Alright Veeky Forums im fuckin new here. Basically I want to major in business. now what the fuck can I do with a degree like this? all I know is I wanna be a fuckin big boss and tell lil people what to do (for the good of the company, obviously) I enjoy watching things grow and getting done RIGHT. what are the sub-majors and shit in business? what are my options and what kind of job can I get with this?
Business Major
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bump the fuck on BIZ
Damn this is literally what I plan to do with my business degree and what I'm trying to figure out in college I feel kinda useless now.
Business majors of the business world are like the "Science studies" majors of the STEM world.
Get a real degree like Econ/Math double major.
For business just learn Maslows hierachy of needs and read Dilbert.
Accounting or Finance you pussy
is "general business" and "management/marketing" worth studying?
Alright Faggot a business degree is only good if you go to a top tier school. If your school isn't top twenty your degree is fucking worthless.
Business degrees aren't useful full stop. MBAs are.
even then, what can I do with this?
A business degree will get you a job as a car or insurance salesman if you have good people skills.
When will people on this board realize that degrees don't get you good jobs? -- motivation and personal drive get you good jobs. I have what most people would consider a "useless" degree, yet I still work in a good position.
Fucking nothing mate. Sorry to break it to you.
Ah, a fellow comrade! Please link other great Economist articles to educate the proletariat!
Why would you chose a major that you dont know what you could do with it? Little tip user there are a lot of business development and non wall street fin roles that do prefer business degrees.
A Harvard MBA would be far more valuable then a degree from lets say UCSB Econ degree.
What the fuck is this shit? You entitled fucking asshole.
You are just another power hungry mongrel. NO DIFFERENCE from kids that study political science and want to become the fucking president after their degree.
It is entitled ones like you that will never make it. Before you want to be the boss, you need to be the employer and at least know how every single job has a function in your company. You gotta know the specific business in and out, no degree will fully compensate for that type of experience.
And even if you know the business FULLY. You still have to deserve the position and be a leader. You don't sound like a leader, you sound like a power hungry maniac and I would never let you run my company because you sound like you're easily emotional and very lazy. And how can you trust a power hungry maniac? You can't.
Follow my advice, get a skill, apply for a job at the company you want to work at, know the company BETTER than the actual boss and the economics relevant to the company, climb the ladder and be a good cocksucker. Eventually if you are mature enough and responsible enough you MAY have a small chance at leading the company. Otherwise you might just run the company in the fucking ground.
You sound like you just want to be a decision making cunt. You don't sound like you want to steer the company to success and deal with problems(even in a position of no power you can help the company become successful), you don't see the bigger picture here of why a boss is a boss.
You sound like you're very easily influenced if you'd be in a position of power, so I would say, even if you reach a position of power, I don't think you will stay there for long because of this post. Read 48 laws of power and you'll have a rough idea of why you don't need to be "the leader" to be a leader. Titles don't mean shit. Your level of influence does. But I think if I didn't tell you, you'd be too busy chasing that title of boss to realize it. GG.
>Economist is communist
cope harder
How is accounting? Is it hard? I'm considering Accounting after dropped out from IT major.
Easy if not retarded. Boring if not retarded
I'm quite retarded and really bad in math. But that was mostly because I'm too lazy to do any revision. Honestly the only reason why I want to study accounting simply because I have no idea what to do and I heard accountant is a comfy desk job and the job market for accountant is good compared to other profession.
>Learn Maslow's Hierachy of Needs
What and should he memorize the food pyramid too?
He's right on the other points though op. Business majors are the male version of psychology majors in that the degree is useless on its own. You can chose a more worthwhile major like he suggested or at the very least minor and study in other subjects like statistics, behavioral psychology, game theory or pure math. Either major you chose, I highly suggest you actually become literate enough in these extra subjects that you can explain to other people, with specific examples, how these can help improve the company's performance.
Also start doing internships early. Otherwise you'll just end up waiting until it's too late. Even though you learn nothing from them and it's just slave labor you have to do it.
I'm saying this again just for emphasis on how important it is. Actually become good at something like statistics, behavioral psychology, game theory or pure math if you want to actually be taken seriously and be able to excel to higher positions. By being good at these subjects you'll also have to naturally know how to read and interpret scientific papers.
apparently it's more sociable than 'math'-heavy. are you a robot or a functioning human being?
Going into generic business is not very good on it's own but if you emphasize on math/finance and start taking internships it should work out pretty well.
Get an MBA or change majors
You also sound like a massive fucking faggot
Too many Veeky Forums aspies
That user wasn't wrong though, business degree is useless if you don't advance it to an MBA or get a really good internship, which will also require you to get an MBA to advance further.
What do you mean by "more sociable than 'math'-heavy"?
When people here the word >accounting, they imagine a solitary Jew with glasses hunched over a desk, busily typing away at his calculator.
In reality you're working as a (very important) cog in the machinery of your company, making phone calls, sending emails, and holding constant meetings with other departments, clients, and more.
Not a job for robots.
Business is a shit degree. Take finance or stem then get an MBA later on in your career. A business degree won't make you a big boss. It will make you a peon in a cubicle
What if I'm working with the firm like KPMG?
Protip: don't name drop people or firms IRL
Oh, why is that?
It looks tacky and unprofessional. Act like you belong and act like you've been here before.
Ok. What if I'm working with the accounting firm and not for a company?
Refer to them as "the firm" not KPMG. Also, don't go out of your way to state who you're employed by or doing deals with in real life. You'll notice senior partners acting in accordance with what I'm saying. It's just a professional and classy way of carrying yourself.
To clarify, I'm not saying to not be prideful in your work or firm. I'm simply saying to not treat these things like a small child would treat a show-and-tell at elementary school.
Actually I didn't work for any firm. Heck, I don't even have Accounting degree yet. I'm just wondering if Accountant is a good job for social autist like me or not.
I know a few (literally three) people who work at different accounting firms who are autistic. Don't let it stand in your way man. I'm sure it's difficult at times but work past it to the best of your ability and be sure to always do your best work and go above and beyond what is asked when you're in the office and you'll go far. I'd personally hire a social autist that can do the work I assign on time the right way over someone with more social skills that is going to dick around eating up clock all day.
>I'd personally hire a social autist that can do the work I assign on time
What about social autist who do badly in interview? How the company hires a people like that? Did they check your GPA and your performance during intern?
Hiring people in accounting and finance isn't as cut and dry as other fields. Plenty of people can get the job done, fit the culture, be liked by clients, etc. but only a few can be trusted to take pride in not only their work but also in the firm. Loyalty is also huge. These are the things I look for in an interview, not GPA or academics (although those help initially).
Just be yourself and be honest during your interview. I won't lie, you won't get the same opportunities that other people will get but the world isn't fair. Just be sure to seize every damn opportunity that comes your way and go out and make shit happen for yourself (if you want to see something happen then you have to set it in motion and cause it through hard work and dedication).
When Warren Buffet owned the now defunct investment bank Salomon Brothers back in the late 1980s once said, "Lose money for the firm I will be understanding, lose a shred of reputation for the firm and I will be ruthless." Always keep this in mind.
what about finance? That's my intended major, but it's at a pretty mediocre school (university of Georgia). My dad majored in finance at emory, never went to grad school, but is making 150k a year as a sales manager. I want to do business, but I don't want to be punching numbers in a cubicle my whole life with a business degree
I see. Also is it true that Accounting is not mathematical heavy compared to CS and Engineering and mostly involved basic calculation? And everything is solved using Excel or other related software?
i never met a business major that didnt have a cuck 60 hr wage slave job. go accounting or MIS.
It really depends what your specific job is and what subfield of accounting you plan to work. Some accountants only have to do basic addition and subtraction to keep ledger while others may have to use calculus and differential equations to double-check asset valuations for the purpose of keeping book values as reliable as possible.
Well fuck. I just checked the information about Accounting in internet. Maybe studying Accounting is a bad idea after all. Perhaps I'm doomed to be a neet forever.
philanonthrapist you are, thank you from another one of the countless anons here that know nothing about business
OP is so stuck with his head up his arse that he disregarded my post. He is gone and we can't pull him back to earth anymore. GG op. Merry christmas.
I literally wrote "take finance or stem"
planning to take business, major in finance and get my cfa, thoughts?
Start bachelor -> be a top student -> start the CFA program -> get IB internship as a sophomore -> graduate -> go to IB full time -> work 2-3 years -> get the CFA meanwhile -> study for GMAT -> get MBA from some top school.
>what kind of job can I get with my BA
Start a fucking business. Create a job.
Once upon a time people went to school for an education instead of a title that says "hirable".
Bit unrelated but I finished my bachelors in Science, now have 2 years left to receive my masters in elec engineering and I'm having doubts about pursuing it. Should I just cut my losses and go for a accounting/finance degree or just get my masters in elec engineering? Mind you that would mean my bachelors in science would be useless but I got average grades. Live in Australia if that matters.
do you think I can skip the MBA? what are your thoughts on CMT?
Idk, what I posted is basically the investment banking get rich meme that actually works in majority of the cases. MBA from a good uni will open you many doors. It's mostly due to the fact that your MBA class will be a networking heaven.
This looks like the most generic cookie-cutter resume that passes across my desk over 100 times every time we go to hire for our department. Please do something more original as shit like this on a resume will just get yours thrown into the trash.
Everybody these days has a Bachelor degree and is CFA level 1 certified at least. IB internships are so easy to come by if you know people that they do not really have an affect unless we offer you right after your internship. MBA degrees also don't help unless their from the best of the best (think Wharton), and even then it's only useful if the only thing holding your resume back is what school you did undergrad at.
Long story short, pick a more unique path that looks like you have interests outside of finance. This shit looks like "I'm just in it for the money and will constantly fuck up on the clock" mentality.
what would be unique to you?
What are your thoughts on Data science and being a data scientist? Is it a good career option or is it just meme that currently popular.
You seem like one of the rare anons on this board who actually seem to know what they're talking about and isn't a neet.
Do I really need to spell out what would be unique for an applicant at an investment bank to have on their resume?
I honestly know nothing about that specific job.
This very much and there come back kid
Yes sir Id very much like to know what is considered "applicable"
How about MBA from Dallas Baptist University? Is it good?
Kek no way.
Literally everyone has an MBA from some shitty no name diploma mill school. You won't stand out at all and probably won't make many good connections there
Is international business a good major?
Is it something you want to study?
I remember a friend from work recommending the 48lop and he told me, "user two things are gonna happen when you read it either A you'll read it and not understand it or B you'll read a little bit and it will blow your mind about everything" I only read one chapter at a time and put the book down to really regurgitate what I read. I'll be honest and say I haven't even finished past chapter 9 because it really fucked with my perception of myself and everyone else
guys im starting my bachelors in a shitty slav country
Is "International Economic Relations" sounds cool? I prefer it to the rest, because this one will actually help out on a more global scale.
i guess so, go ahead and spell it out
I'm interested but worried about not making any money with it
better off with accounting
Fuck. What about Hult, Kellet or some top tier private school but not as high level as Harvard and Wharton?
Check out this guy's videos.
Just graduated with Accounting BS and Finance BS with a walk on job as Investment Analyst near Richmond.
I also do independent Cost Analysis for small businesses.
Math is great if you want to stay in school and eventually teach.
Econ is good if you want to stay in school and become a TA.
get accounting degree
work for big 4
meanwhile get cpa
learn about business while you get work exp
become consultant
no ones going to want to help you with that personality.
imo business administration degrees are sometimes wanted online. but usually its more for learning how to start your own business as opposed to finding a job with that degree.
im just a dumb user, but i would ASSUME one of the few interesting things that sortve have to do with applying to investment banking is having done or have had SOME sort of experience trading and investing either personal or otherwise..
>am I close??
on a personal note I have many hobbies and interests but idk why someone at a bank or something, would care about me enjoying working on cars and motorcycles, drawing, designing, sculpting and building stuff, and combat sports like KB and MMA??
Jesus, OP, are you this big of an idiot?
Why don't you START A BUSINESS???