ITT: Veeky Forums nostalgia
ITT: Veeky Forums nostalgia
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I remember the cold war campaign giving USA an OP mission that let them take over China and cockblock the USSR from most of Asia.
Ah yes, good times. But nothing beats nuking the USA to oblivion and capturing France as the USSR to knock NATO out of the game and prompt a desperate peace deal from the Americans
Y'all know they released it again on Steam, right? It's like $20 for a Win7 compatible version.
They did but nothing can compare to the memories of 2003 and mid-00s
Don't deny yourself new memories by clinging onto the tatters of the past, user. Find a group that plays it and get back into it.
You make a fair point but I personally just don't play video games anymore
Its a computer game not a video game dumbass. Its the same as typing on word
my favorite game
the WW1 part still gives me chills
>not having a non-graphics-intensive fun game on your computer for when you just want to kick back and play an RTS
It's not like WoW. Literally no compulsion for your to play daily or anything like that.
Battle at Witch Creek is one of the most moving songs from any RTS soundtrack I've ever heard:
It works so well with both war and peacetime, hitting both rapid and slow parts of the game, sounding strongly with purpose, yet, sometimes, regretful and in memorial of the lost.
>attack a city
>big battle.
>battle at witch creek plays.
Anyone up for a Veeky Forums Rise of Nations group?
its a comfy SP game.
Malfurion is based
>Langrabbing simulator.
Also am I the only ones who likes to cap ages at Enlightenment? Napoleonic-era armies are just perfect
Honestly, I prefer to start in the Industrial Era and go from there. Age of Empires (and to a lesser degree Cossacks) give me my taste for earlier periods', while there just aren't that many good early 20th Century RTS'.
>play on easy
>build a nuke as fast as you can
>threaten your oppo to give you money until they cant give anymore
>nuke them
>do this for hours
With RoN nostalgia I only think of
Comfy AF