League of Legends General /lolg/

Hazagee Edition


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xth for Rumble


>Average yasuo player


Did you say Yasuo?

I wanna cuddle Jinx and watch cliche shark flicks with her

Who will your permaban be once ten bans is here?

Yasuo obviously

Lee -> Vayne


>starting blue on a manaless jungler

for what purpose


threadly reminder!


picked Kindred into J4. how fucked am i?

Most Awps

Evelynn is deleted from the games im in

>I kinda like Yasuo but I'm too nervous about his reputation to play him


maybe he wants to early gank the lane on the other side

10 bans is enough to ban the champs that should literally have never been made in the first place:

Lee Sin

Boom, LoL made 100% better

i want to look EXACTLY like irelia!


He's the best!
I'm a couple pages from finishing a book!

>shitty mic and obvious female voice program filter

Honestly, just don't


Just pick him then mute all since the other 9 players are gonna try to bully you

>tfw no semen hungry janna player unede the table to suck you off every time you get a kill

Cancerina of course
literally every volibear I've played with

Stuck in Silver since forever

Decide to get Zyra for support since I've never played her

All i do is win now. How come no one told me about this freelo train

goodbye Jayce, I'll never have to lane against that fuck for the rest of my existence

supports are NOT for lewd! cease this immediately!!

I want you too so I can plow that ass.

If you're good at him don't worry
If you fuck up be prepared for "haha 0/10 yasuo incoming"

champs will only drag your retarded ass so far

learn how to play the game you sack of rocks

>Like Jayce
>Glad he's strong
>Sad he's fotm

nigga are you retarded? she's been top tier in competitive and soloQ since last year

I'm still pissed that they literally took the list of bug fixes J4 needed and just made a new champion they called Camille with them

>Champion has been publicly meta/strong for months
>how come no one told me about this freelo train
you guys do this everytime, i fkin hate it

>Champ is strong
>Not fotm because nobody likes his playstyle
>Except autists like me

Yeah, supports are for slaughtering me!

>tfw j4 will forever be in the trash can bc he's worse Camille now

will he become memepick since he's been played alot in LCS?

Yeah, you really have to be autistic to play rumble, that's why they gave him the super turbo autism skin

what did i just read? pls go

It's not that.

It's more that Riot decided to add Rek'Sai, Zac and Volibear jungle.

J4 vs Lee Sin is still a shitty matchup as well due to lee having too many escape options. Lee is one of those champs that should've been trashcanned in season 2 because he's either in every single game or he's useless.

>being this new

>tfw you finally win a game with gp

its all about landing those double/triple barrels, jesus. Only took me 10 losses in a row with the guy to click holy fuck

What Rumble needs is a model update. It looks super dated.

Whats the matter? Dont like guro smut?

But how is this smut. Where is the sex??? This is just murder fantasy

>cele gamers

Look buddy, do you want to write for me or not.

ugh that ELISE was too good, carried the team!

I'm just asking the important questions here. You ask for guro smut, which implies sex and death. Keyword and. So far, all I've seen has just been murder fantasy. That's false advertising mang


It has one, you have to pay for it though

10 bans is a stupid idea and only cucks who are bad will want this.

why are you posting this ugly picture again?!

haha these champs are so awful right now LOL how hard did you just get pounded by irelia and vayne mains in your soloq game haha

it ends. did the same thing with blitz support
Got to silver 1 95 lp 9 fucking times and they sent me trolls to drag me down.
Now silver 3 again.
enjoy your sivir tops that go 0/7 and your everything else that feeds lane because they think they just messed up the first time and the next 5 1v1's will be different

Not really, Rumble's mech is supposed to be a piece of junk and Supergalactic turns it into a 70s japanimation extravaganza rather than upgrading the base idea.

Unlike SG Udyr which theme is just being Udyr, so it's an Udyr Udyr skin.

Vayne is good what are you on about?

t. yasuo main

Do you want to write a murder fantasy for me, for a skin?
Yes or no.

yorick main, nice try

>try to play ADC
>mage support 1 shots me
>mid assassin 1 shots me
>jungle tank zac near one shots me
>top almost 1 shots me
>flash to dodge a combo
>have to wait 5 minutes for my only escape while their 40% CDR and already low cooldown dashes and blinks let them try again in 10 seconds

Why do I even play this role? It's pure agony and the absolute epitome of unfun.

>Yasuo free week
>Ban Yasuo
>Someone dodges

don't misposition
stay with your team
don't play this role if you're retarded

>How come no one told me about this freelo train

>any of those
>ever mattering


Enjoy the game

But you can't play free rotation champions in ranked?


Just like every other female in league she craves Lucian dick

Im permabanning shaco

Everyone who plays him is toxic
His whole playstyle is just tilt people



>playing draft
But user that's where the people who are so salty and toxic that they get rank banned go.

or you could stop being a whiny bitch and get better at the game/get better teammates :v)


That's generally what syndra does, but i'm fairly sure she's getting nerfed soon

While I agree about getting better, you can't really say that riot hasn't actively been fucking the role up for a good while.

I like played physical ranged but playing """marksmen""" in this game is pure aids.

>that janna clip

>Tfw your Valentine's Day date cancels on you
>Tfw you remember her talking about one of her friends coming into town this week too

Reminders that even NFL players can get cucked

Anyways is a Veeky Forums v. Veeky Forums up?

Senna champion when?

I mean there are some ADCs on lethality steroids who can basically 1shot or =50HP peel you from long distance (Varus, jhin, Cait)
Idk though I don't play ADCs that much.
I think do agree though that the meta right now is "protect the ADC he's made of paper he can't be let alone for 1 sec"

KoM and Mina when

>that draven/poopy clip

poppy players should be gassed

>practice squad no name


>Not being in a committed relationship to have that shit locked down


That's more along the lines of lethality being absolutely busted. It reminds me of the Cleaver stacking a few years back. Another thing that pisses me the fuck off is that I can't ever ward my shit when I need to. I have to wait like 2 fucking minutes for a yellow ward, meanwhile half my jungle and river is blacked out and there's almost always 5 blitzcranks and 6 alistars in every bush.

>decide to listen to a few pentakill songs
>expect generic indie metal
>they're actually pretty good
What the fuck, I was pretty surprised

so i'm not familiar with how nfl works. is there room for advancement upward from practice squad like the bazillion affiliated minor league teams in baseball and hockey where teams develop their players?

how the fuck Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums get organizd?i want friends ;_;

I am assuming your answer is no.
Anyone else want to write for me?
I gift skins for it



how the fuck?

bitches and hoes man
he's a reserve guard you shitstain what are you?
yeah man, they fucked up with lethality which is now a double-edged sword because assasins abuse it too sadly
all I can recommend you is have always 1-2 ctrl wards on you and to not have a stupid support

But you are just one and we are many....

Well first you start a private lobby named Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums, the password set as vidya

Then you post in the thread about how you just made a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums

And then you wait a few hours for enough people to join

And then you feed

>he's a reserve guard you shitstain what are you?
He can defend himself brownnose

Yes of course. I'm liable to be called up by any of the 32 teams in the league. It's basically a purgatory between being a free agent and being a member of the 53 man roster. Although the pay is still incredibly good relative to most other jobs at my age