Can I be fired over this?

Basically I was scheduled to work from 9am to 6pm. It was a "busy day" aka the multiple managers and supervisors doing basically nothing whilst I slave away. Serious I had 2 managers and 2 supervisors and just me as a normal worker wtf.

The clock hit 6pm and I asked my line manager "what time am I finishing at" expecting her to say "oh it's 6 you can go now" but instead she says "we'll see".

I went to the staffroom got my coat and left.

Should point out I've had a disciplinary already.

Yes, gross negligence.

They can only hold on to you for up to 30 mins after your scheduled time, leaving before that can get you in trouble.

Sounds like a shit job anyways, who gives a fuck

get a med cert

If you don't give a fuck about the job, you did well.

If you do give a fuck about the job, you did poor.

Of course you can get fired from it, and you probably should. You sound like an entitled millenials.

Bullshit. They can keep you as long as they want.

Bullshit. When my time is up, I'm leaving.

this and just shoot their shit up if you're tired of life

KEK that's not fucking school kid, it's work. If you don't want to work at that company, you sure as hell show it to them.

If I don't want to stay longer, if not needed, I say I have an appointment. I sure as hell wouldn't demonstratively leave the office after asked to stay a bit longer.

you do your contracted hours and thats it

they dont own you

Well duh


As a business owner, giving someone a schedule and then asking them to stay past their end time is a real shit thing to do. There is no excuse.


Work hard, but don't lose your backbone. There is a fine line between taking direction and being taken advantage of.

>2 managers and 2 supervisors
Kill 1 manager and 1 supervisor. This should fix things significantly.

I don't know but I was in a similar bullshit situation.
The head chef left and before he left he said I could go home. While leaving I even asked the manager and he said I could go home. The next chef in charge decides to be an asshole and try to keep me an extra 1 hour while the restaurant isn't busy, but I already left.

Sounds like they need you at the moment but don't respect you. Don't expect to keep your job for very long. If they do end up keeping you, make it a point that you don't need them, you'll be more respected for it. either way start job hunting immediately.

Instead of asking when you finish, you should have just said good night. Or just left when your shift ended. At least that way you have plausible deniability.

If they told you to stay, are paying you and you agree to do it, even implicitly by asking "when you can leave" then you're on the hook buddy. Be more assertive.

>They can keep you as long as they way

No they can't rebel. Do we need to have this discussion again?

>aka the multiple managers and supervisors doing basically nothing whilst I slave away.

Something like that has never happened to me, but if it did I would go up to them and say "hey, it's really busy today and I could use some help. Could you maybe blah blah blah while I yak yak yak?"

They'd probably say no, because they sound like jackasses, but if they really cared about their business or their customers or whatever they should be willing to get off their ass for an hour or two and pitch in.

I agree with this post

start looking just in case


I based my day around working 9am to 6pm and told them I had stuff to do after work. It was the callousness of the "we'll see" answer that pissed me off, didn't even give me eye contact. Grabbed my coat and hit the road.

I got tasked to lift some cooking equipment from the basement to the kitchen. 8 heavy as fuck units, had to lift them one at a time, everytime I passed them they were singing along to Xmas songs on some faggots iPhone. Don't know why I get treated like such a bitch.

if you are employed as "at will" they can fire you for whatever reason they want

working at restaurants is the worst. shit pay for a lot of work.

your real job is to find a better job. getting fired/quitting a shit job is one of the most refreshing feeling when you have a good backup plan.

Yes. Are you 16?

Where did you hear this fairytale

>when my time is up
What an entitled cunt

I don't get paid for staying after my work hours, do you?

You should be getting paid or else that's illegal.

>I don't get paid for staying after my work hours, do you?

WUT, then the fuck did you ask, you just go.

What the fuck. Just say I'm leaving it's 6. If they say you need to finish something then finish it. Don't give this weak shit.

Wagecuck gonna get fired acting like that.
If you're not OT exempt this is illegal

You can be fired. But what's it to you? Your workplace doesn't care about you. Why do you care about them? Yeah you might end up homeless if they fire you, but you may also become inspired to find a better work environment. *Projection* Holy shit I need a better job

i love you, user

I've left multiple jobs for standing up to exploitative practices. If you are on Veeky Forums you are probably a single 20 year old and you have nothing to lose.

How about being a man and telling your boss you are leaving instead of secretly going home?

Yes because im not overtime exempt. Chances are neither are you

Congrats on being jobless. You really showed them
>being paid hourly
>to work for a few hours
Ya quite the feudalist system

Not OP

I don't stay, that's the point.

So what exactly is being an 'entitled cunt' when leaving my workplace when my day is finished?

If your boss says its not finished then your work day is not finished. You are an employee. They are paing you for your services. If you do not wish to provide them that they can easily replace you

That obviously depends on what my work is.

You sound like a bootlicker, If the guy is scheduled for a shift it is an agreement between him and the employer that when the time is up he will be free to go. If he needs him to stay longer for whatever reason then it should be explained to him and it should only be voluntarily, if not the manager should pick up the slack for not shcheduling people for times when he need them. OP you did good. they might get made but just explain ti like it is and if you ask them for permission and then leave regardless make up an excuse next time

Thank you based manager

employers are the entitled one's you capitalist dog (jew?)

I mean if youre the owner thats one thing. But youre not
Another entitled millenial. Its called at will employment. He is being paid a wage to perform a service. Thats the extent of the agreement. Nobody owes you shit. Employment is a privilege. Your work ethic is exactly why youll never succeed

Are you dense?

Says the entitled boomer whos generation fucked up the economy, lead to the degradation of western civilization and expects the workers to be treated like slaves while refusing to pay overtime or even pay something more than 11 or 12 dollars an hour

Go back to cuba commie scum

Overtime is mandatory in all 50 states you whiny cunt. If you are unhappy with your wage go find a better job. Theres no forced labor in america

It may be mandatory but anyone who has worked a job like OP's will tell you that the management will find ways around paying you it, and its kind of hard to find a better job when Old boomer like you walked into your jobs straight out of high school or college and now either require a college degree from shit that didnt require it 20-30 years ago or refuse to retire. then bitch about millennials not being able to buy houses or fund your social security.

So report them and get what youre owed. Overtime fraud is not an epidemic in this country. Millenials are just fucking lazy
t. Born 1989

it must suck to be that much of a wagecuck.
i guess i dodged that bullet in life.
i'm still a wagie but they don't pull my leg like that and i fucking come and go as i please.

That's alot of words to say "gimme gimme"


As an ex employer

You shouldn't be facing Gross Misconduct for such an event, and if you where you would already know about it.

If your scheduled time is written in paper to finish at 6pm, and you have evidence to prove that.. You are pretty solid.

How long have you worked there?, they could cancel your probationary period if you are still within it.

In future, just work the extra time.. Stop thinking about how other people are so lazy and doing fuck all, its none of your business, and you will more often than not just ruffle the feathers of those who pay your wages.

No you're a fucking cuck and you'll be a shit manager one day