Stereotyping Thread

ITT: We post a car, the person below stereotypes the kind of person who would drive that car, and posts another car.

baby boomer who spent most of his retirement money on his car

Deadhead who wanted to drive stick again but his wife won't let him buy an expensive car

Cuck who bought a Vauxhall badged as a Pontiac and then riced the fuck out of it.

Cletus who still calls it the war of northern aggression.

You are thinking of Opel, and the Solstice came before the opel GT (well before the new one anyways)

Also rich old men who spend all day at car shows in fold out chairs drinking beer and staring at their car, giving death glares to anyone who comes near it that is under the age of 40

>middle age guy who wanted an M3 but had a family so he had to get the five door, his desire for the E92 bled so deep that he felt the need to rice the fuck out of it in the form of a different bumper, spoiler and alloys.

upper management at some bigass corporation who will put it in a guardrail within 10k miles


A fucking weeb that just graduated from Stanford and is doing alright for himself but still has his mother bring him groceries every week.

An all around good human being


Retiree that collects commemorative plates, goes to car shows and sits next to his car on a lawn chair for 8 hours, and pretends to be annoyed when his wife makes him go antiquing while secretly enjoying it especially when he finds a vintage gas station sign for only $300, which he promptly spends his grandsons college fund savings on

Someone with correct moral standards

forgot my car

Overzealous collector in their mid 60s

Someone who constantly drives in the fast lane despite going below the speed limit

A suburban mother with one kid who doesn't check her mirrors or blind spots when turning.

Gay guy who hates fags.

fast food working kid who saved up for his first car.
Wears his cap backwards, Blast his music and revs his engine a lot trying to skid everywhere.

Flatcap-wearing vape machine who can usually be found parked outside his local CVS/Pharmacy waiting for his five-years-younger girlfriend to get off work, ogling vacantly into space and thinking everyone is staring at his car because it's so fuckin' cool and not because it's stupid.

Also, Silent Bob in the background?

Kid from junior high borrowing it from his older cousin Darren who insists that a RB26 and manual swap is going to happen any day now. Tells everyone it's fast and the stock Civics that beat him off the line are all super sleepers.

70-85 year old geezer who drive at least 10 mph below speed limit at all times

Literally my great-uncle Bob. Doesn't care about anything except reliability. Says he'll get a Corolla if it dies since those are reliable too, and easier on the gas.

18 year old who just got his license and borrows his parent's old car

Poor, overweight, chain smoking welfare recipient with diabetes.

Grandson of 70-85 year old geezer, who bought a wagon-boat because Veeky Forums told him they were cool and drives at least 10mph above speed limit at all times because muh V8 torks, muh 350, muh murrika. Jerks off to bimbofication porn.

Dad who clings very close to his mid-life crisis mobile he always dreamed about owning when he was a teen. polishes it and takes it for a spin on the week-end with his aviators.
>bonus points if you can tell me what kind of japanese guy drives this

Poor guy who didn't hear about apex seals or oil consumption.
Now has a greater appreciation for torque.

>bonus points if you can tell me what kind of japanese guy drives this

trick question. the guy who drives that is an american serviceman serving in japan. he doesn't give a shit about the locals because he owes them nothing -- if he does his job, they owe him

Soccer mom who drives like she's on crack, thinks she absolutely NEEDS all wheel drive to drive through a puddle or the occasional snowstorm

college student with his older brother's hand-me-down. he barely takes care of it but it'll treat him better than any car he'll ever own

>bonus points if you can tell me what kind of japanese guy drives this

Works in a game parlor.

85 year old yank staying in florida for the winter.

17 year old japanese kid who watches initial D


Typical H2Oi patron

Obese middle age man who bought it new and is still his pride and joy. Wants to fuck his daughter but is afraid of his wife.

A 20 year old who smokes cigars only to post pics of himself smoking cigars on Instagram and snapchat so everybody can see that he smokes cigars and isn't secretly a vapefag. Wears cowboy boots. In the northeast. Bought a Taurus sel "because it's fast". Not because the SHO was financially out of reach

20 something office employee who can't even drive it correctly.

Hot college chick who fucks blacks guys on the downlow
Her parents think she is a virgin and are investing their retirement in her education little do they know she is majoring in womens studies

16 year old girl, daddy's money
smug upper-middle class executive prick in his mid 50s
alternatively, sand nigger of any background

37 year old overweight single mother who only feeds her kids chicken from fast food joints. Car is perpetually on its last leg and has metal showing on the tires. Woman who owns it works at a car wash as a cashier.

Sperged out college age who "upgraded" from his slow miata to the street light racer.

early 20s WHITE MALE who thinks he likes cars so he purchased the ST model. He knows nothing about it and in 3 months it will be an appliance like every other car he sees on the road. Also has no friends and is massively in debt for no reason.

Bosnian who works at mcdonalds or at a dealership at best, posts on facebook inspirational quotes about being successful, wastes hard earned paycheck on alcohol and hookah. is named amir or adis. casual lifter in the gym

are there a lot of bosnian tourists in motorhomes where you live?

I have a Bosnian friend that lives in the Netherlands, named Adir and drives an all blacked e92, while he works as cashier or bartender wherever he finds employment.

nope in stl, but they do drive used bmw mercedes with black wheels while living in shitty houses

16 year old white girl (daddy's money) who only dates black guys

Boy racer with no taste who was convinced by his friend Juanito that it's a true performance vehicle.

Hispanic* guy who is basically white and actually knows a bit about cars. Would never sell the car and is dating a whole hog of a chick

Stay at home mother who also still has a nanny to help her that felt like she needed a bigger car after she had a kid

Guy who thinks people find him cool if he has "taste" and has to interject when he hears conversations concerning his interests

Oh do me

Early 30s guy with a boring middle-management job.

Woah. Wrong.
26 year old autist that lives on autismbux.

you are bald, the back of your head has a double chin and your forehead is very narrow. You are fat and muscular - bear mode. You usually dress up as a douchebag. You own a small flower shop that is merely a front for your money laundering and racketeering activities. The past few years the police have been hard on your activities so you couldn't afford a new A6 and one of the major clans fell so bribing isn't what it used to be.
You still remember the good old days whilst laying it low.
Your hobbies consist of sports bets and slots.

I wish my life was that exciting. It's not. Also, I have full head of hair.

Europoor who leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth. Tries to convince everyone sportswagons are ever bit as practical as a hatchback or crossover while retaining the looks of a coupe. Delusional Adonis tier flamboyant who challenges anyone to an open road stand off.

an faggot

But sportwagons are the best cars.

Anyway, you know very little about cars but you want something executive. Your bussines is growing nice and well so you decide to buy yourself something nice. Since you are too cool for the germans and too snob for everything else, you get swayed by that Jaguar brochure and that commercial so you take the plunge. You read on the internet that it's a very comfortable because none of your friends own a Jaguar. But now you do. You decide that a comfortable limo would do best. Just so that you can put the keys on the table and say that you drive a Jaaaag.