World of Warcraft general - /wowg/
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Shit general with no info in the OP. Someone make a new one.
he's not wrong
why are there valkyries, odin and valhalla in warcraft?
i hate doing my emissaries
i havent even done the nightfallen quest chain and im 900 ilvl
How can one guy be so based?
tell me what would happen if there was one big european AH merged
lets say everything runs smooth and you can look for auctions fast without going throu 100 pages
>see female toon
>"wow theyre hot i think ill make an alt/use tmorph for a bit"
>play as female for 10 minutes
>get bored already
anyone else have this problem
Surv is the most fun hunter spec, why does it have to have zero mobility and zero real AoE/cleave?
how many pets did u get to 25
They wanted to do titan stuff in Stormheim because of the Vrykul, but instead of making keepers inspired by Norse gods, they ripped it off without an ounce of subtly.
addons would be mandatory, the blizzard AH interface is laggy shit
i like bm more
none because who cares about pet battles
what a fuckin cuck, its fun
fun is subjective user
>think femtaur are hot
>play alliance and never get to see them
fuck bros what do i do
play horde
Rate VAs
>1. Trilliax
>2. Elisande
>3. Spellblade
BM is literally 4 buttons that you just mash on CD.
horde sucks though
id trade worgens for taurens any day
Trilliax > everything
if i do the daily squirt wont give exp anymore afterwards right if i farm her
>just got offered 5mil for boosting some guy for the chosen title in ToV
>2 months sub for 40mins work
>5 mill
am i wrong to enjoy that
>lying on the internet
>identify problem
>get offered solutions
>refuse solutions
then maybe
but the problem is i want to stay alliance. thats part of the criteria of the problem
wow rude
>tfw done raiding for the week but probably downing Gul'dan hc next week
>mfw ragnar, floki and rollo quest
they even look the same like in the show
big birb
maybe you could meet up with me ingame and show me why dogs are worth keeping
>why is Nordic mythology in a game series inspired by Nordic mythology
Thinking face
You might be surprised, desu. There are all sorts of people running around with reasonably fat stacks of gold, especially since the token changes.
going to bed now since my shift starts at 6AM but believe me doggos are worth
Well, what's the verdict? Is Legion officially as bad as WoD?
I wanted to hold off until impressions settled down, but is it too late to start now?
post your btag and we can meet up tomorrow after your shift
>tfw the worst part of gearing up an alt is getting good relics
feel so fucking weaker having a sub 900-905 artifact and it's rng as fuck
Combat and story are far better but everything else is aids package worse
you won't be able to meet me since I just joined and don't even have the game yet
Nah m8 you're full of shit. You can't "boost" The Chosen because it's an individual achievement that requires them to not die once in the entire run. It's something that requires a pilot. Sure, some random retard might have offered you some gold to do it but it's not feasible to boost someone through it.
>What class does WQ the fastest?
then we can meet up after you make a toon and all that
legendary system needs a rework and rngforging on gear should have a cap depending on difficulty but everything else is miles better
inb4 raid logging woddlers try to defend their piece of shit expac
Anything with WQGF
legendary system and artifact paragon system/mos+ farming brings it down to wod tier but other than that it's goat
It's worse than WoD. Don't even bother with it.
Just like how people have never been sockpuppetted to glad titles, right?
Please tell me I can obtain a baby murlock pet. Those sounds are cute as fuck.
warrior or mage because dude portals
Okay so you're legit a retard. Gotcha.
The legendary system is a horrible abomination. I haven't seen a single person defending it, not even to be contrarian.
I don't have many complaints beyond that. The artifact weapons and class orders are the best features they have released in a long long time.
>I wanted to hold off until impressions settled down, but is it too late to start now?
well... yes, obviously
What made WoD bad was that there were only two tiers of content.
Class order halls are infinitely better than Garrisons and so far the instances are good. Considering there are still two more tiers of content, and we already have 90% of the raid content that WoD had, I think Legion will be considered much better once the dust settles.
I don't see what this has to do with anything but okay.
>self plays aren't a thing
it's amazing if you do not have alts or a druid main
>mfw 8,21% leech
I miss how class played in WoD ...
i defend the legendary system
i cant level an alt get lucky and be stronger for mount soloing for mop raids
suck a cock nigger
Demon Hunter because fel hammer cannon
Howdy, folks. It's been a while since I've been on, but I'm back and I'm taking a look at Legion. So far, things are alright, although I feel a bit overwhelmed with no real drive to re-climb the ladder.
I have no idea why you would start looking at Legion now.
Didn't progress EN
Didn't progress ToV
Won't gear in time to progress NH
Might get in to progress Tomb
You'd be getting one raid out of it, really
Legion is a three tier raid. We're a third of the way into it.
>We're a third of the way into it.
If you entire WoW experience is getting tier gear.
fucking wodbabies and their 2 tier xpacs
how can i report rosedust bots?
whisper them first asking something and if they dont respond report?
>tauren dk
>artisan title
>using the tawny wind rider
>no guild
so you are telling me all the sky golems running around are legit?
I'm leveling a DK by tanking dungeons and it's been pretty fun so far, but I hear blood is inferior to every other tank. Should I switch to Frost once I get to 100 or do I stick with this spec and hope things get better next patch? Please decide for me because I have no will of my own.
I love him! He will be my companion through tough times. MAWFUCKING BABY MURKLOCKS!
It doesn't hurt.
>hey guys what do you think of this
>wtf it's shit
>oh well uh we're doing it anyway
>wtf it's still shit
>okay fine here is something that makes it less shit
>it's still shit though and we told you it's shit
Zzz. Similar story for so many classes/specializations.
Uh, potentially.
If you are in a cutting edge, top 100 raiding guild and tanking, you might be better off playing a different tank. Otherwise it doesn't matter. FotM rerollers always end up worse off because they dont' know how to play their class.
huns did nothing wrong
This. If you see a tauren dk herbing, they're a bot.
Post cute femtaurens!
That's literally how a tier is defined. Both ssc and bt were T5.
samefag did nothing wrong
Why tauren?
Question, my buddy wants me to heal his Eye+7, but I've never healed about a +4.
875 Holy Priest, think I can manage?
Technically you hold Cobra Shot often so you have enough Focus to use KC on command
bonus herbing speed
Herbalism racial.
Also; tanking specialization prevents you from being dismounted.
Some guy was unironically defending it on the forums saying that we should be appreciative of the gift just as a stat stick and to want more is being entitled
He hadn't killed Heroic Cenarius even with progressing every week
I'm going to fucking kill the ebin memer XDXDD who claimed skinning+boonhunter was a good way to farm blood
>there's a limit on pets
>you have to do an achievement to have it increased
best way to farm blood is herbing starlight rose
you called?
I hate you guys, you turned me gay
I can only fap to traps and trap porn now
fuck you all
How's enh currently?
are these pirate chest quests at darkmoon that reward 100 tickets once per character only or they reset every darkmoon?
fuck that my alchemist isn't a herbalist
nice bandwagon meme reddit