League of legends general /lolg/

I love Lissandra! Edition
Will you buy some of her ice cream? Its made from all natural, vitamin enriched milk!

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Yeah dude, fucking lmao. I remember at one point everyone that posted a silver opinion/screenshot/anything, people would reply with "preebitz..."

Delicious fish tits!

- My team

>have 3k hp
>250 armor and 130 mr
>teamfight happens
>die in LITERALLY 2 seconds
but i thought tanks were "op"??????

Xth for Katarina
best girl

comfy bfs~

reminder to be nice to your support and help her ward sometimes!

Is this camille girl really that OP? I never played a single game with her because she is banned all the time


These two losers legit have no life.

can someone give me the rundown on reesemoe

>pick Morde
>stormraider's, 0/18/12 for the summoner cooldown mastery
>hybrid pen reds, scaling health yellows, AP blues and AP quints
>stark dark seal/refillable
>rush gunblade
>get lucidity boots
>murder lane opponent over and over with my gun and sustain

Too cute to be living in Zaun

>has a cross screen gapcloser on low cd with virtually no mana cost
>true damage Q on low cd
>as steroid and free sustain and shields for easy trades
>UNFLASHABLE ult that also knocks back and gives invulnerability

idk mang

just press skip

what do you think of my champ pool, user?

succ me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>trying to finish out a 3vsAI game with feeding teammates and a tank xin zhao and annie bot on the enemy team

Remember when our guy literally purged the cancer in lolg? Good times.

>27%wr braum 11 games

yeah you're shit

Start using storm raider surge.
On everyone besides maybe supports and some jungle.
Obviously if your champ is something with a free huge escape like zed and based off of burst, you can take thunderlord.

The speed up that also removes slows heavily (exhaust).
You can proc it easily on nearly everyone.

It's almost like a free 10 second flash with the large escape potential.

Here are some examples.



it was fine last season. i don't really know what happened in the few months i stopped in between seasons.

the sooner you learn jungle olaf the sooner you can get d5


Would like to see your kills on average a bit higher on Zyra but the 3 death average in 150 games is very nice good work.

Solid overall. Keep it up.


What champion would you suggest to a retard(s) of the highest order?

it tells you what to do....

Biggest and bestest bust!

Can Nidalee jungle get me out of silver / bronze?
I hear she's pretty trash lately, but again so am I

This is why most players never play Support.

That's the joke I think he's trying to make friend.
Dotards ya know?

try out olaf jungle. you can 1v9

>sarah kikeman
absolutely disgusting

>can x get me out of y rank
Answer is always yes if you're good at the champ which usually involves you enjoying them and playing them optimally

Can I pls suck them like a little baby

I need my daily milk c:

As a top player, what do I do with lane dominators like Irelia and Renekton in the mid game? I'll usually have a significant CS advantage, maybe 2-3 kills on the enemy laner, but it's so hard for me to impact the rest of the map without completely losing lane pressure.

tldr how do I pressure the mid game as a top laner without losing 3 towers

>Qt journies ahead
I don't think I'd call Garen's cock a qt journey.

Those are air bladders.

If you’re playing under your level, you can’t reasonably expect other players to do as well as you. Even if you are in your own ranking, everyone makes mistakes and has bad games. I’ve been leveling up my smurf, and every game I see people who look to be silver smurfs calling new players garbage. All you can ask of anyone is that they try their best, so maybe instead of calling a new player trash for not knowing some things, we can try to help or encourage them.
I played bot games to level 30 when I was leveling up my main a few years ago, but if I had been playing normals I probably would have quit long ago due to the toxicity. If we care about the quality of the community, we need to be more inviting because we’re currently training new players to be toxic.

garen isnt real kiddo

That's what I was posting about too?

Can you please stop posting because the other guy was memeing dota and I posted a dumb Silverman thing.

You're not posting ironically at all. I'm shaken and not stirred.


teach me user

t.S3 pleb

I just realized I own Ekko. No idea when I bought that piece of shit but he's there. Is he worth trying to learn? It seems like his ult takes a lot of practice to really get right.

huh? different user here...but I mean...all league characters aren't real. I'm not...I'm not too sure what was to be proven here.


Tell that to the rest of the community.

Damn, they were going edgy on her.

>she's trash
>so am i
she takes practice, not the easiest


"I don't get the jokes two people made and I'm upset" the post



ekko is the easiest champion to play in the game, just delete their carry then press r for a second health bar

>all these newfag heathens going corrupting potion or dorans blade

trust in the long sword 3 pots and it will never let you down


this design would be so much better if she pulled her goddamn pants up

she's got like seven belts and aint even using them

also that tiny jacket looks dumb it should be a fullsized jacket

He's still strong imo. Not pick or ban.

I'd rate him 8 outta 10

>irelia and renekton
>lane dominators

Jayce would like a word with you.

>can't get higher than mastery level 5 without spending real money

uhh... lolbabs?

>longsword 3
>not longsword refillable

Do you have anything to offer but weakness?

the point is one day she will be
shes the prettiest of all the lands and always will be to me :^3

I take corrupting mainly for the tiny bit of mana on champs that are dogshit bad with mana.

For the Supreme cs stallers like sion who have mana issues, I go Doran ring.

step it up boi

It's 2017 and people STILL don't know you can buy champ shards with ip

When are they removing leblanc form the game? How about the other 6 champions you have to autoban unless you want to lose?

>mfw janna main
>mfw shielding my adc from all damage
>mfw giving him a huge ad buff
>mfw cucking enemy assassins out of kills AND fun
>mfw an enemy team thinks they can engage with me around
>mfw 90% win rate from just warding and keeping people alive

So uh
who wants a skin?
Pls stop reporting me

>not playing kled adc

yeah whoops my knowledge seems to be a few seasons behind

>one day she will be

Why do I play well on MF but i suck on other adcs like ez or ashe?

Reminder that janna is a slut who loves being groped

theyre not as braindead as mf

Don't be a shieldslut.

because ur a monki and mf is broken

what are other braindead adcs to play

>ur a monki
what is this
is this monkey

no im going to spam janna every game and you're not going to have any fun while i do it!

>play ranked
>shit is going bad fast
>lose in 20 minutes
>mad as fuck
>mfw it was flex and not a real queue

its never the feeding that bugs me, it's the fact that they dont ever listen to anyone and then justify their blatant mistakes with the most egregious bullshit and then just passively refuse to play

and god forbid if you ever make the mistake of mentioning you're a smurf and you don't drop the game while they run around doing whatever they want you don't deserve your elo

vayne, caitlyn, varus

no monky u

Is Darius good to learn top lane?

You have a few options.
1) Keep pushing to take the T2 top tower, and run into topside jungle and take it.
You pull pressure away from botside and give your adc an easier time.
If their midlaner roams, you can pop out and take his tower.
Basically never not be getting gold, catching waves, and taking camps. You get huge, slow down their jungler, and once bot takes their towers you can all go mid and force a fight.

2) If your jungler isn't doing well, just run around the map doing his job for him and have him stay topside to hold your tower. Risky because you might forfeit some dragons, but if he's really shitting the bed you need to patch up your weakest leaks.
If you think the jungler can late game carry with you, babysit him and bother the enemy jungle if they try to stop him.

3) Accelerate the game. If 2 out of the other 3 not-support position are already doing ok, and you have some hard engage, force fights for early mid tower and go for early early barons.
TP gank bot and take their tower, then run mid and attempt it again.
Attempt to close out the game as much as you can, and have all your efforts reflect that. If you can't dive then the enemy top will split you to death, which might be what you're running into.

What you DONT want to do, especially in scenario number 1 (the most common one), is stand around with your team holding your dick. Waiting for a pick, standing around dragon because its up in a minute, sitting midlane while your midlaners just waveclear at each other is bad bad bad news.

i'll try cait
she is cool

just because i'm from BR_ that doesn't make me monkey


no thanks

>enemy player talking shit in /all chat
>mute them
>about to win game
>unmute them
>they're still talking shit in /all chat

dunno she and maybe twitch are the only adcs whose gameplay revolves around pressing r when seeing a group of enemy champions

sivir most braindead adc

i don't like the rat
i only play qt female champs

i'll try her too

>someone hovers over a champ
>I ban it

When will they learn?

Reminder if you get someone like this jhin on your team it is literally IMPOSSIBLE for you to climb

>not one lethality item
why isn't this a reportable offense?

How do you build Akali this patch?
I've been going Gunblade > Sunfire / Visage depending on matchup > Sunfire / Visage > Titty Hydra (if ahead) / GA (if struggling) but it seems like it falls off so hard late game that should I try something else.

>reach promos
>instantly get a vayne who goes 0/6 in 10 minutes
forced 50% doesnt exist lads!

>What is ghostblade?
I was getting a shitload of freefarm because their yi was an idiot and let all the lanes farm, game came down to Jhin and Leblanc not building penetration and you cannot deny that

>Making people mad by insulting them in broken English: Not very efficient
>Making people mad by insulting them: Normal
>Making people mad by insulting their elo: It's super efficient!
>Making people mad by roleplaying as your champion after you kill them: One-Hit K.O

>75%+ win rate on my pocket picks
>40% win rate on my mains
just KILL ME

How does a fucking webm which has the sound taken out is 3mb+ but the same webm with sound is 2,something?????

tank akali is kill
go gunblade > zhonya if behind/lich bane ahead > deathcap

replying to myself, I meant to say enemy topside jungle in case number one.

And on my last point, a good example would be rotating mid if the enemy team is grouping for dragon.
If their top laner is pushing you down, you can trade tower for tower and be there faster if a fight starts, and hopefully win the dragon.
If it's 4v5 and you're mid, make sure you have wards so you don't get collapsed and you can see who makes the first pick.
Usually if its your team you should drop what you're doing and help them.

What champion do you hate the most?