>“The success we saw with the launch of the Milwaukee-Eight engine is a sign of the innovation we have in place,” said CEO Matt Levatich. “We are confident our 2018 line will also help sales. I have never been more excited about the products in our pipeline.”
>“We want to add more dealers overseas and grow riders here in the United States, reaching out to new markets including younger riders, women, African-Americans and Hispanics," Levatich told the newspaper.
I am a sport bike rider so my perception of motorcycle pricing is pretty much in the context of Japanese inline fours. $25k will get you the absolute best of the best (not including Ducati which is just a fashion statement anyways) but $15k~ is a more normal price range
So I was pretty fucking blown away when I saw how much Harleys retail for. It's literally some pile of shit air cooled v-twin sitting selling for $35k+. It's insane. There are no electronics, there are no cool technologies, there are no innovations, it's all just brand image. Very interesting
I would love to ride a night rod though. 240 rear tire from the factory? sounds awesome
Lucas Robinson
Build a scrambler for 8k or less and I will buy. Oh ya don't use that engine built in India in it either.
Adam Reyes
> Friend buys a 2011 sportser brand new > Summer 2012 cruising down the high way, bolt hold his clutch lever rattles itself out > Summer 2013 the bike won't stay on > He takes it to the dealer, they fuck his mouth with 6 hours of labor at $95hr to say nothing is wrong with his bike > Behind him in my car less than one mile away from the dealer > Bike just turns off again
4 Years of other problems and him bitching
> He buys a fat boy for $18k after everything
Fucking Harley fags.
Justin Powell
Harley is apple of motorcycles.They sell ancient Pajeet made crap for ten times what they worth.The only bike they make that's worth a damn is v-rod [spoiler]thanks Porsche[/spoiler]but even that thing is overpriced for that it is!
Thomas Reed
But what about insurance? Super-sport insurance is insane, compared to a Cruiser.
Samuel Hughes
pro tip they have free food and drinks at the Harley dealer. I ride up on my Gsxr 1100 on Saturdays and grab free donuts and coffee.
Benjamin Watson
Depends where you live. USA doesn't have socialized healthcare and there is no law saying how much you have to insure against yourself (just others). And the potential for damage to others even on a sport bike is low. The only person you're hurting is yourself. So insurance is cheap for sport bikes (assuming you're not getting comprehensive/collision which has nothing to do with the bike itself)
Post pics of the 1100
Juan Robinson
1992 polished frame looked just like the one Vanilla Ice rode in Cool as Ice.
I for instance, want to finance a new liter bike, but I'll get raped by insurance. Because sport bike riders are dipshits who total their bikes and they are stolen in high numbers. Not my fault.
Zachary Brooks
Love my Harley. I probably won't ever get rid of it.
Jackson Brown
>price when new, 18,000 >5 years later >resale value 17,999
how the fuck do harley's hold their value, I heard their value so well? Their twin-cam engines are fucking garbage.... does a good paint job cost that much?
Angel Richardson
They want to appeal to women? But they already sell the Sportster.
Justin Rodriguez
>financing bikes >doesn't understand how insurance works
Sounds about right.
Jayden Long
That's literally how insurance works. Though you wouldn't know that since your bus has insurance simply included in the price of your pass.
Parker Edwards
I feel you man. Even the new Triumph bonnies and the like come with ABS, traction control, and other assorted goodies. Whether people like it or not, it's nice to have those things on the bike, especially if you can turn them off.
That is true when it comes to used bikes but I'm pretty sure that the insurance on a $10k super sport is going to be very similar to a $20k harley
Justin Thompson
Are they going to be light, fast, and agile? If not, don't care.
Chase Rivera
My point is that there is no law requiring you to insure yourself or your vehicle so claiming that you can't ride a sport bike because insurance rates are too high doesn't make any sense. The law only requires you to have liability insurance up to a certain dollar amount which protects other people from you. You don't need collision or comprehensive
Benjamin Johnson
>not including Ducati which is just a fashion statement anyways
Delete this.
Dominic Ramirez
>Harley Davidson >the innovation we have in place
Nicholas Brown
>reaching out to new markets including younger riders, women, African-Americans and Hispanics, These are not the people who buy motorcycles especially Harleys.The only demografic you can sink your teeth into is younger riders by reviving Buell and making a 250cc and 125cc for beginers,but good luck trying to compete with japs and their fleet of crotch rockets!
Mason Bell
If you finance a vehicle with an auto loan, you have to have full coverage.
That being said, liability for 18 year old Chad thundercock on a r1 is going to be massive
Grayson Watson
>tfw no Superlow 1200T or Heritage Softail Classic Feels bad man
Blake Walker
I'm actually pretty excited for the new Milwaukee 8 engine architecture. Knowing HD though I'm sure they'll intentionally engineer weaknesses into the valvetrain that requires a $2000 rocker arm out of the factory catalogue in order to actually have the ability to reliably use WOT.
Owen Hall
As others have said, if you're financing, it the bank will require comprehensive.
Clearly you've never had to finance anything in your life.
Thomas Gomez
Yes, I fucking understand how it works. But the guy's complaining about how it's "not [his] fault" when the point of insurance is that the risk is pooled among a group of people so that people whose fault it isn't pay for those whose fault it is. His complaint is essentially about the concept of insurance itself.
t. autism
Levi Phillips
what the fuck can even go wrong on a Harley? they have no electronics or anything. It's just some air cooled V twin
Joseph Campbell
The older engines are shit, and are designed to be shit, becuase Muh Heritage
Wait a minute, you seem to be assuming that "electronics" and "liquid cooling" are one the same thing.
Caleb Fisher
>the engine does not have one, but multiple fatal flaws that cause catastrophic failure
what garbage
not at all
Camden Turner
Ah, interesting. These banks really know how to get the upper hand on their customers.
>loan money at some absurd rate that they themselves would never offer >money loaned is literally just loaned to the bank from the federal reserve for virtually free >make sure they max out their insurance to minimize risk
Financing is a top tier scam. Top. Tier. No one should ever buy a new motorcycle never mind finance one. My 2003 GSX-R 1000 was $2100 and it costs me $400/annually to insure it. Of course I didn't get comprehensive or collision on an old bike with a KBB of $2000
Brayden White
What makes you think there's "no electronics" and why did you relate to the form of an air cooled twin?
Elijah Roberts
Unrelated question, I know, but humor me, did you by chance Vote for trump?
Joseph Cooper
Bump for this informative poster.
Brandon Scott
My dad has an flstc. It's retarded nice
Oliver Foster
Hopefully one of the new models is a sportier build like the xr1200 from a few years ago.
At the very least, I'd hope for something like a factory flat tracker or standard, if not a fully fared sportbike of some sort.
For all the shittyness of Harley, I have to admit that they sound pretty cool. Having that sound in something that can turn would be enticing.
Henry Lee
>no law There is in Ontario. You 100 percent need insurance, not necessarily comprehensive, but the difference is like 5-10% comprehensive vs not. My insurance was quoted as high as 8k, on average 2.5k, got it under a loophole for 1.5k.
Colton Martin
>previous poster shows understanding of how insurance works >"doesn't understand how insurance works"