Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums.
I'm a retard and don't know what I'm doing with my college career.
Took one semester of general education using federal aid. I can't afford higher education without taking out a loan.

I was just want advice on whether or not I should continue going to college for my business master's and be in debt, or get a bachelor's instead.

I was a computer science major before, but I don't want to do that shit for a living.
Going to law school to be an attorney is also an option, but I'm not sure how difficult or reliable taking that path would be. Plus, debt.


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Don't be afraid of debt. Businesses use debt and take risks to get rich. Learn to handle stress and risk without splurging out and you'll feel better.

>If you fail kneepads

Taking risks while in debt is just digging a deeper hole

Only if you have a negative attitude

>just have a positive attitude and everything will be o.k.

If you go to law school and land a nice job at a firm or whatever, you will be able to pay off the debts reasonably fast. Median starting salary for a NYU grad is $162,000

THIS exactly.

And this You won't fail if you aren't a failure. Ambulance chasers graduate from law schools all the time. Worst case, you eventually pass the bar and you're a shitty lawyer. You can do eet

My friend is an ambulance chaser in Chicago and makes $50k.

Cool. That's a terrible wage.

>terrible wage
>2x national average

Law is a over-saturated meme.


It's not terrible, but be prepared to perform extremely well to get anywhere.

>t. MacDonalds worker

Federal student debt isn't as bad as regular debt.

a)you don't start paying for 6 months after graduation
b)you can apply for 1-year deferrance after that
c)you can make minimum payments or whatever you tell the customer service rep you can pay
d)federal student loan debt is forgiven after 20 years

Aside from paying taxes on the forgiven amount and making interest only payments, it can be much less costly than actually paying back the debt.


Don't be such a nigger.

Bussnies takes out a loan to make money for the person taking it out has a good guess it will be paided off.

Education debt userly some kid who wants to learn something fun and party without realising it needs to be paid off with a job. I'd say the number one searched thing in collage is "what jobs can I get with X degree" during their time learning it.

>d)federal student loan debt is forgiven after 20 years

Average for Illinois is $59,588.

Are you looking at household income, or individual wages?

National average wage is actually somewhere around $33-35k iirc.

>Going to law school is an option

Is it really? What have your grades been? Realize undergrad business degrees are the male versions of psychology degrees in that the degree itself is worthless. I don't know how much that value would go up with a masters.

Under most income based repayment plans:

>Loan Forgiveness

>The maximum repayment period is 25 years. After 25 years, any remaining debt will be discharged (forgiven). Under current law, the amount of debt discharged is treated as taxable income, so you will have to pay income taxes 25 years from now on the amount discharged that year. But the savings can be significant for students who wish to pursue careers in public service. And because you will be paying the tax so long from now, the net present value of the tax you will have to pay is small.

finaid org/loans/ibr phtml

Your mileage may vary, check your repayment options.

And, for instance:

>Have $20k student loan debt, 6% interest.
>Income-based repayment plan has me making $70 a month payments.
>Pay $21k by the time debt is forgiven, provided the rates stay the same during annual renewal.

Then pay a couple thousand dollars in income tax when it's forgiven.

Otherwise it would cost roughly $38k with interest + principal under normal payments. So it's like saving $15,000.

Why do you americunts make so much money? A good lawyer or accountant in Europe make 54k (euro's ofc) a month and that's ALOT.

Do NOT go to law school. There's too many attorneys now, and there will be too many + automation when you graduate.

phd in psych is crazy high pay
anything under that is basically worthless tho

How worthless is a four year business degree? How worth it is a master's?

Because everyone lies about their income on the internet.

The pay is around the same as other science PhDs, ie around college professor level. Clinical psychology will net you a bit higher and industrial has the potential for extremely high salaries but they are very few jobs at all for it.

Really the biggest benefit is that the jobs are very fulfilling and engaging while still having this average PhD salary.

Again by itself, it is worthless but if you spend your undergrad also learning other side subjects that are useful like statistics, behavioral psychology, game theory or higher mathematics and learn some of these subjects to the level that you can explain to someone how exactly they can benefit a company then you'll be on your way to success.

You could also change you major to economics with a math minor or dual major but I don't think economics is worth much more and learning those side subjects to such a level would be more useful. Especially if you just do the math/statistics minor along with your business major.

Also start doing internships and community service early. There's generally only two kinds of people for these things, those who start early and those who start too late.

But I don't know about the masters to be honest with you. I myself am a psychology/biology with a chem minor pre medical undergrad so I only know about the undergrad parts of business.

how do you automate a lawyer?