Use the wealth section and post results
Just fuck my shit up btw
Use the wealth section and post results
Just fuck my shit up btw
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French here working abroad. 44k€ net. That makes me in the top .31%. I'm 24.
most of my wealth is tied up in intangible assets that fluctuate daily.
Oddly enough my income this year at $77k puts me in the top .11% of earners in the world. Which seems pretty severe.
$77k wouldn't even make the top 10% in the US I don't think. Might not even make the top 30% on Veeky Forums.
>top 30% on biz
lmao, we are all 18 year old wannabes m8
I don't even... And this is public figures, retired below 30. Website is BS, you're not even supposed to disclose wealth in the first place, nice try NSA/IRS
I am top 10% poorfag NEET, even though i make 20k a year
Fuck, the rest of world must be poor as hell
I make 90k a year. .09% by income.
I have about 180k net worth, top 5.49%
I gotta save more money! Tired of being a poorfag.
0.62% after taxes
i am the 1%????
>283 doctors per month in Kryyyytytyyyryr
Sounds great I'm going to go buy a hospital
You’re in the top
richest people in the world.
That makes you the
richest person on earth.
Doesn't feel that way.
This list doesn't mean shit unless you have a private jet so you can look down upon the plebs from up high. Everyone else is middleclass/poorfag
>Retired below 30
>Can't even conceive of how he'd be within to top 1%
I don't understand, I put in that my house is 300k yet it shows me as 2%?
Well this is fucking bullshit
If you aren't lying, that means you are spending too much you fat fuck.
That being said if making a net 25,000ish makes me top 2% in the world.
>No house, I rent
>GF, no kids
>Can't even afford a PS4 after bills and pulling away from work to do much needed work to my 25year old truck despite being inside a workshop or store more hours than the outside world.
The masses are absolutely fucked.
>masters degree
>municipal police officer
>got promoted twice
>got a raise twice
9,90zł net an hour
$2,35 an hour
Seriously, situation here is dramatic. Considering an hero. Seriously...
top 0.82% in the World but I'm gonna be even richer one day.
What the fuck do I care about Indonesia? a bunch of Muslims are not a comparison to anything.
i'm neet with no income. it doesn't allow to enter zero.
after i put 1000, it said i make twice as people from indonesia and to donate money to them.
funny thing is i live already in a third world shithole that probably isn't better than indonesia.
meh. i have no income, but i dont have expenses and 70k in the bank.
apparently i am the 1%
and I even was sure to put in "net salary"
where you live MR triple SIX?
dont really take these seriously because they try to compare you to some indian shitting in ganges. comparing me to that serves no interest.
You'd be surprised how unequal wealth is distributed. Of course, so are expenses like cost of living and whatnot. A factory worker in South East Asia may not make much but it doesn't take much to live.
damn this site make me feel very rich. is this quite true or what?
only if you give a shit because you would know what it means
i have $122 in my bank account.
All of these triggers from a charity website
It's just to open your eyes on wealth inequality and the extent of poverty in the world
Using charity metrics to feel better about yourself and dick sizing is just unethical, this is why this website has the right message but draws the wrong audience by having them strive to compare each other and feel better about themselves that someone else is suffering more, for what you know it's just an estimated metric, write your own fantasy imaginary land around that
wake up and donate - it's not a lottery ticket feel good chance website, so enough with the meme already
Don't worry my Polish friend, this website doesn't consider effective wealth.
Your local buying power is greater than many of the 1% in their respective countries.
>put in 25k CAD for shits
>top 4%
fucking kikes man. you can hardly even support yourself with that much
If you pick annual net income to calculate your wealth then you have autism :^)
Also i'm in the top 4.20% blaze it
Unemployed veteran living with his gf coming through. I would be willing to bet I am nearly the poorest person here.
How many big macs can you buy with that over there?
I broke the website.
Now what?
They're still begging.
I earn 9,90zł an hour.
Big Mac here costs 9,70zł.
So each hour I can buy 1 Big mac and still have mighty 0,20zł left.
Do I have to remind that 4,21zł = $1?
Am I rich?!
tied up wealth sucks
I'm in the top 7,5m and live a very middle class life because all wealth is in real estate
This website is bullshit. Everyone era making 65k+ is getting placed in the top millions when there are over 15 million millionaires in the US alone. It's just a scam to get you to donate to (((Ghana)))
What country?
>what country
Should I google it for you?
You 1%-er you.
You're doing better than Uber heyooooo
Not bad.. brazilian btw.