League of Legends General - /lolg/

Gems edition

>Useful links
>lolg home page

>what the pros are building

>champion winrates and stats

>tool to quickly see who is in your game

>detailed info on each summoner


Oh hey its me again
and would you look at that I have 4k RP sitting in my account!
I wonder if I could do something with it................
Post your IGN's if you are interested. Someone is on to me

Pick a champ? Got it? Good.

Now, for each of that champion's skins, describle the type of player that uses that respective skin.

>full team of mid golds defeat a full team of mid plats in a 45 minute slugfest
>they had a 20/6/15 j4 raidboss that was the tankiest yet still did almost the most damage
>we had pussylords full of lasers and barrels trying to slow/snare the other team before they dunk on us
i know it's just memequeue but that felt alright to win that

Cute valentines!

>tfw this artist keeps making good Azir lewds
>tfw I dont fap to him

Its a mixed kind of feeling.

Base - First time or a seasoned expert, complete coinflip
Galactic - Hipster, higher chance of being good at him
Gravelord - Highest chance of being a shitter, still a cool skin
Soldier: 76 - Highest chance of being a god, considering the skin came out post-nerfs the only people that own this skin are dedicated mains who were unaffected by the nerfs
Warring Kingdoms - Much like base, either a shitter or a seasoned veteran on Azir

Good night and take care anons,remember top lane is a battle of dominance,not a place for sissy ranged champions

0-2 I fap to Lulu
3-5 I fap to Ahri
6-8 I fap to Sona
9 and I fap to pic related.

literally worse than zacxriven

I want to marry Kled!

Heartseeker Draven when?
Draven dakimura when?
Draven big figure when?
Draven buffs when?
Draven poster when?
Not cringy Draven b-day when?
Draven is my husband when?
More Draven when?

>no Deathstroke champion

Explain this, lolbabs?

Well I'm a man of my word.

>Fapping to platinum

Fucking gross

Either first time Sion or a Sion God, 50/50 chance.

Guaranteed to feed, will angrily blame team for his every mistake.

Blazed out of his mind. Will build the most random items you can imagine, but there's a slim chance he turns into Faker and 1v5's with a build your mortal mind cannot even process.

Went into a coma in season 2 and has only just now woken up, doesn't know that Sion got reworked.

See Classic, except chance of him being shit jumps up to 75%.

>They pick Teemo top for ebin satan trolls
>I pick Karthus top

And they say hard counters don't exist in this game.

>not Bang
pfff bad taste

>enemy Ahri goes 8/0 against our ignite Yasuo
>has weeaboo name, ahri icon, using arcade ahri the worst Ahri skin and is mastery 7 ahri
>tell everyone to report her name
>y-you can't do that
>she loses her shit and starts swearing
>we all report her
>I'll just report you for a false report
>whatever weeb
>5 minutes later get one of those punishment notifications
Daily reminder to end your own life if you "main" a champion.

what happened to that debonair draven or watever it was you were talking about awhile back...

>have retarded "main champ" name
>never play said champ
>triggers people to no ends that i never pick said champ or role

>Reporting someone for playing better than you

That Kog'maw is cute!


People playing him during aa free week. All 7 of the morde players use skins 100% of the time
Literally only me. I am the only morde player who uses this skin. So gaurenteed shit player if you see it.
>King of Clubs
Mixed bag, it's the go too skin for most because it simply looks the prettiest being the newest one
A proper morde player. Just don't try to ping them, they're going to be blasting music and will ignore you.
Same as pentakill, except they don't play music
>Dragon Knight
Hipster to end all hipsters. Took one of the least seen champs in the game and slapped on his legacy skin because the rest of them are seen too often I guess. Kind of funny how the theme made sense in the end with the dragon passive though.

Wouldn't it be better to just put that money towards an actual writer? Instead of these retards.

How can such a cute thing be living in Zaun?

>All his skins but Omega Squad
Shitty Redditor who has no idea what he's doing.

>Omega Squad
You're literally playing against Rambo.

reminder to be nice to your support and help her ward sometimes! and occasionally give friendly headpats :3

How can such a cute thing be living in Zaun?

Can anyone say they have more mastery point than me?

to stay with his bf Zac :3

what if its a sion support

>Wouldn't it be better to just put that money towards an actual writer? Instead of these retards.
but I come here because I'm always here
people here are cheap/broke
there are some decent writers here, who probably write smut about futa soraka, RenektonxNasus bara garbage or something, so they don't complain or whine, when I ask, since my "fetish" is just as bad as theirs.

what if my support is Bard or Alistar
do i give him a pat? do i still help him ward? do i call him a little healslut?

Name a more useless and reportable support than Soraka


>Classic: either noobs or people who are still in the process of learning the champion - or mains. However if they're a main with mastery 6 or above and still use the classic skin, then be afraid. Be very, very afraid.

>High Noon: these people are mains that either didn't prefer Jhin's classical theater/Ionian/serial killer getup and find the cowboy look more badass - or gave in and bought it because they couldn't wait any longer for Jhin's next skin. Personally, I feel that the autos don't sound as "impactful" as the ones on classic or Blood Moon. This could become the "High Noon Yasuo" or "Soul Reaver Draven" of his skin selection choices later down the line - that is - it will be the one that good mains use.

>Blood Moon: likely to become the designated shitter skin as Blood Moon has a habit of attracting weebs - a good deal of which are underage teenagers, children, or just generally bad at the game in general. However you may get lucky and find some diamonds in the rough because the skin is just that good; I haven't heard of a Jhin player or main who HASN'T bought it, or doesn't want to buy it.

>upcoming SKT skin: this will become Jhin's designated troll/joke skin on account of the SKT skinline using features like headphones, hoodies, sneakers and etc - which pretty much goes against everything in Jhin's innate design and character. The people who will buy this skin will either be esports babbies or easy-going mains who just want to fuck around/troll/joke around in a game through a goofy-looking skin.


Base- First timer
Gothic - Terrible player with shit taste
Sewn Chaos - Experience player with great taste
Bladecraft - Loser who only plays her when she's really meta
TPA: Experience player. good taste
Winter Wonder: Either a noob or a good player. 50/10
Heartseeker - Waifufag

Either a really good Yasuo player or a shitty Yasuo player. Most likely shitty.

Noted for good Yasuo players, stacked Q can easily be hidden. Most have a Mastery 5 or higher.

There's a 1% chance that the Yasuo is really good while a 99% chance that the Yasuo will feed his ass off. Take note of the Mastery. If 7, probably pretty good.

Same thing with Highnoon, most likely a good Yasuo player. Yasuo will probably go too ham and E-Q into your tower and die.

go away autist

i always hug my support and let her rest on my lap after a job well done!

>implying Twitch isn't cucking Zac with Warwick's massive knot right now

>Gothic - Terrible player with shit taste
y-you take that bakc!

Adding to this, VAST majority of scripter Yasuo's use Project for some reason.


help him ward and give him manly back pats!

>his face when the adc says "gj dude nice plays"

thats a little too lewd for my tastes but go user keep the team morale high!

who are the decent writers

comfy bfs~


I feel sad for you desu

She's the best support in the game though?

>immunity to poke
>a FREE lane
looks like someone got their shit destroyed by a raka

First timer who's learning the Champion, no one wants to suffer the horrid base model

>Black Belt
No one uses this skin, no one. It's somehow even worse than the base.

Beware, these guys are rare but they're usually damn good with him.

>Spirit Guard
50/50 shot at either being a Trick 2 G shitter or legitimately good.

>Definitely Not
Someone who likes to have fun, likely not bad, but by no means a master. Will probably spam mastery too.

The story is that Shibs introduced me to the Rioter than confirmed her and GP and i asked him about Heartseeker Draven, He replied that it would be Debonair Draven, so I thought that confirmed it.

Later in a game with Shibs, Mooosh and him I failed to carry his shitter silver surfer ass and he got really salty with me. I explained how it wasen't my fualt at all with Moosh and Shibs watching and I thought we sorted it all out.

Next thing I saw they were all in q together for another norm so I unadded him and considered removing Moosh and Shibs too, but decided it would be too much trouble. I never heard from him again and I stopped accepting invites from Moosh and Shibs. I guess that's the end of it.

tldr: don't trust any rioter lower than plat

>max q
>full ap
>one q poke takes karthus to half hp
countered :^)

Sorry lolgen, but I have to blog about this

>Pick Renekton into Fiora
>she's bad so I shit on her
>getting pretty fed and ahead
>notice my morg and elise have been feeding Yas twice as hard
>morg keeps bitching "report Riot. this champ is garbage"

>tfw janna main
>tfw over 80% win rate with her
>tfw constantly cucking the enemy adc out of fun AND kills

this story sounds awfully autistic

>50/50 shot at either being a Trick 2 G shitter or legitimately good.
Devil's Advocate: Quite a few "Trick2g shitters" actually aren't that bad. The issue is that they have a very specific playstyle that is frustrating if you're not trying to play with them. I just go full rat-dota when I realize one's on my team and usually have success with it.

this stream is lit

>a Rioter
>asks higher elos to carry him
>gets toxic and salty when they don't

Holy shit lol why does this make me laugh. How old was he?


damn I just asked what happened to that other Draven skin not your whole life story jeez

You could be one

he's the typical xd! total nerd!! type of guy
sorry, i was waiting to vent that for ages

I love you janna anons!

No she's not, Sona is far superior.


whats this my dude, haha asking for a friend

>he's the typical xd! total nerd!! type of guy

So, either a hipster normie or a nu-male manchild? Maybe even both if that's possible?

>tfw ywn be gumis draven bf


>Because Vel'Koz exists we'll never get a proper Beholder champion

Feels bad man.


classic: either new to jinx or is a master at jinx, will silently carry and will end with highest cs and a polite "ggwp" at the end of the game
mafia: 3/5 skin, will spam dance, highly likely to drag the team down, will flame, personally a cursed skin
firecracker: jinx's best skin, will probably carry and take part in banter in chat, generally fun to have around
slayer: nobody uses this skin because it feels really wonky and the rockets feel weird to use, though whoever uses it is probably experienced
star guardian: is a girl and will erp with you as tsundere jinx at least i do, weeb bait, uses cutesy emoticons like :3 or >w



They're okay, because they have art.


Fixed that for you.

why is taric so unfun to play? uwu

Classic: most likely someone autofilled, play the most secure support, will try to go too agressive and die most of the time, or play super passively.


Hextech: the most agressive jannas, gonna start spellthief and find a way to poke you with auto everytime. will get more money with spellthief than your support Morgana. will shove her 25 stacks mejai up your ass.

Frost Queen: watched too much frozen, most likely a girl, but a hipster girl who don't wanna use star guardian. good luck killing her team. best jannas use this skin. Passive agressive cunt.

Victorious: Probably god if he was a league player. Good luck trying to do anything in lane without her sucking the fun away.

Forecast: shitter, will flash ult the fed enemy draven in your face, will use her ult to save the enemies everytime, will spam Q in lane to poke and end up oom at lvl 3.

Fnatic: Some Thresh main who went Janna because Thresh is already taken or some european who still think Fnatic matters.

Star Guardian: THE ULTIMATE SUPPORT HEALSLUT is probably playing with a XXL dildo in his ass, get off to being harassed by the adc, usually pretty good at Janna, but is an annoying support slut. Has over 200 hours of playing Mercy in Overwatch.

>be playing against gangplank
>0/6 in lane
>game goes late because team is retarded
>he gets 5 items
>one shots 4 people at the same time with one ability
why is this okay again?


Almost always, without fail, someone new to the champion or a smurf.
>Statue of Karthus
A real American. Someone who wants to use a goofy skin, is 50/50 someone who doesn't play Karthus or a Karthus main. May or may not BM with the dance eagle screech.
>Grim Reaper Karthus
Misses when Karthus was a skeleton. Like Statue, a lot of these people do not main Karthus. Strangely, most of the non-Karthus mains with this skin will be decent with him anyway.
The Lightbringer. May or may not carry, but will rarely ever feed. Prone to flash in the middle of 5 people to start a team fight. May allchat during or after ults
>Karthus Lightbane
Used to be utter shitters who would pick Karthus to play the new skin, have no fucking idea how to play him, and would bitch in all chat about how weak Karthus was after they fed their asses off like a Project Yasuo. Nowadays that's mostly passed and most the people using this skin are fujoshi who want Karthus and Vlad to boy-toy each other. They probably also play Vlad. I too was surprised learning about these people. I'm at least 90% sure Vladfag would use this skin if they played Karthus.
>Phantom Karthus
Doesn't exist.
>Fnatic Karthus
Either an esports babbie or someone who misses season 2 Karthus.

finally, after playing another character because somebody asked me to, i am back to purity

autists where we AT

I sort of remember that game
we you in voice with us that game? I assumed you didn't want to play after that game. I'm sorry we made you feel that way gumi
that rioter does get super salty at times, we barely play with him anymore
this one time Shibs and I threw a won game because we afked in a bush for too long and he lost it

hey no hard feelings right

>ywn again flash-smash-shatter with old taric
why live.

Hey cute shy support user, he's got clear weaknesses and strengths. He's great.

he went from the retard support to the one where skill matters the most

biggest impact and hardest to play shitters hate him while armstrong climbs mount targon


Pretty accurate 2bh. It's a well-known fact that Janna players are basically just sluts that want the dick. Pic related is typical Janna behavior.


I think Riot tried a bit too much in trying to make his older abilities work as new ones and sacrificed what could have otherwise been a fun new design.

I don't think he's terrible right now, but there is always room for improvement.

post that recently played, maggot

there will be no normies in this mans army

What if the headphones become a blue-tooth earpiece?

"Symmetry is so boring"

A few SKT skins look legitimately good. I got fucking lucky but still, Jax is good, Zyra is good.

Star Guardian is best skin. I dislike her appearance in the firecracker skin

Not stopping till I get rank fucking 7 either

Do not lewd new warwick. He is pure and new. Don't.

old taric was tons of fun to play he had really great feel new taric doesnt feel nearly as enjoyable personally

i know but i never have any fun at all playing him :(

not every janna is like that or finds that cringe worthy behavior cute. . . .

i feel the same he doesn't have the same fun factor he used to have but i cant put my finger on exactly what made him feel less enjoyable


im trying to get janna and lux to rank 7 currently!


A Singed OG or somebody that will only play Singed once before realizing he's shit

>Riot Squad
High elo Singed main that played back in season 1 and/or 2

Light Singed player that got it out of a crate to avoid base

Blazed, smoking a joint while feeding FB behind turret at 3rd wave

>Mad Scientist
Singed420 wannabe that's bitching about needing Singed buffs in low silver while feeding from 100% proxy upkeep

New Singed player that thinks there's potential but isn't at all decent yet. Most likely purchased the Singed skin that has chromas for their brand new start with Singed

>Snow Day
New Singed player that uses the skin due to gas being easily visible in contrast with Summoners Rift. Will most likely yolo proxy and feed.

Usually pretty good high elo Singed player that uses this skin for the smoother auto attack animation to min-max.

>Black Scourge
Will go mid right after taking their tower down and secure objectives.

i need 2 more games to push that 1 karma game out

that is your opinion and i respect that
i just got really attached to firecracker i guess

>He hasn't had fun with the Titanic Hydra build on Taric and instant deleting enemy squishies who under estimate Taric's damage.

New taric is infinitely better, and has more potential

>Try to get in range of Karthus to Q him
>He's poking you with his Q's which have about 300 more units of range to them
>When you get close to him he puts a wall in front of you and just plants 3 Q's on you
>1 of your Q's only does barely more damage than one of his Q's, which he can poke you with far more often than you'll ever Q him

Nice job. I'm feeling really threatened by this gerbil.

I don't play Taric as anything other than a support, if at all.