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Will Blitz ever be good?

2 speed kapkan when

>give him some sort of spraying machine pistol
>increase hipfire of current pistol
>allow him to ADS without exposing himself so much

Pick one???

>break open door with blitz
>walk through the threshold
>get dropped instantly
>killcam shows i was shot in the head as i was breaking the last panel
>didn't even finish breaking it

really doesn't matter tee bee eh user

>be ubisoft
>none of the above

ayy lmao

Or even give him infinite flashes

>he fires Twitch taser shots instead of flashes

It's always a Jager on the other side of the map. By the time people figure out what direction the bullets are coming from, he's already gone to go flip a light switch somewhere

>he fires a taser AND flashes

Operator Ideas

Hong Kong

>Intelligence Gathering

>Sonar Device
>Throws a grenade into a room, which will ping any defender inside the room and give real time marking of them while the grenade is active
>Has two of them, can pick them back up
>Easily seen by defenders when employed
>Gets frags as well
>2 speed 2 armor

>Has two gadgets
>One is Motion Sensor Grenades
>Can throw on any surface, like Valk Cams
>Any movement in the detection radius marks the attacker, grenade begins blinking and making a noise, easily findable once active
>Second ability are sensor barricades
>replaces all barricades placed with a special sensor barricade
>it notifies Defender when a barricade is damaged (shot, punched, blown up), but not by what
>3 speed 1 armor

Are jumping/vaulting/falling animations fucked?

>24 hours left to get SAT rounds for anime weapon charm

Okay but what if Blitz could use his shield while crawling? Would that make him good.

Literally fixing his fucking head hitbox would make him viable. Buffing the range on his flash would make him good.

This is literally all they have to do. It isn't even hard on a coding stand point. Changing individual hotboxes are a walk in the fucking park.

>>Throws a grenade into a room, which will ping any defender inside the room and give real time marking of them while the grenade is active
>>Has two of them, can pick them back up
nah, that's too OP

>Fires Fuze hockey pucks


Would you abuse him /r6g/?

Hello did they reduce bullet damage?

I used to get alot of kills, now I need to empty entire magazine to take down enemy.

Id take a piece of that armor.

No, its more lethal than before

Nope, in fact they did the exact opposite.

They made neckshots insta-kill like headshots do, effectively increasing the size of everyone's head hitbox.

They also increased the damage modifier for arm shots to be the same as chest shots.

They have nerfed particular weapons though, which ones are you having trouble with?
iirc they reduced the damage per bullet of:
>Valkyrie's MPX and SPAS-12
>Capitao's Para
>Blackbeard's MK-17
>Frost's Super-90
>Caveira's SPAS-15
>The M1014 (Castle, Pulse, Thermite)

There might be some other ones that I missed, i'm not sure.

>friend gifts me the starter edition last September
>still don't have all the operators
>just got Pulse on Saturday
>mfw I still have a long way to go

Spas 12/15 and the Mk-17 are all still viable unlike the rest of the weapons you listed

This is so sad
are you okay user?

Your friend hates you.

How are you not capable of this?

Hibana is a great pick and everyone in casual refuses to pick things which benefit the team.

Echo is a rare pick but can still destroy in casual.

>"Hey here's all the guns I can remember that had their damage values tweaked"
>Waa some of these are viable though while some aren't
What. Are. You. Doing.

Your friend just wanted to mess up with you. I'm sorry user, that wasn't a gift that was a curse

Anyone up to play some ranked?

I'm Silver 2 looking to get to gold. Can't be doing with retarded team mates though.

Are you Ok user?

I-I'm fine. I got the S2 pass so hopefully I can recover.

Leo if you're reading this, you know who you are. Shoutouts to JKL for being best teamkiller.

He's too pure for this

>Some guy asks if they reduced weapon damage
>Explain that no they didn't
>Some other guy (I assume it was a different person) jumps in and says "Nah but some of those guns are still viable though"

The point is that he's just throwing in an opinion on an issue that was literally never brought up. He also said that the MPX and Para aren't viable, which is straight up wrong. If the Para wasn't viable I guess that's why I always see Capitao run it, and haven't seen an M249 in months. If the MPX isn't viable, I guess that's why 99% of Valkyrie players use it.

MFW i have every operator but im a shitter with only 150 hrs
I-im sorry i dont deserve this you do

>Para wasn't viable I guess that's why I always see Capitao run it, and haven't seen an M249 in months

Para is trash, 249 is just even worse

>If the MPX isn't viable, I guess that's why 99% of Valkyrie players use it.

Most people can't run the shotgun because they are horrible with the deagle for ranged shoots MPX is just easier while the Spas 12 can certainly be more effective

The deagle is unviable.

>Using the Deagle for something other than finishing off downed enemies
Are we in CS:GO now or did I miss something?

>blackbeard can switch to his deagle to go faster while keeping the rifle shield on his primary


no but i want him to abuse me

*flashes red*


I always go Twitch if there is a mira.

Just to fuck with her murder holes.

>blitz can no longer ADS
>instead can do the gangster gun pose
>improves hipfire accuracy but also increases recoil

>Throw EMP

Pre-nerf EMP

I use hibana
>shoot cluster right above/below window
>blow open window plus additional piece of wall, creating a vaultable hole

I don't normally get ass blasted, but I just lost every bit of will to play after this last one. It was by and far the must frustrating match I've ever played.

It's okay buddy. Let the salt subside.

They really shouldn't have made a counterpick to termite while he has already long been dethroned. It just adds insult to injury that the counterpick is countered by the character that replaces him.

EMP is still way stronger than Twitch and IQ

i straight would have just fucking left the moment i saw that

don't even give a shit if its ranked

This is the first charm I gave enough of a shit to grind. I'm a huge weeb and I always have to play Thermite or Hitachi anyways.

Hibana is probably my main attacker currently. I find her rifle extremely good and it's great being able to take out all their windows or doors or walls in one fell swoop.

I don't think Hibana can replace Thermite 100% of the time.
Thermite can completely blow open 2 reinforced walls. This is mainly important for Hereford basement.
Hibana can only open 1, and even then the hole is small and unreliable (high chance of rubberbanding or a sliver of metal left between holes).
Though Hibana can open 3 reinforced hatches as opposed to thermite's 2.

>have to play
You are a weeb and a cuck my friend.
You don't have to play anything, especially when it takes away your fun or interest in the game.

>I'm Valk against Montagne and Thatcher
>Mont comes in like a lumbering dickwad
>Unextends his shield trying to pop me
>Spray MPX clip into him, hop over a shield he's behind and get a few shots on him so he's down
>Thatcher is now in the room
>Can't risk a reload
>Deagle time
>Thatcher lies down trying to spray rounds into me but mainly hits shield
>Pop out
>One shot to finish off Montagne
>One shot as I turn round the corner and end Thatcher

Deagle is fun as fuck

>Team goes up 2-0

I'm fucking done with fags in ranked. I fucking swear. I'm sick of getting fucking deranked by cunts.

Yes but being better 97% of the time is not as good for gameplay as it being a solid 50/50 split except for a few obvious objectives one way or the other.

It shouldn't be "Hibana UNLESS [this one specific objective on a few maps]"

I only have Harambe and everybody and their momma picks her over me

>making harambe jokes
wew lad

>tfw people say you're bad as if arbitrary numbers in this game means something to them

That is true. Personally I now main Hibana after previously alternating between Thermite and Ash. She's two top tier operators in one.

What if Hibana charges didn't blow up the entire hatch, but acted as they do on reinforced walls?
Two Hibana charges would make a hole big enough to fall through (like two charges on a wall would create a vaultable hole).
She would now open less hatches than thermite possibly could, making her a less obvious choice over him.

I'm not even ashamed to admit it: I have opened up Castlecades a few times as Hibana.

We didn't have a Sledge or Ash and that shit was in the way, and in that specific circumstances the team greatly benefitted by it being out of the way, allowing us to get to the objective faster

Hibana is way too spicy of a meme for this game and I'm shocked they put her in with the only downside being a 20 round magazine, and even then that's with a god tier rifle plus an SMG pistol

>Biohazard Container is at the front of the plane
>They all go up the same staircase
>Immediatly becomes a 1v5

I'm fucking done with shitters in ranked.
It should be a fucking bannable offence to be fucking shit.

Why can I never fucking find good people to play with. Sick of being on top of the leaderboard and getting fucking deranked from gold to fucking Bronze.


Stopped reading there

shut it nerd

>Fuzing servers from above
>all of a sudden 1v5
>rest of the team pushed spiral stairs and got nitro'd

This was a real bad time and I thought about leaving the match.

MPX or Spaz12?

Depends on your playstyle, if you are gonna be a agressive Valk that uses the cams for herself the MPX is the way to go, if you are gonna stay in the OBJ room and play Defensive use the Spas either is a good choice but the MPX has terrible dmg so you better be good a headshotting

Thanks mate

oh two new maps! that's fun.

>paying more money to play a beta™

I mean you can get CSGO keys for 1.99 and full pre-leveld accounts that are ready for competitive for 5.99.

What is the cheapest this game gets? 19.99? Then you still have to buy all the OPs again. Why would you ever smurf in this game?

I always take the shotgun to roam and breach trap doors.
and I use the pistol.

Because I enjoy the game

why would you smurf at all? it's not competitive.

There are some people who take this game competitively. They are autistic though so we have to be nice to them.

do they play exclusively as a team?
if they don't, anything they say is invalid

Yeah but csgo is bad

Hibana is absolutely good. can open trap doors with just one shot from her nerf gun.

can use the other two shots for a crouch hole.

siege is fun and regarding csgo: i stopped enjoying counter-strike somewhere around 2004 when I got a decent PC. never touched since that shit. well, sure I played csgo, but because I was curious how is it. stopped playing 1 month after very first skins got added.

>2v5 30 second into the round
>Clanfag Glaz teamkilled somebody
>Other clanfags die early on because they are just shit
>Clanflag proceeds to try and kick the person he tk'd
>Starts hurling abuse at the guy he tk'd
>Doesn't pass
>Me and the other survivor manage to get it down to 1v1
>Lose the round
>Next round
>Clanfags teamkill and leave

Anyone playing casual in EU?
I'm just getting the ranked experience in casual so might as well.

What is the overall purpose of smurfing though?
Do you have to be behind several layers of delusion to understand it?

matches absolute, no microphone mess because of player influx. something like 50k on steam when we had 15-25k max entire year.

Smurfing in CSGO lets you competently wreck people in lower ranks or to play with friends. It actually makes sense on a tryhard standpoint because the ranked system actually works in that game.

Smurfing in Siege makes no logical sense what so ever and even less sense considering the price of the game. If you're plat/diamond and want to face shitty people just go play the non beta match maker. It's essentially the exact same thing.

>my friends do nothing but play smurf accounts now
>they expect me to add all their dumb account names to my friends list
>all they want to do is get plat on their mains, and then retire to smurf accounts
>mfw I just get & hold plat all season long on my main the entire time

Tbh, I'd rather be labeled a region-hopper than play with a bunch of retards that can't talk, speak or read English yet anno 2017.

Besides, I get 110~ ping on NA while Americans get anywhere from 80 to 100. Yay, for Comcast.

>Last season
>Ranks mean fuck all thanks to Ubigay
>Started at Plat
>Had a hideous run of bad teams that bombed me down to Silver.
>Called bad because I have a silver rank.

Have they actually made ranks mean something this season or is it still carried Plats and Diamonds?

>buying more than one copy of the literal same game
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with people sometimes

Why are pulse mains the most likely to teamkill people over retarded shit?

One just teamkilled me so I teamkilled him twice in return, fuckin dumb fag

They did say something like only 3% of the player base will make it to diamond but who the fuck knows.

on xbox you can make as many as you want for free

apperntly it's a big problem on that console

on pc though it's some next level autism

FBI are typically young teenagers. They are drawn in by the sunglasses and the "cool dude" look. Not shitting you.

If you go outside as a defender, you should be banned

If you are a little sound whore and wear headphones, you should be banned

If you are shit, you should be banned

I got onto them first because they're American, then I went back to Thermite after shopping around other ops lead to shit Thermites, and I just did good with Pulse
I like Thermites meme goggles, but I don't care for Ash or Pulses sunglasses. I wish they were wearing green like actual FBI SWAT

>if you are shit you should be banned
>if you do something that makes you not shit (wearing headphones, going outside) you should be banned


>my team dont know ANYTHING about map
>they give no fucks about saying shit
>we lost 0:4
Nice work ubi. Force this shitty map everywhere, and thanks for this mm