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Polish qt.14 attacker medic tending to your wounds
yes pls
1st for no servers no problem
My best friend Thatcher died in a spawn peek 10 seconds into the round. He's dead and gone. Favela was his favorite map. I'm gonna build him a fully destructible building. You don't have to be an operator to be an Earth Rocker. Blitz is an Earth Rocker. My other best friend Twitch is on the other side of the map droning again. She's droning for roamers for the 16th time. Good luck with that one. I'm sick of the bull shit. I'm sick of all the shit. I don't queue for ranked anymore, cause I hate every mother fucker, I don't care what their strat is. 2 minutes I wasted waiting by the reinforced wall, chit chatting with fucking nobodies. Now I just Ash main, like a fucking third world shitter. Not gonna take any shit from anybody. I know what's going on, I got setup, I got spawn peeked. Thank god t.astro wasn't there to watch me get my fucking ass kicked. He would have wound up with a team kill and probably ragequit. He has a big mouth. I live for this shit, I love it. Bring it the fuck on. Payback's a bitch mother fu.. WOAH WOAH WOAAAAAAHHH!!! Can you hear the wall for the wasted and the wounded WOAH WOAH WOAAAAAAH We're wasted and wounded WASTED AND WOUNDED!!!!!!
3rd for HK sniper better not suck dix
Is there any user side fix for this or is it just shit servers, and there's nothing you can do about it
help you!
duwang stop
>on plane
>some random ass kid who's lvl40 starts calling me a "noob glaz player"
>on fucking plane of all places
>and after I almost did 2 aces and won them 2 rounds
>bandit loses the will to vibrate through walls
Out of every year 1 Attacker, which one should I buy? I have 600 credits right now
Look at the OP FAQ descriptions and buy the one that interests you the most
Hibana's the most team oriented
3 speed, great gun, and a gadget that's never going to be useless.
I really hate Favela
Hibana for support
Blackbeard for pointman
Buck for roam
be a russian man with an LMG and make swiss cheese out of every wall
I struggled a bit with Frost but It was pretty easy to imagine what she would wanna be doing
>in anyway useful
get out of here copperman
One of the girls (trust me)
>Useful in copper
You've got it backwards buddy. Now he's only good if you are, and yeah he's still useful
>Tanking a couple of headshots and efficiently trading with people
>Rewards good aim
>Operator built entirely around being the master peeker
>Not useful
I guess you're one of those people that only thought he was good when he had a 900hp shield huh?
>He doesn't pop heads from one room over safe in the knowledge if they do return fire you've got time to gtfo
Thumbs up from me
Keep going user, you're doing nicely
> when boogie gets reddit famous before you
>go to play for honor beta
>servers are down
>ok then, I'll go play some siege
>severs are down too
Jesus christ ubisoft, fix your fucking servers
Well yeah, so do I, but most people don't. It's really not worth the money they'd be spending on it, I'd much rather them put it back into the game.
How long is left of the 50% Renown Boost?
Does anyone else quit when they see a clan on the enemy team in ranked?
Like fuck that
An hour or two. It added up over the last couple of days, but I'll miss easily finding a group for T-Hunt the most.
No, you're just a pussy.
The proper response is to promptly style on them as hard as you can and make them ragequit.
Like 20 more minutes
Clan kills feel the best. I pick underappreciated operators like Blitz and IQ when I see them, because I think they know their goofy horseshit can't save them.
I just got the complete edition for $60. What am I in for? I already read the FAQ.
Unused operators relieving their pain
If you already read the FAQ you already know what you're in for, recruit
Trial by fire.
That depends, how mellow are you? Do you get pissed when you die in other games? Because if you do, that'll be anywhere from 200% to 300% worse in Siege.
Play all of the situations and aim for all the star objectives. Move on to Terrorist Hunt to play with a group. Listen as closely as you can, and you'll learn to locate enemies from the noise they make. Every operator has a role, and doing it well can greatly improve your team's performance.
Moments where you feel pure bliss when everything is going right and moments of extreme anger at retarded teammates or bullshit deaths
Unlock Fuze, Sledge, Rook and Bandit to start off. Some people recommend Castle but he's shit so get the good ones first.
Get your gear, recruit. It's time to operate.
I am having a lot of trouble with caveira. I've been using other chibi figures for reference, but this is the only chibi cav I could find, and I don't really like it. Anyone know of another chibi caveira?
Right so after being peeked/having my team peeked eight games in a row by comp stacks pub stomping in casual, Ive come up with an idea:
why the fuck dont they just disallow defenders from mounting ACOGs? They clearly dont like spawn peeking with how many obstacles they keep adding to the maps to counter it and while its not perfect it would certainly make it harder to pull off.
>Reading comprehension
>spawn peaking will always be an epidemic
>servers will never get better
>hit boxes will never get fixed
>hit detection will forever be shit
>the vast majority of bugs will never be fixed
>the bugs that are fixed will be replaced by other bugs
>ubisoft will continue to focus on ESports and cosmetics
Anyone else hyped for the new season of Twin Peeks?
I'm just saying, the FAQ is less specific.
>They clearly dont like spawn peeking with how many obstacles they keep adding to the maps to counter it
Those are put in to prevent spawnkilling, not window peeking. The devs intended the defenders to kill attackers outside, if you look at the very first gameplay showcases of siege, they do it.
>This is a matter of debate. The first suggestions are usually Rook for Defense and Thatcher for Attack. This is because they are operators whose roles are very easy to fulfill, even for a new player.
>After those two, suggestions usually include ops like Sledge, Ash, Thermite, Fuze, Mute, Doc, Jaeger, or Bandit.
>If you're going to be an op with frags/nitro (Sledge, Fuze, Mute), be careful not to kill the hostage, teammates, or yourself with those items.
>If you're playing Ranked and have more experienced players on your team, you might want to let them have Ash or Jaeger, as they will exploit their skills better. If you don't know how to Bandit trick yet and someone else in your team does, you might want to let them have him. If you don't know how to play conservatively and where you need to breach as Thermite, you might want to let someone who does know those things have him. You can always practice with those ops in Casual, where things are more relaxed.
>As a general rule of thumb, you should try not playing DLC operators if you are brand new to the game, because they normally require more experience to do well with and you're taking them away from people that could probably exploit their abilities better.
not to be mean or anything but it feels like the FAQ is more specific than your post, famicon
Why did they fuck with the challenges? Now they all say "come back tomorrow!" Instead of giving me the hours
Managed 1 game on ps4 before the servers shat themselves again
Alright, gawd.
Hopefully they roll over at the same time every day. I was getting crazy times for some of them.
My frustration is reaching peak heights with your post
>buy game
>right as I log in servers are down
>can't do anything except for the very first situation over and over again
Why god
Ubisoft is a cruel mistress
Try restarting the game.
>Montage planted the deffuser in a corner and then shielded it
Fucking ban this shit.
I second this. If you look at the maps, a lot of them seem designed with peeking in mind as a counterplay to outdoor footholds. If this wasn't the case, attackers could hold every window without any punishment, and defenders wouldn't be able to do anything about it except take cover and hope they don't get crossfired or pinched by attackers moving in from inside the building.
i have the autism so i grinded? ground? all this renown but i can't decide what to buy
tell me what to do /r6g/
operators or cosmetics, doesn't matter
...holy fuck
Just on the offchance anyone gives a shit:
I was posting about the player model clipping through the camera (webm related) yesterday and was worried about my GPU dying. Turns out it's an issue with all the 780 series GPUs.
So if you're experiencing this shit on a 780 go bother people on the ubisoft forums and plebbit so they fix it.
Take a look at the Velvet Shell universal skins to see if you really want them. Everything else can be bought whenever.
Good to know user, this doesn't affect me because I have a GTX 760 but thank you for sharing the info
Diamond universal weapon skin. 100,000 Renown only.
I wouldn't, it's really not that great
buy the rest of the operators you mongoloid.
>complete the previous situation
I've completed it 7 times already and done all the challenges, why can't I go forward
Buy the operators you fucking sperg.
Of course it isn't, but how else can you show off that you saved up 100k at once?
Now THIS is autism.
I dunno man, maybe restart your game? I've never heard of that bug
If all else fails just click the prompt that says "Next Sitaution" in the victory screen, instead of Retry or Return to Menu
I know everyone likes crossfader, but it doesn't impress me too much. picked up el dorado though
looks like complete ass, like not even hot garbage. cold garbage, no thanks
Does anyone who actually knows how to fucking play want to play on UK/EU?
Fed up of shit players whos teams throw a fucking 3-0 lead in ranked.
Good taste, user.
thanks senpai
thought i was losing my mind
Why does terrorist hunt give such god awful returns in renown?
Because it's incredibly easy
It's already good to farm renown on Extract Hostage speedruns, and it motivates people to play the actual meat of the game so that queue times are better on multiplayer
you have to look at renown per second/minute
hostage extract on house you can make about 1.8 renown/second, including the mvp/scoreboard
Well I'm not a shitter, but in my experience premades are usually just average. They are only at my level to begin with because they party all the time.
We won the first 3 games easy as fuck.
No problem at all
Then we fucking lost 3-5 for some fucking bs reason.
I got 15-6 k/d
Fucking stupid team mates getting too comfortable.
I want to play with people who fucking know what they're doing not fucking randoms in ranked.
Are you that random guy who couldn't buy operators unless he had money for all of them?
>walking along with monty
>see a guys gun sticking out
>strafe over and double tap him
>he head shots me
>i wasn't even facing him in kill cam
i don't know how much more terrible this game can get
Jackal confirmed for Mad Arab who was possessed by an Eldritch abomination
nope, just some guy that had a weekend with nothing to do line up with a renown boost
Letting montage plant the bomb in a 1v1. You deserve it.
flash hider or compensator for valks mpx?
It was a 2v1
Honestly not joking.
Is this actually your image or did you just take it from reddit?
GTX 770 2GB here, isn't a problem for me but good that the issue is raised anyway.