit, they actually give those?
Stop the bullshit this is false. Khoisan are not genetically monolithic. Khoe speakers also have had a number of genetics admixture events. Its complicated and popular news sources are providing false information through simplication.
Their languages are not all unified and yes violence accorded amongst them.
lel this, all those angry posts itt are obviously the same butthurt asian americans you find on /int/ and /pol/
their genetic pool IS monolitic. it's just that archaic populations have more genetic diversity. they are phenotypically stable, however.
the genetic diversity you are talking about that they have is morphologically uniform. there's just MORE of it, little of which differs significantly.
to make you think about this harder, we can see africans who bear the markers for what almost certainly turned into O and r1 haplotypes, which are east asians and europeans, respectively.
the O person doesn't look asian in africa, nor doest he r1 person look white.
antoher example, a chipanzee brother and sister between them have greater genetic diversity than between an arican and an asian. chimpanzee groups, however, are still HIGHLY monolithc in the sense that theyre all bred from cousins, sometimes siblings, and they genocide neighbors (who are more likely to be third or fourth cousins.)
the khoisan population is genetically monolithic. the word diversity, you don't know what it means. you don't understand the math
So this is in fact a realistic figurine?
>Negroid picture
>bigger brow ridge than the Caucasian
Asians actually have the most Neanderthal blood, or at least the Han Chinese do. They never seem to have large brow ridges, and when they do they look like Erectus.
Didn't the Capoid/Khoisan people have a subrace of large brained baby-faces people in Southern Africa about 20,000 years ago called Boskops? That's even more neoteny related.
I thought West Africans were high test.
Pretty sure the boskop skulls were written off as hydrocephaly victims.
>literally the oldest people on the planet
>Get their shit kicked out of most of Africa after exploring Eurasia and bringing back some genes until they hit Southern Africa and Southeast Africa
>Bantus come in and kick their asses (unless they're Khoikhoi apparently), then the Dutch team up with the Bantus and literally hunt them like subhuman animals and ship some to human zoos as a missing link
>mixing, both consensual and non-consensual occurs and creates the Coloured people
>now poor as dirt in South Africa, which is saying a lot
Why must they bully the Khoisan?
I've seen better looking San women with equally large asses, but goddamn.
I've heard of microcephaly but not macrocephaly. Does it cause mental retardation too?
It's possible that proto-Europeans had that, yes. But what the hell happened?