Open beta has passed! Release on Febuary 14th.
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Open beta has passed! Release on Febuary 14th.
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who won the faction war?
Oh shit, it's over? I read somewhere it was at 5pm PST, shit. Whelp, never gonna get to play this again, 60 dollars is ridiculous for a game like this.
So, what's your decision?
Really? Isn't there a last round?
shit really? awesome!
Knights, barely.
It was about to come all tumbling down then it ended.
alright, now that the beta is over who was your most played character and what ilvl did you reach?
i got to 53 i hope there are even better sets beyong 60 tho
So that is why I got kicked out just now?
So who won? Knights had the most but were set to lose like six areas.
My bad, was Knights, last time I saw the leader board, which was like 2 mins ago, Vikings had the lead.
Not one of the people who voted PK know how to fight her.
Learn to play a fighting game before you cry over a hero.
we're in here:
forgot image
Knights, though there's no "official" winner since it was just a beta, not a season.
How many of you will be buying the game?
I really wish it was 40 bucks but I can't argue with my boner so looks like I'll be going for 8% BF by cutting out all the food.
Got to almost prestige 2 with warden. Gear level was like 42 rare or some shit. Had a lot of fun.
Now that the closed beta is finished.
I had some time to change my Uplay username
rate please
>tfw picked the knights because I really enjoy longswords, shields and lances
>its nothing as I imagined
>warden is way faster than he seems
>wish conqueror had a mace instead
>try a bit of the samurai
>enjoy it
>realize i'm actually gonna be playing samurai's for the most part
>change factions
>end up playing conqueror through the whole beta anyway
Man, I wish lawbringer was in the beta. Or at least a character that uses a shield plus lance.
What a wonderful day.
We did it, brothers and sisters.
Deus Vult!
Why is it that so many people found Conqueror to be so fun?
I also share the opinion, but i'm amazed at how many people enjoyed playing him.
Actually vikings, it was rigged in favor of knights because Ubi realized it was getting boring.
it's the
>swing shit, get hit.
There is because it was officially posted and the Knights even get a reward that follows them into the main game.
The only reason I consistently picked Conqueror is because my two main big boys weren't in the game. Gonna be maining Shugoki and Lawbringer come full release.
check allkeyshop
There are a couple of places with keys for around $40
Needs to be a "none because im not shit" option
t. saracen
Do you have to download the game again even if you have the beta installed?
>Vikings won closed beta because it ended mid round instead of playing out
>No one said a word
>Knights won open beta because it ended mid-round instead of playing out
>Everyone loses their goddamn minds
What does Shugoki do?
Wait, only the frames? Who gives a shit? I wanted that raven symbol
>all those shitters who can't handle peacekeeper or nobushi
conqueror is the real nig nog that needs to be removed
That was posted before we got clarification, but you're right.
How does the upplay 20% thing work?
>can't counter guard break
>can't deflect
>can't parry
>test my reaction time
Now I know why.
>Tfw ignored the truce and invaded smelly vikangs land anyway
>They are now assblasted as fuck that the knights won
Who else is a /devilish/ knight?
I'm listening to this baby right now
Deus vult brother
Be a fat guy who knock people back like two miles
Someone please answer this. How many tiers of gear are there? Is it just grey, blue, and purple? Or are there more at higher prestige? I don't know whether I should main 1 character autisticly to get the best gear before everyone else, or if I should play 3 or 4 of my favorite characters and take my time
Smashes niggas' faces in with an ogre-sized club.
Why is there no knight that has a chivalrous or religious theme
pic related
swing a club and sit on faces
Slow grappler that can armor through attacks. Basically Zangief.
Yeah that's some bullshit, I wanted the Knights of Ashfield symbol. The announcement was pretty unclear.
Has hyper armor on a lot of his stuff. He's all about taking punishment and in turn dealing significantly higher damage to the opponent. He has a huge knockback heavy that sends people across the stage like he's Tiger Woods.
No it fucking isn't, cunt. I'll be sure to rub it in your face come release when Lawbringer comes out.
Because normies would freak the fuck out if there was religious iconography.
You have never fought a capable peacekeeper. You cannot win.
Knock-down running & human baseball homeruns
Also, warm ogre hug
Oh yes
Oh fuck yes
Not a clue. I kicked the shit out of everybody with conq and it was boring as fuck
Gear doesn't even matter in 1v1 or 2v2 and those are the only modes that matter.
>Has hyper armor on a lot of his stuff
he's got it on all of his stuff until you hit him
elimination is my favorite mode and I played it a lot
>Knights are a mem-
>main conq
>kick shit out people who clearly never played class or very long in 1v1
>give pointers on their class
>teach them combos
>they get better and thank me
it's the little things that i enjoy
>Literal caveman character that just clubs people.
Shit, now I have to play gooks.
From the last thread:
Could someone educate me on what purpose warden's top stance would serve in real combat? It looks uncomfortable.
I got 225 and I could do it reliably, is this due to internet connection at all or are you just disabled irl?
Hurry up so i can go to sleep!
So is it true that the game launches 14th New Zealand time?
Warden's top stance is actually pretty clever. He holds the sword with his right hand, resting it on his left elbow, with the "lung" of his (open) left hand placed under his right hand, so when he either perform a thrust right away, or grab the hilt with his left hand when he wants to swing.
It also looks cool.
is this good
got prestige 2 with zerker. dunno what it is but i feel like i had to work harder with her than any other character
I heard someone saying the closed beta ended 1 hour before the territory update and the open beta ended 1 hour in a new round, so they didn't feel that they should count the new round
It's best if you'd stop trying to see this game through a historic lens.
It's just genetics
That ability is a pre-requisite for getting good at fighting games
nothing I can do about it
Post your duel themes lads
average is 254 bud
30y old here
239 and I counter 100% of my gbs
Actually it straight up says on that site that average is 215
250 is at like the highest end of human reaction time.
Just make your emblem religious
I saw plenty of people with Crusader and Templar emblems and they often use the same colors that someone of that group would.
All this butthurt coulda been ended by ending the beta an hour earlier
Is it smart to buy it pre-release from key sites?
Post final webms
The timing for parrying and deflecting is the same, right? If one gets good one of them, are they pretty good at both?
wait, what the fuck, its OVER? who the FUCK ends in the middle of the afternoon on a fucking sunday
I just naturally assumed it would at least be up until tonight, sundays the day most people have free and could play the most
I just feel so unfinished since I never had a game knowing it was the end. I mean I guess Im kinda glad my final game last night was me destroying some bitches in dominion as warlord going like 11-1 but it also kinda sucks because everything finally clicked and I finally really understood how to be a unstoppable wrecking ball with him. Wouldve loved to grind up a bit more gold to buy that sweet ass conq execution too, god that thing look so satisfying
Im the retard for not looking up end times, it just bothers me because I know I'll never play the game again. Its too shallow and filled with too many ubisoft flaws to justify spending more than 20 bucks on for me, and I absolutely despise the defensive fighting at high levels thats all about just spamming feints until someone fucks up (I remember quitting chivalry early on because of something like this). It'll go on sale one day but by then it'll probably be dead and the only people left will be the turbo autists who know everything about the game. Wouldve liked to have one last game to bully some weeb roaches but oh well, it was sorta fun while it lasted. Ultimately Im glad a game like this exists and I like the idea behind it but I just think its implemented a little too poorly and priced too highly to be a game I can devote myself to.
was fun posting with you guys, saw some really neat webms over the weekend. Hope you guys keep up the fight against the yellow menace
the average is 200, having a shit monitor or mouse def makes a difference.
i tested it on a shitty 60hz tv screen and on a 144.
200 on the 144hz
230 on the tv screen
>Host open """beta""" for 3 days
>Take it offline without notice
>Everyone still high off the novelty
>Game releases in less than 48hrs
How many addicts will rush to buy this game only to stop playing it in 10 days? Pretty smart marketing strategy if you ask me.
Deus Vult ;^)
are you aware that timezones are a thing
No. Key sites usually don't actually give you pre-order keys, you are just pre-purchasing a launch day key.
So no pre-order bonus for you
Prestige 1 lvl 8 with the KONK
Going by the friend's list, 76% of us are Knights!
game release in less than 24 hours
Look up the Key Stance or Schlüssel stance.
Average on the site is about 250. It doesn't take into account your internet speed or your monitor refresh rate, so it's skewed a little higher.
Reminder if you left knights for vikings/weebs because "they were gonna win," don't come back.