Twisted Fate edition
Twisted Fate edition
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Cancer thread wars will kill this general
real thread edition
t. lulucancer
Yep, chillin in a non-lulufag thread. Feelsgoodman.
>non-lulu thread
>tfw thread will get deleted
how is quinn nowadays? Still a decent top laner?
she is still cancer vs any melee
good esp now that jayce is not in every game
Fuck lulu threads
>play WW
>casually walk into bot
>activate E on a fucking 6 second cooldown or whatever
>enemy twitch instantly flashes
Not sure why but it made my day. Should I bother playing and learning new WW tho? He seems _fun
Wait what the fuck happened
is this just a fluke?
what is the average persons elo? somewhere in silver i assume?
Lethality meme
>Do poorly one game
>ADC rages at me
>Blames me for them being unable to CS
>Says they're going to report me
>Calls me boosted
>Play next game
>Hard carry
>Nobody says a damn thing negative to me
Really fires up those neurons.
I haven't played in like 5 months
Is the meta still shit?
I hear AD carries are 100% worthless now. How's Vayne?
comfy bfs in the better thread~
happy valentines day
Someone's slow to the party
Good but I take her mid
jhin is good and varus is broken, have fun
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums +4 on EUSW
get the fuck in here
i think that keeps it fresh though. otherwise you'd get 1 popular map and a bunch of smaller ghettos like the maps in league (and maybe custom modes in doto?)
>decide on a new game after i'm done with wow
>try doto because it's the hot new game (ti hype!!!) and it has a friendly business model
>switch to league 2 weeks later because that's the game all my friends are playing
>none of my friends play league anymore but i'm still stuck here
>have spent two hundred dollaroos on leeg over the years
yeah they got me. SUNKEN COST and all. it's still fun too.
i've tried hots and i liked it for its _fun_ but its technical qualities (RECONNECT STILL DOESN'T WORK) and business model manages to be even worse than league's. since i have no friends to reel me in, i don't feel compelled to keep up with it.
who else takes hots seriously?
>Riot removed lethality from Maw and gave it CDR instead
>"Maw isn't for assassins!"
>still built almost only by assassins and is an item that's great for AD casters
Why didn't they just keep the lethality?
I miss the old 20 flat arpen 65 Ad ghostblade
I miss the old talon
I miss the old gangplank
>Queue up with my primary position and fill or support as my second.
>If I don't get my primary just pick Teemo.
>When someone on my team inevitably dodges I get to try again at getting my role.
>If they don't I get to fuck around playing Teemo.
I miss the old Leblanc
I miss heart of gold and Force of Nature
does stixxay have a girlfriend or something?
he didn't have to curve her publicly like that
i am going to bronze my way out of bronze with ezreal. see you in season 11 ._.
>tfw lulu thread rightfully abandoned
feels great
>bronze my way out of bronze
what did he mean by this
I'm making shitty league Valentine day cards.
Posting ending in 4 chooses the next champ I make one for.
Nah, he's just a cunt on twitter to look cool, like the majority of pro players.
Talon and Ezreal
post yfw luluposter posts a thread on time and gets btfo anyway
who /petty/ here
I miss the old Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate splash art
>Riot had to remove bloodmoon because people were IP farming too much and not playing ranked cancer
Please make one for Little Lamb
Or it was a weekend thing?
>what is RGM which is only on for Friday through monday
Can I get a quick rundown
oy vey goy, we cant let you unlock things with ip at anything more than a snail with downs pace
maybe we could intrest you with some rp bundles?