/parag/ - Paragon General

Keeping the dream alive with shitty memes edition

News & Patch Notes: epicgames.com/paragon/en-US/news

MMR tracking (community) and other information:

More hero build info: paragondb.info/calc

User IDs: pastebin.com/tMqksTK4
If yours is not listed post it in the thread

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Anybody got the Seraph skin? Haven't played for a while but I always try to pick up those free skins. On my way to the casa, I'll be online in an hour and ready to play a game or two before the event ends.

Yes. But I'm not sharing it.


>paragon general

this is fucking nice

Also, is it me or CRIT damage decks are always noobsafe ?

I got the Serath skin. 10th name on pastebin. Hit me up

Thanks man, just give a couple minutes and I'll invite you

Crit decks suck for early game tho

>thread being down for this long

so scary

Keys will drop not starting tomorrow feels good but its shit that we are getting this meme exclusive murdock skin for the loot box for a while. What the fuck. Worst skin in the game.

>can't connect to Paragon servers

I like how the social menu shows you what level they are in game

>don't have a Khaimera on your team
>enemy does
I really need tk start jungling

Are cores/towers still made out of paper mache?

yea boi

diving meta in full affect with arura

Diving meta always existed under Greystone
Nothing is worse than PULL META

Any guides to git gud

Like general role guides or card abilties or general knowledge other than these websites providing some meme deck build or specific character guide. I need guides on countering heros and tactics and shit.

Read guides all you want it doesn't improve your mechanics

great thanks I know this

I still need info on this game

You asked for guides to git gud
There are none for your mechanics

m8 I'm going to need to you to direct me to some info or not post at all

I get it

water is wet

You aren't telling me anything new here

If you read the abilities and items descriptions in the game you have all the info you need.

You're the graphics guy right

fresh from plebbit

YUGE changes coming up

new hero next week

new cards actives and passive

half the cast is getting touched and manhandled

Trying to label people when they call you out on trying to get spoonfed learning how to play. Obviously in any MOBA the only thing you can do to git gud is recognize and fix your mistakes, and attempt to improve your sloppy mechanics.

I fucking asking to be spoonfed specifically what the fuck is your problem. I'm asking to get information because I can't find it myself. You need to get your head out of your ass bro.

You're assuming way too much. You don't even have to fucking reply if you aren't going to post anything helpful. Why is your way the only way?

There has been info out for months.
There are no such thing as Hero tactics. How you play is entirely up to you. You can't just read how somebody else plays and somehow ascertain anything of value. You'll just be that one asshole pretending to be good and feeding because practicing and reading champion abilities along with common sense is beneath you.

I don't know why the fuck this dude is being an asshole about the whole thing, scaring other people from an otherwise dying thread.

He's right about one thing though, there's not many places for this kind of knowledge because the game is still fresh so you'll have to develop the experience to know who counters who and what does what and so on.
I found that discussing the game with anyone really helps.
Another thing that helps is watching experienced YouTube dudes talking/discussing/playing the game as well. I've learned about a couple mechanics that I didn't know about before through watching videos of these dudes.
As far as text/websites go though, I can't really help you there because all you'll find is gimmicky guides on agora.gg that aren't all that helpful either.
Hopefully I helped, though it isn't much to go by. I'm sure the game will have more accessible ways to this shit once it develops/more people come in.

>aurora every game
>no purity cleanser or hunters guile

>check Aurora after loss
>every game I lose has the "advantage" even though the "gold" or "high silver" player fed his fucking ass off in a 2v1 safe lane
>every game I win is a fair game
I've been winning more games than I lose but this shit really pisses me off
What the fuck is wrong with these people

who redy for kwangs sister next week


Is your waifu meta

How the fuck is my nigga Greystone C tier?
>these heroes are weak in the current meta
He isn't overpowered but I'd say he's A tier or at least B tier.
Sparrow, Sevarog and Dekker should be dropped down a couple tiers
Aurora, Belica, Gadget and Gideon should be bumped up one or two tiers.

>3 fucking people pick basic dmg carries
>They all go left lane at start, leaving right wide open
>They all die before minions spawn to feng
>Sparrow dcs right away, followed shortly by twinblast
>I leave jungle to deal with right lane, getting a handful of kills and a death or two
>The remaining two people literally never leave left lane the rest of the game, until grim dcs

When do I get to leave this fucking "new player" hell? I just want some non retards

not until you get out of silver/early gold

>just went up against an Aurora with universal cards and Hydroverser
>she's probably wondering why she lost the game

>dekker but SS tier

Why does she deserve SS tier though? I'm not saying she isn't good, I think she's amazing but not SS tier great.
Maybe SS tier if this was a tier list of supports

>Khaimera and Crunch in D tier
Now that is some bullshit right there. I mean who were you going to fool by putting Khaimera in D?

I just played as an aurora with pure basic deck and won

tank aurora ez games

>hero who just melees and has gap closer

literally loses to SS+ tier with armor every time

Post em

Got carried

nope all me my skills overcame my basic deck :^)

Literally carried

This awful, awful,l awful matchmaking is killing me, lads. Cannot stress enough how bad it is: it's easily the worst I've ever encountered.
I don't know what to do.

>play Belica
>pushing minions
>spot enemy Rampage
>run away into jungle
>loop right back into lane pushing minions and end it by taking a tower
>enemy Rampage is now somewhere else
I enjoy being a cheeky cunt

Get gud, solo carrying shitters in this game is easier than in any other moba, because the enemy team is usually even worse

Literally carried the team*

ftfy free of charge

Have fun with it to test meme builds no one will get butthurt

Just now (this is a sample: in the draft I talked about how the matchmaking was making me cry, then this happened)
>Two Junglers becomes laning Khaimera who runs headfirst into Steel and Murdock every time he respawns
>Grux d/c's, starts spinning his camera and then comes back at 5 levels under power to try and play again
>Aurora support that steals last hits and runs back to t11 tower when the enemy Howie kills our minions; gets me killed because they don't ward or pay attention, apparently doesn't know they have an escape ability
>enemy team is heavily coordinated, rotating into ganks like a well-oiled machine: Gid throws a rock, Steel Ults, Sev appears and Subjugates, team wiped
>try for Raptors, get scared off by enemy Sev, Steel, Gideon
>despite warding the place and waiting 5 minutes, the second I take a shot at the Raptors again, Gideon teleports through the crack, ults, followed by Steel ult, followed by Sev subjugate. All this happens while the Khaimera kills a jungle camp and the Countess pushes a lane beside me

>get put on a team with two big dick Plat players who make it their business to constantly complain about Gold players and talk non-stop shit about my deck
etc. etc. etc.

I've only experienced games this bad maybe 2 times in my almost 200 games, and I mean your team being that bad and the enemy team being coordinated, theres no way you're getting games like this constantly, the enemy team is just as bad at least 90 percent of the time or you're a statistical anomoly (hint: you're not). Not trying to be a dick but the only solution here is really just focus on your own play and positioning, play consistently well and you will win more than you lose.

shes SS teir because once the team comps hit platinum and higher her ability to set up kills is retard level with team mates that are really good at the game.

I'm looking at the four games I played tonight, and my poorest performance is in the game where my Greystone died 4 times ("I need help!", "Defend Left Lane!" spammer, btw) in the first few minutes, feeding the Twin to twice my team's CXP early on, before ragequitting (add that to the list of stories). I played defensively after seeing that because there's no point in presenting my ass to a super fed carry and asking him to kill me.

what's your in game id

>all these Aurora players not realizing how much more powerful Countess is late game
Right behind u :^)

>take Serath
>almost take a tower
>about to even the odds
>2 people went afk
Oh, I hate this

>trying to get to gold
>2 1100 elo shitters on my team
>2 1320 elo players on the enemy team
>obviously defeat

>all these gold, silver, plat shitters
Where did the days go, when we played games to have the little elusive sensation, known as >fun?

>forced to play a game for 1 hour because team refuses to surrender
>don't even have time to play another game

gold in agora.gg or fury.gg?

Why does it even matter?

gold in agora.gg is plat/diamond in fury.gg
also post your username

It doesn't matter
Nothing matters

All right nightbumpers get to work

Sorry bruh, 8am class tomorrow. Can't help you here

these threads wont survive the week

What? Do we have some info on the new character already?

I'm here with you user, e-sport and competitive playing is cancer, I just play to have fun and do my best not to suck.

it doesn't feel like they should if we're just bumping to keep them up. do we just need to wait for the game to grow more popular before trying this again?

We need some actual discussion and we need to actually play witch each other. I wouldn't say they're pointless since there are at least few good discussions and newbies asking for advice in each of them but bumping them just to keep them alive indeed feels awful.

Was meant for

Eh, bumping until we decide if we just want to let it die.

We have info on like the next 3-4 characters

Someone used to leak datamined shit but they stopped so it hasn't been done in a while but it seems to be correct info


This was posted 4 months and has info on characters we've received last month. Next hero is speculated to be mudang and is thought to be kwangs sister. Some theory about another character being fengs brother and the person who taught mudang and kwang.


The #Every3Weeks hero, this doesn't give us much information but we'll get it soon

Happy Valentine's Day, anons


ids habbening


Possibly, from what I can tell it's gonna be a female who wears a helmet?
Honestly, gives me that it'll look like a more human version of the Dancer of the Boreal Valley from DS3 but that's just me.

It's should look like femlae kwang. Kwang armor with tits with some shaman elements instead of warrior.

That'd be pretty cool, I haven't read any leaks about her but hopefully she doesn't play like Kwang either.

(EU) My nick: Fedorando, you can add me

Most people here play and post at a different timezone. We don't have enough NEETs or euros who play and that's why these threads die. Otherwise there is always discussion about the game

fuck, I just realized
>80 posts
>14 different IP's

In the first thread about a week ago there were like 70 different IPs I think, I don't know what happened.

70 ips for 700 posts

14 for 80 posts

it's all relative m8

Maybe we should go to /v/, have our mini discussions there. Sure we'll have to ditch the pastebin with the 20 names we've got so far, but still. It'd fit better there than here

Well I guess, but we reached this number way sooner then which helped making the thread so long.

The problem is that /v/'s hive mind hates Paragon now because of you-know-who's threads. Even if we start normal regular threads they die really quick and at least 1/3 of them is shitposting. It's worth a try though I guess.

>Autism wins again

It's not fair bros

The problem that still exists is that we have no content. No screenies, no memes, no fanart, nothing. Until we get some of that, we can't expect our threads to survive

I dunno, one of them survived pretty long for a /v/ thread. but as says, without content, the only bumps will be shitposts

The games still growing, we will get a lot of posts about the new hero coming
You can make threads on v if you want but no need to throw away the general even if we need to bump it. Sometimes people discover the game on their own and search for a general on vg but don't find one. So now that we have this here it's progression

>we're getting ANOTHER melee here
Enough is fucking enough it better be ranged

I'd say the real autism is being triggered by a fucking two-word phrase and not just ignoring it and discussing the game anyway.

nope the other has higher autism level for sure

It's not about the words it's about the concept of graphics

If you have a problem with "the concept of graphics", you have a problem with this game.

This, we need some fucking drawfags here.

Well they didn't show her(?) weapon yet, if she's supposed to be a shaman she might have a bow or shoot magical projectiles or something.

>fey is now actually playable because her new skin doesn't make her look trans


Looking nice. Still could be a faggy boy though.

>You can buy the serath skin now
What was the fucking point of grinding games during the event

Getting it for free instead of having to buy it?