/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

Play Comfy Jam!

> Current Jam: Comfy Jam (FINAL HOURS)

> Play Demo Day 12!

> Upcoming Demo Day 13

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Previous Thread
> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:


Can I make a game that steals your credit card info?
It's not a virus, it's a game.

Second for programming viruses to spread your game.

Third for Marmo Jam

I'm not going to make the comfy jam deadline. I'm the one making the rpg but it's now only 80% ready for a demo. I won't be able to write fast enough. Sorry anons. See you on demo day.

There are models and textures you can download if you cant draw
There are sounds and musics you can download if you cant make music
There are no games you can download and put your models and music over if you cant program

Explain how this is fair

The art is cute, looking forward to the demo.

>There are no games you can download and put your models and music over if you cant program
There are thousands of open source games you can easily put models and music over.

unity asset store is practically that

>/rpgmg/ has a podcast
>/agdg/ has

Just reposting from the last thread real fast because I didn't keep track of how soon it was ending:

Took a small amount of time out of redoing all the art to finish up the dialogue system (none of the new art is implemented yet). Now depending on how a fight ends you get a different flow of story. Probably not impressive but it is one step closer to the kind of experience I would like to make. (I know he is not a cube and I apologize profusely. He was named this before he had his 'story portrait')

In the next 2-3 days I hope to come back and show the improved project art. I won't be participating in Recap Monday this week but hopefully next! Happy devving, everyone!

look around you at the dregs of humanity here and ask yourself if you really want to listen to that

>source isn't an engine

how butthurt are you about source? im pretty sure it's an engine that has had third party games made on it

neotokyo, zombie master/panic, alien swarm, vtm:b, hidden, etc

Are people really going to be making their games viruses now?

Please don't bring your shitposting into this thread.

Remember to vote on the next Jam theme!


>shitposters and literal retards
>making their games

made some basic add force cubes for combat testing. getting started on sword fighting AI soon.

oh yiss, this looks good

cooking with tracy dev please post tracy's wireframe


How fast could it spread to my pc

Disregard that poll.
We've got two finalists. What's it gonna be, fagets?


The only way I'll forgive less depth than Exanima is if your game is more willing to compromise realism for the sake of fun.

Literally who the fuck are you?


a man of reason who can see that milf, marmo and loli were memed and botted since they increased by pretty much the same amount in the same timeframe by someone and thus don't count

Are all the joints character or configurable joints? I know you have a sort of semi realistic pull/push system happening to drive the animations, but what determines when they break?

my goal is more depth than exanima.

lmao hes losing his goddamn mind

archer dev I know you're lurking
where the fuck is your game

Succeed and I'll buy two copies.


If Cops Jam happens, you can have this in your game.

who the fuck does he think he is

>the guy who's been bitching about source users for years thinks he's an admin
It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.

Reminder that many nodevs only visit the thread on weekends and are likely to have another, separate discussion on jam contents.

there aren't any animations. the characters use config joints to move and stabilize. the ball guy is just for testing out new mechanics that i put on the normal 2 legs guy later.

i'm planning extensive injury and dismemberment mechanics, which i can do more organically if the characters don't have animations.

I realized just now this guy is a yakuza reference
I mean look at that suit

I honestly think that picture you're referencing is better than most of /agdg/'s artwork, yours not included

reposting in new thread:


i'm the user that was asking about structuring my code yesterday. found this article while i was slacking off at work today, it feels like it generally describes the problems i was having and how to solve them. does anyone with more experience in unity have opinions on this? should I be erring on the side of extrapolating every individual function into its own script rather than grouping by "unit"?

why haven't you posted your progress yet?

Oh, okay, that's pretty clever. Can't wait to see what you do with all this!

Still too busy fixing things to post yet. I'm hoping to post progress when I do manage to get the CYOA section bridged to the Adventure section.

Don't have a game to post progress of now that Comfy Jam is over.

Remember to vote on the next /AGDG/ Game Jam theme!


wow, I do not code like this at all in unity

I guess I got too used to monogame and old habits die hard

What is it about jams that make AGDG implode?

there's so much shit i have to fix its not even funny. my goal is eventually making something competent enough to collab. can't have no assets forever.

It's one dedicated shitposter who doesn't actually even know he's shitposting.

lmao that chat holy fuck

How many times do you plan on posting?
Just once is enough.

What's "marmofeels"? Can someone explain it to me?

Its a type of shitposting.


basically, this

If the jam theme is already decided, why isn't there an itch page set up for it?

>literally 16 different versions of visual studio shit on my PC

I found the problem. Thanks Microshit

How is that shitposting? I see a game there.

Why do people always freak out at the /agdg/ jam topics?

If you don't like them, you could just make a different sort of game.


/agdg/ game jam theme
select you're future

Marmo used to post here when working on his game, he would have random outbursts of the feels and use the thread and the now defunct steamchat as a personal blog. It was a time with less literally insane people, so it stood out. Hence, marmofeels.

Hello user, thanks for being old here too, I don't feel so alone

I can't wait to use the Source engine to make something for COPS vs Pirates jam!

Nodevs are triggered by jams generally.

Because I'm working on my tabletop RPG instead of progressing on my vidya

So, from what I'm seeing, you use the mouse to move the weapons around, and the WASD/Arrow keys to move? Am I right?

>Marmo used to post here when working on his game, he would have random outbursts of the feels and use the thread and the now defunct steamchat as a personal blog.
How is that shitposting? Making games is a very feels-heavy experience, and we live in a feelsy age.

Why would someone who gets triggered by development of any sort come to /agdg/? That's like going to /feg/ if you hate both waifus AND tactics games.

Added a rough lock-on progress indicator. I'd like to make it move more linearly but it's fine for now

What should I do to better indicate the player's target? I have a direction indicator in an old build that pointed an arrow in the target's direction but it still didn't specify which entity it was pointing at. Ace Combat has the player's target square blink but that probably won't work as well in 2D. Maybe if I just made it blink really fast or something

does source even have water physics

>How is that shitposting?
I guess it's a "you had to be there" thing.
Also he used to avatarpost with some animu girl if I remember correctly.

This seems like such a non-problem that I feel like I must be missing something. Display the lock-on target in a different color or with a different shape than everything else?

Who the fuck is Marmo? What's his game about?

Every dumb meme here is a "you had to be there" thing.

So it look like, aside from the dumbass joke jams- Cops is winning.

Marmo and his buttbuddies from Steamchat ruined /agdg/. One of them is still here, and is already conspiring to ruin the upcoming Pirate Jam with his proxy slut VPN abuse...

Programmed a small game of life. Cells take on the color that the majority of their neighbouring cells have.
>sub 60 fps
Totally intentional.
It's just hacked in because I wanted to see something entertaining for the moment and unoptimised as fuck.

How new are you? Get some agdg culture before posting.

Well, where's the AGDG culture wiki then?
I've been here since December.

>Cops is winning.
A shame it wasn't something more mechanics-oriented like Construction or Crafting or even Ice

>cops jam
I'm so making a game about Veeky Forums looking for clothes

I am the Admin. There will be no more talk of the poll or jam in this thread. The theme will be "Pirates" and that is Final. The thread will be closed until further notice to scrub it of source and other shitposting. Thank you for your patience and obedience in this trying time.

Agreed, construction would have been fun.

It looks pretty good as is user, I might only turn on the green 'lock-on able' squares if the enemy is within a certain distance or within a certain vision cone. or both.

You can probably forego the green squares around enemy missiles, and the blue ones around 'friendly' missiles to help alleviate visual clutter.

man like dan dan

Took a break from sprite progress to make music progress. That's what you do after basic character movement and shooting is done, right?


----[ Recap ]----
Game: Fungus Amungus
Dev: Millien
Tools: Unity/C#
+ Got some temp assets to make my forest area look like a forest
+ Got to utilise the customisation stuff I built into the map generator to make spacing between objects work better
+ Let the camera rotate for better visibility when near objects
+ Added a health bar
+ Did some backend map generation improvements

And where is Dungeon Break?

Does it actually matter if I submit to a jam deadline?

I can just upload it later, when it's good.

I'm wanna move to Vancouver to get a job in video games. My online wife and her son live in Winnipeg already so I can get citizenship easy. Anything I should know before I tie the knot for real and make the crucial step?

Better to work on little bits of everything at once or finish one part and move onto the next?

no worries user it's right here

this is amateur game dev, proffesional game dev does not belong here

Make sure to brush up on your /pol/ memes before you go.

the whole point of a jam is to give time pressure to motivate you to actually finish a project

it doesnt matter in that nothing bad will happen to you, its not like some thread police are gonna call the FBI on you or something, but you may as well make a game on your own time indepndently of the game jam if you dont plan on adhering to the timeline anyway


vote on the next jam concept! COPS vs PIRATES vs LOLI vs CHANBARA who will win!?


You can't submit to a jam after the time is up. But you can do whatever you want with the game you're making.

That thumbnail reminds me of that picture with all those insects on top of that wooden post.

>after red and orange take over the only survivor is a sea turtle

Why do you keep spamming the thread?

I don't want to change the color since I'm already going to have to tailor the backgrounds to keep the blue and green squares visible, and I don't want to risk losing a third color

Different shape might work though

It's important to have a democratic process to see what jam will be next.

If you don't like it, just don't participate in the jam and make a different game on your own time! :)