/mbg/ - Mount & Blade General



Gamescom Siege video:

Interviews with Armagan at Gamescom '16:

Last blog:


M&B Wiki: mountandblade.wikia.com/wiki/Mount_and_Blade_Wiki

NOOB GUIDE: imgur.com/a/FMAqV


>user's mods and upstab guide:
>/mbg/ Steamgroup

New user created stuff:
>Undead Calradia
>(Fixed) Dickplomacy

>"I made a mod recently or updated it. Wat do?"
Link to the OP in your post so that it might be easier to find for the one making the next OP (also for regular people).

>OFFICIAL PoP Lorebook

Other urls found in this thread:


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/yGf6Acvi

Stop playing Dickplomacy

I'm posting Cao Cao in honour of the poster who was posting in honour of the original Cao Cao poster until we get a good Romance of the three kingdoms mod.

>Get zero sleep because of shit-tier roommates staying up all night and slamming the cabinets in the kitchen shut whenever they were done with them, as well as getting random phone calls from poor saps who thought a girl was giving them her number
>Expect a shit tier day
>Get told that both of my morning classes are cancelled and now I don't have to be in until 1:20

Today I have learned that God is real. I'm gonna try and get that sleep now, /mbg/.

>not helping King Ragnar (LMHR) acquire more fiefs with your new free time

sleep is for swadians

Need to get some sleep before raiding the butter holds, user.

>rh*dok edition
absolutely disgusting

>anti Rhodok posting

Who else is migrating to For Honor tomorrow?

page 10


>page 10
Leave yourself behind to cover my retreat.


Bonerlord when

don't come back

I swear to god sleep is nature's only true comfort. I realized that I wasn't suicidal because of external factors, it was just because I was so chronically sleep deprived to the point where I had absolutely no energy to deal with any of it.

Fuck no sleep, it's not worth it and I lost years of my life and health.

You can always play Bannerlord in your dreams.


New info in 10 days

How do you figure?

In 25 days*


They'll make a post for St. Valentine's, some meme picture at least, probably info to go with it,

>They'll make a post for St. Valentine's, some meme picture at least, probably info to go with it,
Don't lie to me user, I'll be alone tomorrow and I can't handle both things.

W-what have I done...

>a game about drinking wine and feasting
>no update for months
>the ancient holiday of drinking wine and feasting coming up

If their marketing team misses this I'll katana myself, since its surely vaporware at that point.

The right thing

Good, slaves need to learn their lesson

Slavs are people too....

Don't worry, I'll be alone, too. Alone and in class, so no doubt I'll see a bunch of fucking couples as I'm going from class to class.

I will be alone and with my broken wrists that won't let me play video games :) Life is life :)

it's ok lads, you'll always have a pure 2d steppe waifu

>You will never have a pure steppe waifu

Why even live?

>bash someones head in with a mace
>they get knocked unconscious

people have survived falling off bridges and tall buildings before as they tried to kill themselves

they could be in a coma, but it's still "unconscious" so the game isn't inaccurate

the human body is more durable than most people think, you just don't hear about them as much

>they could be in a coma
>you're actually putting comatose/paralysed women in your brothels in Dickplomacy

is it rape if u fug an unconscious prostitute and paid for it?

>Who else is migrating to For Honor tomorrow?
(You) I'd guess

5 days until PC Gamer Weekender.
Will we get the release date?

For (You)

>shoot enemy lord with an arrow right into his eye
>he gets knocked unconscious
>kill his entire army
>he somehow escapes the battle anyway
>next time I meet him his eye is working just fine

Immersion ruined

Not really, if i hit some X Recruit's head really hard with a mace (without any helmet), he would at least get brain hemorrhage

>he doesn't know

Those are exceptional cases though. Even if it's possible that someone miraculously survives getting their head bashed in with a winged mace that doesn't make it reasonable that 100% of people whose heads you beat to a pulp with a winged mace survive the ordeal. Though I'm not saying I mind this but of unrealism in Warband.

That why I like mods where the most armored ennemies have the higher chance of getting knocked unconscious even with slash or pierce damage. It keeps a steady flow of prisoners without having to resort to blunt using troops

I don't know, man. Suicide seems pretty good since it'll basically be like sleeping forever. No more responsibilities, no more people slamming cabinets shut, no more phone calls just as you're about to fall asleep.

That's what I've thought for the longest time too, but you realize very, VERY quickly when you're at the roof of a building that it's much easier to just sleep and reassess your situation when you're better rested than having the guts to actually jump.

Or maybe I'm just a pussy, but I can't explain it to you unless you try for yourself. Theoretically you're right, but in practice the animalistic instinct to live always kick in the last minute and suddenly some food, a wank, and a bed sounds better than any heaven.

Does dickplomacy include non-ogre female faces?

dynasty warriors



Why isn't the Khergit Khanate a Khaganate?

Khagan is empire, Khan is just king right?

Makes more sense as Khan if just Kingdom

Khans are elected, Khagans are hereditary.

in the optional files switch to the other kind

Currently downloading diplomacy litdum. Anyone tried this yet? Looks like a solid native+ mod.

Rhodok King was elected though and they're still a Kingdom and not Republic


I think Dickplomacy has option for it
It also arrows swords to knock people out

it improves feasts/10

What is Perisno like? Never tried it and never seen anyone discuss it these generals

>Rhodok King was elected though and they're still a Kingdom and not Republic
It's called an elective monarchy, you dummy.

I thought Rhodoks were ruled with oligarchy, not monarchy

The Rhodok king is the weakest even in army size and his personal behavior on the map, right?
I don't know if its scripted, but he is the worst king consistently in my games.

F word?

Pretty sure that all the Kings operate on the same AI, the only thing that differentiates them are their circumstances

i.e. Harlaus calls for feasts because Swadians are in the worst position by far, which causes him to lose relations with lords and he tries to repair them by calling feasts

Which mongol faction is more fun in 1257? Seems like Golden Horde mostly gets rus troops and such.

i've had a game where the Rhodoks wiped out most the Saranids and half of swadia insanely fast


it's like PooP's less-talked-about-but-more-competant brother

if you want fantasy, Perisno is a good choice. And that's just it -- not much to really talk about it

I'm pretty sure it's because how AI works, when they lose battles / territory, their morale drops, thus leading to defects, so Harlaus constantly calls for feasts to keep their morale up

This is a faithful thread, inshallah.
Remove the filth you posted.

w-what mod?

to that one user last thread what people think of Parabellum, it is so far pretty but prone to crashes

Was there come console command to open someone's equip menu, such as opening your wife's to get rid of her ugly ass D'shar clothes.

Custom banners are nice. Did ginge ever mention if we get those in Bannerlord?

i open your wife every night

so does your mom

Somebody call an ambulance
We got a nigga laid out dead over here

>download dickplomacy because sticking the wives of my enemies in brothels sounds fun
>can't put companions or peasant women in brothels

Madam just has the options to either go over the accounts or sell the establishment, what gives?

Im in big trouble guys, My kingdom has like 5 cities and all factions except for vaegirs (which are dead) and swadia (which got raped by nords) declared war on me. I can fuck up anyone in combat but it´s impossible to defend every single castle (although I have minimum of 200 garrison in every castle and around 500 in cities). I have like 12 lords but guess what they are completely useless. What the fuck do I do, If I fight against nords that own half of the map, eastern part of the empire gets raped by the sarranid and rhodoks

Isn't there a shortcut to put all available prisoners to your prisoner pool?

you should be able to put peasant women in user, what are you talking about

I upgraded her to a camp follower, is that why I get no choice to?

No, you should CAPTURE them, not RECRUIT them. When you raid a village, a part of Refugees will spawn IIRC, they have a lot of Peasant Women as troops, capture them.

Native? If you have something with Diplomacy features then I'd suggest invest in Patrols from any of your walled fiefs, send them out to one flank. Also making sure your kingdom boarder is coherent is good. Last, it's good to have Lords that like eachother own lands in the same area, as they will help eachother more and the AI is only effective when they support eachother (why the best thing they are at is annoying the Player Character, as their AI leans toward decisions against them, especially on higher Campaign "Difficulty" levels).

You should be able to basically just play whack-a-mole with their marshal stacks

determine what would be the most and least important cities and castles, and pool all the troops from the unimportant places to the critical ones

this ensures that you keep what's important, and you threw a bone for the enemy dogs to chew on until you can conquer back

I suggest keeping all the corner establishments as much as possible, while giving away more centralized places away so you can keep your front to as low as possible

from there, you can either wait until the enemies go for peace or just turn to war on each other and will be too busy to go after you

you can do this user, I believe in you

Oh, right

Time to camp a sarranid village and slam every villager pack that appears

I'd love it if Surgery could cause some would-be killed hostiles to become merely wounded.
Though I likely wouldn't bother with Manhunters or Mamlukes were that the case so maybe it's for the best to keep it this way.

>making a concerted effort to cripple a swaybacked horse to simply heal it from lamed.
>either just gets knocked out or dies
Does either Surgery or First Aid reduce the chance of crippling?

post spoopy screenshots

I have diplomacy. Most of my lords are neutral to me but I stopped giving them castles and villages after certain point because whenever I give something to a lord EVERYONE else gets mad at me. What is kingdom boarder?
I guess I will abandon castles that are deep in nord territory and try to make peace with sarranids and khergits (which have defensive pact). Im definetely not giving up on this run AGAIN. Im going to win even if all Im left with is one shitty castle

>tfw no 1257AD dickplomacy compatibility

>tfw no custom battles in parabellum so I can play with tanks and planes right from the start

feels bad, I'm tired of getting shot

what are the benefits of high reputation in towns in native/di(ck)plomacy? i know in villages gives chance of recruiting higher tier troops and with lords is useful for some dialog checks

Cheaper goods for enterprises.


rhodoks got the second best infantry and ranged in the game, however everything that leads to it is complete garbage so rhodok ai gets raped in autocalc

im pretty sure only numbers matter for autocalc

not worth it in native/dickplomacy

also troop quality, sure you get bullshit like 20 mamlukes vs 20 looters and 10 mamlukes killed but they always win

Not worth it at all though. I remember when I used auto calc against ONE fucking bandit and 13 swadian knights died. I was so fucking mad

That was me I agree it just needs some polish but it was just released