League of Legends General - /lolg/

Canonically Brazilian THICC edition

>Useful links
>lolg home page

>what the pros are building

>champion winrates and stats

>tool to quickly see who is in your game

>detailed info on each summoner

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first for c9 will win worlds

reminder that regi is cool and good


>regi is based

He really isn't.


>joined Veeky Forums chat after 3 years
>only recognize one person
>everyone else is a literal who

Does Regi cry himself to sleep when TSM loses?



>MFW people still don't realize after all this time how much of a hard counter garen is to tanks

Good job ignoring the point and putting words in my mouth, retard


Someone post the eune leak please. I wanna check something.

>still funny

Nerfs to this faggotry when? That was just so stupid to watch.

>tsm and clg getting btfo

today is a good day

Sej is a beautiful strong woman!

Weren't wildturtle and bjergsen supposed to be the best at their role out of all EU and NA? Why did they lose to literal nobodies?

>plays a champ who can literally rewind time, reposition and heal back to full
>does nothing and just dies

Regi is a cunt.

>"Hey Regi what do you think of the imported talent?"
>"Every team owner is an idiot but me."
>"O-ok are you worried about people like Looper?"
>"Fuck every other team TSM is the only smart one."

>Wanting to recognize trip and avatarfags
Maybe you should stay gone.

>Echo Fox will literally shit on both CLG and TSM in one week
This is amazing.

>lethality thresh
but don't his ability deal magic damage?

NA Superteam

t. TSM fan.

Can she even clear jungle now?


Wiat what? Was Singed picked for pro-play?

>literal nobodies
TSM fans everyone.

comfy bfs~

>clg is literally up 5 towers and 8 kills
>still behind in gold
how bad do they have to be? they had a decent lead before p1 sneaked baron too

>doesn't know what a trip and an avatar is

maybe you should kill yourself

IF they pull it off I'll jerk off into a Rick Fox lakers jersey

Literally pick Quinn into him, she obliterates him

>Mfw people still don't realize that Sejuani is unironically the best waifu in league, or at least a lot better than Katarina/Nidalee/Lulu

Looper just dumped on TSM with it.

I thought you guys said that mage supports are really good right now.

kys, I really don't get how or why Looper is still around he's such a blight on the pro scene.

Looper picked it, and he's played it in previous matches too. EF picks non-meta stuff all the time. So does FlyQuest


Did you guys remember in S3 when Regi was stuck in plat and needed Dyrus to carry him out? Good times.

>every adc main i know started playing something else this season

Actually his prediction was somewhat on point. The super teams are underperforming and the the teams he named as doing well are near the top (tsm, immortals, and c9). The biggest surprise is flyquest which doesn't fit the imports are op narrative either. In short, you're full of shit.

She is pretty THICC

>1/5/2 as support annie




I also hated DL. That boosted shitter joining TSM was a win/win for me. All the shit converged to one place.

Also, to the fag who called Regi based. Are you serious? Have you a single clue what Regi does or stand for? Are you fucking kidding me?



>buying frostmeme clam on a mage support
you don goofed son

This image is fucking great.

>want to date cute shy support user
>she has a boyfriend
>still crushing on her regardless

Help me, I feel like a retarded cuck

>Echo Fox 3k gold up at 15 min
>5k gold up at 20 min
God damn this team is monstrous.

How does that change him being a cunt?

Same senpai. Fuck regi and fuck doublelift also fuck nagi that fucking bitch

Xth for Katarina
best girl

>People call for a new fucking champion in the meta
>Singed is picked

Don't tell me you hate Singed, you don't know what you want.

anyone interesed in my season 1 account?
(it has season 1 icon, among others, over hundred skins, etcetc)

im willing to give it away for a steam game or something T_T

ly bad

most of their games are throws and akaadian being good doesn't stop keith from being shit

Khazix has a winrate of 66.1% in the LCS over 121 games played this split according to oracleselixir.com/statistics/champions/2017-spring-champion-statistics/

He's totes balanced! Just like Shen, Rengar, Ivern, and Jhin! :^)

Varus is apparently a meme pick that does not work nearly as well as teams think he does.

yes, all of his actives deal magic damage, even his E passive is magic damage. So theoretically, a bunch of ad items and then a last item void staff would be fun to try out.

He one shot people a couple times with a charged up E passive but mostly he was kinda eh.

Slow mostly but she tears through chickens which is normally one of the tougher camps for most champs so it's a trade off.

I agree. My heart will always belong to Sona but Sej is a wonderful waifu.

watch EF dominate earlygame and then TSM miraculously comes back at 40 minutes, wins and stomps game 3

Sure. I know what I can write in my suicide note "a mean person on Veeky Forums said I don't know irrelevant jargon and so I knew I my life was worthless".

You guys are worse than the 12 year olds in my bronze games. 2edgy4me

TSM is going to ban singed. Hauntzer clearly doesn't know how to deal with it seeing as he threw away his teleport which lead to the dive on bot.

king rammus or bust

The best thing about kayle - she's still broken as hell and nobody plays her because her icon is dumb as fuck

>TSM went home already

she must have cold all the time

Whatever helps you sleep at night, redditor.

She's second to Elise

I want to look EXACTLY like irelia

Sure, he's not like his 2014 days, but he's still winning at least. And on Singed, of all champions.

I like to think I do a good job of keeping her warm :^3

I can't argue against easily verifiable fact.

The TSM fanbabies' tears are delicious!

She's boring as fuck, and she either wins hard or is useless, there's no inbetweens .

Pisses me off how garbage like Singed now has more competitive representation than so many more champions that deserve it like Nasus, new Yorick, Garen, and so on.

>not clearing minion waves


literally bronze

tip gate is now unironically going to be more successful as a pro player than tip rush

I got autofilled as support. I didn't really know what to do build as support Annie. I was also behind in gold so I couldn't really wait to have a Deathcap.




i have a body like her but with longer hair

>Throwing at baron

t. NA team

>implying Gate wasn't always better than Rush

Why is Ivern good? I got it in an Aram and I've never felt as useless as I did on that champ. Literally felt like I did nothing other than throw out a root every 8 seconds and chuck a shield on people.

hey wanna be my katarina gf for valentines day


clg didn't win the game, p1 lost it after clg lost it first after they got their early lead


I'd love to see the mental gymnastics required to rationalize being a redditor as inferior to browsing Veeky Forums.

how much like her?

She eventually comes to the point where she hyper carrys if she ever becomes useless and can outscale.

There's no jungle in aram

are you are girl without penis?

I'd really buy FQC on utility supports. Next time just buy spelthief and Stone and proceed with your usual build

there's like 150 champions in league

maybe 15 of them are good in aram

the others are varying degrees of trash

don't ever judge a champions viability on aram ever again thanks in advance.

>Azael calling out P1 for being boosted
based OMGScoots


Go away redditor.

Yeah but what makes Ivern a bannable champ in pro play

Please explain what makes him good enough to be not only played but bannable

>not overcoming environment with power of the mind