/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

Fund it edition

MHXX is due out for 3DS in Japan on March 18.
Trailer 1: youtube.com/watch?v=5VV5-opm1TE
Trailer 2: youtube.com/watch?v=XiOBszkWCp0

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread


>posting this 53 seconds before linking in the old thread



You deserve it for that shit OP.


>zero reason to use anything other than hellblade weapons

So, what are good skills for the bow of hope and memes?

MH is a game about dressing up girls.

Reload Speed+3
Evade Extender
Stamina Drain

Where were you when Silverwind armour was the most kino armour in Generations?

"Ahh, you were at my side all along"

With a 1 slot weapon, you can get

Crit Eye+3
Crit Boost
Evade Extender
Razor Sharp
Attack Up Small


No it's a game about donning armor of great bests to find, hunt, and slaughter greater beasts until you begin to challenge gods themselves.
You play dress up with your cats.

>No damage booster skills
is this bait?

That's shit though, you're playing Gen, not MHF1.

Are mixed duel blades ever worth it? I mean you barely do any elemental damage anyways other than against a handful of monsters and they usually have high damage and sharpness

>"Ahh, you were at my side all along"

COOL posted again!

Man, there's a lot of shitty things about gen, but I at least appreciate the fact that resource points are plentiful so I can stay stocked with things like psychoserum and ammo combos mats easily, that you can multiply fish and that you can unequip all decorations automatically instead of hunting for them in your box.

Now if only I could multiply or purchase dash extracts instead of having a 1 in 40 chance per hunt that a gypceros will appear in meownster hunters so I can get maybe 8 dash juices tops using an entire team of max-enthusiasm support cats.

>is half the display element worth it?

What's the first thing you guys are going to do in the XX demo?

weakness exploit
normal up
trueshot up
load up

mount a barroth to see the animation i guess

>8 dash juices tops
>8x4 = 8


Find me a better full set

A genie comes out of your 3ds, psp, pc or whatever and say he'll give you one monster hunter related wish. However, It can not directly relate to the state of the current games or the content of future titles.

What do you wish for?

this but replace WE with AUS or focus or something if the monster has no weakspots/you would have to shoot a non-weakspot for over half the hunt to make it weak

theoretical maximum is not practical maximum, the most I've ever gotten is 2x4



>just play the game they said
>you'll have enough points they said
No. Fuck 3U.

A dick the size of a najarala!

Nigger you just offered a wish granting genie then said I can't wish to affect video games
Like I'm going to waste it making my dragon fight game better

see how crap alchemy style is, then beast prowler. my weapon mains didn't really get anything interesting. i guess if tempest axe is in the demo, i'll give that a shot.

Kill Ichinose and Ichihara, maybe Ryozo too.

you die within seconds because there's no way your puny human heart could keep that much blood flowing

see it in youtube, if i see it at all.

Monster girlcock

>oh shit I can get 10k points per expedition, I'll never run out!
>polishing and upgrading a single relic costs ~100k
>I get like four good ones a week
My great relic RNG was my blessing and my curse.

Make my Huntress real and she loves me!

dreadking is better

it's probably gonna use the usual brute mount animation, but also does charges like a bulldrome

Is the desert from Tri (best desert) confirmed in XX, bros?

nope. FU desert and forest are returning. there might be others i missed.


>france unite
how utterly repulsive.

You want to go into the full game fresh?

Nah, i dont have the means right now to play the japanese demo, so im blazing through generation at medium pace, or at a slow one, if you count im still rank 1 in multi.

If I'm using Guild GS what arts should I use besides Inner beast?

you should fuck off and go striker for sick nasty brimstone slashes

No, fuck you. I like the double charge.

>Inner beast

how is that set possible?

Razor Sharp+5 Attack+10 OOO

The chance of getting it is stupidly low but with the help of CFW its ezpz

Sharpness+5 Attack+10 OOO charm. The whole post is bait of the lowest quality though, don't give it (You)s.

why is it bait?

Getting the 1 mil resource points award was way easier than some of the bullshit in Gen.

>Where were you
>forced Bloodborne quote
>obviously hacked charm
>evasion skills
It is constructed solely to incense people in /mhg/ and the poster hasn't a shred of genuine interest in the merits of Silverwind.


fuck off retard, it has the usual solmeme set skills and other good skills.

People think that WE is a guaranteed 50% affinity and that monster offer up their weak hitzones in spades.

I only ever had to go on free hunt in order to get rare commodities to upgrade the fishing fleet, so I really have no idea what it is you could be whining about.

Wait what? How do you upgrade the boats?

Doesn't change the fact that it's quote good for endgame armor. Most people wank over dreadking while Silverwind is much easier to get early on.

Have you never talked to the Argosy Captain?

Oh right the rare trade stuff thingies, slipped my mind for a sec, sorry.

>Doesn't benefit weapons using Adept
>Doesn't benefit weapons using Striker
>Doesn't benefit weapons using Guild since they need HGE or nothing (IG)

>tfw you sit at base camp and take frenzy pills after the quest ends because you want to die
fuck gathering

It really is too bad that Frenzy on its own won't kill a hunter.

Evasion skills are a bonus nothing more. Adept weapons doesn't benefit from Crit Eye+3 + Crit Boost, Razor Sharp (fucking Hellblade must for fucks sake).

HGE is for whimps.

>not hopping into the bed less than a second before the quest completed message, blocking your hunter from doing the victory animation

I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

>>Doesn't benefit weapons using Adept

Confirmed for never having played Adept. Adept isn't even the most optimal style for most weapons. Evasion +2 lets you stick to monsters way better because of no followup anime autism run

>>Doesn't benefit weapons using Striker

How? are you retarded? Striker SA and LS benefit from this greatly

>>Doesn't benefit weapons using Guild since they need HGE or nothing (IG)

What does this even mean? Evasion+2 >>>>>>HGE, Windroof, tremor res etc.

The best is hopping off a cliff a second before so you become suspended in the air at the loading zone.

>not jumping off a cliff in the last second so the hunter gets stuck and never falls

Most of this is right.

IG doesn't need ear protection because nectars have skill giving low roar immunity.

made a gen lobby - going afk for a bit to make food

someone wanna do hyper jho?

Nice taste, lance charge is the most baller way to do it

I mean if you want to kill monsters fast there's no better choice than dreadking unless you get some sick nasty talismans for a mixed set

HGE is for not being interrupted while attacking, dodging resets comboes, WE+CE2 > CE3

>lance charge
i'm ashamed to say i never tried it
>tfw stuck at work and can't play now

You play adept for the counter, if you don't you might as well play Guild or Striker.
They have absolutes for crutch dodge and positioning.
Show me how you dodge while charging your GS.

Bow plays adept for the power shot while charging.

Finally decided to give MHO a try, and I just saw that the english patch isn't up to date anymore.
Are there any good resources to help with setting up and playing the game? And is it even worth it?

>You play adept for the counter, if you don't you might as well play Guild or Striker.

What? I play Adept for easy mode dodges, not for counters. Idiot. In hindsight, they made Adept pretty balanced, not counting Adept DBs ofcourse.

>They have absolutes for crutch dodge and positioning.

Yeah lets replace some amazing HA like Demon Riot, Energy Charge, Sakura Slash and Crititcal Juncture for absolute faggotry

>Show me how you dodge while charging your GS.

No shit, I am not saying that SW armour is the be all end all of armours but lets not pretend that its some thunderlord tier trash.

What's your point? You get early access to Silverwind and with basic Tenderizer tali like +2 OOO you can get CE+3, Evasion+2, Weaknes Exploit, Evade Extender, Crit Boost. It's fucking too good.

Only good thing dreadking has is AuL+WE. Rest is kinda lame.

2 spots open

I want to BE the herbivore!

you need a oneslot weapon and use the gunner cap to get tenderizer on sw, and that's with a +5 OOO charm

if you want to use a noslot weapon like hellblade, you need a god-tier charm and still have to use the gunner cap

SW works very well with weapons with very high natural affinity like nargacuga LS and Silverwind SA.

With Narga LS, I end up at 70% affinity and with Silverwind SA, I end up with 75% affinity before WE.

I run Silverwind Soul, Evade Extend, Attack up Small and Crit Boost with Silverwind SA. Demon Riot, Energy Charge and Absolute Readiness. Never run out of white.

Literally only DB uses Adept "for the dodges" and that's not even the whole thing, all other weapons use it for the counter move.
Except absolute evasion alone is enough to cover any positioning issue you might have with even Switch Axe.
Evade Extender and Evasion+2 are rendered useless by both Absolute Evasion and Absolute Readiness, there's no point in using them especially when Readiness is so good even without the evasion part.

What's your point about gunner cap? Defence is never an issue in this game. NEVER. Tenderizer+5 OOO is piss easy to get. you can also build that set with Silverwind+2 OOO which is fucking too easy to get on sakura. Stop making shit up that it's hard to get.

You do know the Crit Boost set only works because of the white + >=200 raw? When using pure crit weapon you're better off with Dreadking or a completely different mixed set.

you still didn't address the point that you have to use shit-tier weapons to use sw + we without a god-tier charm because you need a weapon slot

No you don't need any slots with Tender+5OOO or Silverwind+2 OOO. Check your shit up.

>no ee
what's the point? it's basically a shit-tier silversol meme set

still 2 spots. Stop arguing and play the game

The removal of the desire sensor.


i'd rather falseflag on /pol/ than play gen

Even when you fuck up and end up taking over 5 minutes because you fail to exploit openings or you get hit, there's something really strangely satisfying about killing a monster with a bit under a full stack of pierce ammo.

I think it's comfy how I can use some LBGs for an entire hyper monster and barely have to dip into my non-internal ammo.

I wish for a billion dollar, then I'll buy /mhg/ MHXX copy for each person.

Fucking cunt you could have wished for waifus and pet monsters

gj dick