Is the SUV and crossover madness still increasing?

Or is the fad over soon?




This is uncanny.
Either Veeky Forums really knows how those designers think or those designers lurk on Veeky Forums.

It's not the first time...

the fuck is nissan thinking

>Jalopnik is LITERALLY promoting automotive race-mixing

holy shit lexus' styling seems to be going down the drain. quickly.


yeah, all those years of being called boring and sterile really got them in the end and they snapped.


The sedan fiesta is really ugly. It's very disproportionate, the trunk is too tall compared to the width of the car. Looks like they just copy pasted the Focus Sedan trunk into the smaller Fiesta (not withstanding the current Focus and Fiesta look the same but in sightly different sizes).

The Chevy Spark ain't a looker either.

>It's very disproportionate
most of the times the case with hatches that get a sedan variation.

this is a joke, right?

why does it look like it has 4 doors?

where's the door handle?

Car design hasn't been this interesting since the 80s. Still ugly as shit tho.

Lexus isn't fucking around dude

In fairness that's a rally bad picture of the Maxima. It looks a lot better in person.

Rear door handles are in black plastic housing at rear of rear window, you can see it there brah

>do you even plagiarise Alfa Romeo designs?

that's the dumbest shit I've seen today.


Mitsubishi is so fucking dead. The only think left to do is bring the Lancer Evo back as a crossover too.

You're the dumbest shit I've seen all day, and I shit on your cat two hours ago.

Nostradamus quality visions this user had.

An Elantra fused onto a Beetle?

I've seen it all now

>race mixing cars
> with SUVs, the niggers of cars

uh oh

t. buttmad whiteboi whoms mom recently got BLACKED

So basically a lexus version of toyota's C-HR?

why having the prez trip on and off? using several proxies simultaneously?

i have no idea what you are talking about.

Reeeee, yes. I was behind one of these last week and was getting trigger'd just looking at it; almost as much as looking at a Crosstour.