Did you ever run a pedestrian over because they deserved it ?

Did you ever run a pedestrian over because they deserved it ?

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Yeah he was a damn dirty JEW.

Racist detected

Michael Snyder detected.

I hit a homeless woman early in the morning on my way to work once. Bitch jumped right out in front of me. Hope she was okay.

No but i've scared a few people by not slowing down for them. I don't know why they expect a car to slow for them because they chose the wrong time and place to cross.


here in southamerica if you hit a pedestrian crossing a green light road its your fault because you didn't pay enough attention.

here in afghanistan if you show your ankle you are stoned to death for adultery

Have you checked the law on running people over?
Sometimes it's ok

found the jew

I would definitely hit a protestor blocking a road, I would try to warn them a couple times, then I would just lay the throttle at them.

I used to do this until a guy got killed.

>guy jaywalking
>I sped up
>he starts a lazy jog pulling his pants up with one hand the other giving me the finger while I drove by
>random driver to my right
>brakes squealing dude tossed into the air like a rag doll

I saw all this on my passenger side mirror, kept driving because it was a shitty town.

Saw on the local news the guy was kill, driver stayed at the scene, no charges.

Same, even if they were protesting something I agreed with, there's better ways to protest and I got shit to do.
Hit a kid on a bicycle once. I was going through a yellow and the kid didn't want to wait for the light to change so he just started going. I didn't stop. Hope he made it


>Driving my old '95 Pathfinder with a glasspack.
>Live in college town.
>Bunch of highschool students jaywalking 75 feet ahead
>See me coming and start walking slower
>Drop auto shifter into 2nd and romp on it.
>They run like mad for the sidewalk
>By the time I reach them they are on the sidewalk swearing and getting mad at me.

I'm laughing my ass off because I wouldn't have hit them either way.

>Highschool students
meant college students

>not knowing Chris chan

No, not that they deserved anyway

Do you know where you are?

Did we change servers with the sale?

Jew is a race now

wait .. run people over thread? no blm videos?

come on step it up


i'm about to buy a mustang but these vids make me want to have a lifted truck with cattle guard to take these retards out.

Ignaz "Schlomo" Goldenberg detected

>tfw my nephew's name is Ignas

what the fuck did they expect

a person standing in front of a multi thousand pound mechagnized transportation device is not a valid reason for vehicular manslaughter

But officer, I was listening to SUPER EUROBEAT

Wait wut...?