League of Legends General - /lolg/

Cuddly edition!

OT: eyosongive.us

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remember to melt down all lulu figurines

>lulu op

Nice trash thread

i dont even own any

i was kinda hoping it'd be anyone but Lulu op

Looking for a ranked flex friend(s).

If you wish to apply please respond to this message and I will share my account name. I'm in NA, but can also play on EU. getting back into this game after about a year long break.



You aren't some bronze shitter are you?

Looking for cute supports to spend saint valentine days with,drinking hot cocoa and watching movies

>interrupt Edge of Night's channel
>goes on a sixth of its normal cooldown and the assassin comes back around again
Why are your losses consolidated for failing with this item?

I'm gold currently, but I play far better than a gold.

Lulu is my STAR!

>put banshees veil active on goodghostblade
>turns out its broken as fuck
who could have thought?
certainly not riot because they are fucking retarded, lolg could balance this heap of a shit game better i swear to god and thats somethign

final results

i cant stop laughing

>in gold
>but plays better than a gold


was this blind?


im in blind until i get ~25k ip to finish a stupid rune page

literally why ever

its goodnormaldraft

oh, so you're smurfing?
what level?


Alright we have 2 sonas

which will be the better one

theirs is sweetheart sona, ours is silent night

no i am really in bronze, i just want to grind ip

Look if you want to 1v1 I will easily prove I'm better than you, and then we can play a match and prove I'm better than everyone there too.

Or you can shitpost and be a faggot whatever.

Prepare for disappointment

I wanna go swimming with Lulu!

>That Twitch when


Are you in NA? i can duo support with you if you wish so

literally fuck off

Delete those!

>1v1's prove how good you are at league

There is not a webm of Donald Trump saying "wrong" that is powerful enough a reaction to this.

ill climb when i feel like it

i feel bad for him

I dont mind doing blind/flex whatever queue, i just wanna play with somebody

>our kata suicide
>beg the midlaner to afk
>puedo monirtor senior sisi fairplay

Play or chat with anybody*

>go 20/6/8 in ranked
Fuck you you fucking homoshitlord riot can i get at least one fucking champ shard. You fucking give the master yi who fucking goes 2/12/1 a fucking maxed out mastery but i get nothing but a- for games i work my ass off carrying

Do I get to jump on my level 10 smurf and we fuck the MMR harder than Riot fucked Aatrox mains hopes and dreams?

I wanna pat you on the head in a completely non sexual manner

no because im a support main and i only play jhin because ez wins for IP

I said I can prove it both in a 1v1 and team based setting but okay keep deflecting and feeling superior. Coward.

why would you need 25k ip to finish a rune page?


Prove it by climbing and getting your rank up.

because i dont want to gie riot money
and its a full crit damage runepage

all of it

>The enemy toplaner steal his jungler's redbuff in an attempt to 1v1 you after you've beaten his shit down multiple times
>Kill him
>Redbuff is yours
>Kill him again because redbuff is balanced

nuffin personnel kid

probably a more special rune page like lethality or AS or tank or whatever

I can play ADC

anybody? i feel...lonely

champ shards are 1700ip. do people not know this still? what season is this?

ok so it really is a stupid runepage

every fucking time lmao

>tfw sated devourer is rip so I can no longer play jungle irelia

What do you want to talk about? Tell us a little about yourself

my other one is full cooldown (most possible at all times, not flat or all scaling)

Her jungle clear times are horrible anyway,i tried and it felt so freakin slow

the weather,VGs,how cute the supports that post here are....

different user of course, but I'd be down for some games if you want


hmm because i could possibly get it while playing as im already rouletting on the 1700 shards

>Play ADCuck
>my team's all over the place, we get no objectives, nobody listens to my advice, we lose
>Play based Toplane
>I rain thunder on the enemy team
>As I never die, I assert dominance amongst my colleagues, they follow my advice and are brave
>Win the fuck out of the game
Toplane is the true Alpha male role

just send a friend request,i aint picky

she should be p good on chiken tho

>I can play draft mode on my smurf because of the assassin mode free champions making my pool large enough to get in

No more Karthus Support.

what did 5ish mean by drawing these horrible feet

did she try a reverse chibi with huge feet instead of a huge head?

Those feet

>play adc
>evertyhing oneshots me and i have to pray that my team peels for me

Alright and done.

you don't need a xyz champ shard to get your level x mastery. you turn the champ shard into blue essence and use the blue essence to get your mastery level.

I've done that multiple times. I hate solo-queueing and always have, it's just not fun playing alone. Whatever though, I'll find someone else who isn't a lil bitch.

?? game told me i have to get another s rank game after getting mastery 5

i got permabanned for account sharing but i'll 1v1 with my lvl 13 smurf



You can't even ranked

What lane do you normally play? I'm done for funsies (in seven hours about after work)

i said 1v1 not duo

you have to have 2 s rank tokens plus 500 blue essence

Hazagea LMAO

ok. yes, you need your level 6 mastery shards. (two of them, each requries s- or better). but in addition to that you need a bunch of blue essence.

you were talking about champ shards, which you use to roulette into champs or disenchant into essences, so i misunderstood you.

Sorry mom wants to play a normals. Another time tho!

Anyone try losing in silver? it's impossible isn't it?

>mom wants to play normals

she single?

No she has me and my siblings fuck off nerd

>there's still no champ that is essentially two different characters with a shared inventory that you can swap between
True two-in-one champion, when?

>kata main "i report u no fairplay" feed riven mid
please god let it stop

Im about to be your father now, son.

There was a bargain sale on guardian angels.


>Get rolled Kayle in ARAM after not playing her for months

Holy fuck I forgot how fun On Hit Kayle was.

>that KDA
apply yourself

I'll fucking floor you like I did him m8



Call me Daddy bitch.

>Have 2 webm files, both with audio
>Take the audio out of one, file is now bigger in size
>Try and take the audio out of the other one using the exact same process now the file is a different format

I actually legitimately want to go shoot myself in the face.

This was unpleasant
>duo ryze kha
>shat on lagging oriana (was legit for once)
>fiora did fuck all and got greedy and blew a whole teamfight
>was going on about how theyre a jhin main
>theyre a support main
oh well at least i got a nice amount of ip from it

Happy Valentines Day, /lolg/!

What are you planning on doing today?

I used to play mid but right now I can do whatever

I've beaten you in Veeky Forums's before



suffering alone
like 90% of lolg
probably nothing much else

at least my friend got a date


why are quinn and lucian so nervous? and why is kled and trist a pairing now?

>riddler carrying dom

i have not seen a single lucian use that skin and im sure riot is kicking themselves over this

playing some dota

>why are quinn and lucian so nervous?

They tried using their love magic on Draven and Jhin to make them fall in love with someone else (hence the bullet splatters on Draven's chest and the arrow lodged in Jhin's ass) but because they're narcissists incapable of loving anyone else, it only resulted in them loving themselves even more.

>why is kled and trist a pairing now

Same reason why Taric is shopping with Garen instead of Kat in the "I love my family" card even though he isn't related to either of them.

now what is THAT impying?

Good outplay?

>im fighting nasus
think ill make it?

Ring guy from last night here. Never even as much as made it to the date, she said she has a shitload to study and finish up for tomorrow so she's got no time. Woopie, at least I have a box of chocolates all to myself.